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***  Program File:  @(#)y.v
// @(#)y.v	1.1 4/7/92
// y.v
	Description of the Y register

[Up: Mexec y_mod]
module My (ym,
	wr_y, wr_mulscc,
	ss_clock, hold


output [31:0] ym;		// Y register master


input [31:0] result;		// input to Y register for writes
input n_ymsb;			// next Y msb for Shifts


input wr_y;			// write result into y.
input wr_mulscc;		// write mulscc into y
//input scan_y;			// Scan into y 
//input clr_y;			// clear y 
// input e_mulsm;		// muls in execute. needed to choose nmuls_add
input hld_y;			// clock hold for Y register


// input wim_scan;			// shift_in in scan mode (from wim)
// output y_scan;			// shift_out in scan mode (to tbr)


input ss_clock;
input hold;


	wire [31:0] ym;

// MUX chooses between result (for WRY) and Y[31:1] (for MULScc)

	wire [31:0] next_y;
	wire ymux_sdin;
	wire [31:0] ymux_in0 = {n_ymsb, ym[31:1]};	// simplify argument

/* remove as unnecessary
	wire [31:0] ymux_in1 = {ymux_sdin, ym[31:1]};	// simplify argument
	// Synopsys can't eat unknowns.
	wire [31:0] ymux_in2 = {32'h0};			// simplify argument
	wire [31:0] ymux_in2 = {32'hx};			// simplify argument
//	wire [31:0] ymux_in3 = {scan_mode, shift_y};	// simplify argument

//	MUX4(ymux,32, next_y, result, ymux_in0, ymux_in1, ymux_in2, ymux_in3)
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2d(ymux, 32,  next_y,   		result,  	wr_y,  		ymux_in0,  	wr_mulscc)
    function [32:1] ymux ;
        input [32:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [32:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        reg [32:1] out_fn ;
            case ({ 	wr_mulscc,  	wr_y}) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                2'b01:         out_fn = in0_fn;
                2'b10: out_fn = in1_fn;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            ymux = out_fn ;
    assign  next_y = ymux(  		result,  	wr_y,  		ymux_in0,  	wr_mulscc) ;
    // synopsys translate_off
    always @ (posedge(~Mclocks.clock))
    #1 if (( 	wr_mulscc+ 	wr_y !== 1) & `SS_SCOPE.input_reset_l &
    ~Mtask.trace.ppr & ~( 	wr_mulscc^ 	wr_y===1'bx)) begin
    $display("### %m.ymux: CMUX2D select error!\n");
    $display(" 	wr_mulscc, 	wr_y=%0d%0d\n",  	wr_mulscc, 	wr_y);
    Mclocks.warning_count = Mclocks.warning_count + 1;
 // synopsys translate_on
 // Expanded macro end.

//		ymux_in1, 	scan_y,
//		ymux_in2, 	clr_y)


	Mflipflop_32 ymaster_32( ym, next_y, ss_clock, 		(hold | hld_y)) ;
//		(hold | hld_y) & ~(scan_y | clr_y))
//		(hold | hld_y) & ~scan_mode)


//	wire y_scan = ym[0];


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:01:34 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/iu/Mexec/rtl/y.v

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