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// **************************************************************************
// @(#)rl_col_row_addr.v	1.17 10/18/93
// rl_col_row_addr.v
//  Description:
//      The Row/Column mux for memory subsystem in SingleSPARC.
//      Refer to SingleSPARC Hardware Spec, section 2.7.3 for block diagram
//      for more information.
//  Dependencies:
//      mem_cells.v
// **************************************************************************
// The address flow path from MMU and GCB to final 11-bit Row/Column address
// generated for the DRAM/VRAM
[Up: rl_mcb cr_addr]
module rl_col_row_addr (rcaddr, ab,
						mm_pa, mm_caddr, hld_mm_pa, col_en,
						s_blk, ld_ct, mode_ct, inc_ct, ss_clock,
						gaddr_hld, sel_hi_row, sel_row,
						sel_gr_page, sel_default,
						mm_pa_a_27, mm_pa_a_26, 
						mm_pa_a_25, mm_pa_b_00, 
						mm_pa_b_01, mm_pa_b_02,
						mm_fb_size, gr_s_blk, gr_mode_ct,
						gr_inc_ct, odat_hld, mm_mem_dbg,
						mm_issue_req, dly_bsy );

    output  [11:0]  rcaddr;     // Column address to DRAM/VRAM
    output  [14:12]  ab;     // graphics address to VRAM

    input   [24:12] mm_pa;     // 13 bits for 11bit row and high 2bit column.
    input   [11:03] mm_caddr;  // 9 bits for low 9bits of column addr.
    input           col_en;    // Gate column address when asserted (high).
    input           s_blk;     // Use incrementor o/p for block accesses.
    input           ld_ct;     // Load or count control of 2-bit incrementor.
    input           mode_ct;   // Set incrementor for modulo-2 or 4 count.
    input           inc_ct ;   // If 0, hold contents of incrementor.
    input   		hld_mm_pa; // When low, addr from MMU is stored in regs.
    input           ss_clock;
    input           gaddr_hld;
    input           sel_hi_row;
    input           sel_row;
    input           sel_gr_page;
    input           sel_default;
    input           mm_pa_a_28;
    input           mm_pa_a_27;
    input           mm_pa_a_26;
    input           mm_pa_a_25;
    input           mm_pa_b_00;
    input           mm_pa_b_01;
    input           mm_pa_b_02;
	input	[1:0]	mm_fb_size;
    input           gr_s_blk;
    input           gr_mode_ct;
    input           gr_inc_ct;
    input           odat_hld;
	input	[1:0]	mm_mem_dbg;
    input           mm_issue_req;
	input		dly_bsy;

    wire    [11:0]  row_mm, row;
    wire    [10:0]  col_mm, col;
    wire    [1:0]   col_inc;
	wire	[10:9]	col_mm_in;
    wire	[1:0]		Gnd = 2'b00;	// assign 2 bit ground-bus
    wire	[3:0]		Vcc = 4'hF ;	// assign 32 bit supply-bus

	wire	[28:0]	gpa;
	wire	[10:0]	gaddr_out;
// add graphics control for address
	wire	[1:0]	gaddr_inc;
	wire	[1:0]	gpa_inc;

	GReg3   ffh_gaddr_27_25 (gpa[27:25],{mm_pa_a_27, mm_pa_a_26, mm_pa_a_25},
				ss_clock, gaddr_hld);
        GReg1   ffh_gaddr_28 (gpa[28], mm_pa_a_28, ss_clock, gaddr_hld);
	GReg1   ffh_gaddr_21 (gpa[21], mm_pa[21], ss_clock, gaddr_hld);
	GReg1   ffh_gaddr_12 (gpa[12], mm_pa[12], ss_clock, gaddr_hld);
	GReg9   ffh_gaddr_11_3 (gpa[11:3], mm_caddr[11:3], ss_clock, gaddr_hld);
//	GReg3   ffh_gaddr_2_0 (gpa[2:0],{mm_pa_b_02, mm_pa_b_01, mm_pa_b_00},
//				ss_clock, gaddr_hld);
	assign	gpa[24] = row_mm[10];
	assign	gpa[23] = row_mm[11];
	assign	gpa[22] = row_mm[9];
	assign	gpa[20:13] = row_mm[8:1];

// decode  mm_fb_size & pa before register.

        wire    [3:0] bm_in;
        wire    [3:0] bm;

        function [3:0] bm_decode;
                input   [1:0]   mm_fb_size;
                input      	mm_pa_b_02;
                input      	mm_pa_b_01;
                input      	mm_pa_b_00;
                      case (mm_fb_size)		//PARALLEL_CASE
                        2'b00: begin
                                bm_decode[3] = 1'b0;
                                bm_decode[2:0] = {mm_pa_b_02, mm_pa_b_01, mm_pa_b_00};
                        2'b01: begin
                                bm_decode[3] = 1'b1;
                                bm_decode[2:1] = {mm_pa_b_02, mm_pa_b_01};
                                bm_decode[0] = 1'b0;
                        2'b10: begin
                                bm_decode[3] = 1'b1;
                                bm_decode[2] = {mm_pa_b_02};
                                bm_decode[1] = 1'b0;
                                bm_decode[0] = 1'b1;
                        2'b11: begin
                                bm_decode[3] = 1'b1;
                                bm_decode[2] = 1'b0;
                                bm_decode[1] = 1'b1;
                                bm_decode[0] = 1'b1;
        assign bm_in[3:0] = bm_decode(mm_fb_size[1:0], mm_pa_b_02, 
					mm_pa_b_01, mm_pa_b_00);

        GReg4   ffh_bm (bm, bm_in, ss_clock, odat_hld);

                case (mm_fb_size)     
                        2'b00: begin
				bm_in[3] = 1'b0;
				bm_in[2:0] = {mm_pa_b_02, mm_pa_b_01, mm_pa_b_00};
                        2'b01: begin 
				bm_in[3] = 1'b1;
				bm_in[2:1] = {mm_pa_b_02, mm_pa_b_01};
				bm_in[0] = 1'b0;
                        2'b10: begin
				bm_in[3] = 1'b1;
				bm_in[2] = {mm_pa_b_02}; 
                                bm_in[1] = 1'b0;
                                bm_in[0] = 1'b1;
                        2'b11: begin
				bm_in[3] = 1'b1;
                                bm_in[2] = 1'b0;
                                bm_in[1] = 1'b1;
                                bm_in[0] = 1'b1;

	assign  hld_size = sel_gr_page | sel_hi_row;
	GReg4   ffh_bm (bm, bm_in, ss_clock, odat_hld);

//    Mux3D_11  mx_row_graddr (gaddr_out[10:0],{2'b00, gpa[27:19]}, sel_hi_row,
//                                {1'b1, size[1:0], gpa[1:0], gpa[18:13]}, sel_row,
//                                {gpa[12:5], gpa_inc[1:0], gpa[2]}, sel_gr_page,
//                                row[10:0], sel_default );

    Mux3D_11  mx_row_graddr (gaddr_out[10:0],{gpa[23:14], gpa[28]}, sel_hi_row,
				{gpa[13:5], gpa_inc[1:0]}, sel_gr_page,
				row[10:0], sel_default );

// add debug feature to send out.
//    Mux2_3  mx_ab_14_12 (ab[14:12],gpa[27:25], bm[3:1], sel_gr_page);

    wire [1:0] mm_mem_dbg_n;
    GReg2   ffh_mm_mem_dbg_n    (mm_mem_dbg_n[1:0], mm_mem_dbg[1:0],
							  ss_clock, ~mm_issue_req );
    Mux2_1  mx_ab_12 (ab[12],gpa[25], bm[1], sel_gr_page);
    Mux3D_2  mx_ab_14_13 (ab[14:13], bm[3:2], sel_gr_page,
				gpa[27:26], sel_hi_row,
				mm_mem_dbg_n[1:0], sel_default);

    // All registers that latch the mm_pa addresses at the
    //  start of a cycle.
	// The mm_caddr is now registered in MMU, so no need to register it here.
	//  just wire it up, using "assign".
	assign	col_mm[ 8:0] = mm_caddr[11:03] ;
// This is bizzare, why 2 stage of reg just to check bit 9 and 10 was not 
// changed?
//    GReg2   ffh_col_mm_hi_in (col_mm_in[10:9], {mm_pa[23], mm_pa[21]},
//							  ss_clock, hld_mm_pa);
//    GReg2   ffh_col_mm_hi    (col_mm[10:9], col_mm_in[10:9],
//							  ss_clock, col_en );
// Rewrite using mux and reg.
// Since rcaddr[11] is only for row address, dont care in this case.
    GReg2   ffh_col_mm_hi_in (col_mm_in[10:9], {mm_pa[23], mm_pa[21]},
							  ss_clock, hld_mm_pa);

// this mux is changed to add 1 more mux to select col_mm_in[10:9] @ dly_bsy.
//    Mux2_2  mx_col_mm_hi (col_mm[10:9],{mm_pa[23], mm_pa[21]}, col_mm_in[10:9],
//							  hld_mm_pa);

    Mux2_2  mm_pa_a_new_mux ({mm_pa_a_23_new, mm_pa_a_21_new},{mm_pa[23], mm_pa[21]}, 
					col_mm_in[10:9], dly_bsy);

    Mux2_2  mx_col_mm_hi (col_mm[10:9],{mm_pa_a_23_new, mm_pa_a_21_new}, 
					col_mm_in[10:9], hld_mm_pa);

    GReg12  ffh_row_mm_reg   (row_mm[11:0], 
                           	  ss_clock, gaddr_hld);

// do not hold row add at wrt2 or rdt5; also ok for dram for
// col add need to be released @ ~mbsy but not row.
//    GReg12  ffh_row_mm_reg   (row_mm[11:0], 
//				  {mm_pa[23],mm_pa[24],mm_pa[22],mm_pa[20:12]}, 
//                           	  ss_clock, hld_mm_pa);
    // 2 bit incrementor, to provide the 2 LSBs of column addr for block type
    // cycles
    rl_col_inc     col_incr    (col_inc[1:0], col_mm[1:0],
                             	ld_ct, mode_ct, inc_ct, ss_clock);

    // The muxes to produce the column address sourced by mmu request:
    Mux2_2  mx_col10   (col[1:0], col_mm[1:0], col_inc[1:0], s_blk);
	// Do wire renames, to keep the old (when gcb was present) notation.
	assign	col[10:2] = col_mm[10:2];
    assign	row[11:0] = row_mm[11:00];

    // The column/row select mux.
    Mux2_11     mx_rca     (rcaddr[10:0], gaddr_out[10:0],col[10:0], col_en );
	// The 12th bit of ROW addr for 12x10 matrix 4Mx4 DRAMs.

// mux out 12th bit from row or graphics.
//	assign	rcaddr[11] = row[11] ;

// This is added after pg1.0 to fix a bug in DRAM. To inhibit toggling of
// memaddr[11] in column access.

	wire row_11_not_col_en;
	assign row_11_not_col_en = row[11] & ~col_en;	

    Mux3D_1  mx_row_graddr_11 (rcaddr[11], gpa[24], sel_hi_row,
                                bm[0], sel_gr_page,
                                row_11_not_col_en, sel_default );

    Mux3D_1  mx_row_graddr_11 (rcaddr[11], gpa[24], sel_hi_row,
                                bm[0], sel_gr_page,
                                row[11], sel_default );

    rl_col_inc     gaddr_incr    (gaddr_inc[1:0], mm_caddr[4:3],
                                ld_ct, gr_mode_ct, gr_inc_ct, ss_clock);

    Mux2_2  mx_gr21   (gpa_inc[1:0], gpa[4:3], gaddr_inc[1:0], gr_s_blk);


// **************************************************************************
// 2-bit loadable incrementor, used to increment column address for multi
// cycle memory operations.
//      - For 4 cycle ops (I-cache fill and SBus 32byte block access)
//        the counter is modulo-4.
//      - For 2 cycle ops (D-cache fill and SBus 16byte block access)
//        the counter is modulo-2. 
[Up: rl_col_row_addr col_incr][Up: rl_col_row_addr gaddr_incr]
module rl_col_inc(col_inc, col_mm, ld_ct, mode_ct, inc_ct, ss_clock);

    output  [1:0]   col_inc; // Registered o/p from GReg2.
    input   [1:0]   col_mm;  // MMU Col addr bits.
    input           ld_ct;   // If 1, col_inc = col_mm. If 0 count up.
    input           mode_ct; // If 0, count modulo-2. If 1, count modulo-4.
    input           inc_ct ; // If 0, hold contents as is.
    input           ss_clock;
    wire    [1:0]   incr_w;
	wire			Gnd = 1'b0 ;
    //------------- incr function --------------------------------
    //  Is a 2 bit loadable-incrementor used for incrementing the
    //  column address in block type accesses (I$, D$, SBus).
    function [1:0] f_incr;        
        input   [1:0]   col_mm, col_inc;
        input           ld_ct, mode_ct, inc_ct;
            f_incr = col_inc;
            if ( ld_ct == 1'b1 ) begin  /* load the input. */
                f_incr = col_mm;
            else if ( inc_ct == 1'b1 ) begin  /* count up.*/
                case (mode_ct)          //synopsys parallel_case
                    1'b0 : begin
			8/30/93 JDW: Changed because of problem with
			Verilog 1.7_beta. It did not execute previous 
			syntax correctly.
                        f_incr = {f_incr[1], ~col_inc[0]};   // Toggle LSB only.
                    1'b1 :
                        f_incr    = col_inc + 2'b01; // Modulo-2 counter.

// edit to remove hold pin.
// first try with unconnect scanen and sin
//    GReg2   ffh_col_inc (col_inc[1:0], incr_w[1:0], ss_clock, Gnd );
    Mflipflop_noop_2   ffh_col_inc (col_inc[1:0], incr_w[1:0], ss_clock );
    assign  incr_w = f_incr(col_mm,col_inc,ld_ct,mode_ct,inc_ct);

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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/memif/rtl/rl_col_row_addr.v

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