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//  @(#)fp_ctl.v	1.1  4/7/92
//  FPU core control top-level interconnect module.
//  This interconnect module was produced by Synopsys grouping and then edited
//  by hand to remove hierarchy from signal names and make
//  things more readable.

[Up: fpufpc fpctl]
module fp_ctl ( ss_clock, AregMaster_32, BregFPMSBM1, CALSB, CBLSB, CCLSB,
	Conditionals_3, Conditionals_10, Conditionals_12,
	FpLd, FpOp, FracAgtB, FracBregSign, FracZero,
	notAInfNAN, notAM31_3, notAM2_0, notAregMasterFPMSBP1, notAZeroDenorm,
	notBInfNAN, notBZeroDenorm, notExpUnderflow, notExpOverflow,
	notExpException, notPossibleOv, notFracZero, notSticky1, ResetIn,
	RS2_63, RS1_63, StickyForSR1, SubResultNorm, AregMaster_57_40,
	AregMaster_7_0, CarryInLSBs, CregInSL2SQRT, CregSNBits, ExpIn,
	FpInst, notExpShiftResult, notMultip, notSticky4, RoundingMode,
	SALSBs, SBLSBs, SCLSBs, StepRemBits, Sticky2, StickyExtra, SumInLSBs,
	TregLSBs, U_RomOutputs,
	CarryIn, CarryOut0, CarryOut3, Constantb, Constantc, Constantd,
	Constante, Constantf, Constantg, Constanth, ExpAregLC0, ExpAregLC1,
	ExpAregLoadEn, ExpBregLC0, ExpBregLC1, ExpBregLoadEn, FracAregLoadEn,
	FracBregLoadEn, FracCregLC, FracCregLoadEn, FracTregLoadEn, FpBusy,
	InitialCarryBit, InitialMulStep, notFracYFromD1A, notFracYFromD2A,
	notFracYFromD3A, notNO_1, notStickyInForSR, OprSNnotDB, RomOutputs_18,
	RomOutputs_20, RomOutputs_27, RomOutputs_55, SignResult, SNnotDB,
	SROneMore, SRToSticky, SumCarryLoadEn, SumOut0, ConditionCodes, Excep,
	FracAregLC, FracBregLC, FracRound, FracYbusLSBs, InForCreg,
	InForCregDB, InFromCregOr0, LIB, MulLenSel, notsh, Pos,
	RomOutputs_32_29, RomOutputs_46_44, SelectedMIptr, Shift, SRControl,
	TopBitsIn, Zero,
	ss_scan_mode, fp_ctl_scan_in, fp_ctl_scan_out);

input	ss_clock, AregMaster_32, BregFPMSBM1, CALSB, CBLSB, CCLSB,
	Conditionals_3, Conditionals_10, Conditionals_12,
	FpLd, FpOp, FracAgtB, FracBregSign, FracZero,
	notAInfNAN, notAM31_3, notAM2_0, notAregMasterFPMSBP1, notAZeroDenorm,
	notBInfNAN, notBZeroDenorm, notExpUnderflow, notExpOverflow,
	notExpException, notPossibleOv, notFracZero, notSticky1, ResetIn,
	RS2_63, RS1_63, StickyForSR1, SubResultNorm,
	ss_scan_mode, fp_ctl_scan_in ;

input	[57:40] AregMaster_57_40 ;
input	[7:0] AregMaster_7_0 ;
input	[2:0] CarryInLSBs ;
input	[1:0] CregInSL2SQRT ;
input	[1:0] CregSNBits ;
input	[7:0] ExpIn ;
input	[9:0] FpInst ;
input	[12:0] notExpShiftResult ;
input	[8:0] notMultip ;
input	[3:0] notSticky4 ;
input	[1:0] RoundingMode ;
input	[1:0] SALSBs ;
input	[1:0] SBLSBs ;
input	[1:0] SCLSBs ;
input	[3:0] StepRemBits ;
input	[1:0] Sticky2 ;
input	[1:0] StickyExtra ;
input	[2:0] SumInLSBs ;
input	[1:0] TregLSBs ;
input	[63:0] U_RomOutputs ;		// unbuffered ROM data output

output	CarryIn, CarryOut0, CarryOut3, Constantb, Constantc, Constantd,
	Constante, Constantf, Constantg, Constanth, ExpAregLC0, ExpAregLC1,
	ExpAregLoadEn, ExpBregLC0, ExpBregLC1, ExpBregLoadEn, FracAregLoadEn,
	FracBregLoadEn, FracCregLC, FracCregLoadEn, FracTregLoadEn, FpBusy,
	InitialCarryBit, InitialMulStep, notFracYFromD1A, notFracYFromD2A,
	notFracYFromD3A, notNO_1, notStickyInForSR, OprSNnotDB, RomOutputs_18,
	RomOutputs_20, RomOutputs_27, RomOutputs_55, SignResult, SNnotDB,
	SROneMore, SRToSticky, SumCarryLoadEn, SumOut0, 
	fp_ctl_scan_out ;

output	[1:0] ConditionCodes;
output	[5:0] Excep ;
output	[2:0] FracAregLC ;
output	[2:0] FracBregLC ;
output	[4:0] FracRound ;
output	[1:0] FracYbusLSBs ;
output	[1:0] InForCreg ;
output	[1:0] InForCregDB ;
output	[1:0] InFromCregOr0 ;
output	[2:0] LIB ;
output	[4:0] MulLenSel ;
output	[3:1] notsh ;
output	[3:0] Pos ;
output	[32:29] RomOutputs_32_29 ;
output	[46:44] RomOutputs_46_44 ;
output	[7:0] SelectedMIptr ;		// unregistered ROM address
output	[3:0] Shift ;
output	[3:0] SRControl ;
output	[8:0] TopBitsIn ;
output	[3:0] Zero ;

wire	notWaitForShifter, SignAreg, PreventSwap, PreventSwapExp, XDest,
	CMPDecoded, CMPEDecoded, notAbortWB, NegateOprSign, Unimplemented,
	Status_6, notSignAFromB, notSignBFromA, DBnotSN,
	Conditionals_2, Conditionals_6, Conditionals_7, Conditionals_15 ;

wire [6:0] YDest ;
wire [1:0] notNO ;
wire [63:0] RomOutputs ;

assign notNO_1 = notNO[1] ;
assign RomOutputs_18 = RomOutputs[18] ;
assign RomOutputs_20 = RomOutputs[20] ;
assign RomOutputs_27 = RomOutputs[27] ;
assign RomOutputs_55 = RomOutputs[55] ;
assign RomOutputs_32_29 = RomOutputs[32:29] ;
assign RomOutputs_46_44 = RomOutputs[46:44] ;

    ME_TIEOFF toff (vdd, gnd);

    Control cl  ( .Phi (ss_clock ), .ResetIn (ResetIn ),
	.notExpAgtB (notExpShiftResult[12] ), 
	.notAInfNan (notAInfNAN ), .notAZeroDenorm (notAZeroDenorm ),
	.notBInfNan (notBInfNAN ), .notBZeroDenorm (notBZeroDenorm ),
	.notExpUnderflow (notExpUnderflow ), .notExpOverflow (notExpOverflow ),
	.notExpException (notExpException ),
	.notWaitForShifter (notWaitForShifter ), .notNO (notNO ),
	.SubResultNorm (SubResultNorm ), .notPossibleOv (notPossibleOv ),

	.Conditionals_14_8 ({vdd, AregMaster_57_40[54], Conditionals_12,
	FracAgtB, Conditionals_10, FracZero, notFracZero }),

	.Conditionals_6_0 ( {Conditionals_6, SignAreg, ExpIn[0], 
	Conditionals_3, Conditionals_2 , SNnotDB, gnd} ),

	.FpInst (FpInst ), .FpOp (FpOp ), .FpLd (FpLd ),
	.PreventSwap (PreventSwap ), .PreventSwapExp (PreventSwapExp ),
	.RCondition (Conditionals_15 ),
	.SelectedMIptr (SelectedMIptr ),
	.U_RomOutputs (U_RomOutputs ),
	.RomOutputs (RomOutputs[63:0] ),
	.YDest (YDest[6:0] ), .XDest (XDest ), .CMPDecoded (CMPDecoded ),
	.CMPEDecoded (CMPEDecoded ), .AregOprExc (Conditionals_7 ),
	.notAbortWB (notAbortWB ),
	.Reset (Reset ), .Busy (FpBusy ), .NegateOprSign (NegateOprSign ),
	.UnimpOut (Unimplemented )  );

    frac_ctl fracctl ( .Phi(ss_clock), .AregMaster_32 (AregMaster_32 ),
	.CCLSB (CCLSB ), .FracBregSign (FracBregSign ), .FracSign (FracAgtB ),
	.LoadForInt (RomOutputs[19] ), .LoadOprs (FpLd ),
	.notAbortWB (notAbortWB ), .notAM31_3 (notAM31_3 ),
	.notAM2_0 (notAM2_0), .notAregMasterFPMSBP1 (notAregMasterFPMSBP1 ),
	.notSticky1 (notSticky1), .PreventSwap (PreventSwap ),
	.Rom_Inexact (Status_6 ), .RomShForAlign (RomOutputs[21] ),
	.SNnotDB(SNnotDB), .SROneMore (SROneMore), .SRToSticky (SRToSticky ),
	.StickyForSR1 (StickyForSR1),
	.AregMaster_57_40 ( AregMaster_57_40[57:40] ),
	.AregMaster_7_0 (AregMaster_7_0[7:0] ),
	.CarryInLSBs (CarryInLSBs ), .CregInSL2SQRT ( CregInSL2SQRT ),
	.CregSNBits (CregSNBits ), .ExpIn ({SignAreg, ExpIn}),
	.notMultip (notMultip ), .notSticky4 (notSticky4 ),
	.Rom_63_48 (RomOutputs[63:48] ), .SALSBs (SALSBs ), .SBLSBs (SBLSBs ),
	.SCLSBs (SCLSBs ), .SRControl (SRControl ), .StepRemBits (StepRemBits),
	.Sticky2 (Sticky2 ), .StickyExtra (StickyExtra ),
	.SumInLSBs (SumInLSBs ), .TregLSBs (TregLSBs ), .YDest (YDest[6:0] ),
	.CarryOut0 (CarryOut0 ), .CarryOut3 (CarryOut3 ),
	.FracAregLoadEn (FracAregLoadEn ), .FracBregLoadEn (FracBregLoadEn ),
	.FracCregLoadEn (FracCregLoadEn ), .FracCregLC (FracCregLC ),
	.FracTregLoadEn (FracTregLoadEn ), .Inexact (Excep[0] ),
	.InitialCarryBit (InitialCarryBit ), .InitialMulStep (InitialMulStep ),
	.notFracYFromD1A (notFracYFromD1A ),
	.notFracYFromD2A (notFracYFromD2A ), 
	.notFracYFromD3A (notFracYFromD3A ), 
	.notStickyInForSR (notStickyInForSR ),
	.SumCarryLoadEn (SumCarryLoadEn ), .SumOut0 (SumOut0 ),
	.FracAregLC (FracAregLC ), .FracBregLC (FracBregLC ),
	.FracYbusLSBs (FracYbusLSBs ), .InForCreg (InForCreg ),
	.InForCregDB (InForCregDB ), .InFromCregOr0 (InFromCregOr0 ),
	.LIB ( LIB ), .notNO (notNO ), .notsh (notsh ), .Pos (Pos ),
	.Shift (Shift ), .TopBitsIn (TopBitsIn ), .Zero (Zero )  );

    SignDp sdp  ( .Phi (ss_clock ), .Reset (Reset ),
	.RomSignLength ( RomOutputs[43:39] ),
	.RomStatus ( RomOutputs[26:22] ), .FracXFromRound (RomOutputs[47] ),
	.XDest (XDest ), .CMPDecoded (CMPDecoded ), 
	.CMPEDecoded (CMPEDecoded ), .SignOpA (RS2_63 ), .SignOpB (RS1_63 ),
	.notAbortWB (notAbortWB ), .PreventSwap (PreventSwap ), .FpLd (FpLd ),
	.FpOp (FpOp ), .NegateOprSign (NegateOprSign ),
	.notSignAFromB (notSignAFromB ), .notSignBFromA (notSignBFromA ),
	.OprRoundMode (RoundingMode ), .FpInst1 ( FpInst[1] ),
	.Unimplemented (Unimplemented ), .SignResult (SignResult ),
	.AregSign (SignAreg ), .AregXORBreg (Conditionals_2 ),
	.FpExc_Unimp (Excep[5] ), .Status_6_2 ({Status_6 , Excep[4:1] }),
	.ConditionCodes (ConditionCodes ), .OprSNnotDB (OprSNnotDB ),
	.SNnotDB (SNnotDB ), .DBnotSN (DBnotSN ), .MulLenSel (MulLenSel ),
	.RModeMinus (Conditionals_6 ), .FracRoundOut (FracRound )  );

    exp_ctl expctl ( .Phi (ss_clock), .DBnotSN (DBnotSN),
	.FracAregMSB1 (AregMaster_57_40[56] ), .LoadOprs (FpLd),
	.notAbortWB (notAbortWB ), .PreventSwap (PreventSwapExp ),
	.ShiftBy8 (RomOutputs[20] ), .ShiftForAl (RomOutputs[21] ),
	.SNnotDB (SNnotDB ), .notExpShiftResult (notExpShiftResult ),
	.Rom_28_27 (RomOutputs[28:27] ), .Rom_38_33 (RomOutputs[38:33] ),
	.CarryIn (CarryIn ), .Constantb (Constantb ), .Constantc (Constantc ),
	.Constantd (Constantd ), .Constante (Constante ),
	.Constantf (Constantf ), .Constantg (Constantg ),
	.Constanth (Constanth ), .ExpAregLoadEn (ExpAregLoadEn ),
	.ExpAregLC0 (ExpAregLC0 ), .ExpAregLC1 (ExpAregLC1 ),
	.ExpBregLC0 (ExpBregLC0 ), .ExpBregLC1 (ExpBregLC1 ),
	.ExpBregLoadEn (ExpBregLoadEn ), .notSignAFromB (notSignAFromB ),
	.notSignBFromA (notSignBFromA ),
	.notWaitForShifter (notWaitForShifter ), .SROneMore (SROneMore ),
	.SRToSticky (SRToSticky ), .SRControl (SRControl)  );


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:02:39 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/fpu/fp_ctl/rtl/fp_ctl.v

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