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// *************************************************************************
// @(#)rl_dpc_cont.v	1.31 10/15/93
// rl_dpc_cont.v
//  Description:
// This is the bulk of the control logic in the DPC block, governing the 
//      operation of the major components in there. It controls:
//        - When the data input & output registers should clock the data.
//        - When  and which of the tristate buffers should drive the bd_mdata
//          bus.
//        - How the 64 bit mux should arrange the data to be written to memory.
//          This will select the appropriate bytes of a read data to be
//          replaced by the write data presented for a 8/16bit write, when a
//          read-mod-write cycle is being performed.
//          In tha case of 64/32bit data writes, byte replacement is not used.
//          During reads, the data read from memory is allowed to pass through
//          the mux, to the parity block in order to check it against the 
//          received parity bit.
//        - When to drive the pads as outputs.
//        - When the parity check results is valid and if an error is detected,
//          allow it to be presented on dp_perr.
//  Dependencies:
//      defines.v mem_cells.vpp
// *************************************************************************

[Up: rl_dpc_logic ctrl]
module rl_dpc_cont (out_hld , in_hld , dp_buf0_en_dly , par_en , dp_ben,
	   				mux_sel , 
                    mc_dpct, mc_curr_st, mc_odat_hld,
					ss_scan_mode, ss_clock,
					mm_issue_req, mm_mreq, mm_2nd_wd, mc_mbsy,
					quad_sel_dwd, gr_hld, gr_out_sel, mm_fb_req,
					mm_parity_en, pcic_afxm_db_oen,
					am_gnt_l, valid_l, am_read,

    output  [3:0]   out_hld;  // The clock-disable of OUT0 and OUT1 registers.
    output  [1:0]   in_hld;   // The clock-disable of IN0 and IN1 registers.
    output  [1:0]   par_en;   // Gate the result of parity check on par_err.
    output  [3:0]   mux_sel;  // Byte selects for 64bit mux (repeat every 32).
//    output  		dp_buf0_en; // The enable to MMU for DPC tri-buff 0.
    output  		dp_buf0_en_dly; // The enable to MMU for DPC tri-buff 0, 1 cycle late.
//	output			in_dly1;  // Use as "par_hld" in module "rl_par_genchk32".
//	output			in_dly2;  // Use as "sel_src" in module "rl_par_genchk32".
	output			dp_ben;	  // External Tri-enable control to IO-pads.
	output 	    quad_sel;
	output 	    quad_sel_dwd;
    output  [1:0]   gr_hld;   // bit 0 hold for gr0,1; bit 1 hold for gr2,3.
	output 	    gr_out_sel;	//select dram or graphics data

//	input			mdata_en0;
//	input			mdata_en1 ;
	input			ss_scan_mode;
    input           ss_clock;     // Free running system clock.
    input   [8:0]   mc_curr_st;  // MCB current state.
//    input           mc_cyc_reg_4;  // MCB cycle type in progress.
    input           mc_odat_hld; // MCB in Idle when 0.
    input   [5:0]   mc_dpct;     // DPC control bus from MCB. See table below:
        input       mm_issue_req;        // 
        input   [3:0]  mm_mreq;        // 
	input	    mm_2nd_wd;
	input	    mc_mbsy;
	input	    mm_fb_req;
	input	    mm_parity_en;
        input  pcic_afxm_db_oen;                //IIep 2.0: dma_rd par c
	input       am_gnt_l;   // IIe signal : DRAM data bus is grant to Falcon
        //2.0: add valid_l and am_read inputs for dma read par chk 
        input valid_l;
        input am_read;
        input       sync_t0;    	//IIep 2.0: for dma read par chk

            // mc_dpct  |
            //  bit(s)  |                   Description 
            //  1:0     | Latched PA[1:0] from MCB. Used in R-M-W cycles 
            //          |   for mux sel and determine the bytes..
            //   2      | Latched PA[2]. Select high or low word to gate first.
            //  4:3     | Op size (00=byte, 01=hword, 1x=word/dword)
            //   5      | Sel Rd (1) or Wr (0) op.
	wire in_dly1;
    wire			Gnd = 1'b0;
	wire			ct2_reg_hld, ct2_din, dpct2;

    /* Generate delayed version of "mc_odat_hld".*/
// remove hold pin
//    GReg1       ffh_dathld(dat_hld_dly, mc_odat_hld, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1       ffh_dathld2(dat_hld_dly2, dat_hld_dly, ss_clock, Gnd);
    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_dathld(dat_hld_dly, mc_odat_hld, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_dathld2(dat_hld_dly2, dat_hld_dly, ss_clock);
//    GReg1       ffh_dathld3(dat_hld_dly3, dat_hld_dly2, ss_clock, Gnd);

    /* mc_dpct[2] is used to control the sequence of the words placed on
	 * bd_mdata after an lword read. (This is mm_pa[02]).
	 * A 2 stage delayed version of it is needed, to hold it valid
	 * after mcb return 'not busy' to mmu.
	 * In the case of multi-read requests from mmu, we sequence the data,
	 * depending on mm_pa[02], only for first 64bits. For remaining cycles
	 * the sequence must be as if mm_pa[02]=0. Hence the folowing logic. */

	/* Allow Dpct2 register state change during a multi-rd cycle or at its
	   end (also end of any Rd), or during IDLE (for initialization).
	assign   ct2_reg_hld  = ( ((mc_curr_st==`L3_RDM01) ||
							   (mc_curr_st==`L1_IDLE)    ) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1 );

	/* Dpct2 register will be set during this state in a multi-rd cycle
	   (reg hold is negated, see above) and will remain 0 any other time!
	assign   ct2_din = ( ((mc_curr_st==`L3_RDM01)|(mc_curr_st==`L3_GRDT5))
				 ? 1'b0 : 1'b1);

	GReg1	 ffh_dpct2   ( ct2_out, ct2_din, ss_clock, ct2_reg_hld);

	/* The dpct2 will be forced to 0 when ct2_out is 0, else it'll reflect
	   mc_dpct[2] value. This will force dpct2 to be reset to 0, after 1st
	   lword of a multi-rd, correcting the order of the remaining lwords
	   per SSPARC hw-spec.
	assign   dpct2        = ct2_out & mc_dpct[2] ;

// WAS this before, remove 1 register for synopsys.
//    GReg2    ffh_dpct2dly( {dpct2_dly2,dpct2_dly1}, {dpct2_dly1, dpct2},
//                       ss_clock, Gnd);

// remove hold pin
//        GReg1    ffh_dpct1dly   ( dpct2_dly1, dpct2, ss_clock, Gnd);
        Mflipflop_noop_1    ffh_dpct1dly   ( dpct2_dly1, dpct2, ss_clock);

// This is replaced by the above, to force the value of "dpct2_dly2" to 0
// after first 64-bit Rd in multi-rd cycles.
//  /* Generate delayed version of mc_dpct[2], holding it valid for 2 more
//   * clocks after it is released (released when mbsy->0, in Mcb_SM. */
//  /*====================================================================*/
//  GReg2       ffh_dpct2dly(
//                  {dpct2_dly2,dpct2_dly1}, {dpct2_dly1, mc_dpct[2]},
//                  ss_clock, Gnd);

    /* Hold the contents of out-registers (to memory) as a new MMU cycle
     * starts. This is keyed from 'mc_odat_hld' signal. 
     * 'out_hld' is normally high (hold), it goes low (load) 
     * as 'mc_odat_hld' goes low when MCB is in IDLE.
     * Holding them at start of every MMU cycle is ok, since only MMU
     * does writes, and if the cycle turned out not to be a write or rd_m_wr,
     * we will never use it anyway. 
	 * Also, out_hld[0] will be negated when mm_data_view=0, to allow data
	 * to freely flow from internal data-bus to the pins. out_hld[1] doesn't
	 * need it since there is only 32 bits to see.*/
// The third write word is always load in out2 reg. which will be the hi-order
// bits 63:32(low word) of the double word. The next word will be loaded in
// out3 reg. which is the lo-order bit(hi-word). The hold signals will be one
// cycle later each case.
/* old
    assign  quad_sel = (mc_curr_st==`L3_WRP04 );
    assign  out_hld[1] = (( mc_odat_hld & (mc_dpct[2]==1'b0))|
			  ( ~mm_wbstben1 & mm_wbstben0)|
                         ( dat_hld_dly & (mc_dpct[2]==1'b1)))&
			 ~quad_sel ;

    assign  out_hld[0] =  (( mc_odat_hld & (mc_dpct[2]==1'b1))|
                           ( dat_hld_dly & (mc_dpct[2]==1'b0)))&
			  ~quad_sel ;

    assign  out_hld[2] = dat_hld_dly2;
    assign  out_hld[3] = dat_hld_dly3;

	wire prev_wd_sel;
// add G_REQ to hold reg. for graphics d_write
//    assign  prev_wd_sel = (`MM_REQ)&&(`MM_WR8|`MM_WR16);
    assign  prev_wd_sel = ((`G_REQ)|(`MM_REQ))&&(`MM_WR8|`MM_WR16);
// This is for rl_memif_minor
	assign quad_sel_dwd = prev_wd_sel | quad_sel;
// end rl_memif_minor

// graphics quad_sel at wrt3 also.
//    assign  quad_sel = (mc_curr_st==`L3_WRP04 );
    assign  quad_sel = (mc_curr_st==`L3_WRP04 ) || (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT3 ) ;
//		       (mc_curr_st==L3_GWRTC) ;

// changed for gypsy to get rid of output spike.
//   assign  out_hld[1] = (( mc_odat_hld & (mc_dpct[2]==1'b0))&
//			  ~quad_sel) | mm_2nd_wd ;

    assign  out_hld[1] = (( mc_odat_hld )&
                          ~quad_sel) | mm_2nd_wd ;
// to add pio, asi path; hold out1 if mm_2nd_wd is asserted
//    assign  out_hld[1] = (( mc_odat_hld & (mc_dpct[2]==1'b0))|
//                          ((`MM_REQ)&&(`MM_WR8|`MM_WR16))) &
//                          ~quad_sel ;

    assign  out_hld[0] =  ( mc_odat_hld )&
			  ~quad_sel ;
// use out_hld[2] to store the store 1st store double data.
//    assign  out_hld[2] = dat_hld_dly;
    assign  out_hld[2] = dat_hld_dly & mc_mbsy;
    assign  out_hld[3] = dat_hld_dly2;
    /* Always hold the contents of in-registers (from memory) except at
     * the end of a read from memory. This must happen as CASes are negated
     * at the end of a read MMU rd multi_rd or rd_m_wr) cycle. 'in_hld' 
	 * goes low for 1 clock.*/

    assign  in_hld[0]  = ~( (mc_curr_st==`L3_RDP02A)|(mc_curr_st==`L3_RDP02B)|
                            (mc_curr_st==`L3_RDM01 )|(mc_curr_st==`L3_RDM04 )|
                            (mc_curr_st==`L3_RDM07 )|(mc_curr_st==`L3_RMWP01)|
			    (mc_curr_st==`L3_GRDT5 )|(mc_curr_st==`L3_GRDTB )|
			    (mc_curr_st==`L3_GRDTH )|(mc_curr_st==`L3_GRDTN )|
			    //2.0: add dma read state 
			    //(mc_curr_st==`L3_GRDTX )
                            (mc_curr_st==`L3_GRDTX )|(~valid_l & am_read& ~pcic_afxm_db_oen)

    assign  in_hld[1]  = in_hld[0] ;

	wire in_hld_par;
	assign in_hld_par   = ~( (mc_curr_st==`L3_RDP02A)|(mc_curr_st==`L3_RDP02B)|
                                 (mc_curr_st==`L3_RDM01 )|(mc_curr_st==`L3_RDM04 )|
                                 (mc_curr_st==`L3_RDM07 )|(mc_curr_st==`L3_RMWP01)
			         //2.0: add dma read state 
                                 | (~valid_l & am_read & ~pcic_afxm_db_oen)

    /* Generate two delayed version of 'in_hld' (1 and 2 clocks delay). 
     * These will signal when data is expected on internal D-bus. Used for
     * controlling the buffers.*/
    GReg2       ffh_in_dly(
                    {in_dly2, in_dly1}, {in_dly1, in_hld[0]}, ss_clock, Gnd);

// remove hold pin
//        GReg1   ffh_in_dly(in_dly1, in_hld[0], ss_clock, Gnd);
//	GReg1	ffh_in_par_dly(in_par_dly, in_hld_par, ss_clock, Gnd);

        Mflipflop_noop_1   ffh_in_dly(in_dly1, in_hld[0], ss_clock);

	//2.0: hold in_par_dly to sync with (~sync_t0 & ~am_gnt_l)  
	//Mflipflop_noop_1	ffh_in_par_dly(in_par_dly, in_hld_par, ss_clock);
	//Mflipflop_1	ffh_in_par_dly(in_par_dly, in_hld_par, ss_clock, ~sync_t0);
	Mflipflop_1	ffh_in_par_dly(in_par_dly, in_hld_par, ss_clock, ~sync_t0 & ~am_gnt_l);

	/* New signal "dp_buf0_en" to MMU, this changes one clock_edge before
	 * the tri-state buffs for DPC should be selected. MMU sould re-clock
	 * this in a FF and use the output as "dpc_buf0_en" and "~dpc_buf1_en"
	 * going to the DPC tri-states.*/
	wire dp_buf0_en;
//	wire dp_buf0_en_dly;
// address bit 2 was swapped. bit 2 = 0 means bit 63:32
//	assign  dp_buf0_en =	~( ((dpct2==1'b0)&(~in_hld[0])) |
//                           	   ((dpct2_dly1==1'b1)&(~in_dly1))  );
//	GReg1	dp_buf0_en_reg(dp_buf0_en_dly, dp_buf0_en, ss_clock, Gnd);

        assign  dp_buf0_en =     ( ((dpct2==1'b1)&(~in_hld[0])) |
                                   ((dpct2_dly1==1'b0)&(~in_dly1))  );
// remove hold
//        GReg1   dp_buf0_en_reg(dp_buf0_en_dly, dp_buf0_en, ss_clock, Gnd);
        Mflipflop_noop_1   dp_buf0_en_reg(dp_buf0_en_dly, dp_buf0_en, ss_clock);
    /* The parity error may be set only when 'par_en' is '1'. This allows
     * to wait for a valid parity to be present before we let the result out.
	 * Parity for each word is gated with the word on the internal bd_mdata 
	 * bus.*/
//    assign  par_en[1]  = (	((dpct2_dly1==1'b0)&(~in_dly1)) |
//							((dpct2_dly2==1'b1)&(~in_dly2))  );
//    assign  par_en[0]  = (	((dpct2_dly1==1'b1)&(~in_dly1)) |
//							((dpct2_dly2==1'b0)&(~in_dly2))  );

// used mdata_en1 before
//	assign	par_en[1]	= (mdata_en1==1'b1) & (~in_dly1 | ~in_dly2);
//	assign	par_en[0]	= (mdata_en0==1'b1) & (~in_dly1 | ~in_dly2);
// Use reg. version of parity_enable from MMU.
// remove hold
//	GReg1   dp_mm_parity_en(mm_parity_en_reg, mm_parity_en, ss_clock, Gnd);
	Mflipflop_noop_1   dp_mm_parity_en(mm_parity_en_reg, mm_parity_en, ss_clock);

	assign	par_en[1]	= ~in_dly1 & mm_parity_en_reg ;

	assign	par_en[0]	= ~in_dly1 & mm_parity_en_reg ;
	assign	par_en[1]	= ~in_par_dly & mm_parity_en_reg ;

	assign	par_en[0]	= ~in_par_dly & mm_parity_en_reg ;

// The following logic is restructured again to eliminate the parity
// and data out path. rid is only gated on RMW, else rod is gated.
        wire mux_sel_rmw_3;
        wire mux_sel_rmw_2;
        wire mux_sel_rmw_1;
        wire mux_sel_rmw_0;
//def. of mux_sel_rmw_* is to changed to select rid.
        assign mux_sel_rmw_3 = ((
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & ~(`PA1==1'b0))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & ~((`PA1==1'b0) & (`PA0==1'b0)))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);
        assign mux_sel_rmw_2 = ((
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & ~(`PA1==1'b0))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & ~((`PA1==1'b0) & (`PA0==1'b1)))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);
        assign mux_sel_rmw_1 = ((
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & ~(`PA1==1'b1))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & ~((`PA1==1'b1) & (`PA0==1'b0)))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);
        assign mux_sel_rmw_0 = ((
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & ~(`PA1==1'b1))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & ~((`PA1==1'b1) & (`PA0==1'b1)))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);
// remove hold
//    GReg1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_3(mux_sel_reg_3, mux_sel_rmw_3, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_2(mux_sel_reg_2, mux_sel_rmw_2, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_1(mux_sel_reg_1, mux_sel_rmw_1, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_0(mux_sel_reg_0, mux_sel_rmw_0, ss_clock, Gnd);
    Mflipflop_noop_1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_3(mux_sel_reg_3, mux_sel_rmw_3, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_noop_1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_2(mux_sel_reg_2, mux_sel_rmw_2, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_noop_1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_1(mux_sel_reg_1, mux_sel_rmw_1, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_noop_1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_0(mux_sel_reg_0, mux_sel_rmw_0, ss_clock);

// & WR could be taken away since it only selected in0, in1 @ idle
// defaulted to out0, out1
    assign  mux_sel[3] = ( (mux_sel_reg_3 
                           ) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1 );
    assign  mux_sel[2] = ( (mux_sel_reg_2 
                           ) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1 );
    assign  mux_sel[1] = ( (mux_sel_reg_1
                           ) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1 );
    assign  mux_sel[0] = ( (mux_sel_reg_0 
                            ) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1 );

    /* Mux selects for input to Parity check/gen and to do RmW cycles.
	 * Mux select is set so that when a mux_sel[x] is '1', the input
     * connected to 'rod' is enabled, otherwise 'rid' is gated. */
// This logic is changed to remove parity long path.
//    GReg1       ffh_dathld(dat_hld_dly, mc_odat_hld, ss_clock, Gnd);

	wire mux_sel_rmw_3;
	wire mux_sel_rmw_2;
	wire mux_sel_rmw_1;
	wire mux_sel_rmw_0;
	assign mux_sel_rmw_3 = ((
			     (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & (`PA1==1'b0))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & (`PA1==1'b0) & (`PA0==1'b0))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);
        assign mux_sel_rmw_2 = ((
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & (`PA1==1'b0))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & (`PA1==1'b0) & (`PA0==1'b1))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);
        assign mux_sel_rmw_1 = (( 
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & (`PA1==1'b1))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & (`PA1==1'b1) & (`PA0==1'b0))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); 
        assign mux_sel_rmw_0 = (( 
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & (`PA1==1'b1))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & (`PA1==1'b1) & (`PA0==1'b1))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); 
    GReg1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_3(mux_sel_reg_3, mux_sel_rmw_3, ss_clock, Gnd);	
    GReg1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_2(mux_sel_reg_2, mux_sel_rmw_2, ss_clock, Gnd);	
    GReg1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_1(mux_sel_reg_1, mux_sel_rmw_1, ss_clock, Gnd);	
    GReg1      ffh_mux_sel_reg_0(mux_sel_reg_0, mux_sel_rmw_0, ss_clock, Gnd);	

    assign  mux_sel[3] = ( ((`WR_RMWD_DWRD|mux_sel_reg_3) & `WR
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 );
    assign  mux_sel[2] = ( ((`WR_RMWD_DWRD|mux_sel_reg_2) & `WR
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 );
    assign  mux_sel[1] = ( ((`WR_RMWD_DWRD|mux_sel_reg_1) & `WR
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 );
    assign  mux_sel[0] = ( ((`WR_RMWD_DWRD|mux_sel_reg_0) & `WR
                            ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 );

    assign  mux_sel[3] = ( ( (`WR_RMW & `WRD_DWRD)|
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & (`PA1==1'b0))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & (`PA1==1'b0) & (`PA0==1'b0))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 );
    assign  mux_sel[2] = ( ( (`WR_RMW & `WRD_DWRD)|
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & (`PA1==1'b0))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & (`PA1==1'b0) & (`PA0==1'b1))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 );
    assign  mux_sel[1] = ( ( (`WR_RMW & `WRD_DWRD)|
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & (`PA1==1'b1))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & (`PA1==1'b1) & (`PA0==1'b0))
                           ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 );
    assign  mux_sel[0] = ( ( (`WR_RMW & `WRD_DWRD)|
                             (`WR_RMW & `HWORD & (`PA1==1'b1))|
                             (`WR_RMW & `BYTE  & (`PA1==1'b1) & (`PA0==1'b1))
                            ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 );

	/* dp_ben controls the I/O pin 3-state buffers for output. It is 
	 * asserted when a write is about to happen (mc_dpct[5]=0) or when
	 * in diag mode (mm_data_view=1) and current cycle is CBR or NONE.
	 * When asserted to 1, the 3-state buffer will turn on. */
//	assign	dp_ben = ~ss_scan_mode & 
//	                 (~mc_dpct[5] | ((mm_data_view)&(mc_cyc_reg_4==1'b1)));

        wire wrt1, wrt1_n, wrt1_2n, wrt1_3n, wrt1_4n, wrt1_5n ;
//	wire wrtg, wrtg_n, wrtg_2n;
//	wire wrth, wrth_n;
	wire wrt7, wrt7_n, wrt7_2n;

	wire afx_data_en_p, afx_data_en;
	assign afx_data_en_p = wrt1_2n | wrt1_3n | wrt1_4n | (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT6) | 
//			 (mc_curr_st==L3_GWRTF) | 
			 (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT7) | wrt7_n ;
// remove hold
//    GReg1       ffh_afx_data_en(afx_data_en, afx_data_en_p, ss_clock, Gnd);
    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_afx_data_en(afx_data_en, afx_data_en_p, ss_clock);

	wire afx_data_dis_p, afx_data_dis;
	assign afx_data_dis_p = ~wrt1 & ~wrt1_n;
// remove hold
//    GReg1       ffh_afx_data_dis(afx_data_dis, afx_data_dis_p, ss_clock, Gnd);
    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_afx_data_dis(afx_data_dis, afx_data_dis_p, ss_clock);

// IIe note : am_gnt_l is added to the dp_ben equation, so that the mem_oe of m_data's
//            tri-state driver is disabled during a Falcon DMA write.

        assign  dp_ben = ~ss_scan_mode & am_gnt_l &
                         ((~mc_dpct[5] & 
			 ~(mc_curr_st==`L3_WRP01) & ~wrt1 & afx_data_dis) |

// reduce path delay.
//        assign  dp_ben = ~ss_scan_mode &
//                         ((~mc_dpct[5] & 
//                         ~(mc_curr_st==`L3_WRP01) & ~wrt1 & ~wrt1_n & ~wrt1_2n) |
//                         (wrt1_3n | wrt1_4n | wrt1_5n | wrt8 | wrt8_n |
//                          (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT7) | wrtg | wrtg_n | wrtg_2n ));

// graphics control for dp

	assign wrt1 = (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT1);

// remove hold
//    GReg1       ffh_wrt1_n(wrt1_n, wrt1, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1       ffh_wrt1_2n(wrt1_2n, wrt1_n, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1       ffh_wrt1_3n(wrt1_3n, wrt1_2n, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1       ffh_wrt1_4n(wrt1_4n, wrt1_3n, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1       ffh_wrt1_5n(wrt1_5n, wrt1_4n, ss_clock, Gnd);

    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_wrt1_n(wrt1_n, wrt1, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_wrt1_2n(wrt1_2n, wrt1_n, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_wrt1_3n(wrt1_3n, wrt1_2n, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_wrt1_4n(wrt1_4n, wrt1_3n, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_wrt1_5n(wrt1_5n, wrt1_4n, ss_clock);
	assign wrt7 = (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT7);

// remove hold
//    GReg1       ffh_wrt7_n(wrt7_n, wrt7, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1       ffh_wrt7_2n(wrt7_2n, wrt7_n, ss_clock, Gnd);

    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_wrt7_n(wrt7_n, wrt7, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_noop_1       ffh_wrt7_2n(wrt7_2n, wrt7_n, ss_clock);
//	assign wrt8 = wrt7_n;
//    GReg1       ffh_wrt8_n(wrt8_n, wrt8, ss_clock, Gnd);

//	assign wrtg = (mc_curr_st==L3_GWRTG);
//	assign wrth = (mc_curr_st==L3_GWRTH);
//    GReg1       ffh_wrth_n(wrth_n, wrth, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1       ffh_wrtg_n(wrtg_n, wrtg, ss_clock, Gnd);
//    GReg1       ffh_wrtg_2n(wrtg_2n, wrtg_n, ss_clock, Gnd);

	assign	gr_hld[0] = (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT5) | wrt1_n;
	assign	gr_hld[1] = (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT7) | wrt7_n |
				 wrt1_3n | wrt1_4n;
	wire 	gr_out_sel_en;
	assign	gr_out_sel_en = wrt1_3n | wrt1_4n | wrt1_5n | wrt7_2n | wrt7_n;
	assign	gr_out_sel = (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT7) | gr_out_sel_en ;
	assign  gr_out_sel = (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT7) | (mc_curr_st==`L3_GWRT8) |
                                 wrt1_3n | wrt1_4n | wrt1_5n | wrt8_n;



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