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 * @(#)rl_rfr.v	1.13 7/28/93
 * rl_rfr.v
 *  Description:
 *		The RFR block.
 *		After reset, RFR will enter the force-refresh state, where it
 *		asserts "rf_cbr" and "rf_rreq_l" signal to MCB.  It will stay
 *		in this state until MCB has returned "mc_rack_l" 8 times,
 *		confirming that 8 CbR refresh cycles are performed (required
 *		for proper init of DRAMs after powerup). At this time, RFR
 *		will negate both the "rf_rreq_l" and "rf_cbr" and will enter
 *		its normal operation mode, where it will assert "rf_rreq_l" in
 *		the intervals determined by the state of "mm_rfr_cntl" bits.
 *	NOTE:
 *		1) For proper initialization (per DRAM spec), after power-up,
 *			DRAMs require a 200us 'quiet' time (no cycles) followed by
 *			8 refresh cycles (CbR refs in this case).
 *		   The reset input to 'tsunami' must ensure that it will be
 *			longer than 200us for power-up reset, but for any subsequent
 *			resets, it must ensure it will be no longer than ~100us, so
 *			as not to loose DRAM data during non-powerup resets. This
 *			100us is equal to ~7 normal CbR intervals (~15us each). If
 *			a reset pulse takes this long, it will be like loosing 7
 *			CbR refresh cycles, which will be cought up by the 8 CbR
 *			refresh cycles that happen immidiatelly after reset.
 *		2) The 8 Cbr ref cycles take about 75 ss_clock periods.
 *		3) There is no way to avoid the initial 8 CbR ref-cycs,
 *			unless verilog "force" command is used to fake the states.
 *  Dependencies:

 *	A 6-bit counter, used to devide the system clock by 64, to generate
 *	a slow clock (mc64_l) which is used by other counters and timers in
 *	RFR block.
 *  Note:!!! mc64_l has a 64:1 duty cycle.... ie. It is Low for 1 ss_clock
 *		and High for 63 ss_clocks. This allows it to be used as a 
 *		gate-signal for ss_clock (gate when Low!). It also remains asserted
 *		(Low) during reset, which allows rest of refresh circuit to be
 *		clocked at ss_clock speed, init-ing itself.
 *  (A simple 6 FF chain, forming a ripple counter by 2 added FFs as
 *	final stage sync-ers with ss_clock, will be a simpler circuit.)
[Up: rl_rfr div64]
module rl_div64	(mc64_l, ss_clock, rf_cbr);

	output		mc64_l;

	input		rf_cbr;
	input		ss_clock;

	wire [05:00]	fnc_in; 	/* Input to the div_fnc (register o/p).*/
	wire [05:00]	fnc_out; 	/* Output from  div_fnc (register i/p).*/
	wire			Gnd = 1'b0;

//remove hold
//	GReg6	ffh_div64(fnc_in[5:0], fnc_out[5:0], ss_clock, Gnd) ;
//	GReg1	ffh_fnc5dly(fnc5dly, fnc_in[5], ss_clock, Gnd) ;

	Mflipflop_noop_6	ffh_div64(fnc_in[5:0], fnc_out[5:0], ss_clock) ;
	Mflipflop_noop_1	ffh_fnc5dly(fnc5dly, fnc_in[5], ss_clock) ;

	/*----------------- div_fnc function -------------------------------
	 * This is the combo-logic to generate a 6-bit counter/divider, when
	 * coupled with 6 d-flops (Div64 instance of GReg6).
	function [5:0] div_fnc;

		input [05:00]   fnc_in;
		input			rf_cbr;

			if (rf_cbr == 1'b1) begin
				div_fnc = 6'b000000 ;
			else	begin
				div_fnc = fnc_in + 1'b1 ;

	assign	fnc_out = div_fnc(fnc_in, rf_cbr) ;

	assign	mc64_l = ( (rf_cbr |(fnc_in[5] & ~fnc5dly)) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1 ) ;


// Mhz higher, refresh frequency lower
 *	The Refresh-rate  lookup table!
 *		mm_rf_cntl[2:0]	   start_count
 *		 [0 1 1 ]       [ 3 2 1 0 ]			Ref.Rate
 *     -------------   -----------	--------------------------------------
 *		 0 0 0			  0 0 1 0	 10MHz sys clock (ref every 128 clks)
 *		 0 0 1			  0 0 0 0	 No Refresh
 *		 0 1 0			  1 0 1 1	 48MHz sys clock (ref every 704 clks)
 *		 0 1 1			  1 1 1 0	 60MHz sys clock (ref every 896 clks)
 *		 1 0 0		        1 0 0 1 1	 83MHz sys clock (ref every 1216 clks)
 *		 1 0 1		    1 0 1 0 0 0 0	 45MHz for low refresh DRAM.(5120 ck)
 *		 1 1 0		        1 0 1 1 0	 100MHz sys clock (ref every 1408 clks)
 *		 1 1 1		        1 1 1 0 0	 100MHz sys clock (ref every 1792 clks)
 *power_down & 1 x x x		    1 0 1 1 1 1 1	 self refresh DRAM.(12032 ck)(deleted)
[Up: rl_rfr refrate]
module rl_refrate ( start_count, mm_rf_cntl

	output	[6:0]	start_count;

	input	[2:0]	mm_rf_cntl;

	wire			Gnd = 1'b0;

	assign start_count[0] = ( (mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b010 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b100) ?     1'b1 : 1'b0 );
	assign start_count[1] = ( (mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b000 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b010
				 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b011 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b100 
				 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b110) ?	1'b1 : 1'b0 );
	assign start_count[2] = ( (mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b011 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b110
				 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b111)   ? 	1'b1 : 1'b0 );
	assign start_count[3] = ( (mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b011 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b010
				 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b111) ? 	1'b1 : 1'b0 );
        assign start_count[4] = ( (mm_rf_cntl[2]==1'b1) ?   1'b1 : 1'b0 );
//        assign start_count[4] = ( (mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b100 | mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b101) ?   1'b1 : 1'b0 );
        assign start_count[5] = 1'b0;
        assign start_count[6] = ( (mm_rf_cntl[2:0]==3'b101)   ?      1'b1 : 1'b0 );



 *	The 7-bit loadable down-counter, generating the refresh request interval.
[Up: rl_rfr reqtimer]
module rl_reqtimer( uflow, start_count, mc64_l, ss_clock, rf_cbr);
	output			uflow;

	input  [6:0]	start_count;
	input			mc64_l, ss_clock, rf_cbr;

	wire	[6:0]   dc_in_unqual;
	wire	[6:0]	dc_in;	/* Input to the ref_tim_fnc (register o/p).*/
	wire	[6:0]	dc_out;	/* Output from  ref_tim_fnc (register i/p).*/
	wire			hld	;

	GReg7	ffh_reqtim(dc_in[6:0], dc_out[6:0], ss_clock, hld) ;

	/*----------------- ref_tim_fnc function -------------------------------
	 *	This is the combo-logic to generate a 7-bit down-counter, which
	 *  reloads itself at 0 and generates an under-flow flag (1cycle long).
//	function [7:0] ref_tim_fnc;
	function [6:0] ref_tim_fnc;
		input	[6:0]	dc_in;
		input	[6:0]	start_count;
		input			rf_cbr;

			if (rf_cbr==1'b1)
				ref_tim_fnc = 7'h00;
			else begin
				case (dc_in)
                                        7'h7f : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h7e; 
                                        7'h7e : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h7d; 
                                        7'h7d : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h7c; 
                                        7'h7c : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h7b; 
                                        7'h7b : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h7a; 
                                        7'h7a : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h79; 
                                        7'h79 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h78; 
                                        7'h78 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h77; 
                                        7'h77 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h76; 
                                        7'h76 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h75; 
                                        7'h75 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h74; 
                                        7'h74 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h73; 
                                        7'h73 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h72; 
                                        7'h72 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h71; 
                                        7'h71 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h70; 
                                        7'h70 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h6f; 
                                        7'h6f : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h6e; 
                                        7'h6e : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h6d; 
                                        7'h6d : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h6c; 
                                        7'h6c : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h6b; 
                                        7'h6b : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h6a; 
                                        7'h6a : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h69; 
                                        7'h69 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h68; 
                                        7'h68 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h67; 
                                        7'h67 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h66; 
                                        7'h66 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h65; 
                                        7'h65 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h64; 
                                        7'h64 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h63; 
                                        7'h63 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h62; 
                                        7'h62 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h61; 
                                        7'h61 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h60; 
                                        7'h60 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h5f; 
                                        7'h5f : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h5e; 
                                        7'h5e : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h5d; 
                                        7'h5d : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h5c; 
                                        7'h5c : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h5b; 
                                        7'h5b : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h5a; 
                                        7'h5a : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h59; 
                                        7'h59 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h58; 
                                        7'h58 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h57; 
                                        7'h57 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h56; 
                                        7'h56 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h55; 
                                        7'h55 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h54; 
                                        7'h54 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h53; 
                                        7'h53 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h52; 
                                        7'h52 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h51; 
                                        7'h51 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h50; 
                                        7'h50 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h4f; 
                                        7'h4f : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h4e; 
                                        7'h4e : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h4d; 
                                        7'h4d : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h4c; 
                                        7'h4c : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h4b; 
                                        7'h4b : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h4a; 
                                        7'h4a : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h49; 
                                        7'h49 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h48; 
                                        7'h48 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h47; 
                                        7'h47 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h46; 
                                        7'h46 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h45; 
                                        7'h45 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h44; 
                                        7'h44 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h43; 
                                        7'h43 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h42; 
                                        7'h42 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h41; 
                                        7'h41 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h40; 
                                        7'h40 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h3f; 
                                        7'h3f : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h3e; 
                                        7'h3e : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h3d; 
                                        7'h3d : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h3c; 
                                        7'h3c : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h3b; 
                                        7'h3b : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h3a; 
                                        7'h3a : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h39; 
                                        7'h39 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h38; 
                                        7'h38 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h37; 
                                        7'h37 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h36; 
                                        7'h36 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h35; 
                                        7'h35 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h34; 
                                        7'h34 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h33; 
                                        7'h33 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h32; 
                                        7'h32 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h31; 
                                        7'h31 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h30; 
                                        7'h30 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h2f; 
                                        7'h2f : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h2e; 
                                        7'h2e : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h2d; 
                                        7'h2d : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h2c; 
                                        7'h2c : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h2b; 
                                        7'h2b : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h2a; 
                                        7'h2a : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h29; 
                                        7'h29 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h28; 
                                        7'h28 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h27; 
                                        7'h27 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h26; 
                                        7'h26 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h25; 
                                        7'h25 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h24; 
                                        7'h24 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h23; 
                                        7'h23 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h22; 
                                        7'h22 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h21; 
                                        7'h21 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h20; 
                                        7'h20 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h1f; 
                                        7'h1f : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h1e; 
                                        7'h1e : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h1d; 
                                        7'h1d : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h1c; 
                                        7'h1c : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h1b; 
                                        7'h1b : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h1a; 
                                        7'h1a : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h19; 
                                        7'h19 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h18; 
                                        7'h18 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h17; 
                                        7'h17 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h16; 
                                        7'h16 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h15; 
                                        7'h15 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h14; 
                                        7'h14 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h13; 
                                        7'h13 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h12; 
                                        7'h12 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h11; 
                                        7'h11 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h10; 
                                        7'h10 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h0f; 
					7'h0f : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h0e;
					7'h0e : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h0d;
					7'h0d : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h0c;
					7'h0c : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h0b;
					7'h0b : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h0a;
					7'h0a : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h09;
					7'h09 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h08;
					7'h08 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h07;
					7'h07 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h06;
					7'h06 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h05;
					7'h05 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h04;
					7'h04 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h03;
					7'h03 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h02;
					7'h02 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h01;
					7'h01 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h00;
					7'h00 : ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = start_count[6:0];
					//synopsys translate_off
					default	begin
						ref_tim_fnc[6:0] = 7'h7f;
					//synopsys translate_on

	assign dc_out[6:0] = ref_tim_fnc(dc_in[6:0], start_count[6:0], rf_cbr);

	assign	hld	   = (mc64_l==1'b1) & (dc_in[6:0]!=7'h1) ;
	assign	uflow  = ( (dc_in[6:0]==7'h1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);

 * The logic to generate the 1st 8 CbRs after reset and then generate
 * normal requests.
[Up: rl_rfr reqgen]
module rl_reqgen(	rf_cbr, rf_rreq_l, uflow, mc_rack_l, rst, ss_clock

	output			rf_cbr; 	/* High while in initial CbR stage.*/
	output			rf_rreq_l;	/* Ref request to MCB.*/
						// power_down_mode is deactivated.

	input			uflow;	/* High for 1 ss_clock when Req-timer overflows.*/
	input			mc_rack_l;	/* Ref-req acknowledge from MCB.*/
	input			rst, ss_clock;

	wire [02:00]	fnc_in; 	/* Input to the wait8 (register o/p).*/
	wire [02:00]	fnc_out; 	/* Output from  wait8 (register i/p).*/
	wire			end_cbr;
	wire			no_cbr;
	wire			do_req;
	wire			mc_rack;

	wire			Gnd = 1'b0;

	assign	end_cbr= ( (fnc_in==3'b111) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 );
	S_sr_ff	ffsr_cbr_end(cbr_end, end_cbr, rst, ss_clock);

	assign	no_cbr= (cbr_end & ~mc_rack_l);
	S_sr_ff	ffsr_rf_cbr(rf_cbr, rst, no_cbr, ss_clock);

	assign	mc_rack	= ~mc_rack_l;		/* the SET sig to   "Req" S_sr_ff.*/
	assign	do_req = ~cbr_end | uflow ;	/* the RESET sig to "Req" S_sr_ff.*/
//	S_sr_ff ffsr_req(rf_rreq_l, mc_rack, do_req, ss_clock);
	wire [5:0] req_count_dec;
	S_sr_ff ffsr_req(rf_rreq_l, mc_rack, (do_req | ~(req_count_dec == 6'b000000) & ~mc_rack), ss_clock);
//remove hold
//        GReg1   ffh_uflow_n(uflow_p, uflow, ss_clock, Gnd) ;
        Mflipflop_noop_1   ffh_uflow_n(uflow_p, uflow, ss_clock) ;
	wire	uflow_req;
	assign	uflow_req = ~uflow_p & uflow;

// following is added for slow respond from afx.

// req_count  counter specific.
    wire    [5:0]   incr_w_req_count;
        wire    ld_ct_req_count, dec_ct_req_count, inc_ct_req_count;
        assign dec_ct_req_count = mc_rack;
        assign inc_ct_req_count = uflow_req;
        assign ld_ct_req_count = rst;
    //------------- incr function --------------------------------
    //  Is a 4 bit loadable-decrementor used for decrementing the
    //  column address in block type accesses (I$, D$, SBus).
    function [5:0] f_decr_req_count;
        input [5:0]     req_count_dec;
        input           ld_ct_req_count, inc_ct_req_count, dec_ct_req_count;
            f_decr_req_count = req_count_dec;
            if ( ld_ct_req_count == 1'b1 ) begin  /* load the input. */
                f_decr_req_count = 6'b000000;
            else if (( dec_ct_req_count == 1'b1 )&(~(inc_ct_req_count == 1'b1)) &
                        (req_count_dec > 6'b000000)) begin  /* count up.*/
                        f_decr_req_count    = req_count_dec - 6'b000001; // Modulo-2 counter.
            else if ((~(dec_ct_req_count == 1'b1))&(inc_ct_req_count == 1'b1 ) &
			(req_count_dec < 6'b111111))begin  /* count up.*/
                        f_decr_req_count    = req_count_dec + 6'b000001; // Modulo-2 counter.
//remove hold
//    GReg6   ffh_col_inc_req_count (req_count_dec[5:0], incr_w_req_count[5:0], ss_clock, Gnd );
    Mflipflop_noop_6   ffh_col_inc_req_count (req_count_dec[5:0], incr_w_req_count[5:0], ss_clock );
    assign  incr_w_req_count = f_decr_req_count(req_count_dec,ld_ct_req_count,inc_ct_req_count,dec_ct_req_count);
// end req_count counter

// These are for self-ref dram.
	wire first_uflow, second_uflow;
	S_sr_ff first_uflow_reg(first_uflow, uflow, rst_count_rst, ss_clock);
	assign second_uflow = first_uflow & uflow;
	S_sr_ff second_uflow_reg(enough_count, second_uflow, rst_count_rst, ss_clock);

//remove hold
//	GReg3	ffh_countcbr (fnc_in[2:0], fnc_out[2:0], ss_clock, Gnd) ;
	Mflipflop_noop_3	ffh_countcbr (fnc_in[2:0], fnc_out[2:0], ss_clock) ;
	/*----------------- wait8  function -------------------------------
	 * This is the combo-logic for tracking the initial 8 CbR ref-cycles. It
	 * counts from 0 to 7 and stops on 7 till reset again when (rst==1).
	function [2:0] wait8;

		input [02:00]   fnc_in;
		input			mc_rack;
		input			rst;

			if (rst==1'b1) begin
				wait8 = 3'b000 ;
			else	begin
				case (mc_rack)
					1'b1: wait8 = fnc_in + 1'b1 ;
					1'b0: wait8 = fnc_in ;
	assign	fnc_out = wait8(fnc_in, mc_rack,rst	) ;


 *	The rfr block !
[Up: rl_memif_major rfr]
module rl_rfr ( rf_cbr, rf_rreq_l, 
	   			ss_clock, ss_reset, mc_rack_l, mm_rf_cntl
	output			rf_cbr;
	output			rf_rreq_l;

	input			ss_clock;
	input			ss_reset;
	input			mc_rack_l;
	input	[2:0]	mm_rf_cntl;

	wire 			mc64_l;
	wire	[6:0]	start_count;
	wire			uflow;

   	rl_div64		div64		(mc64_l, ss_clock, rf_cbr);
	rl_refrate 		refrate		(start_count, mm_rf_cntl 
	rl_reqtimer		reqtimer	(uflow, start_count, mc64_l, ss_clock, rf_cbr);
	rl_reqgen		reqgen 		(rf_cbr, rf_rreq_l, uflow,
						 mc_rack_l, ss_reset, ss_clock



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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/memif/rtl/rl_rfr.v

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