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***  Program File:  @(#)rl_va_mux.v
/* @(#)rl_va_mux.v	1.29 4/20/93  */
/* rl_va_mux.v                                                               */
/*                                                                           */
/*      Description:                                                         */
/*              This module describes the virtual address muxing             */
/*              (va_mux) model, of the input address to the MMU              */
/*              datapath.  This is a RTL model that describes                */
/*              the datapath of the multiplexing required to form            */
/*              the virtual address the TLB tag compare, supporting          */
/*              virtual address translation bypass, and the loading          */
/*              of the SFAR register.                                        */
/*                                                                           */

[Up: m_mmu_cntl va_muxl]
module rl_va_mux(
		tlb_wrt_tag, tlb_asel, tlb_io_bit, c_en,
		hld_mmu_cr, hld_ctpr, hld_sfsr, rd_sfsr, hld_sfar,
		hld_trcr, hld_cxr,
		io_op, flush_ioall,
		sel_mdat_mux, mmstben_reg, dp_asi_dcd6,
		io_tlb_nxt, tlb_tag_reload, tw_io_bit,
		asi_write, asi_dcd4, asi_dcd6, tlb_asi_act, 
		mmstben, mmstben_aarb, mmreg_rd_asi,mmu_asi_op,
		tlb_tag_we, tlb_data_we, tlb_update,
		flush_iopte, mmu_en_e, tlb_flush, io_mmu_en,

    output tlb_wrt_tag;              /* Decoded TLB tag write select.*/
    output tlb_asel;                 /* tlb input address select*/
    output tlb_io_bit;               /* tlb input IO bit */ 
    output c_en;                 /* TLB Compare data strobe input */

    output hld_mmu_cr;               /* Hold enable for MMU control reg.*/
    output hld_ctpr;                 /* Hold enable for CTPR.*/
    output hld_sfsr;                 /* Hold enable for Sync. Fault Status*/
    output rd_sfsr;                  /* Read decode for Sync. Fault Status*/
    output hld_sfar;                 /* Hold enable for Sync. Fault Address*/
    output hld_trcr;                 /* Hold enable for TLB Replc. Cntl reg.*/
    output hld_cxr;                  /* Hold enable for Context register*/

    output io_op;                    /* indicates current cycle is a IO op.*/

    output sel_mdat_mux;             /* reg'd version of asi_dcd & mmstben.*/
    output mmstben_reg;              /* reg'd version of mmstben.*/
    output dp_asi_dcd6;              /* special asi_dcd6 for bug#680 fix */

    input [12:08] r_d_vaddr;        /* registered data virtual addr.*/
    input r_d_vaddr_02;           /* registered data virtual addr.*/
    input io_tlb_nxt;                /* select IO address.*/
    input tw_io_bit;                /* .*/

    input asi_write;                 /* indicates an ASI write this cycle.*/
    input asi_dcd4;                  /* indicates current ASI=0x4.*/
    input asi_dcd6;                  /* indicates current ASI=0x6. (TLB)*/
    input tlb_asi_act;
    input mmu_asi_op;

    input mmstben;                 /* Strobe indicating mc_mdata bus is valid*/
    input mmstben_aarb;            /* Strobe indicating mc_mdata bus is valid*/
    input mmreg_rd_asi;                 /* */
    input tlb_tag_we;                /* MMU SM write enable for the TLB.*/
    input tlb_data_we;                /* MMU SM write enable for the TLB.*/
    input tlb_update;                /* TLB update from read word in progress*/
    input flush_iopte;
    input flush_ioall;
    input mmu_en_e;
    input tlb_flush;
    input io_mmu_en;
    input tlb_tag_reload;

    input ss_clock;
    input ss_reset;

    wire sel_mdat_mux;


    wire mmstben_reg;
	Mflipflop_r_1 mmstben_reg_1(mmstben_reg,mmstben,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

    wire asi_wrtstb = (asi_write & mmstben_aarb);  /* indicates write strobe*/

/***** Compare strobe enable *************************/

    assign c_en = ~(tlb_asi_act | tlb_tag_we | tlb_data_we | 
                         tlb_update | sel_mdat_mux ) &
			 (mmu_en_e | io_mmu_en) | 
			 tlb_flush ;

    assign sel_mdat_mux = (asi_dcd6 & mmstben_aarb ) | tlb_tag_reload |
						  (asi_dcd4 & mmstben_aarb);

   wire io_op;
   Mflipflop_r_1 io_op_1(io_op,io_tlb_nxt,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

   assign tlb_io_bit = io_tlb_nxt | tw_io_bit |
			 ((flush_iopte | flush_ioall) & tlb_flush) ;

/***** Data Virtual Address decode logic, for MMU register load enables.   */
/*** IFF the ASI=0x4 and a ST is decoded, then decode the correct enable.  */

/*** First reset all the HOLD selects, to retain the current reg.          */
/** ASI = 0x4 and the data VA[12:08] = 0x00.   select MMU Cntl Reg.      ***/
	wire hld_mmu_cr = ~((asi_dcd4 & asi_wrtstb) & (!r_d_vaddr[12:08]));

/** ASI = 0x4 and the data VA[12:08] = 0x01.   select CTPR               ***/
	wire hld_ctpr = ~((asi_dcd4 & asi_wrtstb) &
                     (!r_d_vaddr[12:09]) & (r_d_vaddr[08]));

/** ASI = 0x4 and the data VA[12:08] = 0x02.   select Context Reg.       ***/
	wire hld_cxr = ~((asi_dcd4 & asi_wrtstb) &
                     (!r_d_vaddr[12:10]) & (r_d_vaddr[09])& (~r_d_vaddr[08]));

/** ASI = 0x4 and the data VA[12:08] = 0x13.   select SFSR               ***/
	wire hld_sfsr = ~((asi_dcd4 & asi_wrtstb) &
                     (r_d_vaddr[12]) & (!r_d_vaddr[11:10]) & 
					 (r_d_vaddr[09]) & (r_d_vaddr[08]));

/** ASI = 0x4 and the data VA[12:08] = 0x03.   select SFSR               ***/
	wire rd_sfsr = ((asi_dcd4 & mmreg_rd_asi) &
                     (!r_d_vaddr[12:10]) & (r_d_vaddr[09]) & (r_d_vaddr[08]));

/** ASI = 0x4 and the data VA[12:08] = 0x14.   select SFAR               ***/
	wire hld_sfar = ~((asi_dcd4 & asi_wrtstb) &
                     (r_d_vaddr[12]) & (~r_d_vaddr[11]) &
					 (r_d_vaddr[10]) & (!r_d_vaddr[09:08]));

/** ASI = 0x4 and the data VA[12:08] = 0x10.   select TLB Replc. Cntl    ***/
	wire hld_trcr = ~((asi_dcd4 & asi_wrtstb) &
                     (r_d_vaddr[12]) & (!r_d_vaddr[11:08]));

/*** ASI = 0x6 (TLB), the data VA[07:02] select which tag/PTE is read.   ***/

	assign dp_asi_dcd6 = asi_dcd6 & asi_write & mmstben_aarb ;

        assign tlb_wrt_tag = (asi_dcd6 & asi_write & mmstben_aarb ) |

	assign tlb_asel = ((~tlb_flush & mmu_asi_op) | tlb_asi_act | tlb_tag_we | 
				tlb_data_we | ~c_en);


endmodule     /* va_mux*/

This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:45 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/mmu/m_mmu_cntl/rtl/rl_va_mux.v

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