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Systems Solutions

Escalating design complexity and time-to-market pressures coupled with higher-density and higher-performance programmable logic devices are driving a need for system level modules and higher level design capabilities.

Xilinx supports this through five classes of Core Solutions Products across four target application areas as shown in the diagram and described below.

LogiCORE Modules
These are pre-implemented and verified system level logic functions sold, licensed and supported directly by Xilinx.
DSP - FPGAs often allow a radical performance advantage over DSP processors, still with maximum flexibility and shortest time-to-market. The LogiCORE DSP library contains parameterized cores such as FIR filters, comb filters, integrators and high-speed parallel multipliers, all configured using the Xilinx CORE Generator tool.
PCI - PCI is a high-performance application that pushes the limits of any technology. Xilinx is the only vendor to supply pre-implemented and fully verified PCI-compliant Initiator and Target Interface cores for programmable logic. Since the timing of the core is predictable, development time is cut by months.
AllianceCORE Modules
AllianceCORE is a cooperative effort between Xilinx and independent third-party core developers. It is designed to produce a broad selection of industry-standard core solutions dedicated for use in Xilinx programmable logic.
   Today, Xilinx partners are shipping Xilinx-specific functions for applications such as USB, PCMCIA, Reed Solomon, and microprocessor peripherals.

Reference Designs

Xilinx offers a number of reference designs in the form of application notes with supporting design files. These designs represent good starting points for implementing simple to complex functions in Xilinx programmable logic.

All reference design documentation and design files are available for download from the Xilinx web site.

Example designs include DSP functions, Plug-and-Play ISA interface and microcontrollers.


LogiBLOX, the next generation version of X-BLOX, is a module generator for small logic functions (e.g. counters, registers, adder/subtractors, etc.). LogiBLOX features tight integration with schematic capture packages and is included with all Xilinx development systems.

Design Centers

The Design Center program provides local technical support from qualified third-party design firms for customers using LogiCORE products.



CORE Generators
In addition to actual cores, Xilinx is committed to develop enabling design tools and methodologies to facilitate the usage of cores with FPGAs. The first products available in this category are the web-based CORE Generator for PCI and the CORE Generator for DSP (available on CD). This innovative methodology for acquiring, configuring, and integrating cores allows the user to combine the benefits of 1) a firm core with predictable performance, and 2) the flexibility of system level design, facilitated by behavior description languages such as VHDL and Verilog. In addition, since Xilinx is heavily using the web as a distribution mechanism, you always have access to the latest version and enhancements of the cores.
Reconfigurable Processing
Xilinx is pioneering a new field with the SRAM-based XC6200 family of Reconfigurable Processing Units (RPUs). Reconfigurable processing is the practice of using in-system programmable devices that can be dynamically changed in real time, while the system is operating, to perform operations directly in hardware. The XC6200 devices can be partially or fully reconfigured and are optimized for co-processing and embedded applications.

The Xilinx XC6200 RPUs feature a built-in microprocessor interface, on-chip memory and a large number of internal registers, making them ideal for data-intensive and real-time video, DSP and audio processing applications. A standard development system, which includes Xilinx programming software and a PCI add-in board with an XC6200 device, is available from third-party developers.

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