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// @(#)rl_mcb.v	1.23 10/18/93
 * rl_mcb.v
 *  Description:
 *      The Memory Control Block (MCB) of memory subsystem in SingleSPARC.
 *      The bulk of logic and state machines controlling  RAM accesses
 *      and the RAM address muxes are defined here.
 *      This file basically contains the two modules Mcb_SM (in mcb_sm.v)
 *      and Col_Row_Addr (in row_col_mux.v) and some interconnect logic
 *      providing the MCB functionality.
 *      Refer to SingleSPARC Hardware Spec, section 2.7.3 for block diagram
 *      and more information.
 *  Dependencies:
 *      defines.v mem_cells.v row_col_mux.v mcb_sm.v

 * This module contains the MCB's Logic.
[Up: rl_memif_major mcb]
module rl_mcb (
            mc_memaddr, mc_ras_l, mc_cas_l, mc_moe_l, mc_mwe_l, simm32_sel,
            mc_mstb_l, mc_mbsy,
            mc_dpct, mc_curr_st, mc_cyc_reg, mc_odat_hld,
	    mc_caddr_hld, mc_refresh, pdm_ready, 
	    s_reply, aen, ab, p_reply_dec, afx_to, prom_p_reply, 

            mc_memaddr_in, afx_rst_page_vld, am_gnt_l, am_cstb_l, am_read, 
	    falcon_exists, am_wm, mm_sbae_0,
            mm_pa_a, mm_pa_b, mm_caddr, mm_issue_req, mm_issue_req2,
	    mm_mreq, mm_page,
            rf_cbr, rf_rreq_l,
            ss_reset, ss_clock, ss_dclk, sp_sel, sp_sel_1, sp_sel_2, precharge_early_0,
	    mm_rf_cntl_3, mm_issue_req_early,
	    sync_t0, p_reply, pcic_p_reply, mm_fb_req, mm_fb_size, mm_fb_page, mm_mem_dbg,
	    valid_l, cas_cyc, ab_in, am_gnt_l_oen

    output  [11:00]     mc_memaddr;     /* to memory.*/
    output  [07:00]     mc_ras_l;       /* to memory.*/
    output  [03:00]     mc_cas_l;       /* to memory.*/
    output              mc_moe_l;       /* to memory.*/
    output              mc_mwe_l;       /* to memory.*/
    output              mc_mstb_l;      /* to MMU.*/
    output              mc_mbsy;        /* to MMU.*/
    output              mc_rack_l;      /* to RFR.*/
    output  [05:00]     mc_dpct;        /* to DPC.*/
    output  [8:00]     mc_curr_st;     /* to DPC.*/
    output  [06:00]     mc_cyc_reg;     /* to DPC.*/
    output              mc_odat_hld;    /* to DPC.*/
    output              mc_caddr_hld;   /* to MMU.*/
    output              mc_refresh;   /* to MMU.*/
    output              pdm_ready;   /* to MMU.*/
    output              s_reply;   /* to MMU.*/
    output              aen;   /* to MMU.*/
    output  [14:12]     ab;   /* to VRAM.*/
    output  [2:0]     	p_reply_dec;   /* to VRAM.*/
    output              afx_to;   /* to MMU.*/
    output              valid_l;    // To Falcon : data strobe
    output              cas_cyc;    // To Falcon : enable column address
    output              am_gnt_l_oen;  // To mem address : enable tri-state driver of mem address
    input   [14:12]     ab_in;      // From Falcon : upper 3 bit of mem address.

        input   [11:0]  mc_memaddr_in;
    output              afx_rst_page_vld;  // to mmu 
        output          am_gnt_l;
        input           am_cstb_l;
        input           am_read;
        input           falcon_exists;
        input   [1:0]   am_wm;  // Falcon word mask bits
        input           mm_sbae_0;

    input   [1:0]       prom_p_reply; 
	/* Split and remove unused bits of mm_pa */
    input   [28:12]     mm_pa_a;
    input   [02:00]     mm_pa_b;
    input   [11:03]     mm_caddr;
    input				mm_issue_req;	// Valid-request from MMU.
    input				mm_issue_req2;	// Valid-request from MMU.
    input   [03:00]     mm_mreq;
    input               mm_page;
    input               rf_cbr;
    input               rf_rreq_l;
    input               ss_reset;
    input               ss_clock;
    input               ss_dclk;	// anti-phase (delayed) clock
	input				simm32_sel;	// for double density simm select. 
	input				sp_sel;		// 40MHz ("0") or 50MHz ("1") select pin.
	input				sp_sel_1;	// MHz ("0") or MHz ("1") select pin.
	input				sp_sel_2;	// for 150Mhz - 200Mhz
    input		precharge_early_0;	// early precharge signal from mmu.
    input		precharge_early_1;	// early precharge signal from mmu.
//    input		power_down_mode;
    input  		mm_rf_cntl_3;
    input  		mm_issue_req_early;
    input  		sync_t0;
    input   [1:0]     p_reply;
    input   [1:0]     pcic_p_reply;
    input  		mm_fb_req;
    input  	[1:0]	mm_fb_size;
    input  		mm_fb_page;
    input  	[1:0]	mm_mem_dbg;
	wire	[1:0]		mx_hld_mm_pa;
	assign mc_caddr_hld = mx_hld_mm_pa[0] ;

	wire gaddr_hld;
	wire sel_hi_row;
	wire sel_row;
	wire sel_gr_page;
	wire sel_default;

wire dly_bsy;

// hld_mm_pa[0] is just 1 cycle earlier than hld_mm_pa[1]. Former is for caddr reg
// which is 1 cycle earlier than the latter; which is pa reg
// Now, col addr [11:3] sent out 2 cycle earlier than cas; while bit [21], [23] are
// 1 cycle earlier than cas

        wire    [28:12] mm_pa_a_new;
           assign       mm_pa_a_new[28:24]  =
                        am_gnt_l ? {(mm_pa_a[28] & falcon_exists), mm_pa_a[27:24
]} :
                                   {1'b0, ab_in[14:12], mc_memaddr_in[10]} ;
           assign       mm_pa_a_new[20:14]  = am_gnt_l ?  mm_pa_a[20:14] :
        wire    [2:0]   mm_pa_b_new =
                        (~am_gnt_l & cas_cyc) ? {mc_memaddr_in[11], 1'b0, 1'b0}
: mm_pa_b[2:0];
        wire    [11:3]  mm_caddr_new =
                        (~am_gnt_l & cas_cyc) ? mc_memaddr_in[8:0] : mm_caddr[11
           assign       mm_pa_a_new[21] =
                        (~am_gnt_l & cas_cyc) ? mc_memaddr_in[9] : mm_pa_a[21];
           assign       mm_pa_a_new[23:22] =
                        (~am_gnt_l & cas_cyc) ? ab_in[14:13] :
                                (~am_gnt_l) ? mc_memaddr_in[10:9] :
           assign       mm_pa_a_new[23] =
                                (~am_gnt_l & cas_cyc) ? mc_memaddr_in[10] :
                                (~am_gnt_l) ? mc_memaddr_in[11] :
           assign       mm_pa_a_new[22] = (~am_gnt_l) ? mc_memaddr_in[9] :
           assign       mm_pa_a_new[13:12] =
                        (~am_gnt_l & cas_cyc) ? ab_in[13:12] :
                                (~am_gnt_l) ? mc_memaddr_in[1:0] :
                mc_cas_l, mc_ras_l, mc_moe_l, mc_mwe_l, simm32_sel,
                mc_mstb_l, mc_mbsy,
                mc_dpct, mc_curr_st, mc_cyc_reg, mc_odat_hld,
                mx_hld_mm_pa, mx_col_en,
                mx_ld_ct, mx_mode_ct, mx_inc_ct,
                mc_rack_l, mc_refresh, pdm_ready, gaddr_hld, sel_hi_row, sel_row, sel_gr_page, sel_default,
		gr_s_blk, gr_mode_ct, gr_inc_ct,

		s_reply, aen, p_reply_dec, afx_to, prom_p_reply, dly_bsy,

                afx_rst_page_vld, am_gnt_l, am_cstb_l, am_read, 
		falcon_exists, am_wm, mm_sbae_0,
                mm_issue_req, mm_issue_req2, mm_mreq, mm_page,
                mm_pa_a_new[28], mm_pa_a_new[27], mm_pa_a_new[26], mm_pa_a_new[25],
                                mm_pa_b_new[00], mm_pa_b_new[01], mm_pa_b_new[02],
                rf_rreq_l, rf_cbr,
                ss_clock, ss_dclk, ss_reset, sp_sel, sp_sel_1, sp_sel_2, precharge_early_0,
		mm_rf_cntl_3, mm_issue_req_early,
		sync_t0, p_reply, pcic_p_reply, mm_fb_req, mm_fb_page, valid_l, cas_cyc, am_gnt_l_oen);

                mc_memaddr, ab,

                mm_pa_a_new[24:12], mm_caddr_new[11:03],
                mx_hld_mm_pa[1], mx_col_en,
                mx_ld_ct, mx_mode_ct, mx_inc_ct,
                ss_clock, gaddr_hld, sel_hi_row, sel_row, sel_gr_page, sel_default, 
                mm_pa_a_new[28], mm_pa_a_new[27], mm_pa_a_new[26], mm_pa_a_new[25],

		mm_pa_b_new[00], mm_pa_b_new[01], mm_pa_b_new[02], mm_fb_size,
		gr_s_blk, gr_mode_ct, gr_inc_ct, mc_odat_hld, mm_mem_dbg,
		mm_issue_req, dly_bsy );

// Added spare cells

        // spares  rl_mcb_spares ();	

	 * The Memory Device_Operating_Environment, for test and debug use.
	//synopsys translate_off
	MEM_Device_Operating_Environment mem ();
	//synopsys translate_on



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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/memif/rtl/rl_mcb.v

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