     else begin
        bfm_msg("Attempted read of empty location in Command Memory, return to embedded mode" ,`warnings,msg_level);
     end // if
  else begin
     if ((!(msg_level < `warnings))) begin
        $display("WARNING at %0t from %m", $time);
        $write("    \"Command Memory Address Out of Range, returning to embedded mode:\n");
        $write(" Last Valid Address = %0d\n",max_cmd_mem_size);
        $write(" Attempted Address  = %0d", cmd_addr);
     end // if
  end // if
endtask // get_mem_cmd

function exit_cond;
input [31:0] exit_val; 
input [31:0] step_val; 
input [31:0] curr_loop_val;
  if (step_val >= 0) begin
     if (curr_loop_val > exit_val) exit_cond = `true;
     else exit_cond = `false;
  end else begin
     if (curr_loop_val < exit_val) exit_cond = `true;
     else exit_cond = `false;
  end // if
endfunction // exit_cond


 //Side effects
   //cmd_mem, load_mem_addr
   //temp_cmd, tmp_str, curr_func_name

task read_file;
integer linen;
reg [1:`token_size*8] inline;
reg [1:`token_size*8] tmp_inline;
reg [(`token_size-1)*8:0] token_1;
reg status_f;
reg error_f;
integer plitype;
integer plisize;
reg found;
reg valid_f;
  linen = 0;
  inline = "";
  valid_f = `false;
  found = `false;

  if (!endfile) begin
     begin : preload
     while (!endfile) begin
           inline = "";
           tmp_inline = "";
           $lmv_fgetcmd(fh, inline, error_f);
           linen = linen + 1;
           tmp_inline = (inline >> 4);
           tmp_cb[cbmsg1:cbmsg2] = "";
           tmp_cb[cbmsg1:cbmsg2] = (inline >> 4);
           plitype = 3;
           plisize = 0;
           token_1 = "";
           $lmv_tokenize(tmp_inline, 3, 0, token_1, status_f);

           if (token_1 !== "") begin
              if (nest_level === 0) begin
                 if (token_1 === "{") begin
                    nest_level = nest_level + 1;
                 end else begin
                    //build FUNC_BEGIN command
                    if (!valid_f) begin
                       disable preload; //exit preload
                    end // if
                    if (found) begin
                       bfm_msg("Duplicate function names in command file:\nOnly the last declared will be used", `warnings, msg_level);
                    end // if
                    curr_func_name = token_1;
                 end // if
              else if (nest_level > 0 || sequential_f) begin
                      if (token_1 === "{") begin
                         nest_level = nest_level + 1;
                      end else if (token_1 === "}") begin
                         nest_level = nest_level - 1;
                         if (nest_level === 0) begin
                            if (! sequential_f) begin
                               if (!valid_f) begin
                                  disable preload; //exit preload
                               end // if
                            else begin
                               timing.to_fm_data_in(tmp_cb[cbmsg1:cbmsg2], msg_level);
                               temp_cmd[fmfield1:fmfield2] = timing.wk_cmd;
                            end // if
                         end // if
                      end else if (timing.is_command(token_1)) begin
                           timing.to_fm_data_in(tmp_cb[cbmsg1:cbmsg2], msg_level);
                           temp_cmd[fmfield1:fmfield2] = timing.wk_cmd;
                           if (! sequential_f) begin
                              if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] !== `null_cmd) begin   //syntax okay
                                 //store string
                                 if (!valid_f) begin
                                    disable preload; //exit preload
                                 end // if
                                 if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `sequential_cmd) begin
                                    disable preload; //exit preload;
                                 end // if
                              end // if
                           end // if
                      end else begin
                           if (! sequential_f) begin
                              if (!valid_f) begin
                                    disable preload; //exit preload
                              end // if
                           else begin
                              timing.to_fm_data_in(tmp_cb[cbmsg1:cbmsg2], msg_level);
                              temp_cmd[fmfield1:fmfield2] = timing.wk_cmd;
                           end // if
                      end // if
              end // if
           end // if
           if (sequential_f) begin
              disable preload; //exit preload;
           end // if
     end // while
     end // preload

     if (nest_level !== 0) begin
        if (! (sequential_f || (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `sequential_cmd))) begin
           bfm_msg("Syntax error in command file: Unmatched `{': Attempting to recover", `warnings, msg_level);
          //attempt to recover by adding func_end command so sim won't blow up
           max_cmd_mem_size = max_cmd_mem_size + 1;
          //build FUNC_END command
           build_cmd( tmp_cb[cbmsg1:cbmsg2],"func_end",curr_func_name);
        end // if
     end // if
  end // if

  if (! (sequential_f || temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `sequential_cmd)) begin
     if (msg_level >= `debug_cmd_mem) begin
        bfm_msg("Command Memory Loaded, Contents = ", `debug_cmd_mem, msg_level);
        begin: print_mem
          integer i;
          for (i=0; i<=cmd_mem_counter; i=i+1) begin
              cmd_mem_hold = cmd_mem[i];
              $display("%0s", cmd_mem_hold[cbmsg1:cbmsg2]);
          end // loop 
        end // print_mem
     end // if
  end // if

endtask // read_file

// End Read File Declarations --


task deallocate_ctrl_queue;
input [31:0] pointer;
input [31:0] size;
integer i;

  for (i = pointer; i <= size; i = i +1) begin
      ctrl_queue[i] = ctrl_queue[i+1];
  end // loop
  ctrl_queue_size = ctrl_queue_size - 1;
endtask // deallocate_ctrl_queue

// QUEUE --
 //Side effects
   //queue_size, ctrl_queue_end

task queue;
input [ctrl_store1:ctrl_store2] cmd;               // ctrl_store_data
input [31:0] which_end;                // default = end_of_queue
integer i;

  if (ctrl_queue_size == 0) begin     //empty queue
     new_cmd_f = `true;
     ctrl_queue[ctrl_queue_size + 1] = cmd;  // ctrl_queue[1]
     ctrl_queue_size = ctrl_queue_size + 1;         // ctrl_queue_size = 1
  else begin                             //neither _end or _beg is null
     if (which_end == end_of_queue) begin
        ctrl_queue[ctrl_queue_size + 1] = cmd;
        ctrl_queue_size = ctrl_queue_size + 1;
     else begin
        for (i = ctrl_queue_size; i >= 1; i = i - 1) begin    // shift queue one location down
            ctrl_queue[i+1] = ctrl_queue[i];
        end // loop
        ctrl_queue_size = ctrl_queue_size + 1;
        ctrl_queue[1] = cmd;
     end // if
  end // if

  if (cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] > `max_user_immed_code) begin     //must be "user_cycle" command
//!!8.0.burst remove condition around statement
//!!    if ((cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] !== `read_continue_cmd) && (cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] !== `write_continue_cmd)) begin
           // special for pci
      num_non_immed_queued = num_non_immed_queued + 1;
//!!    end // if
  end // if
  queue_size = queue_size + 1;

  if ((!(msg_level < `debug_int))) begin
     $display("NOTE at %0t from %m", $time);
     $display("    \"QUEUE: cmd =%0s", cmd2string(cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2]));
//!!8.0 change ($write -->> $display)
     $write("     QUEUE: queue_size = %0d", queue_size);
  end // if
endtask // queue

//!!8.0.burst begin - add procedure
task dequeue;
input [31:0] delete_cmd_code;

//Always dequeues at least the first command in queue
//Additionally, if delete_cmd_code /= null_cmd
  //count number of occurances of delete_cmd in ctrl_queue,
  //stop counting if a multi-cycle command (which is not delete_cmd) is reached
    //if first location in queue has multi-cycle, ignore it to ensure its deletion
    //this is for case where delete_cmd_code is set to read_continue during a read_cycle
      //both the read_cycle and subsequent read_continue's should be deleted
  //then loop through dequeue loop until this number of delete_cmd's are removed
    //any zero-cycle commands between delete_cmd's will be removed
  //At this point, three conditions may exist;
    //if the queue contained only delete_cmd's and zero-cycle commands,
      //the queue will be empty except for zero-cycle commands following the last delete_cmd
    //if the queue contained a multi-cycle command (non-delete_cmd)
      //the queue will maintain zero-cycle commands between the last delete_cmd
      //and the multi-cycle command

reg [ctrl_store1:ctrl_store2] cmd_reg; //ctrl_queue_ptr
integer num_delete_cmds;
reg first_f;
integer tmp_queue_size;
integer tmp_ptr;
reg exit_search_f, exit_remove_cmd_f;
  num_delete_cmds = 0;
  first_f = `true;
  tmp_queue_size = ctrl_queue_size;
  tmp_ptr = ctrl_queue_pointer;
  exit_search_f = `false;
  exit_remove_cmd_f = `false;

  if (delete_cmd_code !== `null_cmd) begin
     cmd_reg = ctrl_queue[tmp_ptr]; // ctrl_queue[1]
     num_delete_cmds = 0;
     begin: search
       while (!exit_search_f) begin
          if (tmp_queue_size === 0) begin
             exit_search_f = `true; //exit search
          else if (cmd_reg[fmcode1:fmcode2] > `max_user_immed_code) begin
             if (cmd_reg[fmcode1:fmcode2] === delete_cmd_code) begin
                num_delete_cmds = num_delete_cmds + 1;
             else if (! first_f) begin
                exit_search_f = `true; //exit search
             end // if
          end // if
          cmd_reg = ctrl_queue[tmp_ptr+1];
          first_f = `false;
          tmp_ptr = tmp_ptr + 1;
          tmp_queue_size = tmp_queue_size - 1;
       end // while
     end // search
  end // if

  begin: remove_cmd
    while (!exit_remove_cmd_f) begin
     ctrl_queue_hold = ctrl_queue[ctrl_queue_pointer];
     if (ctrl_queue_hold[fmcode1:fmcode2] > `max_user_immed_code) begin //must be "user_cycle" command
        num_non_immed_queued = num_non_immed_queued - 1;
        if (ctrl_queue_hold[fmcode1:fmcode2] === delete_cmd_code) begin
           num_delete_cmds = num_delete_cmds - 1;
        end // if
     end // if
     if (ctrl_queue_size !== 0) begin	//queue has at least 1 more command
        deallocate_ctrl_queue(ctrl_queue_pointer, ctrl_queue_size);
     else begin					//no more commands
        deallocate_ctrl_queue(ctrl_queue_pointer, ctrl_queue_size); //also deallocates _end "dangling"
     end // if
     queue_size = queue_size - 1;
     if ((queue_size < max_ctrl_queue_size/2) && queue_overflow_f) begin
        queue_overflow_f = `false;
     end // if

     if ((!(msg_level < `debug_int))) begin
        $display("NOTE at %0t from %m", $time);
        $write("    \"DEQUEUE: removing command, queue_size = %0d", queue_size);
     end // if

     if ((ctrl_queue_size === 0) || (num_delete_cmds <= 0)) 
        exit_remove_cmd_f = `true; //exit remove_cmd when ctrl_queue_beg = null 
                                   //                     or num_delete_cmds <= 0;
       //loop will execute once if delete_cmd = null_cmd, because num_delete_cmds will be 0
    end // while
  end // remove_cmd

endtask // dequeue
//!!8.0.burst end - add procedure

 //Side effects
   //dspch_data, dspch_data_f, 

task clear_busy_f;
  if (issued_busy_f) begin
     issued_busy_f = `false;
    //signal dispatcher to broadcast ready message
     dspch_data[cbinitiator_id1:cbinitiator_id2] = id_number;
     dspch_data[cbtarget_id1:cbtarget_id2] 	 = `cb_brdcst_id;
     dspch_data[cbtransaction1:cbtransaction2]	 = `status_trans;
     dspch_data[cbdone_f]			 = `false;
     dspch_data[cbdvalid_f]			 = `false;
     dspch_data[cbbuffer_avail_f]		 = `true;
     dspch_data[cbmsg1:cbmsg2]			 = "";
     dspch_data[cbtag1:cbtag2]			 = 0;	//0 since broadcasting
    //call dispatcher to queue dspch_data for dispatching
     dspch_data_f = `true;
  end // if
endtask // clear_busy_f

 //Side effects
   //dspch_data, dspch_data_f, 

task chk_for_trigger;
  if (exe_nxt_buf_pointer !== 0) begin
     exe_nxt_buf_hold = exe_nxt_buf[exe_nxt_buf_pointer];
     if (wait_on_f) begin
        if (exe_nxt_buf_hold[fmcode1:fmcode2] ===`trigger_cmd) begin
           if ((exe_nxt_buf_hold[fmtvalue1:fmtvalue2] === wait_on_val) || (exe_nxt_buf_hold[fmtvalue1:fmtvalue2] === `blanket_tvalue)) begin
              wait_on_f = `false;
              suspend_exe_f = `false;
              new_cmd_f = `true;
           end else begin
              if ((!(msg_level < `debug_3))) begin
                 $display("NOTE at %0t from %m", $time);
                 $display("    \"TRIGGER with incorrect TVALUE received during WAIT_ON execution,");
                 $display("     deleting command from exe_nxt_buf to avoid locking model\"");
              end // if
           end // if
        end else begin
           if ((!(msg_level < `debug_3))) begin
              $display("NOTE at %0t from %m", $time);
              $display("    \"non-TRIGGER command received during WAIT_ON execution");
              $display("     deleting command from exe_nxt_buf to avoid locking model\"");
           end // if
        end //if
        exe_nxt_buf_pointer = 0;

     end else begin
        if (exe_nxt_buf_hold[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `trigger_cmd) begin
           exe_nxt_buf_pointer = 0;
             bfm_msg("Model not waiting: Deleting TRIGGER from exe_nxt_buf buffer",`debug_3,msg_level);
        end // if
     end // if
  end // if
endtask // chk_for_trigger

 //Side effects
   //exe_nxt_buf, ctrl_queue
   //dspch_data, dspch_data_f, 
   //issued_busy_f, stop_queuing_f
task chk_exe_nxt_buf;
  if (exe_nxt_buf_pointer !== 0) begin
     queue(exe_nxt_buf[exe_nxt_buf_pointer], beg_of_queue);
     exe_nxt_buf_pointer = 0;
  end // if
endtask // chk_exe_nxt_buf

 //Side effects

task chk_wait_on_node;
  if (wait_on_node_f) begin
     if (wait_on_node_val === 1'b1) begin
        wait_on_node_f = `false;
        wait_on_f = `false;
        suspend_exe_f = `false;
        new_cmd_f = `true;
     end // if     
  end // if
endtask // chk_wait_on_node

 //Side effects
//!!8.0.burst remove comment
//!!   //stop_queuing_f
   //fm_rsp, rsp_strobe, strobe_rsp_f
//!!8.0.burst remove ", temp_cmd" from comment
//!!   //cmd_mem, temp_cmd

task load_queue;
inout [31:0] curr_mem_addr;
//!!8.0.burst - change new_top_cmd_f to top_cmd_f (one line only)
//!!input new_top_cmd_f;  // default = `false
input top_cmd_f;  // default = `false
reg valid_get_f;
reg found;
//!!8.0.burst - add vars
reg new_top_cmd_f;
reg [ctrl_store1:ctrl_store2] lq_temp_cmd;  // ctrl_store_data
reg exit_queuing_f;
  valid_get_f = `false;
  found = `false;
  new_top_cmd_f = top_cmd_f;
  exit_queuing_f = `false;

  bfm_msg("LOAD QUEUE" ,`debug_int,msg_level);
  if ((!new_top_cmd_f) && (!wait_on_done_f) && (!wait_on_f)) begin
//!!8.0.burst - remove "if" condition ( not body )
//!!     if (! stop_queuing_f) begin
//!!     end // if
  end // if

//!!8.0.burst - add loop around rest of code
begin: queuing
 while (!exit_queuing_f) begin

//!!8.0.burst - add "or new_top_cmd_f"
//!!  if (curr_mem_addr === 0) begin    //load commands from embedded (top-level entity)
  if (curr_mem_addr === 0 || new_top_cmd_f) begin //load commands from embedded (top-level entity)
     if (new_top_cmd_f) begin
//!!8.0.burst - add line
        new_top_cmd_f = `false;
//!!8.0.burst - change condition of "if"
//!!        if (stop_queuing_f) begin
        if (curr_mem_addr !== 0) begin
           bfm_msg("Controller not expecting command from embedded" ,`warnings,msg_level);
        end // if
        //top is sending cmd - always accept,
        //load_queue was called when fm_cmd.strobe'event
        bfm_msg("LOAD QUEUE: Receiving command from top-level" ,`debug_int,msg_level);
        lq_temp_cmd[cbfield1:cbfield2] = cb_field_local_cmd;
        lq_temp_cmd[fmfield1:fmfield2] = fm_cmd;
        queue(lq_temp_cmd, end_of_queue);
//!!8.0.burst begin - add block
        if (lq_delete_cmd_code !== `null_cmd) begin
           if (lq_temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] > `max_user_immed_code) begin
              if (lq_temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === lq_delete_cmd_code) begin
                //check for illegal condition signalled by get_nxt_cmd
                 if (lq_vfyn_f) begin
                    lq_vfyn_f = `false;
                      bfm_msg("LOAD_QUEUE: Illegal command sequence: Time-consuming statements within burst sequence;\n   Some zero-cycle commands may have been incorrectly executed", `warnings, msg_level);
                 end // if
                //command that was just queued should be deleted,
                //command was queued prior to checking so that
                //num_delete_cmds is counted properly in dequeue();
                 dequeue(lq_delete_cmd_code); //also deletes any previously queued zero-cycle commands
              else begin
                 lq_delete_cmd_code = `null_cmd;
                 lq_vfyn_f = `false;
              end // if
           end // if
        end // if
//!!8.0.burst end - add block
        if (lq_temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `call_cmd) begin
//!!8.0.burst begin - change body of "if"
//!!           stop_queuing_f = `true;
           exe_call(lq_temp_cmd[fmfunction_name1:fmfunction_name2], curr_mem_addr, cmd_src);
            //if successful, changes curr_mem_addr, so signal not ready to top-level
//!!8.0.burst end - change body of "if"
        end // if
     end // if
//!!8.0.burst - remove "and not stop_queuing_f"
//!!     if ((num_non_immed_queued < (pipeline_depth + 1)) && (! stop_queuing_f) && (queue_size < max_ctrl_queue_size)) begin
     if ((num_non_immed_queued < (pipeline_depth + 1)) && (queue_size < max_ctrl_queue_size)) begin
//!!8.0.burst begin - change section - add if/else condition, existing code + more in body
        if (curr_mem_addr === 0) begin
          //request next command from top
           fm_rsp.ready <= #(0) `true;
            bfm_msg("LOAD QUEUE: Signalling ready to top-level" ,`debug_int,msg_level);
           strobe_rsp_f = `true;
           exit_queuing_f = `true;
        else begin
           fm_rsp.ready <= #(0) `false;
            bfm_msg("LOAD QUEUE: Signalling NOT ready to top-level" ,`debug_int,msg_level);
           strobe_rsp_f = `true;
           //(no exit, load from command memory)
        end // if
//!!8.0.burst end - change section
     else begin
        fm_rsp.ready <= #(0) `false;
         bfm_msg("LOAD QUEUE: Signalling NOT ready to top-level" ,`debug_int,msg_level);
//!!8.0.burst add two lines
        strobe_rsp_f = `true;
        exit_queuing_f = `true;
     end // if
//!!8.0.burst - remove line
//!!     strobe_rsp_f = `true;

  else begin : loop_queue       //load from command memory
//!!8.0.burst - replace while statement with exit statement
//!!     while ((num_non_immed_queued < (pipeline_depth+1)) && (! stop_queuing_f) && (!queue_overflow_f)) begin
     if ((num_non_immed_queued >= (pipeline_depth+1)) || (queue_overflow_f)) begin
        exit_queuing_f = `true;
     else begin
        if (sequential_f) begin
           //get next command from command file
            bfm_msg("LOAD QUEUE: Reading command from command file; Sequential mode" ,`debug_int,msg_level);
           if (endfile) begin
              bfm_msg("Syntax error in command file during sequential mode:\n      The end of the command file was reached without properly terminating the program.\n      Returning to embedded mode ",`warnings, msg_level);
              curr_mem_addr = 0;
//!!8.0.burst - remove exit
//!!               disable loop_queue; //exit;
           else begin
              read_file;  //sets temp_cmd
              if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] !== `null_cmd) begin
                 queue(temp_cmd, end_of_queue);
//!!8.0.burst begin - add block
                 if (lq_delete_cmd_code !== `null_cmd) begin
                    if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] > `max_user_immed_code) begin
                       if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === lq_delete_cmd_code) begin
                         //must have first queued the command in question, so that
                         //num_delete_cmds is counted properly in dequeue();
                          dequeue(lq_delete_cmd_code); //also deletes any previously queued zero-cycle commands
                       else begin
                          lq_delete_cmd_code = `null_cmd;
                       end // if
                    end // if
                 end // if
//!!8.0.burst end - add block

//!!8.0 add condition - begin
                 if (queue_size === max_ctrl_queue_size) begin
                    queue_overflow_f = `true;
                 end // if
//!!8.0 add condition - end

                 if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `func_end_cmd) begin
//!!8.0.burst begin - change "if" body
//!!                    stop_queuing_f = `true;
                    exe_func_end(temp_cmd[fmfunction_name1:fmfunction_name2], curr_mem_addr, cmd_src);
//!!8.0.burst end - change "if" body
                 end // if
                 if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `call_cmd) begin
//!!8.0.burst begin - change "if" body
//!!                    stop_queuing_f = `true;
                    exe_call(temp_cmd[fmfunction_name1:fmfunction_name2], curr_mem_addr, cmd_src);
//!!8.0.burst end - change "if" body
                 end // if
               end // if
           end // if
        else begin
          //get next command from command memory
           bfm_msg("LOAD QUEUE: Retreiving command from command memory" ,`debug_int,msg_level);
           get_mem_cmd(temp_cmd, curr_mem_addr, valid_get_f);
           if (valid_get_f) begin
              queue(temp_cmd, end_of_queue);
//!!8.0.burst begin - add block
              if (lq_delete_cmd_code !== `null_cmd) begin
                 if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] > `max_user_immed_code) begin
                    if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === lq_delete_cmd_code) begin
                       //must have first queued the command in question, so that
                       //num_delete_cmds is counted properly in dequeue();
                       dequeue(lq_delete_cmd_code); //also deletes any previously queued zero-cycle commands
                    else begin
                       lq_delete_cmd_code = `null_cmd;
                    end // if
                 end // if
              end // if
//!!8.0.burst end - add block

//!!8.0 add condition - begin
              if (queue_size === max_ctrl_queue_size) begin
                 queue_overflow_f = `true;
              end // if
//!!8.0 add condition - end

              if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `func_end_cmd) begin
//!!8.0.burst begin - change "if" body
//!!               stop_queuing_f = `true;
                 exe_func_end(temp_cmd[fmfunction_name1:fmfunction_name2], curr_mem_addr, cmd_src);
//!!8.0.burst end - change "if" body
              else if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `sequential_cmd) begin
                 sequential_f = `true;
              else begin
                 curr_mem_addr = curr_mem_addr + 1;
              end // if
              if (temp_cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] === `call_cmd) begin
//!!8.0.burst begin - change "if" body
//!!               stop_queuing_f = `true;
                  exe_call(temp_cmd[fmfunction_name1:fmfunction_name2], curr_mem_addr, cmd_src);
//!!8.0.burst end - change "if" body
              end // if
           else begin
              curr_mem_addr = 0;
//!!8.0.burst - remove exit
//!!             disable loop_queue;
           end // if  //invalid get warnings issued in get_mem_cmd 
        end // if
//!!8.0.burst - remove end loop
//!!    end // loop_queue
     end // if
  end // if
//!!8.0.burst - add end loop queuing
 end // while
end // queuing

endtask // load_queue


 //Side effects
   //dspch_data, dspch_data_f, temp_cmd
   //dvalid_f, ret_data_ary, ret_data_ptr, ret_data_t, ret_val

task done_chks;
input [ctrl_store1:ctrl_store2] cmd;
reg [1:`slv_size] data_str;
reg [1:`slv_size] addr_str;

// Status / Return Data
  if (cmd[cbinitiator_id1:cbinitiator_id2] !== id_number) begin //command was received via Control Bus
    //return status/data (if appl.)
     if (cmd[cbnotify_f] || (dvalid_f && cmd[cbreturn_data_f])) begin
        dspch_data[cbinitiator_id1:cbinitiator_id2] = id_number;
        dspch_data[cbtarget_id1:cbtarget_id2] = cmd[cbinitiator_id1:cbinitiator_id2];
        dspch_data[cbtransaction1:cbtransaction2] = `status_trans;
        dspch_data[cbdone_f] = cmd[cbnotify_f];
        if (dvalid_f && (cmd[cbreturn_data_f] == `true)) begin
           dspch_data[cbdvalid_f] = `true;
           data_str = ret_data_slv;
           addr_str = ret_addr_slv;
           dspch_data[cbmsg1:1126] = addr_str;
           dspch_data[1127:cbmsg2] = data_str;
        else begin
           dspch_data[cbdvalid_f] = `false;
           dspch_data[cbmsg1:cbmsg2] = "";               // (others => NUL);
        end // if
        dspch_data[cbtag1:cbtag2] = cmd[cbtag1:cbtag2];    //return original tag
       //call dispatcher to queue dspch_data for dispatching
        dspch_data_f = `true;
     end // if
  else begin          //command was local command
     if (dvalid_f) begin
       //return data to top-level via ret_val
//!!8.0.burst - remove "if" (not body)
//!!        if (cmd_src === `embedded) begin
           if (ret_data_t === $time) begin
             //multiple return datum in same tick
               //data always returned in same tick or different absolute time
              if (ret_data_ptr < `ret_ary_len) begin
                 ret_data_ary_hold = ret_data_ary[ret_data_ptr];
                 ret_data_ary_hold[127:64] = ret_addr_slv;
                 ret_data_ary_hold[63:0] = ret_data_slv;
                 ret_data_ary[ret_data_ptr] = ret_data_ary_hold;
                 ret_data_ptr = ret_data_ptr + 1; //start appending at 1 (0 is for preceding non-immed)
              else begin
                  ret_data_ptr = 0;
                   bfm_msg("Maximum number of elements in RET_VAL array has been exceeded.\n      Remaining data to be returned will overwrite data already loaded ",`warnings, msg_level);
           else begin
              ret_data_t = $time;
              ret_data_ary_hold = ret_data_ary[0];
              ret_data_ary_hold[127:64] = ret_addr_slv;
              ret_data_ary_hold[63:0] = ret_data_slv;
              ret_data_ary[0] = ret_data_ary_hold;
              ret_data_ptr = 1;
           end // if
          //pass  data to top-level
           if (ret_data_ptr === 0)
              ret_val <= #(0) ret_data_ary[0];
              ret_val <= #(0) ret_data_ary[ret_data_ptr-1];
//!!        end // if
     end // if
  end // if
// Compare Data (checks for "x" signifying no comparison)
  if (dvalid_f) begin
     if (cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2] !== `remote_cmd) begin  //else return data was received via control bus
        compare_data(cmd[fmexpected_data1:fmexpected_data2], ret_data_slv, ret_addr_slv);
     end // if
  end // if
// Generate Monitor Command
  if (monitor_id !== 0) begin               // 0 indicates no monitor model
        dspch_data[cbinitiator_id1:cbinitiator_id2]     = id_number;
        dspch_data[cbtarget_id1:cbtarget_id2]    	= monitor_id;
        dspch_data[cbtransaction1:cbtransaction2] 	= `cmd_trans;
        dspch_data[cbbuffer_f]    			= `false;
        dspch_data[cbnotify_f]    			= `false;
        dspch_data[cbreturn_data_f]    			= `false;
        dspch_data[cbmsg1:cbmsg2] 			= cmd[cbmsg1:cbmsg2];    //return original msg
        if (dvalid_f) begin
        end // if
        dspch_data[cbtag1:cbtag2] 			= cmd[cbtag1:cbtag2];    //return original tag
    //call dispatcher to queue dspch_data for dispatching
     dspch_data_f = `true;
  end // if
  dvalid_f = `false;
endtask // done_chks

 //Side effects
//!!8.0.burst - remove ", stop_queuing_f"
//!!   //returnto_stk, stop_queuing_f
task exe_func_end;
input [1:`token_size*8] function_name;
inout [31:0] curr_mem_addr;
inout [31:0] cmd_src;
//!!8.0.burst - remove line
//!!  stop_queuing_f = `false;
  if (curr_mem_addr == 0) begin
     cmd_src = `embedded;
  end // if
  if (sequential_f) begin      //function which contained sequential cmd has completed
			       //functions called while in seq mode reset this flag during exec. of function
     sequential_f = `false;
  end // if
  if (function_name === seq_halt_func_name) begin
     sequential_f = `true;
  end // if
endtask // exe_func_end

 //Side effects
//!!8.0.burst - remove ", stop_queuing_f"
//!!   //returnto_stk, stop_queuing_f

task exe_call;
input [1:`token_size*8] function_name; // string
inout [31:0] curr_mem_addr;
inout [31:0] cmd_src;
reg found;
  found = `false;
//!!8.0.burst begin - add "if" and body - comes from exe_ctrl_immed/when call_cmd
  if (first_call_f) begin
     first_call_f = `false;

     $lmv_openr(cmd_file, fh);
     if (fh == 0) begin
        if ((!(msg_level < `warnings))) begin
           $display("WARNING at time %t from %m",$time);
           $display("     \"Cannot open COMMAND file %0s.  No commands are preloaded!\"",cmd_file);
        end // if
     else begin
     end // if
  end // if
//!!8.0.burst end - add "if" and body

  cmd_src = `cmd_memory;
  get_addr_tbl_elmnt(function_name, curr_mem_addr, found);
//!!8.0.burst - remove line
//!!  stop_queuing_f = `false;
  if (sequential_f) begin
     seq_halt_func_name = function_name;
     sequential_f = `false;
  end // if
  if (!found) begin
     //return to previous addr
     exe_func_end(function_name, curr_mem_addr,cmd_src);
     if ((!(msg_level < `warnings))) begin
        $display("WARNING at %0t from %m", $time);
        $write("    \"Illegal function call, function %0s not declared", function_name);
     end // if
  end // if
endtask // exe_call

 //Side effects
   //dspch_data, dspch_data_f,
   //wait_on_f, wait_on_val
//!!8.0.burst - remove ", stop_queuing_f
//!!   //curr_mem_addr, load_mem_addr, cmd_src, stop_queuing_f, tmp_str
   //curr_mem_addr, load_mem_addr, cmd_src, tmp_str

task exe_ctrl_immed;
input [ctrl_store1:ctrl_store2] cmd;
reg tmp, ret_stat;
reg found;
reg valid_f;
  if ((!(msg_level < `debug_3))) begin
     $display("NOTE at %0t from %m", $time);
     $write("    \"EXE_CTRL_IMMED: Executing = %0s", cmd2string(cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2]));
  end // if
  valid_f = `false;
  found = `false;

  case (cmd[fmcode1:fmcode2])
     `remote_cmd : begin
        dspch_data[cbinitiator_id1:cbinitiator_id2]    	= id_number;
        dspch_data[cbtarget_id1:cbtarget_id2]     	= cmd[fmtarget_id1:fmtarget_id2];
        dspch_data[cbtransaction1:cbtransaction2]     	= `cmd_trans;
        dspch_data[cbbuffer_f]     			= cmd[fmbuffer_f];
        dspch_data[cbnotify_f]				= cmd[fmnotify_f];
        dspch_data[cbreturn_data_f]			= cmd[fmreturn_data_f];
        dspch_data[cbmsg1:cbmsg2]  			= cmd[fmmsg1:fmmsg2];
        dspch_data[cbtag1:cbtag2] 			= cmd[cbtag1:cbtag2];
                                                //holds orig tag if forwarding
                                                //initialized to zero if not forwarding(dispatcher will assign)
       //call dispatcher to queue dspch_data for dispatching
        dspch_data_f = `true;
        if (cmd[fmnotify_f]) begin
           wait_on_done_f = `true;
           wait_on_done_tag = dspch_data[cbtag1:cbtag2];  //this is the value the dispatcher assigned to tag
        end // if
     `restart_cmd : begin
          bfm_msg("Restart command not yet implemented" ,`warnings,msg_level);
     `trigger_cmd : begin
        if ((cmd[cbinitiator_id1:cbinitiator_id2] === id_number) && (cmd[cbtarget_id1:cbtarget_id2] === id_number)) begin //trigger originates in this model, broadcast trigger to others
           dspch_data[cbinitiator_id1:cbinitiator_id2]	= id_number;
           dspch_data[cbtarget_id1:cbtarget_id2]	= `cb_brdcst_id;
           dspch_data[cbtransaction1:cbtransaction2]	= `cmd_trans;
           dspch_data[cbbuffer_f]			= `false;
           dspch_data[cbnotify_f]			= `false;
           dspch_data[cbreturn_data_f]			= `false;
           dspch_data[cbmsg1:cbmsg2]			= {"trigger","(",cmd[fmtvalue1:fmtvalue2],")",";"};
           dspch_data[cbtag1:cbtag2]			= 0;
						//holds orig tag if forwarding
						//initialized to zero if not forwarding(dispatcher will assign)
          //call dispatcher to queue dspch_data for dispatching
           dspch_data_f = `true;
        end // if

     `wait_on_cmd : begin
        wait_on_f = `true;
        wait_on_val = cmd[fmtvalue1:fmtvalue2]; //wait_on_f set when wait_on is dequeued

     `print_msg_cmd : $display($time,,"%0s", cmd[fmmessage1:fmmessage2]);

     `set_msg_level_cmd : msg_level = cmd[fmmlevel1:fmmlevel2];

     `call_cmd : begin
//!!8.0.burst - remove "when" body
//!!       //store parent addr, chaddr to function, set status of local variables, set tmp_vars to vars being passed
//!!       //currently using only global variables, so this command only stores parent addr and changes addr
//!!       if (first_call_f) begin
//!!         first_call_f = `false;
//!!         $lmv_openr(cmd_file, fh);
//!!         if (fh ==0) begin
//!!            if ((!(msg_level < `warnings))) begin
//!!                $display("WARNING at time %t from %m",$time);
//!!                $display("     \"Cannot open COMMAND file %0s.  No commands are preloaded!\"",cmd_file);
//!!             end //if
//!!         end // if
//!!         $lmv_endfile(fh,endfile);
//!!         read_file;
//!!       end // if
//!!        exe_call(cmd[fmfunction_name1:fmfunction_name2], curr_mem_addr, cmd_src);

     `open_buffer_cmd : begin
       //write func_beg_cmd, declare func_beg addr = load_mem_addr
        if (!valid_f) begin
           bfm_msg("Command memory FULL, New buffer can not be opened", `warnings, msg_level);
        end // if
        set_addr_tbl_elmnt(cmd[fmfunction_name1:fmfunction_name2],load_mem_addr,found); // addr_tbl
        if (found) begin
           bfm_msg("Duplicate function name already in command file:\nNewly declared buffer will be used for subsequent calls", `warnings, msg_level);
        end // if

        curr_func_name =cmd[fmfunction_name1:fmfunction_name2];

     `close_buffer_cmd : begin
        if (!valid_f) begin
           max_cmd_mem_size = max_cmd_mem_size + 1;

This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 11:57:05 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/system/lmc/rtl/pcimaster_fm.v

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