
// Double Power 8-Input NAND Gate
[Up: ME_NAND8_B i][Up: ME_NAND8 i]
module JNAND8C(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
input   A7;
input   A8;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8);

// 2-Input NAND Gate with 1-inverting input
module ANANDI2C(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
not g0(w1, A2);
nand g1(O, A1, w1);

// 2-Input NAND Gate with 1-inverting input
module ANANDI2D(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
not g0(w1, A2);
nand g1(O, A1, w1);

// 2-Input NAND Gate
[Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_0_fgate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_1_fgate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_2_fgate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_3_fgate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_4_fgate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_5_fgate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_6_fgate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_7_fgate]
module ANAND2D(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 2-Input OR Gate
[Up: ME_OR2_B i][Up: ME_OR2 i]
module JOR2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
or g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 3-Input OR Gate
[Up: ME_OR3 i][Up: ME_OR3_B i]
module JOR3B(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
or g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Power 4-Input OR Gate
[Up: ME_OR4 i]
module JOR4B(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
or g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Double Power 6-Input OR Gate
[Up: ME_OR6 i]
module JOR6B(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
output  O;
or g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6);

// Double Power 8-Input OR Gate
[Up: ME_OR8 i]
module JOR8B(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
input   A7;
input   A8;
output  O;
or g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8);

// 2-Input NOR Gate
[Up: ME_NOR2 i][Up: ME_AND7 i2]
module JNOR2A(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 2-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2);

// 3-Input NOR Gate
[Up: ME_OR11 u1]
module JNOR3A(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Power 3-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR3B(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// 4-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR4A(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Power 4-Input NOR Gate
[Up: ME_NOR4 i][Up: ME_OR12 u1]
module JNOR4B(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Double Power 2-Input NOR Gate
[Up: ME_NOR2_B i]
module JNOR2C(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2);

// Tripple Power 2-Input NOR Gate
[Up: ME_NOR2_D i]
module JNOR2D(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2);

// Double Power 3-Input NOR Gate
[Up: ME_NOR3 i]
module JNOR3C(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Tripple Power 3-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR3D(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Double Power 4-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR4C(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Tripple Power 4-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR4D(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Quadruple Power 4-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR4E(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Double Power 6-Input NOR Gate
[Up: ME_NOR6_B i]
module JNOR6C(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6);

// Double Power 8-Input NOR Gate
[Up: ME_OR11 u0][Up: ME_OR12 u0]
module JNOR8C(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
input   A7;
input   A8;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8);

// 2-Input NOR Gate with 1 inverting-input
module ANORI2C(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
not g0(w1, A2);
nor g1(O, A1, w1);

// 2-Input NOR Gate with 1 inverting-input
module ANORI2D(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
not g0(w1, A2);
nor g1(O, A1, w1);

// Double Power 6-Input NOR Gate
module ANOR6D(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6);

// 2:1 Selector
[Up: ME_NMUX2B u0][Up: ME_NMUX2B_B u0]
module JMUX2A(A, B, S, O);
input   A;
input   B;
input   S;
output  O;
UDP_MUX21 udp_mux(O, A,B, S);


// 4:1 Selector
[Up: ME_MUX4B m0][Up: ME_MUX4B_B m0]
module AMUX4A(I1, I2, I3, I4, S0, S1, O);
input   I1;
input   I2;
input   I3;
input   I4;
input   S0;
input   S1;
output  O;
not g0(w2, S0);
not g1(w3, S1);
and g2(w0, I1, w2, w3);
not g3(w7, S1);
and g4(w4, I2, S0, w7);
not g5(w10, S0);
and g6(w8, I3, w10, S1);
and g7(w12, I4, S0, S1);
or g8(O, w0, w4, w8, w12);

// 3:1 Selector
[Up: ME_MUX_3bit g0]
module AMUX3A(I0, I1, I2, S0, S1, O);
input   I0;
input   I1;
input   I2;
input   S0;
input   S1;
output  O;
not g0(w2, S0);
not g1(w3, S1);
and g2(w0, I0, w2, w3);
not g3(w7, S1);
and g4(w4, I1, S0, w7);
and g5(w8, I2, S1);
or g6(O, w0, w4, w8);

// Non-inverting 2:1 Mux
[Up: ME_MUX2B u0][Up: ME_MUX2B_B u0][Up: ME_MUX2_2 u0][Up: ME_MUX2_2 u1][Up: ME_MUX2_5 u0][Up: ME_MUX2_5 u1][Up: ME_MUX2_5 u2][Up: ME_MUX2_5 u3][Up: ME_MUX2_5 u4]
module AMUX2A(A, B, S, O);
input   A;
input   B;
input   S;
output  O;
wire w1_;

UDP_MUX21 udp_mux(w1_, A,B, S);
not	  g1(O, w1_);

// 2-input Exclusive OR
[Up: ME_XOR2 i]
module JXOR2A(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
xor g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 2-input Exclusive OR
[Up: ME_XOR2_B i][Up: parity_tree LEVEL3_U0][Up: parity_tree LEVEL3_U2][Up: parity_tree LEVEL4_U0]
module JXOR2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
xor g0(O, A1, A2);

// 3-input Exclusive OR
[Up: ME_XOR3_B i]
module JXOR3A(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
xor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Power 3-input Exclusive OR
[Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U0][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U1][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U2][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U3][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U4][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U5][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U6][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U7][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U8][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U9][Up: parity_tree LEVEL1_U10][Up: parity_tree LEVEL2_U0][Up: parity_tree LEVEL2_U1][Up: parity_tree LEVEL2_U2][Up: parity_tree LEVEL2_U3]
module JXOR3B(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
xor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// 2-input Exclusive NOR
[Up: ME_XNOR2 i]
module JXNOR2A(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
xnor g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 2-input Exclusive NOR
[Up: ME_XNOR2_B i]
module JXNOR2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
xnor g0(O, A1, A2);

// 3-input Exclusive NOR
module JXNOR3A(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
xnor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Power 3-input Exclusive NOR
module JXNOR3B(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
xnor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// 1-bit D Flip-Flop  with reset and hold
[Up: Mflipflop_rh dff]
module ADFFRHA(D, CK, R, H, Q, XQ);
input   D;
input   CK;
input   R;           // active low
input   H;
output  Q;
output  XQ;
not g0(w3, H);
and g1(w1, R, w3, D);
and g2(w5, R, H, IQ);
or g3(w0, w1, w5);
fj_dff_e    g4(IQ, w0, CK);
buf g5(Q, IQ);
not g6(XQ, IQ);

// 1-bit D Flip-Flop with reset
[Up: Mflipflop_r dff]
module ADFFRA(D, CK, R, Q, XQ);
input   D;
input   CK;
input   R;           // active low
output  Q;
output  XQ;
and g0(w0, R, D);
fj_dff_e    g1(IQ, w0, CK);
buf g2(Q, IQ);
not g3(XQ, IQ);

// 1-bit D Flip-Flop  with scan 
[Up: Mflipflop_h dff][Up: Mflipflop_s dff]
module ASFFA(D, CK, SM, SI, Q, XQ, SO);
input   D;
input   CK;
input   SM;
input   SI;
output  Q;
output  XQ;
output  SO;
fj_dff_e_muxscan    g0(IQ, D, SI, SM, CK);
buf g1(Q, IQ);
not g2(XQ, IQ);
buf g3(SO, IQ);

// 1-bit D Flip-Flop  with scan and hold
[Up: Mflipflop_sh dff][Up: Mflipflop dff]
module ASFFHA(D, CK, H, SM, SI, Q, XQ, SO);
input   D;
input   CK;
input   H;
input   SM;
input   SI;
output  Q;
output  XQ;
output  SO;
and g0(w1, H, IQ);
not g1(w5, H);
and g2(w4, w5, D);
or g3(w0, w1, w4);
fj_dff_e_muxscan    g4(IQ, w0, SI, SM, CK);
buf g5(Q, IQ);
not g6(XQ, IQ);
buf g7(SO, IQ);

// 1-bit D Flip-Flop  with scan and reset and hold
[Up: Mflipflop_srh dff][Up: MflipflopR dff][Up: rsflop dff][Up: misc __spare_gate_ff_0_g2_v12_0_s112][Up: misc __spare_gate_ff_0_g1_v12_0_s108]
module ASFFRHA(D, CK, R, H, SM, SI, Q, XQ, SO);
input   D;
input   CK;
input   R;           // active low
input   H;
input   SM;
input   SI;
output  Q;
output  XQ;
output  SO;
not g0(w4, H);
and g1(w3, w4, D);
and g2(w6, H, IQ);
or g3(w2, w3, w6);
and g4(w0, R, w2);
fj_dff_e_muxscan    g5(IQ, w0, SI, SM, CK);
buf g6(Q, IQ);
not g7(XQ, IQ);
buf g8(SO, IQ);

// 1-bit D Flip-Flop  with scan and reset
[Up: Mflipflop_sr dff]
module ASFFRA(D, CK, R, SM, SI, Q, XQ, SO);
input   D;
input   CK;
input   R;           // active low
input   SM;
input   SI;
output  Q;
output  XQ;
output  SO;
and g0(w0, R, D);
fj_dff_e_muxscan    g1(IQ, w0, SI, SM, CK);
buf g2(Q, IQ);
not g3(XQ, IQ);
buf g4(SO, IQ);

// 4-bit 2-input mux Flip-Flop  with scan and hold
module AMUXFFA(DA0, DA1, DA2, DA3, DB0, DB1, DB2, DB3, CK, 
        HLD, SM, SI, S, DO0, DO1, DO2, DO3, SO);
input   DA0;
input   DA1;
input   DA2;
input   DA3;
input   DB0;
input   DB1;
input   DB2;
input   DB3;
input   CK;
input   HLD;         // hold data, active high
input   SM;          // scan mode, active high
input   SI;          // scan data in
input   S;           // select, 0-DAx, 1-DBx
output  DO0;
output  DO1;
output  DO2;
output  DO3;
output  SO;
and g0(w1, HLD, IQ3);
not g1(w5, HLD);
and g2(w7, S, DB3);
not g3(w11, S);
and g4(w10, w11, DA3);
or g5(w6, w7, w10);
and g6(w4, w5, w6);
or g7(w0, w1, w4);
fj_dff_e_muxscan    g8(IQ3, w0, IQ2, SM, CK);
and g9(w17, HLD, IQ2);
not g10(w21, HLD);
and g11(w23, S, DB2);
not g12(w27, S);
and g13(w26, w27, DA2);
or g14(w22, w23, w26);
and g15(w20, w21, w22);
or g16(w16, w17, w20);
fj_dff_e_muxscan    g17(IQ2, w16, IQ1, SM, CK);
and g18(w33, HLD, IQ1);
not g19(w37, HLD);
and g20(w39, S, DB1);
not g21(w43, S);
and g22(w42, w43, DA1);
or g23(w38, w39, w42);
and g24(w36, w37, w38);
or g25(w32, w33, w36);
fj_dff_e_muxscan    g26(IQ1, w32, IQ0, SM, CK);
and g27(w49, HLD, IQ0);
not g28(w53, HLD);
and g29(w55, S, DB0);
not g30(w59, S);
and g31(w58, w59, DA0);
or g32(w54, w55, w58);
and g33(w52, w53, w54);
or g34(w48, w49, w52);
fj_dff_e_muxscan    g35(IQ0, w48, SI, SM, CK);
buf g36(DO0, IQ0);
buf g37(DO1, IQ1);
buf g38(DO2, IQ2);
buf g39(DO3, IQ3);
buf g40(SO, IQ3);

// 8-input Comparator
module ACOMP8A(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, B0, B1, B2, 
        B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, O);
input   A0;
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
input   A7;
input   B0;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
input   B4;
input   B5;
input   B6;
input   B7;
output  O;
xor g0(w0, A0, B0);
xor g1(w3, A1, B1);
xor g2(w6, A2, B2);
xor g3(w9, A3, B3);
xor g4(w12, A4, B4);
xor g5(w15, A5, B5);
xor g6(w18, A6, B6);
xor g7(w21, A7, B7);
nor g8(O, w0, w3, w6, w9, w12, w15, w18, w21);

// 3-input Comparator
[Up: ME_COMP3 u0]
module ACOMP3A(A0, A1, A2, B0, B1, B2, O);
input   A0;
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B0;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
xor g0(w0, A0, B0);
xor g1(w3, A1, B1);
xor g2(w6, A2, B2);
nor g3(O, w0, w3, w6);

// 4-input Comparator
[Up: ME_COMP4 u0]
module ACOMP4A(A0, A1, A2, A3, B0, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A0;
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   B0;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
xor g0(w0, A0, B0);
xor g1(w3, A1, B1);
xor g2(w6, A2, B2);
xor g3(w9, A3, B3);
nor g4(O, w0, w3, w6, w9);

// 5-input Comparator
[Up: ME_COMP5 u0]
module ACOMP5A(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, O);
input   A0;
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   B0;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
input   B4;
output  O;
xor g0(w0, A0, B0);
xor g1(w3, A1, B1);
xor g2(w6, A2, B2);
xor g3(w9, A3, B3);
xor g4(w12, A4, B4);
nor g5(O, w0, w3, w6, w9, w12);

// Tri-state buffer
[Up: tri_regen_32 tristate_31_24][Up: tri_regen_32 tristate_23_16][Up: tri_regen_32 tristate_15_8][Up: tri_regen_32 tristate_7_0]
module ATSBUFD(I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7, I8, CK, SI, SM, 
        OE_, RESET, O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, 
input   I1;
input   I2;
input   I3;
input   I4;
input   I5;
input   I6;
input   I7;
input   I8;
input   CK;
input   SI;
input   SM;
input   OE_;
input   RESET;
output  O1;
output  O2;
output  O3;
output  O4;
output  O5;
output  O6;
output  O7;
output  O8;
output  SO;
not g0(w5, SM);
not g1(w6, RESET);
and g2(w4, w5, w6);
fj_dff_es_muxscan    g3(IQ, OE_, SI, SM, CK, w4);
or g4(w8, IQ, SM);
bufif0 g5(O1, I1, w8);
or g6(w12, IQ, SM);
bufif0 g7(O2, I2, w12);
or g8(w16, IQ, SM);
bufif0 g9(O3, I3, w16);
or g10(w20, IQ, SM);
bufif0 g11(O4, I4, w20);
or g12(w24, IQ, SM);
bufif0 g13(O5, I5, w24);
or g14(w28, IQ, SM);
bufif0 g15(O6, I6, w28);
or g16(w32, IQ, SM);
bufif0 g17(O7, I7, w32);
or g18(w36, IQ, SM);
bufif0 g19(O8, I8, w36);
buf g20(SO, IQ);

// Power Clock Buffer
module JCBUFB1(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
buf g0(O, A);

// Power Clock Buffer
module JCBUFC1(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
buf g0(O, A);

// Power Clock Multiplexer
module JCMUX2B1(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
nor g2(O, w0, w3);

// Power Clock Inverter
module JCINVA1(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Double Power Clock Inverter
module JCINVB1(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Quadruple Power Clock Inverter
module JCINVC1(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Tripple Power Clock Inverter
module JCINVD1(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Quadruple Power Clock Inverter
module JCINVE1(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Double Power Gated Clock NAND Buffer
module JCNAN2B1(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2);

// Double Power Gated Clock NAND Buffer
module JCNAN2C1(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power Gated Clock OR Buffer
module JCOR2B1(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
or g0(O, A1, A2);

// 2-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR2A1(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 2-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR2B1(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2);

// 3-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR3A1(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Power 3-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR3B1(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// 4-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR4A1(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Power 4-Input NOR Gate
module JNOR4B1(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nor g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// JTAG Output Enable Control Cell
module JJOED(XSM_, EN, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD1, ENC_,
        ENO, SO);
input   XSM_;        // scan-mode
input   EN;          // bidir i/o jtag_ff: 1-sel_OT_data, 0-sel_PAD_data
input   SI;          // scan-data in
input   CK;          // clk for normal operation, hold high
input   UP;          // xfer reg. data to latch
input   ACK;         // scan data-in strobe, active high
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD1;         // 0-normal operation, 1-use scanned state
output  ENC_;        // tri-state enable, 1-tristate, 0-bistate
output  ENO;         // bidir i/o jtag_ff: 1-sel_OT_data, 0-sel_PAD_data
output  SO;          // scan-data out
// Verilog body for JJOED
wire    bck ;
wire    xack ;
wire    clk ;
wire    xclk ;
wire    upd ;
wire    xupd ;
wire    si_ ;
wire    en_ ;
wire    jtag_latch1_out ;
wire    jtag_latch2_out ;
wire    jtag_latch3_out ;
wire    x ;
wire    y ;
  not           g1(bck, XBCK) ;
  not           g2(xack, ACK) ;
  not           g3(xclk, CK) ;
  not           g4(clk, xclk) ;
  not           g5(xupd, UP) ;
  not           g6(upd, xupd) ;
  not           g7(si_, SI) ;
  not           g8(en_, EN) ;
  UDP_LATCH1    g9(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, en_, si_) ;
  UDP_LATCH2    g10(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  not           g11(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH     g12(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_MUX21     g13(x, en_, jtag_latch3_out, MD1) ;
  buf           g14(ENO, x) ;
  nand          g15(y, XSM_, x) ;
  buf           g16(ENC_, y) ;

// AB Clock Generator
[Up: bsr_control abgen]
input   CLK;
input   ENB;         // typically SM, assert while CLK=1!
output  CLK_A;       // A strobe
output  CLK_B;       // B strobe
wire pulse, dly_pulse;

not	g1(enb_, ENB);
nor    	g2(pulse, enb_,CLK);
buf  #5 g3(dly_pulse, pulse);

nand    g5(clka_, pulse,dly_pulse);
not     g6(CLK_A, clka_);

nor     g8(clkb_, pulse,dly_pulse);
not     g9(CLK_B, clkb_);


// JTAG Bidirectional Cell
module JBS11SN(ENC_, OT, ENO, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD1, 
        MD2, SO, IT, X);
input   ENC_;        // tri-state enable, 0-tristate, 1-bistate
input   OT;          // outgoing data from core
input   ENO;         // jtag_ff: 1-sel_OT_data, 0-sel_PAD_data
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD1;         // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
input   MD2;         // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data
output  IT;          // incomming data to core
inout   X;
// Verilog body for JBS11SN

wire	MD1_ ;
wire	MD2_ ;
wire	OT_ ;
wire	ENO_ ;
wire	tmg1m1_out ;
wire	jtag_q ;
wire	tmg2m1_b ;
wire	ENC ;
wire	tmg1m1_out_ ;
wire	bscn_xd0 ;
wire	bscn_d0 ;
wire	bscn_xd1 ;
wire	bscn_d1 ;
wire	bck ;
wire	xack ;
wire	clk ;
wire	xclk ;
wire	upd ;
wire	xupd ;
wire	jtag_x1 ;
wire	jtag_x2 ;
wire	jtag_x ;
wire	jtag_latch1_out ;
wire	jtag_latch2_out ;
wire	jtag_latch3_out ;
wire	out_buf_a ;
wire	out_buf_b ;
wire	out_buf_en ;

  not		g1(MD1_, MD1) ;
  not		g2(MD2_, MD2) ;
  not		g3(OT_,  OT)  ;
  not		g4(ENO_, ENO) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g5(tmg1m1_out, jtag_q, OT_, MD1_) ;
  not		g6(ENC, ENC_) ;
  not		g7(tmg1m1_out_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g8(bscn_xd0, ENC, tmg1m1_out) ;
  or		g9(bscn_d0, ENC_, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  or		g10(bscn_xd1, ENC_, tmg1m1_out) ;
  and		g11(bscn_d1, ENC, tmg1m1_out_) ;
  not		g12(tmg2m1_b, X) ;
  UDP_MUX21	g13(IT, jtag_q, tmg2m1_b, MD2_) ;
  not		g14(bck, XBCK) ;
  not		g15(xack, ACK) ;
  not		g16(xclk, CK) ;
  not		g17(clk, xclk) ;
  not		g18(xupd, UP) ;
  not		g19(upd, xupd) ;
  and		g20(jtag_x1, OT_, ENO) ;
  and		g21(jtag_x2, ENO_, tmg2m1_b) ;
  nor		g22(jtag_x, jtag_x1, jtag_x2) ;
  UDP_LATCH1   	g23(jtag_latch1_out, xclk, ACK, jtag_x, SI) ;
  UDP_LATCH2   	g24(jtag_latch2_out, bck, clk, jtag_latch1_out) ;
  buf		g25(SO, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  UDP_LATCH    	g26(jtag_latch3_out, xupd, jtag_latch2_out) ;
  not		g27(jtag_q, jtag_latch3_out) ;
  not		g28(out_buf_a, bscn_xd0) ;
  not		g29(out_buf_b, bscn_xd1) ;
  xor		g30(out_buf_en, out_buf_a, out_buf_b) ;
  notif0	g31(X, out_buf_a, out_buf_en) ;

// JTAG Bidirectional Cell
module JBS13SN(ENC_, OT, ENO, SI, CK, UP, ACK, XBCK, MD1, 
        MD2, SO, IT, X);
input   ENC_;        // tri-state enable, 0-tristate, 1-bistate
input   OT;          // outgoing data from core
input   ENO;         // jtag_ff: 1-sel_OT_data, 0-sel_PAD_data
input   SI;          // scan-in data
input   CK;          // register pad-data on rising edge
input   UP;          // latch data from jtag ff
input   ACK;         // enb. master latch for scan-in data
input   XBCK;        // enb. slave latch
input   MD1;         // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
input   MD2;         // 0-sel_pad_data, 1-sel_jtag_ff
output  SO;          // scan-out data

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From: ../../../sparc_v8/lib/rtl/sc.v

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