output  IT;          // incomming data to core
inout   X;
// Verilog body for JBS13SN

wire	MD1_ ;
wire	MD2_ ;
wire	OT_ ;
wire	ENO_ ;
wire	tmg1m1_out ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m3_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1m1_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(MD1_, MD1) ;
  not		g2(MD2_, MD2) ;
  not		g3(OT_,  OT)  ;
  not		g4(ENO_, ENO) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g5(tmg1m1_out, jtag_q, OT_, MD1_) ;
  not		g6(ENC, ENC_) ;
  not		g7(tmg1m1_out_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1_out) ;
  or		g9(bscn_d0, ENC_, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g10(bscn_xd1, ENC_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g11(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g12(tmg2m3_b, X) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g13(IT, jtag_q, tmg2m3_b, MD2_) ;
  not		g14(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g15(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g16(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g17(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g18(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g19(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g20(jtag_x1, OT_, ENO) ;
  and		g21(jtag_x2, ENO_, tmg2m3_b) ;
  nor		g22(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g23(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g24(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g25(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g26(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g27(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g28(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g29(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g30(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g31(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// JTAG Bidirectional cell
module JBD11SN(ENC_, OT, ENO, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD1, 
        MD2, SO, IT, X);
input   ENC_;        // tri-state enable, 0-tristate, 1-bistate
input   OT;          // outgoing data from core
input   ENO;         // jtag_ff: 1-sel_OT_data, 0-sel_PAD_data
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD1;         // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
input   MD2;         // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  IT;          // incomming data to core
inout   X;
// Verilog body for JBD11SN

wire	MD1_ ;
wire	MD2_ ;
wire	OT_ ;
wire	ENO_ ;
wire	tmg1m_d_out ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m1_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1m_d_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_d_a ;
wire	out_buf_d_b ;
wire	out_buf_d_en ;

  not		g1(MD1_, MD1) ;
  not		g2(MD2_, MD2) ;
  not		g3(OT_,  OT)  ;
  not		g4(ENO_, ENO) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g5(tmg1m_d_out, jtag_q, OT_, MD1_) ;
  not		g6(ENC, ENC_) ;
  not		g7(tmg1m_d_out_, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  or		g9(bscn_d0, ENC_, tmg1m_d_out_) ;
  or		g10(bscn_xd1, ENC_, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  and		g11(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m_d_out_) ;
  not		g12(tmg2m1_b, X) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g13(IT, jtag_q, tmg2m1_b, MD2_) ;
  not		g14(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g15(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g16(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g17(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g18(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g19(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g20(jtag_x1, OT_, ENO) ;
  and		g21(jtag_x2, ENO_, tmg2m1_b) ;
  nor		g22(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g23(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g24(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g25(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g26(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g27(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g28(out_buf_d_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g29(out_buf_d_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g30(out_buf_d_en, out_buf_d_a, out_buf_d_b) ;
  notif0	g31(X, out_buf_d_a, out_buf_d_en) ;

// JTAG Bidirectional Cell
module JBD12SN(ENC_, OT, ENO, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD1, 
        MD2, SO, IT, X);
input   ENC_;        // tri-state enable, 0-tristate, 1-bistate
input   OT;          // outgoing data from core
input   ENO;         // jtag_ff: 1-sel_OT_data, 0-sel_PAD_data
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD1;         // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
input   MD2;         // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  IT;          // incomming data to core
inout   X;
// Verilog body for JBD12SN

wire	MD1_ ;
wire	MD2_ ;
wire	OT_ ;
wire	ENO_ ;
wire	tmg1m_d_out ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m2_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1m_d_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_d_a ;
wire	out_buf_d_b ;
wire	out_buf_d_en ;

  not		g1(MD1_, MD1) ;
  not		g2(MD2_, MD2) ;
  not		g3(OT_,  OT)  ;
  not		g4(ENO_, ENO) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g5(tmg1m_d_out, jtag_q, OT_, MD1_) ;
  not		g6(ENC, ENC_) ;
  not		g7(tmg1m_d_out_, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  or		g9(bscn_d0, ENC_, tmg1m_d_out_) ;
  or		g10(bscn_xd1, ENC_, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  and		g11(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m_d_out_) ;
  not		g12(tmg2m2_b, X) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g13(IT, jtag_q, tmg2m2_b, MD2_) ;
  not		g14(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g15(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g16(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g17(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g18(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g19(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g20(jtag_x1, OT_, ENO) ;
  and		g21(jtag_x2, ENO_, tmg2m2_b) ;
  nor		g22(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g23(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g24(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g25(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g26(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g27(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g28(out_buf_d_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g29(out_buf_d_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g30(out_buf_d_en, out_buf_d_a, out_buf_d_b) ;
  notif0	g31(X, out_buf_d_a, out_buf_d_en) ;

// Output Buffer Cell, no scan
module JOS13NN(OT, X);
input   OT;
output  X;
// Verilog body for JOS13NN

wire	OT_ ;
wire	tmg1m1n_out ;
wire	tmg1m1n_out_ ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(OT_, OT) ;
  not		g2(tmg1m1n_out, OT_) ;
  not		g3(ENC, 1'b0) ;
  not		g4(tmg1m1n_out_, tmg1m1n_out) ;
  and		g5(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1n_out) ;
  or		g6(bscn_d0, 1'b0, tmg1m1n_out_) ;
  or		g7(bscn_xd1, 1'b0, tmg1m1n_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1n_out_) ;
  not		g9(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g10(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g11(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g12(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// Output Buffer Cell, no scan
module JOA13NN(OT, X);
input   OT;
output  X;
// Verilog body for JOA13NN

wire	OT_ ;
wire	tmg1m1n_out ;
wire	tmg1m1n_out_ ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(OT_, OT) ;
  not		g2(tmg1m1n_out, OT_) ;
  not		g3(ENC, 1'b0) ;
  not		g4(tmg1m1n_out_, tmg1m1n_out) ;
  and		g5(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1n_out) ;
  or		g6(bscn_d0, 1'b0, tmg1m1n_out_) ;
  or		g7(bscn_xd1, 1'b0, tmg1m1n_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1n_out_) ;
  not		g9(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g10(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g11(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g12(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// JTAG Output with Tri-state Cell
module JTS13SN(OT, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD, SO, X);
input   OT;          // core data out
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD;          // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  X;
// Verilog body for JTS13SN

wire	MD_ ;
wire	OT_ ;
wire	tmg1m1_out ;
wire	tmg1m1_out_ ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m3_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(MD_, MD) ;
  not		g2(OT_,  OT)  ;
  UDP_MUX21	g3(tmg1m1_out, jtag_q, OT_, MD_) ;
  not		g4(ENC, 1'b0) ;
  not		g5(tmg1m1_out_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g6(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1_out) ;
  or		g7(bscn_d0, 1'b0, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g8(bscn_xd1, 1'b0, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g9(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g10(tmg2m3_b, X) ;
  not		g12(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g13(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g14(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g15(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g16(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g17(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g18(jtag_x1, OT_, 1'b1) ;
  and		g19(jtag_x2, 1'b0, tmg2m3_b) ;
  nor		g20(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g21(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2    g22(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g23(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH     g24(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g25(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g26(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g27(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g28(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g29(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;


// JTAG Output with tri-state Cell
module JTA13SN(OT, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD, SO, X);
input   OT;          // core data out
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD;          // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  X;
// Verilog body for JTA13SN

wire	MD_ ;
wire	OT_ ;
wire	tmg1m_d_out ;
wire	tmg1m_d_out_ ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m3_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	bscn_d_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d_d0 ;
wire	bscn_d_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a1_a ;
wire	out_buf_a1_b ;
wire	out_buf_a1_en ;

  not		g1(MD_, MD) ;
  not		g2(OT_,  OT)  ;
  UDP_MUX21	g3(tmg1m_d_out, jtag_q, OT_, MD_) ;
  not		g4(ENC, 1'b0) ;
  not		g5(tmg1m_d_out_, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  and		g6(bscn_d_xd0, ENC, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  or		g7(bscn_d_d0, 1'b0, tmg1m_d_out_) ;
  or		g8(bscn_d_xd1, 1'b0, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  and		g9(bscn_d_d1, ENC, tmg1m_d_out_) ;
  not		g10(tmg2m3_b, X) ;
  not		g12(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g13(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g14(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g15(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g16(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g17(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g18(jtag_x1, OT_, 1'b1) ;
  and		g19(jtag_x2, 1'b0, tmg2m3_b) ;
  nor		g20(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g21(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g22(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g23(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g24(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g25(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g26(out_buf_a1_a, bscn_d_xd0) ;
  not		g27(out_buf_a1_b, bscn_d_xd1) ;
  xor		g28(out_buf_a1_en, out_buf_a1_a, out_buf_a1_b) ;
  notif0	g29(X, out_buf_a1_a, out_buf_a1_en) ;

// JTAG Output with tri-state Cell
module JTA23SN(OT, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD, SO, X);
input   OT;          // core data out
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD;          // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  X;
// Verilog body for JTA23SN

wire	MD_ ;
wire	OT_ ;
wire	tmg1m_d_out ;
wire	tmg1m_d_out_ ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m3_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	bscn_a2_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_a2_d0 ;
wire	bscn_a2_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_a2_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a2_a ;
wire	out_buf_a2_b ;
wire	out_buf_a2_en ;

  not		g1(MD_, MD) ;
  not		g2(OT_,  OT)  ;
  UDP_MUX21	g3(tmg1m_d_out, jtag_q, OT_, MD_) ;
  not		g4(ENC, 1'b0) ;
  not		g5(tmg1m_d_out_, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  and		g6(bscn_a2_xd0, ENC, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  or		g7(bscn_a2_d0, 1'b0, tmg1m_d_out_) ;
  or		g8(bscn_a2_xd1, 1'b0, tmg1m_d_out) ;
  and		g9(bscn_a2_d1, ENC, tmg1m_d_out_) ;
  not		g10(tmg2m3_b, X) ;
  not		g12(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g13(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g14(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g15(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g16(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g17(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g18(jtag_x1, OT_, 1'b1) ;
  and		g19(jtag_x2, 1'b0, tmg2m3_b) ;
  nor		g20(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g21(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g22(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g23(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g24(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g25(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g26(out_buf_a2_a, bscn_a2_xd0) ;
  not		g27(out_buf_a2_b, bscn_a2_xd1) ;
  xor		g28(out_buf_a2_en, out_buf_a2_a, out_buf_a2_b) ;
  notif0	g29(X, out_buf_a2_a, out_buf_a2_en) ;

// Output with tri-state Cell
module JTA23NN(ENC_, OT, X);
input   ENC_;
input   OT;
output  X;
// Verilog body for JTA23NN

wire	OT_ ;
wire	tmg1m1_out ;
wire	tmg1m1_out_ ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	bscn_d_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d_d0 ;
wire	bscn_d_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d_d1 ;
wire	out_buf_o_a ;
wire	out_buf_o_b ;
wire	out_buf_o_en ;

  not		g1(OT_,  OT)  ;
  not		g2(tmg1m1_out, OT_) ;
  not		g3(ENC, ENC_) ;
  not		g4(tmg1m1_out_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g5(bscn_d_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1_out) ;
  or		g6(bscn_d_d0, ENC_, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g7(bscn_d_xd1, ENC_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_d_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g9(out_buf_o_a, bscn_d_xd0) ;
  not		g10(out_buf_o_b, bscn_d_xd1) ;
  xor		g11(out_buf_o_en, out_buf_o_a, out_buf_o_b) ;
  notif0	g12(X, out_buf_o_a, out_buf_o_en) ;

// JTAG Output with tri-state Cell
module JTD03SN(OT, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD, SO, X);
input   OT;          // core data out
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD;          // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  X;
// Verilog body for JTD03SN

wire	MD_ ;
wire	OT_ ;
wire	tmg1m1_out ;
wire	tmg1m1_out_ ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m3_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a2_a ;
wire	out_buf_a2_b ;
wire	out_buf_a2_en ;

  not		g1(MD_, MD) ;
  not		g2(OT_,  OT)  ;
  UDP_MUX21	g3(tmg1m1_out, jtag_q, OT_, MD_) ;
  not		g4(ENC, 1'b0) ;
  not		g5(tmg1m1_out_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g6(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1_out) ;
  or		g7(bscn_d0, 1'b0, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g8(bscn_xd1, 1'b0, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g9(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g10(tmg2m3_b, X) ;
  not		g12(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g13(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g14(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g15(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g16(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g17(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g18(jtag_x1, OT_, 1'b1) ;
  and		g19(jtag_x2, 1'b0, tmg2m3_b) ;
  nor		g20(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g21(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g22(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g23(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g24(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g25(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g26(out_buf_a2_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g27(out_buf_a2_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g28(out_buf_a2_en, out_buf_a2_a, out_buf_a2_b) ;
  notif0	g29(X, out_buf_a2_a, out_buf_a2_en) ;

// JTAG Input Buffer Cell
module JIS13SN(X, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD, SO, IT);
input   X;
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD;          // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  IT;          // core data in
// Verilog body for JIS13SN

wire	MD_ ;
wire	tmg1m1_out ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m3_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(MD_, MD) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g2(tmg1m1_out, jtag_q, 1'b1, 1'b1) ;
  not		g3(ENC, 1'b1) ;
  not		g4(tmg1m1_out_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g5(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1_out) ;
  or		g6(bscn_d0, 1'b1, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g7(bscn_xd1, 1'b1, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g9(tmg2m3_b, X) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g10(IT, jtag_q, tmg2m3_b, MD_) ;
  not		g11(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g12(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g13(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g14(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g15(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g16(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g17(jtag_x1, 1'b1, 1'b0) ;
  and		g18(jtag_x2, 1'b1, tmg2m3_b) ;
  nor		g19(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g20(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g21(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g22(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g23(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g24(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g25(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g26(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g27(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g28(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// JTAG Input Buffer Cell
module JIS11SN(X, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD, SO, IT);
input   X;
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD;          // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  IT;          // core data in
// Verilog body for JIS11SN

wire	MD_ ;
wire	tmg1m1_out ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m1_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(MD_, MD) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g2(tmg1m1_out, jtag_q, 1'b1, 1'b1) ;
  not		g3(ENC, 1'b1) ;
  not		g4(tmg1m1_out_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g5(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1_out) ;
  or		g6(bscn_d0, 1'b1, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g7(bscn_xd1, 1'b1, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g9(tmg2m1_b, X) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g10(IT, jtag_q, tmg2m1_b, MD_) ;
  not		g11(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g12(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g13(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g14(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g15(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g16(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g17(jtag_x1, 1'b1, 1'b0) ;
  and		g18(jtag_x2, 1'b1, tmg2m1_b) ;
  nor		g19(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g20(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g21(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g22(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g23(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g24(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g25(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g26(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g27(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g28(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// JTAG Input Buffer with Pull-up Cell
module JIS11SP(X, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD, SO, IT);
input   X;
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD;          // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  IT;          // core data in
// Verilog body for JIS11SP

wire	MD_ ;
wire	tmg1m1_out ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m1_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(MD_, MD) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g2(tmg1m1_out, jtag_q, 1'b1, 1'b1) ;
  not		g3(ENC, 1'b1) ;
  not		g4(tmg1m1_out_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g5(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1_out) ;
  or		g6(bscn_d0, 1'b1, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g7(bscn_xd1, 1'b1, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g9(tmg2m1_b, X) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g10(IT, jtag_q, tmg2m1_b, MD_) ;
  not		g11(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g12(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g13(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g14(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g15(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g16(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g17(jtag_x1, 1'b1, 1'b0) ;
  and		g18(jtag_x2, 1'b1, tmg2m1_b) ;
  nor		g19(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g20(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g21(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g22(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g23(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g24(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g25(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g26(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g27(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g28(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// JTAG Input Buffer with pull-up Cell
module JIS13SP(X, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD, SO, IT);
input   X;
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD;          // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  IT;          // core data in
// Verilog body for JIS13SP

wire	MD_ ;
wire	tmg1m1_out ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m3_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(MD_, MD) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g2(tmg1m1_out, jtag_q, 1'b1, 1'b1) ;
  not		g3(ENC, 1'b1) ;
  not		g4(tmg1m1_out_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g5(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1_out) ;
  or		g6(bscn_d0, 1'b1, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g7(bscn_xd1, 1'b1, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g9(tmg2m3_b, X) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g10(IT, jtag_q, tmg2m3_b, MD_) ;
  not		g11(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g12(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g13(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g14(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g15(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g16(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g17(jtag_x1, 1'b1, 1'b0) ;
  and		g18(jtag_x2, 1'b1, tmg2m3_b) ;
  nor		g19(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g20(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g21(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g22(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g23(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g24(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g25(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g26(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g27(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g28(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// Input Buffer Cell
module JIS13NN(X, IT);
input   X;
output  IT;
// Verilog body for JIS13NN

wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1m1n_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	tmg2m3n_x ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(ENC, 1'b1) ;
  not		g2(tmg1m1n_out_, 1'b0) ;
  and		g3(bscn_xd0, ENC, 1'b0) ;
  or		g4(bscn_d0, 1'b1, tmg1m1n_out_) ;
  or		g5(bscn_xd1, 1'b1, 1'b0) ;
  and		g6(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1n_out_) ;
  not		g7(tmg2m3n_x, X) ;
  not		g8(IT, tmg2m3n_x) ;
  not		g9(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g10(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g11(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g12(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// Input Buffer Cell
module JIS11NP(X, IT);
input   X;
output  IT;
// Verilog body for JIS13NN

wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1m1_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	tmg2m1_x ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(ENC, 1'b1) ;
  not		g2(tmg1m1_out_, 1'b0) ;
  and		g3(bscn_xd0, ENC, 1'b0) ;
  or		g4(bscn_d0, 1'b1, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g5(bscn_xd1, 1'b1, 1'b0) ;
  and		g6(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g7(tmg2m1_x, X) ;
  not		g8(IT, tmg2m1_x) ;
  not		g9(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g10(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g11(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g12(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// Test Cell
module JTST1(X);
output  X;
// Verilog body for JTST1


// Test Cell
module JTST2(X);
output  X;
// Verilog body for JTST2


// Power 2-Input AND Gate
module MJAND2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 3-Input AND Gate
module MJAND3B(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Power 4-Input AND Gate
module MJAND4B(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Power 6-Input AND Gate
module MJAND6B(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6);

// Power 8-Input AND Gate
module MJAND8B(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;

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