          be_val = (cmmd);
        end // if

        if ( (ad_val !== (addr)) ) begin
 	  if ( pad !== z_adbus ) begin
            pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end else begin
            pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end // if
          pad_out((addr), model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          ad_val = (addr);
        end // if

        if ( (cxbe_val !==  4'b1101) ) begin
	  if ( pcxbenn !== z_cxbe ) begin
            pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end else begin
            pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end // if
          pcxbenn_out( 4'b1101, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          cxbe_val = 4'b1101; 
        end // if
      end else begin
        if ( addr_64 ) begin
          if ( (ad_val !== upper_addr) ) begin
 	    if ( pad !== z_adbus ) begin
              pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end else begin
              pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end // if
            pad_out(upper_addr, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
            ad_val = upper_addr;
          end // if

          if ( (cxbe_val !== (cmmd)) ) begin
  	    if ( pcxbenn !== z_cxbe ) begin
              pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end else begin
              pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end // if
            pcxbenn_out((cmmd), model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
            cxbe_val = (cmmd); 
          end // if
        end else begin
          if ( (ad_val !== (addr)) ) begin
 	    if ( pad !== z_adbus ) begin
              pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end else begin
              pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end // if
            pad_out((addr), model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
            ad_val = (addr);
          end // if

          if ( (cxbe_val !== (cmmd)) ) begin
  	    if ( pcxbenn !== z_cxbe ) begin
              pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end else begin
              pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end // if
            pcxbenn_out((cmmd), model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
            cxbe_val = (cmmd); 
          end // if
        end // if

        if ( !(second_addr) ) begin
          if ( (d_val !== z_adbus) ) begin
            pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pd, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
            d_val = z_adbus;
          end // if  
          if ( (be_val !== 4'bzzzz) ) begin
            pbenn_out(4'bzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
            be_val = 4'bzzzz; 
          end // if 
        end // if
      end // if

     sm_data: begin
      first_b = `true;

      if (  cycle_command === write ) begin
        if ( (ad_val !== (data_int)) ) begin
	  if ( pad !== z_adbus ) begin
            pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end else begin
            pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end // if
          pad_out((data_int), model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          ad_val = (data_int);
        end // if
        if ( bus_64 && !(retry64_32) && (first_64out || ((INP.pdevselnn === 1'b0) && (INP.pack64nn === 1'b0))) ) begin
          if ( (d_val !== (data_int_63to32)) ) begin
 	    if ( pd !== z_adbus ) begin
              pd_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pd, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end else begin
              pd_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pd, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	    end // if
            pd_out((data_int_63to32), model_times.tpr_pclk_pd, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
            d_val = (data_int_63to32);
          end // if
        end // if
        if ( bus_64 && !(first_64out) && (INP.pdevselnn === 1'b0) && (INP.pack64nn === 1'b1) ) begin
          if ( (d_val !== z_adbus) ) begin
            pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pd, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
            d_val = z_adbus;
          end // if
        end // if

        if ( !(bus_64) ) begin
          if ( (d_val !== z_adbus) ) begin
            pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pd, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
            d_val = z_adbus;
          end // if
        end // if

      end else begin 
        if ( (ad_val !== z_adbus) ) begin
          pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          ad_val = z_adbus;
        end // if
        if ( (d_val !== z_adbus) ) begin
          pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pd, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          d_val = z_adbus;
        end // if
      end // if
      if ( (cxbe_val !== (byte_en)) ) begin
	if ( pcxbenn !== z_cxbe ) begin
          pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	end else begin
          pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	end // if
        pcxbenn_out((byte_en), model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
        cxbe_val = (byte_en); 
      end // if
      if ( bus_64 && !(retry64_32) && (first_64out || ((INP.pdevselnn === 1'b0) && (INP.pack64nn === 1'b0))) ) begin
        if ( (be_val !== (byte_en_7to4)) ) begin
	  if ( pbenn !== z_adbus ) begin
            pbenn_out(4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pbenn, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end else begin
            pbenn_out(4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end // if
          pbenn_out((byte_en_7to4), model_times.tpr_pclk_pbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          be_val = (byte_en_7to4);
        end // if
      end // if
      if ( bus_64 && !(first_64out) && (INP.pdevselnn === 1'b0) && (INP.pack64nn === 1'b1) ) begin
        if ( (be_val !== 4'bzzzz) ) begin
          pbenn_out(4'bzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          be_val = 4'bzzzz;
        end // if
      end // if

      if ( !(bus_64) ) begin
        if ( (be_val !== 4'bzzzz) ) begin
          pbenn_out(4'bzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          be_val = 4'bzzzz;
        end // if
      end // if
     sdr_bus: begin
      first_b = `true;
      if ( (step_local  || stepping) && ! b(INP.preqnn) ) begin 
        if ( (ad_val !== 32'hffffffff) ) begin
	  if ( pad !== z_adbus ) begin
            pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end else begin
            pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end // if
          pad_out(32'hffffffff, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          ad_val = 32'hffffffff;
        end // if

        if ( (cxbe_val !== (cmmd)) ) begin
	  if ( pcxbenn !== z_cxbe ) begin
	    pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end else begin
	    pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end // if
          pcxbenn_out((cmmd), model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          cxbe_val = (cmmd); 
        end // if
      end else begin
        if ( (ad_val !== (32'ha5a5a5a5)) ) begin
	  if ( pad !== z_adbus ) begin
            pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end else begin
            pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end // if	    
          pad_out((32'ha5a5a5a5), model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          ad_val = (32'ha5a5a5a5);
        end // if

        if ( (cxbe_val !== 4'b0101) ) begin
	  if ( pcxbenn !== z_cxbe ) begin
	    pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, -2 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end else begin
	    pcxbenn_out( 4'bxxxx, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
	  end // if
          pcxbenn_out(4'b0101, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          cxbe_val = 4'b0101; 
        end // if
      end // if
     default begin 
      if ( first_b ) begin
        first_b = `false;
        if ( (ad_val !== z_adbus) ) begin
          pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          ad_val = z_adbus;
        end // if
        if ( (d_val !== z_adbus) ) begin
          pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pd, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          d_val = z_adbus;
        end // if
        if ( (cxbe_val !== 4'bzzzz) ) begin
          pcxbenn_out(4'bzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          cxbe_val = 4'bzzzz; 
        end // if
        if ( (be_val !== 4'bzzzz) ) begin
          pbenn_out(4'bzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
          be_val = 4'bzzzz;
        end // if
      end // if
endtask // ad_maker;

task command_maker;
  if (!((msg_level<`debug_3))) begin
    $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
    $write("     \"command_maker");

  if ( bstate === saddr ) begin
    if ( cmmd[0] === 1'b0 ) begin
      cycle_command = read;
    end else begin
      cycle_command = write;
    end // if
  end // if
endtask // command_maker;
task update_timing_flags;

// control setup and hold checks 

   if (!((msg_level<`debug_3))) begin
     $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
     $write("     \"update_timing_flags");

  if ( bstate === saddr && INP.pframenn === 1'b0 ) begin
    enabled = `true;
    first   = `true; 
    turn    = `false;
  end // if 
  if ( (enabled) ) begin
    if ( (INP.pclk_event && INP.pclk === 1'b1) ) begin
      if ( (first) ) begin
        if ( (bstate === saddr) ) begin
          if ( !(addr_64) ) begin            // 64-bit address phase needs two clocks 
            first = `false;
          end // if
          read_cycle  = `false; 
          write_cycle = `false; 
          if ( (cmmd[0] === 1'b0) ) begin        // read cycle 
            read_cycle  = `true; 
            write_cycle = `false; 
            turn = `true;
          end else if ( (cmmd[0] === 1'b1) ) begin     // write cycle 
            read_cycle  = `false; 
            write_cycle = `true;
          end // if
        end // if
      end else begin 
        if ( (read_cycle) ) begin 
          if ( (turn) ) begin
            turn = `false;
            CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
            CNTRL.r_ptrdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
            CNTRL.r_pdevselnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
            CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
          end else begin
            if ( (INP.pstopnn !== 1'b0) ) begin
              CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `true;   
              CNTRL.r_ptrdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `true;
              CNTRL.r_pdevselnn_pclk <= #(0)  `true;

              if ( INP.pack64nn === 1'b0 ) begin
                CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `true;   
              end // if
            end else begin
              CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
              CNTRL.r_ptrdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
              CNTRL.r_pdevselnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
              CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
            end // if 
          end // if
        end else if ( (write_cycle) ) begin
          CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
          CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
          if ( (INP.pstopnn !== 1'b0) ) begin
             CNTRL.r_ptrdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `true;
             CNTRL.r_pdevselnn_pclk <= #(0)  `true;
          end else begin
             CNTRL.r_ptrdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
             CNTRL.r_pdevselnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
          end // if
        end // if
      end // if  

      if ( (INP.pdevselnn !== 1'b0) && (INP.pframenn !== 1'b0) && (INP.pirdynn !== 1'b0) ) begin
        enabled = `false;
        CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
        CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
        CNTRL.r_ptrdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_pdevselnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_pstopnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
        CNTRL.pdevselnn <= #(0)  `false;             
        CNTRL.ptrdynn <= #(0)  `false;               
      end // if
    end // if
  end // if

  if ( (bstate === sidle) ) begin
      CNTRL.pdevselnn <= #(0)  `false;             
      CNTRL.ptrdynn <= #(0)  `false;      
      CNTRL.r_ptrdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
      CNTRL.r_pdevselnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
  end // if  
  if ( (back2back === 1'b1) ) begin
     CNTRL.r_pstopnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;      
     CNTRL.ptrdynn <= #(0)  `false;                   
     CNTRL.pdevselnn <= #(0)  `false; 
     CNTRL.r_ptrdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_pdevselnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
  end // if    
  if ( INP.prstnn === 1'b1 ) begin 
    CNTRL.r_pgntnn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
  end else begin
    CNTRL.r_pgntnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false; 
  end // if

endtask // update_timing_flags;

task init_master;
    if (!((msg_level<`debug_3))) begin
      $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
      $write("     \"init_master");

    CNTRL.pad <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.pad_in <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pcxbenn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.pcxbenn_in <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_pcxbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.ppar <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.ppar_in <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_ppar_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pframenn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.pframenn_in <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_pframenn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.ptrdynn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.ptrdynn_in <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_ptrdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pirdynn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.pirdynn_in <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_pirdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pstopnn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_pstopnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pdevselnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pdevselnn_in <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_pdevselnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pidsel <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_pidsel_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.preqnn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.preqnn_in <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_preqnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pgntnn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_pgntnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pclk <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.pclkrunnn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.ck_pclk <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.prstnn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.ck_prstnn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.pd <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pd_in <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pbenn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pbenn_in <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_pbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.ppar64 <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.ppar64_in <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_ppar64_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.preq64nn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.preq64nn_in <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_preq64nn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pack64nn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_pack64nn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.plocknn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.plocknn_in <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_plocknn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pperrnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pperrnn_in <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_pperrnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.pserrnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_pserrnn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.psbonn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_psbonn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.psdone <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_psdone_pclk <= #(0)  `false;

    if ( (version === "pci66") ) begin
      status_reg[5] = 1'b1;
    end else begin
      status_reg[5] = 1'b0;
    end // if
    timeout_limit     	= to_limit;
    latency_timer_reg 	= to_limit;
    max_clk_period_l 	= max_clk_period;
    x_transition_l	= x_transition;
    internal_retry_limit = retry_limit;  
    device_id_reg      = device_id;
    vendor_id_reg      = vendor_id;
    revision_id_reg    = revision_id;
    class_code_reg     = class_code;                   
    cacheline_size_reg = (cacheline_size);
    if ( pclk === 1'b1 ) begin
       pirdynn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pirdynn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       preqnn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_preqnn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       preq64nn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_preq64nn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       pframenn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pframenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       plocknn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_plocknn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       ppar_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       ppar64_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar64, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       pperrnn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pperrnn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pd, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       pcxbenn_out(4'hz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       pbenn_out(4'hz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       pdevselnn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_pdevselnn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
       ptrdynn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpr_pclk_ptrdynn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
    end // if

endtask // init_master;

task update_internal;
   if (!((msg_level<`debug_3))) begin
     $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
     $write("     \"update_internal");

// this signal goes to masterbe process and says that the bus interface
// has accepted the request and owns the pci bus.

  if ( bstate === saddr ) begin
     cmd_ack = 1'b1;
  end else begin 
     cmd_ack = 1'b0;
  end // if

// this signal goes to masterbe process and bstate = m_data 

  if ( bstate === sm_data ) begin
     data_phase = 1'b1;
  end else begin 
     data_phase = 1'b0;
  end // if

// generate the target_abort signal

  if ( ! b(INP.pstopnn) && b(INP.pdevselnn) && bstate===sm_data &&
     b(INP.pframenn) && ! b(INP.pirdynn) ) begin
     target_abort = 1'b1;
  end else begin
     target_abort = 1'b0;
  end // if

// generate the master_abort signal

  if ( bstate===sm_data && b(dev_to) ) begin
     master_abort = 1'b1;
  end else begin
     master_abort = 1'b0;
  end // if

// internal signals used for communication between the backend
// and the bus interface.  most of these are described in the
// state machine section of the pci spec.

  l_cycle         = was_wr;
  sa              = same_agnt;
  lock_a          = lock;
  data_int        = dataout;
  data_int_63to32 = dataout_63to32;
  comp            = last_data;

 // the request signal gets asserted whenever the backend wants the bus
 // interface to request the bus.  three things make this happen.  first
 // when a command has been read from the file then cmmd_ready is used to
 // start the command.  if the master leaves data phase and the
 // proper number of bytes haven't been transferred then it is also
 // asserted.  the last case takes care of back to back accesses to the
 // same agent.

  if ( (cmmd_ready===1'b1) || ((cmd_in_progress===1'b1) && (data_phase===1'b0)) || 
     ((back_to_back === 1'b1) && (next_cmd[incode1:incode2] !== `idle_cmd))) begin
     request = 1'b1;
  end else begin
     request = 1'b0;
  end // if

endtask // update_internal;

task reset_master;
   if (!((msg_level<`debug_3))) begin
     $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
     $write("     \"reset_master");

   bstate = sidle; // Laverty 12/17/94
   pirdynn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_pirdynn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   preqnn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_preqnn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   preq64nn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_preqnn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   req_val = 1'bz;    
   pframenn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_pframenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   plocknn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_plocknn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   ppar_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_ppar, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   ppar64_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_ppar64, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   pperrnn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_pperrnn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_pad, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_pd, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   pcxbenn_out(4'hz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_pcxbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   pbenn_out(4'hz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_pbenn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   pdevselnn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_pdevselnn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   ptrdynn_out(1'bz, model_times.tpd_prstnn_ptrdynn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
   command_reg[6] = 1'b0;
   fb2b_ena = command_reg[9];
endtask // reset_master;

task report_master;
   if (!((msg_level===`no_msg))) begin
     $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
     $write("     \"SYNOPSYS PCIMASTER MODEL 5.3");
     $write("      Initialized Configuration");
     $write("      Device ID         = ");
     $write("      Vendor ID         = ");
     $write("      Status            = ");
     $write("      Command           = ");
     $write("      Class Code        = ");
     $write("      Revision ID       = ");
     $write("      Latency Timer     = ");
     $write("      Cacheline_size    = ");
endtask // report_master;

task trace_master;
reg [1 : 11*8]  sstr   ;
reg [1 : 6*8]  lstr   ;
reg [1 : 8*8]  bstr   ;
reg [1 : 15*8]  cstr   ;
reg [1 : 10*8]  dstr   ;

reg [1 : 5*8]  dtstr     ; 
reg [1 : 5*8]  rstr      ; 
reg [1 : 5*8]  rdystr    ; 
  dtstr = "FALSE";
  rstr = "FALSE";
  rdystr = "FALSE";
  case ( sstate )
    counting     : begin sstr = "COUNTING   ";
    waiting      : begin sstr = "WAITING    ";
    deasserting  : begin sstr = "DEASSERTING";
  case ( lstate )
    free   : begin lstr = "FREE  ";
    busy   : begin lstr = "BUSY  ";
  case ( bstate )
    sidle    : begin bstr = "SIDLE   ";
    saddr    : begin bstr = "SADDR   ";
    sm_data  : begin bstr = "SM_DATA ";
    sturn_ar : begin bstr = "STURN_AR"; 
    ss_tar   : begin bstr = "SS_TAR  "; 
    sdr_bus  : begin bstr = "SDR_BUS ";
  case ( cstate )
    cmd_rdy         : begin cstr = "CMD_RDY        ";                     
    data_rd         : begin cstr = "DATA_RD        ";
    data_wr         : begin cstr = "DATA_WR        ";
    ddelay          : begin cstr = "DELAY          ";
    cmd_dly         : begin cstr = "CMD_DLY        ";
    disabled        : begin cstr = "DISABLED       ";
  case ( dtstate )
    counting     : begin dstr = "COUNTING  ";                     
    idle         : begin dstr = "IDLE      ";
    timed_out    : begin dstr = "TIMED_OUT ";

  if ( b(request) ) begin
     rstr = "TRUE ";
  end // if

  if ( b(ready) ) begin
     rdystr = "TRUE ";
  end // if

  if ( b(dev_to) ) begin
     dtstr = "TRUE ";
  end // if

  if (!((`false))) begin
    $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
    $write("     \" ");
    $write(" BSTATE      = ");
    $write(" CSTATE      = ");
    $write(" LSTATE      = ");
    $write(" SSTATE      = ");
    $write(" DTSTATE     = ");
    $write(" REQUEST     = ");
    $write(" READY       = ");
    $write(" DEV_TO      = ");
endtask // trace_master;

task gen_output;
endtask // gen_output;

task cycle_stalled;
   if (!((msg_level<`debug_3))) begin
     $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
     $write("     \"cycle_stalled");

// to get rid of burst cycles

  tc = 1;
  get_addr = `true;
  burst_cycle = `false;
  ready = 1'b0;

  if ( (command === write) ) begin  
//    if ( (transfer_cnt !== transfer_limit) ) begin   // prevent to eat up the command following write command
	if ( curr_cmd[incode1:incode2] === `write_cycle_cmd || curr_cmd[incode1:incode2] === `write_continue_cmd ) begin
          delete_cmd_code = `write_continue_cmd;
	end // if
//    end // if
  end else if ( (command === read) ) begin   
    if (master_abort === 1'b0) begin   
      if ( (INP.pdevselnn === 1'b0) && (INP.pack64nn === 1'b0) ) begin
      end else begin
      end // if 
    end // if
    if ( curr_cmd[incode1:incode2] === `read_cycle_cmd || curr_cmd[incode1:incode2] === `read_continue_cmd ) begin
      delete_cmd_code = `read_continue_cmd;
    end // if
  end // if
endtask // cycle_stalled;

// increment hexaddress.  takes the top 30 bits and turns them
// into an integer, adds 1 and then converts back.

task increment_address;
 integer address;
  case ( hexaddress[1 : 0] )
     2'b00 , 2'b10 : begin // linear incrementing or cacheline wrap mode
      if ( bus_64 && (INP.pdevselnn === 1'b0) && (INP.pack64nn === 1'b0) ) begin
        address = (hexaddress[31 : 2]) + 2;    // address increases by 8 for 64-bit data transfer
      end else begin
        address = (hexaddress[31 : 2]) + 1;    // address increases by 4 for 32-bit data transfer
      end // if
      if ( hexaddress[1] === 1'b1 ) begin
        if ( cacheline_size_reg !== 0 ) begin
  	  if ( (address % cacheline_size_reg === 0) ) begin
  	    address = address - cacheline_size_reg;
	  end // if
	  if ( (address === starting_addr) ) begin
	    address = address + cacheline_size_reg;
	    starting_addr = address;
	  end // if
        end // if
      end // if
      hexaddress[31 : 2] = address;
     default begin 
endtask // increment_address;

// this procedure reads in a line from the input file and then extracts
// the appropriate information to start the next commands.

task read_write_cmd;
reg [3 : 0]  bit_cmd ;
reg [1 : 25*8]  cmdstr ;
reg [1 : 5*8]  lock_str  ; 
reg [1 : 5*8]  back_str  ; 
reg [1 : 5*8]  same_str  ; 
reg [1 : 5*8]  a64_str   ; 
  lock_str = "FALSE";
  back_str = "FALSE";
  same_str = "FALSE";
  a64_str = "FALSE";
  if (!((msg_level<`debug_3))) begin
    $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
    $write("     \"read_write_cmd");

  if (!((msg_level<`debug_3))) begin
    $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
    $write("     \"curr_cmd[incode1:incode2] = %0d",curr_cmd[incode1:incode2]);

  case ( curr_cmd[incode1:incode2] )
  `wait_on_cmd , `idle_cmd , `sleep_cmd , `wakeup_cmd :
      pci_command = none;                 
      cdelay_local = 1000;     // set any big number
      cstate = disabled;
      cstate_rw = `false;
      cmmd_ready = 1'b0;
      if ( curr_cmd[incode1:incode2] ===`sleep_cmd ) begin
        if ( (curr_cmd[inwait_num1:inwait_num2] === 0) ) begin
          wait_sync[0] = `true;
        end else if ( (curr_cmd[inwait_num1:inwait_num2] === 1) ) begin
          wait_sync[1] = `true;
        end else if ( (curr_cmd[inwait_num1:inwait_num2] === 2) ) begin
          wait_sync[2] = `true;
        end else if ( (curr_cmd[inwait_num1:inwait_num2] === 3) ) begin
          wait_sync[3] = `true;
        end else if ( (curr_cmd[inwait_num1:inwait_num2] === 4) ) begin
          wait_sync[4] = `true;
        end else if ( (curr_cmd[inwait_num1:inwait_num2] === 5) ) begin
          wait_sync[5] = `true;
        end else if ( (curr_cmd[inwait_num1:inwait_num2] === 6) ) begin
          wait_sync[6] = `true;
        end else if ( (curr_cmd[inwait_num1:inwait_num2] === 7) ) begin
          wait_sync[7] = `true;
        end // if
      end // if
      if ( (wakeup_num === 0) && !(syncout_active[0]) ) begin    // for wakeup command followed by idle, sleep command
     	syncout[0]  <= #(1*`time_scale_multiplier)  1'b1   ;                             
     	syncout_active[0] = `true;
      end // if
      if ( (wakeup_num === 1) && !(syncout_active[1]) ) begin
     	syncout[1]  <= #(1*`time_scale_multiplier)  1'b1   ;      
     	syncout_active[1] = `true;
      end // if
      if ( (wakeup_num === 2) && !(syncout_active[2]) ) begin
     	syncout[2]  <= #(1*`time_scale_multiplier)  1'b1   ;      
     	syncout_active[2] = `true;
      end // if
      if ( (wakeup_num === 3) && !(syncout_active[3]) ) begin
     	syncout[3]  <= #(1*`time_scale_multiplier)  1'b1   ;      
     	syncout_active[3] = `true;
      end // if
      if ( (wakeup_num === 4) && !(syncout_active[4]) ) begin
     	syncout[4]  <= #(1*`time_scale_multiplier)  1'b1   ;      
     	syncout_active[4] = `true;
      end // if
      if ( (wakeup_num === 5) && !(syncout_active[5]) ) begin
     	syncout[5]  <= #(1*`time_scale_multiplier)  1'b1   ;      
     	syncout_active[5] = `true;
      end // if
      if ( (wakeup_num === 6) && !(syncout_active[6]) ) begin
     	syncout[6]  <= #(1*`time_scale_multiplier)  1'b1   ;      
     	syncout_active[6] = `true;
      end // if
      if ( (wakeup_num === 7) && !(syncout_active[7]) ) begin
     	syncout[7]  <= #(1*`time_scale_multiplier)  1'b1   ;      
     	syncout_active[7] = `true;
     end // if
     wakeup_num = -1;
     if ( curr_cmd[incode1:incode2] === `idle_cmd ) begin
//       curr_cmd_is_idle = `true;
       command = idle;
     end else begin
     end // if

 `read_cycle_cmd , `write_cycle_cmd , `read_continue_cmd , `write_continue_cmd :
    begin              // read / write commands
      if ( get_addr ) begin    // only get the first command of the burst cycles
        transfer_cnt = 1;
        retry_counter = 0;    
        retry64_32 = `false;
        hexaddress = curr_cmd[inaddr1:inaddr2]; 
        tc = curr_cmd[intc1:intc2];
        transfer_limit = curr_cmd[intc1:intc2];

        if ( curr_cmd[incode1:incode2] === `read_cycle_cmd ) begin
	  case ( curr_cmd[inrtype1:inrtype2] ) 
            intr_ack:        begin 
                               bus_64 = `false;
                               size = 32;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b0000;
		               tc = 1;
		               transfer_limit = 1;
		               hexaddress = 32'hffffffff;
		               sdelay = 0;
	    io_read:         begin 
                               bus_64 = `false;
                               size = 32;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b0010;
	    rsvd4:           begin 
                               bus_64 = `false;
                               size = 32;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b0100;
		               hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;				   
	    mem_read:        begin 
                               bus_64 = `false;
                               size = 32;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b0110;
		               hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;
	    mem_read64:      begin 
                               bus_64 = `true;
                               size = 64;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b0110;
		               hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;
	    rsvd8:           begin 
                               bus_64 = `false;
                               size = 32;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b1000;
	                       hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;				   
	    config_read:     begin 
                               bus_64 = `false;
                               size = 32;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b1010;
	    mem_read_mul :   begin 
                               bus_64 = `false;
                               size = 32;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b1100;
			       hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;				   
	    mem_read_mul64:  begin 
                               bus_64 = `true;
                               size = 64;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b1100;
			       hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;				   
	    mem_read_line:   begin 
                               bus_64 = `false;
                               size = 32;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b1110;
			       hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;
	    mem_read_line64: begin 
                               bus_64 = `true;
                               size = 64;
                               bit_cmd = 4'b1110;
			       hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;
	end else begin

	  case ( curr_cmd[inwtype1:inwtype2] ) 
	     special_cyc:     begin
                                bus_64 = `false;
                                size = 32;
                                bit_cmd = 4'b0001;
			        tc = 1;
			        transfer_limit = 1;
			        hexaddress = 32'hffffffff;
	     io_write:        begin
                                bus_64 = `false;
                                size = 32;
                                bit_cmd = 4'b0011;
	     rsvd5:           begin
                                bus_64 = `false;
                                size = 32;
                                bit_cmd = 4'b0101;
			        hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;				   
	     mem_write:       begin 
                                bus_64 = `false;
                                size = 32;
                                bit_cmd = 4'b0111;
 		                hexaddress[1 : 0] = mode_local;

This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 11:57:14 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/system/lmc/rtl/pcimaster_fm.v

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