and g2(w6, C1, C2);
nor g3(O, w0, w3, w6);

// Power 4-4 AOI
module JD44B(A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
input   B4;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2, A3, A4);
and g1(w5, B1, B2, B3, B4);
nor g2(O, w0, w5);

// Power 2-2-2-2 AOI
module JD2X4B(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
input   D1;
input   D2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
and g2(w6, C1, C2);
and g3(w9, D1, D2);
nor g4(O, w0, w3, w6, w9);

// Power 4-2-3-2 AOI
module JD4232A(A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, 
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
input   C3;
input   D1;
input   D2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2, A3, A4);
and g1(w5, B1, B2);
and g2(w8, C1, C2, C3);
and g3(w12, D1, D2);
nor g4(O, w0, w5, w8, w12);

// Power 4-4-4 AOI
module JD444A(A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C3, 
        C4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
input   B4;
input   C1;
input   C2;
input   C3;
input   C4;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2, A3, A4);
and g1(w5, B1, B2, B3, B4);
and g2(w10, C1, C2, C3, C4);
nor g3(O, w0, w5, w10);

// Power 3-3-3-3 AOI
module JD3X4A(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, 
        D3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
input   C1;
input   C2;
input   C3;
input   D1;
input   D2;
input   D3;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2, A3);
and g1(w4, B1, B2, B3);
and g2(w8, C1, C2, C3);
and g3(w12, D1, D2, D3);
nor g4(O, w0, w4, w8, w12);

// Power 2-2-2-2-2-2 AOI
module JD2X6A(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, E1, E2, F1, 
        F2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
input   D1;
input   D2;
input   E1;
input   E2;
input   F1;
input   F2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
and g2(w6, C1, C2);
and g3(w9, D1, D2);
and g4(w12, E1, E2);
and g5(w15, F1, F2);
nor g6(O, w0, w3, w6, w9, w12, w15);

// Power 4-4-4-4 AOI
module JD4X4A(A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C3, 
        C4, D1, D2, D3, D4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
input   B4;
input   C1;
input   C2;
input   C3;
input   C4;
input   D1;
input   D2;
input   D3;
input   D4;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2, A3, A4);
and g1(w5, B1, B2, B3, B4);
and g2(w10, C1, C2, C3, C4);
and g3(w15, D1, D2, D3, D4);
nor g4(O, w0, w5, w10, w15);

// Power 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 AOI
module JD2X8A(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, E1, E2, F1, 
        F2, G1, G2, H1, H2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
input   D1;
input   D2;
input   E1;
input   E2;
input   F1;
input   F2;
input   G1;
input   G2;
input   H1;
input   H2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
and g2(w6, C1, C2);
and g3(w9, D1, D2);
and g4(w12, E1, E2);
and g5(w15, F1, F2);
and g6(w18, G1, G2);
and g7(w21, H1, H2);
nor g8(O, w0, w3, w6, w9, w12, w15, w18, w21);

// 2-1 AO
[Up: ME_A2O1_B i]
module JDB21A(A1, A2, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(O, w0, B);

// 2-2 AO
[Up: writebuffer iu_std_wd2_gate1][Up: ME_MUX_2Bbit g0][Up: ME_MUX_2B_Bbit g0]
module JDB22A(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
or g2(O, w0, w3);

// 2-1-1 AO
module JDB211A(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(O, w0, B1, B2);

// 2&1-1 AO
module JDB121A(A1, A2, B, C, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
input   C;
output  O;
or g0(w1, A1, A2);
and g1(w0, w1, B);
or g2(O, w0, C);

// 3-1 AO
module JDB31A(A1, A2, A3, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   B;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2, A3);
or g1(O, w0, B);

// 2-3 AO
module JDB23A(A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2, B3);
or g2(O, w0, w3);

// 2-2-1 AO
[Up: ME_A22O1_B i][Up: Mhold_control arthur_hc_g1][Up: Mhold_control arthur_hc_g2][Up: Mhold_control arthur_hc_g3][Up: Mhold_control arthur_hc_g4][Up: Mhold_control arthur_hc_g5][Up: Mhold_control arthur_hc_g6]
module JDB122A(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
or g2(O, w0, w3, C);

// 2-1-1-1 AO
module JDB21X3A(A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(O, w0, B1, B2, B3);

// 3-3 AO
module JDB33A(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2, A3);
and g1(w4, B1, B2, B3);
or g2(O, w0, w4);

// 2-2-2 AO
module JDB222A(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
and g2(w6, C1, C2);
or g3(O, w0, w3, w6);

// 2-2-2 AO
module JDB222B(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
and g2(w6, C1, C2);
or g3(O, w0, w3, w6);

// 2-2-2-2 AO
module JDB2X4B(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
input   D1;
input   D2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
and g2(w6, C1, C2);
and g3(w9, D1, D2);
or g4(O, w0, w3, w6, w9);

// 2-1 AO with 1 inverted-input
[Up: ME_AI2O1_C i]
module ADBI21C(A1, A2, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
output  O;
not g0(w2, A2);
and g1(w0, A1, w2);
or g2(O, w0, B);

// 2-1 AO with 1 inverted-input
[Up: ME_AI2O1_D i]
module ADBI21D(A1, A2, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
output  O;
not g0(w2, A2);
and g1(w0, A1, w2);
or g2(O, w0, B);

// 2-2-1 AO with 1-inverting input
[Up: ME_AI22O1_C i][Up: ME_AI22O1_C_2 u0][Up: ME_AI22O1_C_2 u1][Up: ME_AI22O1_C_5 u0][Up: ME_AI22O1_C_5 u1][Up: ME_AI22O1_C_5 u2][Up: ME_AI22O1_C_5 u3][Up: ME_AI22O1_C_5 u4]
module ADBI122C(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C;
output  O;
not g0(w2, A2);
and g1(w0, A1, w2);
and g2(w3, B1, B2);
or g3(O, w0, w3, C);

// 2-2-1 AO with 1-inverting input
[Up: ME_AI22O1_D i]
module ADBI122D(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C;
output  O;
not g0(w2, A2);
and g1(w0, A1, w2);
and g2(w3, B1, B2);
or g3(O, w0, w3, C);

// 2-1 AO
module ADB21D(A1, A2, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(O, w0, B);

// 2-2-1 AO
module ADB122D(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
or g2(O, w0, w3, C);

// 2-2 AO
module ADB22D(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
or g2(O, w0, w3);

// 2-1-1 AO
module ADB211D(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(O, w0, B1, B2);

// 1-bit D Flip-Flop
[Up: Mflipflop_noop dff]
module JDFFA(D, CK, Q, XQ);
input   D;
input   CK;
output  Q;
output  XQ;
fj_dff_e    g0(IQ, D, CK);
buf g1(Q, IQ);
not g2(XQ, IQ);

// set-reset flipflop
module JSRFFA(D, CL, PR, CK, Q, XQ);
input   D;
input   CL;          // clear, active low
input   PR;          // preset, active low
input   CK;
output  Q;
output  XQ;
not g0(w2, CL);
not g1(w3, PR);
fj_dff_ecs    g2(IQ, D, CK, w2, w3);
buf g3(Q, IQ);
not g4(XQ, IQ);

// 1-2 OAI
[Up: ME_O2A1I i][Up: ME_O2A1I_B i]
module JG12A(A1, A2, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
nand g1(O, w0, B);

// 2-2 OAI
[Up: ME_O22AI i][Up: ME_O22AI_B i]
module JG22A(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2);
nand g2(O, w0, w3);

// 1-1-2 OAI
[Up: ME_O2A2I i][Up: ME_O2A2I_B i]
module JG112A(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
nand g1(O, w0, B1, B2);

//  2-1-1 OAI
module JG211A(A1, A2, B, C, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
input   C;
output  O;
and g0(w1, A1, A2);
or g1(w0, w1, B);
nand g2(O, w0, C);

// 3-1 OAI
module JG31A(A1, A2, A3, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   B;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2, A3);
nand g1(O, w0, B);

// 2-3 OAI
module JG23A(A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2, B3);
nand g2(O, w0, w3);

// 2-2-1 OAI
module JG221A(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2);
nand g2(O, w0, w3, C);

// 2-1-1-1 OAI
module JG2111A(A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
nand g1(O, w0, B1, B2, B3);

// 3-3 OAI
module JG33A(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2, A3);
or g1(w4, B1, B2, B3);
nand g2(O, w0, w4);

// 2-2-2 OAI
module JG222A(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2);
or g2(w6, C1, C2);
nand g3(O, w0, w3, w6);

// 2-2-2-2 OAI
[Up: ME_O2222AI i][Up: ME_O2222AI_B i]
module AG2222A(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
input   D1;
input   D2;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2);
or g2(w6, C1, C2);
or g3(w9, D1, D2);
nand g4(O, w0, w3, w6, w9);

// 1-2 OA
[Up: ME_O2A1 i][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_hld_gate0_0][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_hld_gate1_0]
module JGB12A(A1, A2, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(O, w0, B);

// 2-2 OA
[Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_3][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_4][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_5][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_6][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_7][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_8][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_9][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_10][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_11][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_dva_e_mux_12]
module JGB22A(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2);
and g2(O, w0, w3);

// 1-1-2 OA
module JGB112A(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(O, w0, B1, B2);

//  2-1-1 OA
module JGB211A(A1, A2, B, C, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
input   C;
output  O;
and g0(w1, A1, A2);
or g1(w0, w1, B);
and g2(O, w0, C);

// 3-1 OA
module JGB31A(A1, A2, A3, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   B;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2, A3);
and g1(O, w0, B);

// 2-3 OA
module JGB23A(A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2, B3);
and g2(O, w0, w3);

// 2-2-1 OA
[Up: ME_O22A1 i]
module JGB221A(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2);
and g2(O, w0, w3, C);

// 2-1-1-1 OA
module JGB2111A(A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(O, w0, B1, B2, B3);

// 3-3 OA
module JGB33A(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   B3;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2, A3);
or g1(w4, B1, B2, B3);
and g2(O, w0, w4);

// 2-2-2 OA
module JGB222A(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
input   C1;
input   C2;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2);
or g2(w6, C1, C2);
and g3(O, w0, w3, w6);

// 1-2 OA
[Up: ME_O2A1_D i]
module AGB12D(A1, A2, B, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(O, w0, B);

// 2-2 OA
module AGB22D(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
or g0(w0, A1, A2);
or g1(w3, B1, B2);
and g2(O, w0, w3);

// Power gate Clock  AND Buffer
module JCAND2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2);

// True Clock Buffer
module JCBUFB(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
buf g0(O, A);

// Power Clock Buffer
module JCBUFC(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
buf g0(O, A);

// Power Clock Multiplexer
module JCMUX2B(A1, A2, B1, B2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   B1;
input   B2;
output  O;
and g0(w0, A1, A2);
and g1(w3, B1, B2);
nor g2(O, w0, w3);

// Clock Inverter
module JCINVA(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Power Clock Inverter
module JCINVB(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Double Power Clock Inverter
module JCINVC(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Tripple Power Clock Inverter
module JCINVD(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Quadruple Power Clock Inverter
module JCINVE(A, O);
input   A;
output  O;
not g0(O, A);

// Power Gated Clock NAND Buffer
module JCNAN2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2);

// Double Power Gated Clock NAND Buffer
module JCNAN2C(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power Gated Clock OR Buffer
module JCOR2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
or g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 2-Input AND Gate
[Up: ME_AND2 i][Up: rl_dc_cntl bad_mem_op_w_gate][Up: rl_dc_cntl bad_mem_op_dt_hit_w_gate][Up: ME_AND2_B i]
module JAND2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 3-Input AND Gate
[Up: ME_AND3_B i][Up: ME_AND3 i]
module JAND3B(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Power 4-Input AND Gate
[Up: ME_AND4 i][Up: ME_AND4_B i]
module JAND4B(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Power 6-Input AND Gate
module JAND6B(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6);

// Power 8-Input AND Gate
[Up: ME_AND8 i]
module JAND8B(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
input   A7;
input   A8;
output  O;
and g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8);

// 2-Input NAND Gate
[Up: ME_NAND2 i][Up: ME_OR11 u2][Up: ME_OR12 u2]
module JNAND2A(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2);

// Power 2-Input NAND Gate
[Up: ME_NAND2_B i][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_0_nand_gate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_1_nand_gate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_2_nand_gate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_3_nand_gate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_4_nand_gate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_5_nand_gate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_6_nand_gate][Up: rl_dc_cntl dc_be_7_nand_gate][Up: parity_tree LEVEL5_U0]
module JNAND2B(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2);

// 3-Input NAND Gate
[Up: ME_AND7 i0][Up: ME_NAND3 i]
module JNAND3A(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Power 3-Input NAND Gate
[Up: writebuffer wb_1_vin_gate1][Up: writebuffer wb_2_vin_gate1][Up: writebuffer wb_3_vin_gate1][Up: ME_NAND3_B i]
module JNAND3B(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// 4-Input NAND Gate
[Up: ME_AND7 i1][Up: ME_NAND4 i]
module JNAND4A(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Power 4-Input NAND Gate
module JNAND4B(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Double Power 2-Input NAND Gate
module JNAND2C(A1, A2, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2);

// Double Power 3-Input NAND Gate
module JNAND3C(A1, A2, A3, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2, A3);

// Double Power 4-Input NAND Gate
[Up: writebuffer wb_0_vin_gate5][Up: writebuffer wb_3_vin_gate3][Up: writebuffer wb_3_vin_gate5]
module JNAND4C(A1, A2, A3, A4, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4);

// Power 5-Input NAND Gate
[Up: writebuffer wb_0_vin_gate1][Up: writebuffer wb_0_vin_gate2][Up: writebuffer wb_0_vin_gate3][Up: writebuffer wb_0_vin_gate4][Up: writebuffer wb_1_vin_gate2][Up: writebuffer wb_1_vin_gate3][Up: writebuffer wb_1_vin_gate4][Up: writebuffer wb_1_vin_gate5][Up: writebuffer wb_1_vin_gate6][Up: writebuffer wb_2_vin_gate2][Up: writebuffer wb_2_vin_gate3][Up: writebuffer wb_2_vin_gate4][Up: writebuffer wb_2_vin_gate5][Up: writebuffer wb_2_vin_gate6][Up: writebuffer wb_3_vin_gate2][Up: writebuffer wb_3_vin_gate4][Up: writebuffer wb_3_vin_gate6][Up: ME_NAND5 i]
module ANAND5C(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5);

// Double Power 6-Input NAND Gate
[Up: ME_NAND6_B i]
module JNAND6C(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, O);
input   A1;
input   A2;
input   A3;
input   A4;
input   A5;
input   A6;
output  O;
nand g0(O, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6);

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