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***  Program File:  @(#)rl_asi_cntl.v
//  @(#)rl_asi_cntl.v	1.62 4/20/93
//  Description:
//          ASI decoder

    /* functional model of MMU ASI Controller */

[Up: m_mmu_cntl asi_cntl]
module rl_asi_cntl(

    mmu_asi_op,		// ASI_OP state in par_cntl sm
    asidcd_mask,	// Mask non-device ASIs

output normal_asi_w;    // indicates that we are in W-stage of asi = 8,9,A, or B
output ic_asi;          // indicates that ic_tag and icst signal valid
output dc_asi;          // indicates that dc_tag and icst signal valid
output asi_dcd3;        // indicates asi probe/flush
output asi_dcd3_w;      // indicates asi probe/flush (non-qualified)
output asi_dcd4;        // indicates asi mmu register decode
output asi_dcd6;        // indicates asi mmu tlb, itbr decode
output asi_dcd8_or_9;   // indicates Data instruction space access (user)
output asi_dcd9;        // indicates Data instruction space access (supervisor)
output mmasi;           // indicates asi ld or st 
output asi_write;        // indicates asi st to mmu
output mmu_asi;         // indicates asi ld or st to mmu
output flush_tlb_pte;   // indicates one pte to be flushed
output flush_tlb_seg;   // indicates one segement to be flushed
output flush_tlb_reg;   // indicates one region to be flushed
output flush_tlb_ctx;   // indicates one context to be flushed
output flush_tlb_all;   // indicates entire tlb to be flushed
output bypass_mmu_asi_w; // asi 20 indicating mmu bypass
output cntrl_spc_err;     // improper asi 
output probe;
output flush;
output probe_in;
output flush_in;
output probe_entire;
output probe_lvl0;
output probe_lvl1;
output probe_lvl2;
output probe_lvl3;

input [1:0] wb_3_asi;   // asi field from wb
input [5:0] asi_e;      // asi field from iu
input [5:0] asi_w;      // asi field from iu
input [1:0] size_w;     // size field from iu
input [1:0] iu_size_e;     // size field from iu
input dc_miss_sustain;  // dc_miss sustained signal
input wb_valid_x;     // write buffer has valid entry (execute stage)
input wb_valid_t;     // write buffer has valid entry (translate stage)
input wr_tlb;     // par state WR_TLB
input read_w;           // read field from iu
input last_st_w;        // last st in write buffer and W-stage
input st_miss_x;        // st miss in write buffer and W-stage
input r_ldsto_w;        // ldsto field from iu
input [12:08] iu_dva;   // relevant portion of d virt addr from iu
input iu_pipe_hold;     // signal for holding the iu pipeline
input asi_done;         // asi op complete
input r_trap;         // registered trap signal
input ok_2_probe;
input mmu_asi_op;
input asidcd_mask;
input ss_clock;            // input clock
input ss_scan_mode;            // input clock
input ss_reset;            // input reset

wire bypass_mmu_asi_e;
wire asi_dcd3_e;
wire asi_dcd4_e;
wire asi_dcd6_e;
wire mmasi_w;
wire dc_asi_w;
wire ic_asi_w;
wire ic_asi;
wire flush_tlb_pte_in;
wire flush_tlb_seg_in;
wire flush_tlb_reg_in;
wire flush_tlb_ctx_in;
wire flush_tlb_all_in;
wire probe_entire_in;
wire probe_lvl0_in;
wire probe_lvl1_in;
wire probe_lvl2_in;
wire probe_lvl3_in;
wire cs_err_dcd_in;
wire ldd_first_read;

wire r_pipe_hold;
Mflipflop_r_1 pipe_hold_ff_1(r_pipe_hold,iu_pipe_hold,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Chop back end of pipe_held, once asi op completed ******************/
wire pipe_held = r_pipe_hold & ~asi_done ;

/*** Non-Device ASI decodes ***************************************************/

wire asi_dcd3_w;
MflipflopR_1 asi_dcd3_ff_1(asi_dcd3_w,asi_dcd3_e,ss_clock,iu_pipe_hold,ss_reset) ;

assign asi_dcd3 = asi_dcd3_w & ~asidcd_mask & (size_w == 2'b10) & ~r_ldsto_w;

wire asi_dcd4_w;
MflipflopR_1 asi_dcd4_ff_1(asi_dcd4_w,asi_dcd4_e,ss_clock,iu_pipe_hold,ss_reset) ;

assign asi_dcd4 = mmu_asi_op & asi_dcd4_w & ~asidcd_mask ;

wire asi_dcd6_w;
MflipflopR_1 asi_dcd6_ff_1(asi_dcd6_w,asi_dcd6_e,ss_clock,iu_pipe_hold,ss_reset) ;

/*** OR on ss_scan mode to force cxr_mux_sel during scan mode  ****************/

assign asi_dcd6 = (mmu_asi_op & asi_dcd6_w & ~asidcd_mask) | ss_scan_mode;

/*** Probe decode registers ***************************************************/

wire r_probe;
MflipflopR_1 probe_ff_1(r_probe,probe_in,ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;
assign probe = r_probe & ok_2_probe;

wire r_probe_entire;
MflipflopR_1 probe_entire_ff_1(r_probe_entire,probe_entire_in,ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;
assign probe_entire = r_probe_entire & ok_2_probe;

wire r_probe_lvl0;
MflipflopR_1 probe_lvl0_ff_1(r_probe_lvl0,probe_lvl0_in,ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;
assign probe_lvl0 = r_probe_lvl0 & ok_2_probe;

wire r_probe_lvl1;
MflipflopR_1 probe_lvl1_ff_1(r_probe_lvl1,probe_lvl1_in,ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;
assign probe_lvl1 = r_probe_lvl1 & ok_2_probe;

wire r_probe_lvl2;
MflipflopR_1 probe_lvl2_ff_1(r_probe_lvl2,probe_lvl2_in,ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;
assign probe_lvl2 = r_probe_lvl2 & ok_2_probe;

wire r_probe_lvl3;
MflipflopR_1 probe_lvl3_ff_1(r_probe_lvl3,probe_lvl3_in,ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;
assign probe_lvl3 = r_probe_lvl3 & ok_2_probe;

wire r_flush;
MflipflopR_1 flush_ff_1(r_flush,flush_in,ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;

wire r_flush_tlb_pte;

MflipflopR_1 flush_tlb_pte_ff_1(r_flush_tlb_pte,flush_tlb_pte_in, 	ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;

wire r_flush_tlb_seg;

MflipflopR_1 flush_tlb_seg_ff_1(r_flush_tlb_seg,flush_tlb_seg_in, 	ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;

wire r_flush_tlb_reg;

MflipflopR_1 flush_tlb_reg_ff_1(r_flush_tlb_reg,flush_tlb_reg_in, 	ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;

wire r_flush_tlb_ctx;

MflipflopR_1 flush_tlb_ctx_ff_1(r_flush_tlb_ctx,flush_tlb_ctx_in, 	ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;

wire r_flush_tlb_all;

MflipflopR_1 flush_tlb_all_ff_1(r_flush_tlb_all,flush_tlb_all_in, 	ss_clock,pipe_held,ss_reset) ;

wire cs_err_dcd;

MflipflopR_1 cntrl_spc_err_ff_1(cs_err_dcd,cs_err_dcd_in,ss_clock, 	  1'b0,ss_reset) ;

// generate register version of cs_err_dcd to output to mmu_regs module

 wire r_cs_err_dcd;
MflipflopR_1 r_cntrl_spc_err_ff_1(r_cs_err_dcd,cs_err_dcd,ss_clock,            1'b0,ss_reset) ;

wire cs_err_mask_hld = ~(cntrl_spc_err | ~r_pipe_hold) ;

wire cs_err_mask;

MflipflopR_1 cs_err_msk_ff_1(cs_err_mask,r_cs_err_dcd,ss_clock, 	cs_err_mask_hld,ss_reset) ;

wire r_wb_hit_x_in = ~(wb_valid_x & ~last_st_w);
wire r_wb_hit_x;
Mflipflop_r_1 r_wb_hit_x_ff_1(r_wb_hit_x,r_wb_hit_x_in,~ss_reset, ss_clock) ;

assign cntrl_spc_err = r_cs_err_dcd & ~cs_err_mask & dc_miss_sustain & 
			r_wb_hit_x ;

/*** mmasi decode indicates ASI operation pending - *************************/
/***   needs PAR state machine to recognize this signal, and returns     ****/
/***   mmu_asi_op. The operation is terminated by asi_done.              ****/

assign mmasi = (mmasi_w & ~asi_done & (dc_miss_sustain | mmu_asi_op) &
		(read_w & ~wb_valid_x | last_st_w | dc_asi));

assign mmu_asi = mmu_asi_op & (asi_dcd4_w | asi_dcd6_w) & ~r_trap ;

assign ic_asi = (mmu_asi_op & ic_asi_w & ~r_trap);
assign dc_asi = (mmu_asi_op & dc_asi_w & ~r_trap);

/*** flush decodes **********************************************************/
assign flush_tlb_pte = (r_flush_tlb_pte & ~r_trap & st_miss_x);
assign flush_tlb_seg = (r_flush_tlb_seg & ~r_trap & st_miss_x);
assign flush_tlb_reg = (r_flush_tlb_reg & ~r_trap & st_miss_x);
assign flush_tlb_ctx = (r_flush_tlb_ctx & ~r_trap & st_miss_x);
assign flush_tlb_all = (r_flush_tlb_all & ~r_trap & st_miss_x);
assign flush = (r_flush & ~r_trap & st_miss_x);

assign flush_tlb_pte_in = asi_dcd3_w & (iu_dva[11:08] == 4'h0) & (size_w == 2'b10);
assign flush_tlb_seg_in = asi_dcd3_w & (iu_dva[11:08] == 4'h1) & (size_w == 2'b10);
assign flush_tlb_reg_in = asi_dcd3_w & (iu_dva[11:08] == 4'h2) & (size_w == 2'b10);
assign flush_tlb_ctx_in = asi_dcd3_w & (iu_dva[11:08] == 4'h3) & (size_w == 2'b10);
assign flush_tlb_all_in = asi_dcd3_w & (iu_dva[11:08] == 4'h4) & (size_w == 2'b10);

assign flush_in = flush_tlb_pte_in | flush_tlb_seg_in |
		  flush_tlb_reg_in | flush_tlb_ctx_in |
		  flush_tlb_all_in ;

/*** probe decodes ***********************************************************/
assign probe_in = ((asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h4)) |
		(asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h3)) |
		(asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h2)) |
		(asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h1)) |
		(asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h0))) &
		 (size_w == 2'b10) & ~r_ldsto_w & ~asi_done & ~r_trap ;

assign probe_entire_in = asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h4) &
			 ~asi_done & ~r_trap ;
assign probe_lvl0_in = asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h3) &
			 ~asi_done & ~r_trap ;
assign probe_lvl1_in = asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h2) &
			 ~asi_done & ~r_trap ;
assign probe_lvl2_in = asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h1) &
			 ~asi_done & ~r_trap ;
assign probe_lvl3_in = asi_dcd3_w & read_w & (iu_dva[11:8] == 4'h0) &
			 ~asi_done & ~r_trap ;


assign asi_dcd3_e = (asi_e == 6'h03);
assign asi_dcd4_e = (asi_e == 6'h04);
assign asi_dcd6_e = (asi_e == 6'h06);

/*** Indicates ASI store in progress - gated with mmstben in rl_va_mux *******/
assign asi_write = (asi_dcd3_w | asi_dcd4_w | asi_dcd6_w) & st_miss_x;

/*** Normal ASI decode (device space) ****************************************/
wire normal_asi_e = (asi_e == 6'h08) | (asi_e == 6'h09) |
			(asi_e == 6'h0A) | (asi_e == 6'h0B) |
			(asi_e == 6'h20) | 
			((asi_e == 6'h03) & (iu_size_e == 2'b10));

/*** Write buffer ASI does NOT decode "normal", since only store hits       ***/
/*** are in the write buffer                                                ***/

wire normal_asi_w;
MflipflopR_1 normal_asi_w_ff_1(normal_asi_w,normal_asi_e,ss_clock,iu_pipe_hold,ss_reset) ;


assign bypass_mmu_asi_e = (asi_e == 6'h20);
wire bypass_mmu_asi_w;
MflipflopR_1 bypass_mmu_ff_1(bypass_mmu_asi_w,bypass_mmu_asi_e,ss_clock,iu_pipe_hold,ss_reset) ;

/*********** decode for asi dcd 9 ******************************/

wire asi_dcd9_wb_in = (wb_3_asi == 2'h1) ;
wire asi_dcd9_wb;
Mflipflop_r_1 asi_dcd9_wb_ff_1(asi_dcd9_wb,asi_dcd9_wb_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire asidcd9_e = (asi_e == 6'h9) ;
wire asi_dcd9_w_in;
MflipflopR_1 asidcd9_w_ff_1(asi_dcd9_w_in,asidcd9_e,ss_clock,iu_pipe_hold,ss_reset) ;

assign asi_dcd9 = wr_tlb ? asi_dcd9_wb : asi_dcd9_w_in ;

/************* decode for asi dcd 8 ***************************/
wire asi_dcd89_wb_in = ((wb_3_asi == 2'h0) | (wb_3_asi == 2'h1)) ;
wire asi_dcd89_wb;
Mflipflop_r_1 asi_dcd89_wb_ff_1(asi_dcd89_wb,asi_dcd89_wb_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire asidcd89_e = ((asi_e == 6'h8) | (asi_e == 6'h9)) ;
wire asi_dcd89_w_in;
MflipflopR_1 asidcd89_w_ff_1(asi_dcd89_w_in,asidcd89_e,ss_clock,iu_pipe_hold,ss_reset) ;

assign asi_dcd8_or_9 = wr_tlb ? asi_dcd89_wb : asi_dcd89_w_in ;

assign cs_err_dcd_in = dc_miss_sustain & ((~(asi_w == 6'h08 |
			 asi_w == 6'h09 | asi_w == 6'h0A |
                         asi_w == 6'h0B | asi_w == 6'h20) & r_ldsto_w) |
                      (asi_dcd3_w & (size_w == 2'b10) &
			(iu_dva[11:8] > 4'h4)) |
                      ((asi_w == 6'h04) & (size_w == 2'b10) &
                        ((iu_dva > 5'h04) &
			 ~((iu_dva == 5'h10) | (iu_dva == 5'h13) | 
			   (iu_dva == 5'h14)))) |
                      ((size_w != 2'b10) &
			(asi_dcd3_w | asi_dcd4_w | asi_dcd6_w |
			 (asi_w == 6'h0C) | (asi_w == 6'h0D) | 
			 (asi_w == 6'h0E) | (asi_w == 6'h39))) | 
                      ~(asi_dcd3_w | asi_dcd4_w | asi_dcd6_w |
                        ((asi_w >= 6'h08) & (asi_w <= 6'h14)) |
			(asi_w == 6'h20) | (asi_w == 6'h39))) ;

assign dc_asi_w = ((asi_w == 6'h39) | (asi_w == 6'h0E)) ;

assign ic_asi_w = ((asi_w == 6'h0C) | (asi_w == 6'h0D)) ;
assign mmasi_w = (size_w == 2'b10) & ~r_ldsto_w &
		 ((asi_dcd4_w & 
                   ((iu_dva <= 5'h04) | (iu_dva == 5'h10) | 
		    (iu_dva == 5'h13) | (iu_dva == 5'h14))) |
                  (((~wb_valid_x & read_w) | st_miss_x) & (size_w == 2'b10) &
		   (asi_dcd6_w | (asi_w == 6'h0C) |
		    (asi_w == 6'h0D) | (asi_w == 6'h0E) |
		    (asi_w == 6'h39)))) ;


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:03:17 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/mmu/m_mmu_cntl/rtl/rl_asi_cntl.v

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