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Practical Unix & Internet Security, 3rd Edition
By Simson Garfinkel, Alan Schwartz, Gene Spafford
Publisher : O'Reilly
Pub Date : February 2003
ISBN : 0-596-00323-4
Pages : 984

      Unix "Security"?
      Scope of This Book
      Which Unix System?
      Conventions Used in This Book
      Comments and Questions
      A Note to Would-Be Attackers
    Part I:  Computer Security Basics
      Chapter 1.  Introduction: Some Fundamental Questions
      Section 1.1.  What Is Computer Security?
      Section 1.2.  What Is an Operating System?
      Section 1.3.  What Is a Deployment Environment?
      Section 1.4.  Summary
      Chapter 2.  Unix History and Lineage
      Section 2.1.  History of Unix
      Section 2.2.  Security and Unix
      Section 2.3.  Role of This Book
      Section 2.4.  Summary
      Chapter 3.  Policies and Guidelines
      Section 3.1.  Planning Your Security Needs
      Section 3.2.  Risk Assessment
      Section 3.3.  Cost-Benefit Analysis and Best Practices
      Section 3.4.  Policy
      Section 3.5.  Compliance Audits
      Section 3.6.  Outsourcing Options
      Section 3.7.  The Problem with Security Through Obscurity
      Section 3.8.  Summary
    Part II:  Security Building Blocks
      Chapter 4.  Users, Passwords, and Authentication
      Section 4.1.  Logging in with Usernames and Passwords
      Section 4.2.  The Care and Feeding of Passwords
      Section 4.3.  How Unix Implements Passwords
      Section 4.4.  Network Account and Authorization Systems
      Section 4.5.  Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
      Section 4.6.  Summary
      Chapter 5.  Users, Groups, and the Superuser
      Section 5.1.  Users and Groups
      Section 5.2.  The Superuser (root)
      Section 5.3.  The su Command: Changing Who You Claim to Be
      Section 5.4.  Restrictions on the Superuser
      Section 5.5.  Summary
      Chapter 6.  Filesystems and Security
      Section 6.1.  Understanding Filesystems
      Section 6.2.  File Attributes and Permissions
      Section 6.3.  chmod: Changing a File's Permissions
      Section 6.4.  The umask
      Section 6.5.  SUID and SGID
      Section 6.6.  Device Files
      Section 6.7.  Changing a File's Owner or Group
      Section 6.8.  Summary
      Chapter 7.  Cryptography Basics
      Section 7.1.  Understanding Cryptography
      Section 7.2.  Symmetric Key Algorithms
      Section 7.3.  Public Key Algorithms
      Section 7.4.  Message Digest Functions
      Section 7.5.  Summary
      Chapter 8.  Physical Security for Servers
      Section 8.1.  Planning for the Forgotten Threats
      Section 8.2.  Protecting Computer Hardware
      Section 8.3.  Preventing Theft
      Section 8.4.  Protecting Your Data
      Section 8.5.  Story: A Failed Site Inspection
      Section 8.6.  Summary
      Chapter 9.  Personnel Security
      Section 9.1.  Background Checks
      Section 9.2.  On the Job
      Section 9.3.  Departure
      Section 9.4.  Other People
      Section 9.5.  Summary
    Part III:  Network and Internet Security
      Chapter 10.  Modems and Dialup Security
      Section 10.1.  Modems: Theory of Operation
      Section 10.2.  Modems and Security
      Section 10.3.  Modems and Unix
      Section 10.4.  Additional Security for Modems
      Section 10.5.  Summary
      Chapter 11.  TCP/IP Networks
      Section 11.1.  Networking
      Section 11.2.  IP: The Internet Protocol
      Section 11.3.  IP Security
      Section 11.4.  Summary
      Chapter 12.  Securing TCP and UDP Services
      Section 12.1.  Understanding Unix Internet Servers and Services
      Section 12.2.  Controlling Access to Servers
      Section 12.3.  Primary Unix Network Services
      Section 12.4.  Managing Services Securely
      Section 12.5.  Putting It All Together: An Example
      Section 12.6.  Summary
      Chapter 13.  Sun RPC
      Section 13.1.  Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
      Section 13.2.  Secure RPC (AUTH_DES)
      Section 13.3.  Summary
      Chapter 14.  Network-Based Authentication Systems
      Section 14.1.  Sun's Network Information Service (NIS)
      Section 14.2.  Sun's NIS+
      Section 14.3.  Kerberos
      Section 14.4.  LDAP
      Section 14.5.  Other Network Authentication Systems
      Section 14.6.  Summary
      Chapter 15.  Network Filesystems
      Section 15.1.  Understanding NFS
      Section 15.2.  Server-Side NFS Security
      Section 15.3.  Client-Side NFS Security
      Section 15.4.  Improving NFS Security
      Section 15.5.  Some Last Comments on NFS
      Section 15.6.  Understanding SMB
      Section 15.7.  Summary
      Chapter 16.  Secure Programming Techniques
      Section 16.1.  One Bug Can Ruin Your Whole Day . . .
      Section 16.2.  Tips on Avoiding Security-Related Bugs
      Section 16.3.  Tips on Writing Network Programs
      Section 16.4.  Tips on Writing SUID/SGID Programs
      Section 16.5.  Using chroot( )
      Section 16.6.  Tips on Using Passwords
      Section 16.7.  Tips on Generating Random Numbers
      Section 16.8.  Summary
    Part IV:  Secure Operations
      Chapter 17.  Keeping Up to Date
      Section 17.1.  Software Management Systems
      Section 17.2.  Updating System Software
      Section 17.3.  Summary
      Chapter 18.  Backups
      Section 18.1.  Why Make Backups?
      Section 18.2.  Backing Up System Files
      Section 18.3.  Software for Backups
      Section 18.4.  Summary
      Chapter 19.  Defending Accounts
      Section 19.1.  Dangerous Accounts
      Section 19.2.  Monitoring File Format
      Section 19.3.  Restricting Logins
      Section 19.4.  Managing Dormant Accounts
      Section 19.5.  Protecting the root Account
      Section 19.6.  One-Time Passwords
      Section 19.7.  Administrative Techniques for Conventional Passwords
      Section 19.8.  Intrusion Detection Systems
      Section 19.9.  Summary
      Chapter 20.  Integrity Management
      Section 20.1.  The Need for Integrity
      Section 20.2.  Protecting Integrity
      Section 20.3.  Detecting Changes After the Fact
      Section 20.4.  Integrity-Checking Tools
      Section 20.5.  Summary
      Chapter 21.  Auditing, Logging, and Forensics
      Section 21.1.  Unix Log File Utilities
      Section 21.2.  Process Accounting: The acct/pacct File
      Section 21.3.  Program-Specific Log Files
      Section 21.4.  Designing a Site-Wide Log Policy
      Section 21.5.  Handwritten Logs
      Section 21.6.  Managing Log Files
      Section 21.7.  Unix Forensics
      Section 21.8.  Summary
    Part V:  Handling Security Incidents
      Chapter 22.  Discovering a Break-in
      Section 22.1.  Prelude
      Section 22.2.  Discovering an Intruder
      Section 22.3.  Cleaning Up After the Intruder
      Section 22.4.  Case Studies
      Section 22.5.  Summary
      Chapter 23.  Protecting Against Programmed Threats
      Section 23.1.  Programmed Threats: Definitions
      Section 23.2.  Damage
      Section 23.3.  Authors
      Section 23.4.  Entry
      Section 23.5.  Protecting Yourself
      Section 23.6.  Preventing Attacks
      Section 23.7.  Summary
      Chapter 24.  Denial of Service Attacks and Solutions
      Section 24.1.  Types of Attacks
      Section 24.2.  Destructive Attacks
      Section 24.3.  Overload Attacks
      Section 24.4.  Network Denial of Service Attacks
      Section 24.5.  Summary
      Chapter 25.  Computer Crime
      Section 25.1.  Your Legal Options After a Break-in
      Section 25.2.  Criminal Hazards
      Section 25.3.  Criminal Subject Matter
      Section 25.4.  Summary
      Chapter 26.  Who Do You Trust?
      Section 26.1.  Can You Trust Your Computer?
      Section 26.2.  Can You Trust Your Suppliers?
      Section 26.3.  Can You Trust People?
      Section 26.4.  Summary
    Part VI:  Appendixes
      Appendix A.  Unix Security Checklist
      Section A.1.  Preface
      Section A.2.  Chapter 1: Introduction: Some Fundamental Questions
      Section A.3.  Chapter 2: Unix History and Lineage
      Section A.4.  Chapter 3: Policies and Guidelines
      Section A.5.  Chapter 4: Users, Passwords, and Authentication
      Section A.6.  Chapter 5: Users, Groups, and the Superuser
      Section A.7.  Chapter 6: Filesystems and Security
      Section A.8.  Chapter 7: Cryptography Basics
      Section A.9.  Chapter 8: Physical Security for Servers
      Section A.10.  Chapter 9: Personnel Security
      Section A.11.  Chapter 10: Modems and Dialup Security
      Section A.12.  Chapter 11: TCP/IP Networks
      Section A.13.  Chapter 12: Securing TCP and UDP Services
      Section A.14.  Chapter 13: Sun RPC
      Section A.15.  Chapter 14: Network-Based Authentication Systems
      Section A.16.  Chapter 15: Network Filesystems
      Section A.17.  Chapter 16: Secure Programming Techniques
      Section A.18.  Chapter 17: Keeping Up to Date
      Section A.19.  Chapter 18: Backups
      Section A.20.  Chapter 19: Defending Accounts
      Section A.21.  Chapter 20: Integrity Management
      Section A.22.  Chapter 21: Auditing, Logging, and Forensics
      Section A.23.  Chapter 22: Discovering a Break-In
      Section A.24.  Chapter 23: Protecting Against Programmed Threats
      Section A.25.  Chapter 24: Denial of Service Attacks and Solutions
      Section A.26.  Chapter 25: Computer Crime
      Section A.27.  Chapter 26: Who Do You Trust?
      Section A.28.  Appendix A: Unix Security Checklist
      Section A.29.  Appendix B: Unix Processes
      Section A.30.  Appendixes C, D, and E: Paper Sources, Electronic Sources, and Organizations
      Appendix B.  Unix Processes
      Section B.1.  About Processes
      Section B.2.  Signals
      Section B.3.  Controlling and Examining Processes
      Section B.4.  Starting Up Unix and Logging In
      Appendix C.  Paper Sources
      Section C.1.  Unix Security References
      Section C.2.  Other Computer References
      Appendix D.  Electronic Resources
      Section D.1.  Mailing Lists
      Section D.2.  Web Sites
      Section D.3.  Usenet Groups
      Section D.4.  Software Resources
      Appendix E.  Organizations
      Section E.1.  Professional Organizations
      Section E.2.  U.S. Government Organizations
      Section E.3.  Emergency Response Organizations
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