
wire dc_par_reg;
Mflipflop_r_1 dc_par_ff_1(dc_par_reg,dc_par,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Qualify r_dc_par with reg'd trap signal                             ***/
/***    (except when outstanding writes, or write allocates)             ***/

assign r_dc_par = dc_par_reg & (~r_trap_w | wb_valid_x | dc_alloc_pnd) ;

/*** ic_par indicates that PAR has a vaild I-cache address to         ******/
/***        start a memory operation with next cycle.                 ******/

wire ic_par = ~dvma_req_s & ((state[IC_TLB] & tlb_hit & ic_miss & 
		~bad_xlate & ~wb_valid_t & ~dc_miss_sustain) | state[IC_PAR]);

wire ic_par_reg;
Mflipflop_r_1 ic_par_ff_1(ic_par_reg,ic_par,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Qualify r_ic_par with outstanding D$ operation                      ***/
/***  This is necessary since ic_miss and dc_miss could be asserted      ***/
/***  in the same cycle when the current PAR state is IC_TLB. This       ***/
/***  would allow the I$ address to be translated 1st, but the D$ mop    ***/
/***  must be issued 1st.                                                ***/

assign r_ic_par = ic_par_reg & ~r_dc_miss & ~state[DC_TLB] & ~dvma_req_x;


wire sb_par = state[IO_TLB] & ~tlb_miss & dvma_req_s ;
assign tw_par = sr_tw | state[IO_TLB_TW] ;

wire r_sb_par;
Mflipflop_r_1 sb_par_ff_1(r_sb_par,sb_par,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire r_tw_par;
Mflipflop_r_1 tw_par_ff_1(r_tw_par,tw_par,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign req_pending = (r_sb_par | r_dc_par | r_ic_par | 
			(r_tw_par & tw_read_req)) & r_mem_space ;

/*** Memory debug signals                                                ***/
/***                                                                     ***/
/***    mm_mem_dbg[1:0]  |  current access                               ***/
/***    -----------------+------------------------                       ***/
/***          00         |  Instruction cache access                     ***/
/***          01         |  Data cache access                            ***/
/***          10         |  tablewalk access                             ***/
/***          11         |  other memory accesses                        ***/

assign mm_mem_dbg = {~(ic_par_reg | dc_par_reg),
			~(ic_par_reg | tw_par)} ;

/*** Bad translate cycle decode  *******************************************/
/***    The cycle after iu_pipe_hold was asserted always is a bad cycle  ***/
/***    to translate, because the previous cycle selected the wrong      ***/
/***    virtual address. For the D$, the cycle iu_pipe_hold -> 1, the    ***/
/***    E-stage DVA was loaded into the TLB, but the MMU wants the held  ***/
/***    W-stage DVA. Since we can't use iu_pipe_hold as a mux select,    ***/
/***    due to timing constraints, the MMU invalidates the translation   ***/
/***    based on the bad VA.                                             ***/
/***    For I$ xlates we have the same problem, but the c\bad cycle is   ***/
/***    is the cycle after ic_miss is asserted. The IU places npc on the ***/
/***    iva_g bus, but we can't use ic_miss to switch the va mux in time.***/
/***    So,we call the next cycle a bad xlate cycle.                     ***/

wire r_pipe_moved;
Mflipflop_r_1 pipe_moved_ff_1(r_pipe_moved,pipe_moved,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire st_req = dc_issue_req & mreq_st ;
wire r_st_req;
Mflipflop_r_1 st_req_ff_1(r_st_req,st_req,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire bad_ixlate_in = ic_miss & ~ic_miss_sustain;
wire r_bad_ixlate;
Mflipflop_r_1 bad_ixlateff_1(r_bad_ixlate,bad_ixlate_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire r_sel_rdva;

/*** NEED to review these cases !!!                                    *****/
wire dc_after_io_issue_in = r_sb_par & mem_issue_req & r_sb_par;
wire dc_after_io_issue;

MflipflopR_1 dc_after_io_issue_ff_1(dc_after_io_issue,dc_after_io_issue_in, 					ss_clock,1'b0,ss_reset) ;

wire wr_tw_abort_in = tw_abort & wr_tlb;
wire r_wr_tw_abort;
Mflipflop_r_1 wr_tw_abort_ff_1(r_wr_tw_abort,wr_tw_abort_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;
assign bad_xlate = (r_pipe_moved & ~pipe_moved) |	// bad address in TLB
		   (r_st_req) |				// reg'd store mem req
		   (r_bad_ixlate & state[IC_TLB]) |	// bad ic xlate cycle
		   (r_sel_rdva & state[DC_TLB]) |	// bad dc xlate cycle
		   r_flush_entry |                     // cycle after no compare
		   mm_dabort | mm_iabort | 
		   tw_abort | r_wr_tw_abort |
		   (asi_dcd3_w & state[DC_TLB] & ~(flush_in | probe_in)) | 
						// probe or flush >5
		   dc_after_io_issue;		// cyc after IO_TLB & issue_req

/*** Select Reg'd IVA decode  **********************************************/
/***    If the pipe is held, and there is a I$ op in the f-stage, and    ***/
/***     the I$ sm has not been in the IDLE state, then select r_iva     ***/
wire itag_chk_hld = ~(ic_idle | pipe_moved);
wire r_itag_chk;   

MflipflopR_1 itag_chk_ff_1(r_itag_chk,ic_idle,         ss_clock,itag_chk_hld,ss_reset) ;
assign itag_chk_done = ~dc_mop_w | (pipe_moved ? ic_idle : r_itag_chk) ;
assign sel_riva = (~pipe_moved & ~itag_chk_done) | ic_miss_sustain ;

/*** Select Reg'd DVA decode  **********************************************/
/***    If the pipe is held, and there is a D$ op in the W-stage, and    ***/
/***     the D$ sm has not been in the IDLE state, then select r_dva     ***/

wire dtag_chk_hld = ~(dcc_idle | pipe_moved);
wire r_dtag_chk;

MflipflopR_1 dtag_chk_ff_1(r_dtag_chk,dcc_idle, 	ss_clock,dtag_chk_hld,ss_reset) ;

/*** Consider the D-cache tag lookup done if:                            ***/
/***    There is no D-cache operation in the W-stage                     ***/
/***    The pipe moved last cycle (not being held)                       ***/
/***    Went to the dcc idle state                                       ***/

assign dtag_chk_done = ~dc_mop_w | pipe_moved | r_dtag_chk ;

assign sel_rdva = ~pipe_moved & ~dtag_chk_done ;

Mflipflop_r_1 r_sel_rdva_ff_1(r_sel_rdva,sel_rdva,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** IPAR and DPAR valid bits  *********************************************/

wire ipar_valid_in = (ic_tlb & ic_miss & tlb_hit & ~bad_xlate) |
			(ipar_valid & ~(ic_issue_req | mmu_asi_op)) ;

Mflipflop_r_1 ipar_vld_ff_1(ipar_valid,ipar_valid_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign set_dpar = tlb_hit & ((pipe_moved ? dc_miss : dc_miss_sustain) &
			(~bad_xlate & ~asi_dcd3 & normal_asi_w & ~mmasi &
			 (~wb_valid_t | last_st_w))) ;

wire dpar_valid_in = (dc_tlb & set_dpar & 
			    ~(dc_issue_req | (r_trap_w & ~wb_valid_x))) |
			(wr_tlb & tlb_hit & ~bad_xlate & ~dpar_valid &
			  ~mmasi & wb_valid_t) |
			(dpar_valid & ~(dc_issue_req | state[ASI_OP] | 
			 (r_trap_w & ~(wb_valid_x | dc_alloc_pnd)))) ;

/***** Do we REALLY need to clear dpar_valid on state[ASI_OP]??? **********/

Mflipflop_r_1 dpar_vld_ff_1(dpar_valid,dpar_valid_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Decode a D-cache allocate pending bit, used to mask traps when      ***/
/***  a cache allocate is pending for a store miss to a cacheable page   ***/
/***  Only cleared on a dc_issue_req.                                    ***/

wire dc_alloc_pnd_in = (mm_dstat_avail & wb_valid_x & mm_cache_stat) |
			(dc_alloc_pnd & ~dc_issue_req) ;

Mflipflop_r_1 dc_alloc_ff_1(dc_alloc_pnd,dc_alloc_pnd_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Monitor for checking VA mux selects in sync with PAR state  ***********/
// synopsys translate_off

always @(posedge ss_clock) begin

if (~ss_reset & `MMU_CNTL.mmu_en) begin

case (state_in)
	if (~(va_mux1_sel[3] |				// sel iu_dva
		 (va_mux1_sel[0] & va_mux0_sel[1]) |	// sel r_dva
		 (va_mux1_sel[0] & va_mux0_sel[2] & flush_iopte) |	
		(va_mux1_sel[0] & va_mux0_sel[3] & (last_st_w |~wb_empty)) |
		(iu_pipe_hold & pipe_moved)))		// bad xlate cycle
	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -DC_TLB") ;

	if (~(va_mux1_sel[1] | (va_mux1_sel[0] & 
		(va_mux0_sel[2] | va_mux0_sel[1]))) & state[DC_TLB_TW])
	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -DC_TLB_TW") ;

//  D_DC_PAR:     
//	if (~(va_mux1_sel[3] | (va_mux1_sel[0] & va_mux0_sel[1])))
//	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -DC_PAR") ;

	if (~((va_mux1_sel[2] & ~ic_miss_sustain) | (va_mux1_sel[0] & va_mux0_sel[0]) |
		(iu_pipe_hold & pipe_moved)))		// bad xlate cycle
	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -IC_TLB") ;

	if (~(va_mux1_sel[1] | (va_mux1_sel[0] & 
		(va_mux0_sel[2] | va_mux0_sel[0]))) & state[IC_TLB_TW])
	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -IC_TLB_TW") ;

//  D_IC_PAR:     
//	if (~(va_mux1_sel[2] | (va_mux1_sel[0] & va_mux0_sel[0])))
//	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -IC_PAR") ;

	if (~(va_mux1_sel[4]) |
		 (va_mux1_sel[0] & va_mux0_sel[2] & flush_iopte))
	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -IO_TLB") ;

	if (~(va_mux1_sel[4]) | (va_mux1_sel[0] & va_mux0_sel[2]))
	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -IO_TLB_TW") ;

	if (~((va_mux1_sel[0] & va_mux0_sel[3]) |
		(va_mux0_sel[1] & va_mux1_sel[0] & (~wb_valid_x |  sel_rdva)) |
		(va_mux1_sel[3] & wb_valid_t & ~wb_valid_x) |
		(iu_pipe_hold & pipe_moved)))		// bad xlate cycle
	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -WR_TLB") ;

	if (~(va_mux1_sel[1] | (va_mux1_sel[0] & 
			(va_mux0_sel[2] | va_mux0_sel[3]))))
	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -WR_TLB_TW") ;

	if (~(va_mux1_sel[3] |
		 (va_mux1_sel[0] & (va_mux0_sel[1] | va_mux0_sel[2]))) &
	Mclocks.print_error("BAD VA mux select for next PAR state -ASI_OP") ;


end		// reset test
end		// always
// synopsys translate_on

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