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//  @(#)frac_ctl.v	1.1  4/7/92
//  Top-level interconnect module for the fraction datapath control modules.
//  This interconnect module was produced by Synopsys grouping and then edited
//  by hand to remove hierarchy from signal names and make
//  things more readable..

[Up: fp_ctl fracctl]
module frac_ctl ( Phi, AregMaster_32, BregFPMSBM1, CALSB, CBLSB, CCLSB,
	FracBregSign, FracSign, LoadForInt, LoadOprs, notAbortWB,
	notAM31_3, notAM2_0, notAregMasterFPMSBP1, notSticky1,
	PreventSwap, Rom_Inexact, RomShForAlign, SNnotDB, SROneMore,
	SRToSticky, StickyForSR1, AregMaster_57_40,
	CarryInLSBs, CregInSL2SQRT, CregSNBits, ExpIn, notMultip, notSticky4,
	Rom_63_48, SALSBs, SBLSBs, SCLSBs, SRControl, StepRemBits, Sticky2,
	StickyExtra, SumInLSBs, TregLSBs, YDest,
	CarryOut0, CarryOut3, FracAregLoadEn, FracBregLoadEn,
	FracCregLoadEn, FracCregLC, FracTregLoadEn, Inexact,
	InitialCarryBit, InitialMulStep, notFracYFromD1A,
	notFracYFromD2A, notFracYFromD3A, notStickyInForSR,
	SumCarryLoadEn, SumOut0, FracAregLC, FracBregLC, FracYbusLSBs,
	InForCreg, InForCregDB, InFromCregOr0, LIB, notNO, notsh, Pos, Shift,
	TopBitsIn, Zero );

input	Phi, AregMaster_32, BregFPMSBM1, CALSB, CBLSB, CCLSB,
	FracBregSign, FracSign, LoadForInt, LoadOprs, notAbortWB,
	notAM31_3, notAM2_0, notAregMasterFPMSBP1, notSticky1,
	PreventSwap, Rom_Inexact, RomShForAlign, SNnotDB, SROneMore,
	SRToSticky, StickyForSR1 ;

input	[57:40] AregMaster_57_40 ;
input	[7:0] AregMaster_7_0 ;
input	[2:0] CarryInLSBs ;
input	[1:0] CregInSL2SQRT ;
input	[1:0] CregSNBits ;
input	[8:0] ExpIn ;
input	[8:0] notMultip ;
input	[3:0] notSticky4 ;
input	[63:48] Rom_63_48 ;
input	[1:0] SALSBs ;
input	[1:0] SBLSBs ;
input	[1:0] SCLSBs ;
input	[3:0] SRControl ;
input	[3:0] StepRemBits ;
input	[1:0] Sticky2 ;
input	[1:0] StickyExtra ;
input	[2:0] SumInLSBs ;
input	[1:0] TregLSBs ;
input	[6:0] YDest ;

output	CarryOut0, CarryOut3, FracAregLoadEn, FracBregLoadEn,
	FracCregLoadEn, FracCregLC, FracTregLoadEn, Inexact,
	InitialCarryBit, InitialMulStep, notFracYFromD1A,
	notFracYFromD2A, notFracYFromD3A, notStickyInForSR,
	SumCarryLoadEn, SumOut0 ;

output	[2:0] FracAregLC ;
output	[2:0] FracBregLC ;
output	[1:0] FracYbusLSBs ;
output	[1:0] InForCreg ;
output	[1:0] InForCregDB ;
output	[1:0] InFromCregOr0 ;
output	[2:0] LIB ;
output	[1:0] notNO ;
output	[3:1] notsh ;
output	[3:0] Pos ;
output	[3:0] Shift ;
output	[8:0] TopBitsIn ;
output	[3:0] Zero ;

wire	LoadFromMult, RomFracBSL2FromC, SelInitRemBits ;
wire	[3:1] DivMultiple ;
wire	[1:0] QuoBits ;

    BregLoadCtl fblc ( .RomFracBregLC( Rom_63_48[60:59] ), .RomBSL2InFromC(
	RomFracBSL2FromC), .LoadOprs(LoadOprs), .notAbortWB(notAbortWB),
	.PreventSwap(PreventSwap), .LoadFromMult(LoadFromMult), .CregInSL2SQRT(
	CregInSL2SQRT[1:0] ), .FracBregLC( FracBregLC[2:0] ), .FracBregLoadEn(
	FracBregLoadEn), .InFromCregOr0( InFromCregOr0[1:0] ) );

    ShiftLeftCtl slc ( .NI_49_47( AregMaster_57_40[49:47] ), .LoadForInt(
	LoadForInt), .LIB( LIB[2:0] ) );

    AregLoadCtl falc ( .ROM( Rom_63_48[58:56] ), .LoadOprs(LoadOprs),
	.notAbortWB(notAbortWB), .PreventSwap(PreventSwap), .FracAregLC(
	FracAregLC[2:0] ), .FracAregLoadEn(FracAregLoadEn), .LoadFromMult(
	LoadFromMult), .SelInitRemBits(SelInitRemBits) );

    TregLoadCtl tlc ( .RomFracTFromRes(Rom_63_48[63] ),
	.notAbortWB(notAbortWB), .FracTregLoadEn(FracTregLoadEn) );

    NormCalSlice an ( .NI( AregMaster_57_40[55:40] ), .notsh( notsh[3:1] ),
	.notNO( notNO[1:0] ) );

    AregInexact aic ( .RomInexactRound(Rom_Inexact), .SNnotDB(SNnotDB),
	.AMCBit(AregMaster_57_40[56] ), .AM32(AregMaster_32), .AM3(
	AregMaster_7_0[3] ), .notAM31_3(notAM31_3), .notAM2_0(notAM2_0),
	.Inexact(Inexact) );

    MultiplierLSB mlsb ( .Rom_ResetMul(Rom_63_48[63] ), .notMultip(
	notMultip[8:0] ), .notAbortWB(notAbortWB), .SumInLSBs(SumInLSBs[2:0] ),
	.CarryInLSBs( CarryInLSBs[2:0] ), .SCLSBs( SCLSBs[1:0] ), .SBLSBs(
	.CALSB(CALSB), .Shift( Shift[3:0] ), .Pos( Pos[3:0] ), .Zero(
	Zero[3:0] ), .CarryOut0(CarryOut0), .CarryOut3(CarryOut3), .SumOut0(
	SumOut0), .SumCarryLoadEn(SumCarryLoadEn), .InitialMulStep(
	InitialMulStep), .InitialCarryBit(InitialCarryBit) );

    DivLog divl ( .Phi(Phi), .AregFPMSBM1(AregMaster_57_40[54] ),
	.BregFPMSBM1(BregFPMSBM1), .StepRemBits( StepRemBits[3:0] ),
	.InitialRemBits( AregMaster_57_40[57:54] ), .SelectInitial(
	SelInitRemBits), .FracSign(FracSign), .DivMultiple( DivMultiple[3:1] ),
	.QuotientBits( QuoBits[1:0] ) );

    CregLoadCtl fclc ( .RomCregCtl(Rom_63_48[62:61] ), .QuoBits(QuoBits[1:0] ),
	.notAbortWB(notAbortWB), .SNnotDB(SNnotDB), .CregSNBits(
	CregSNBits[1:0] ), .InForCreg( InForCreg[1:0] ), .InForCregDB(
	InForCregDB[1:0] ), .RomFracBSL2FromC(RomFracBSL2FromC),
	.FracCregLoadCtl0(FracCregLC), .FracCregLoadEn(FracCregLoadEn) );

    ShiftRightCtl src ( .LoadForInt(LoadForInt), .AregMasterBuf_57_55(
	AregMaster_57_40[57:55] ), .ExpIn( ExpIn[8:0] ), .SRControl(
	SRControl[3:0] ), .SROneMore(SROneMore), .SRToStky(SRToSticky),
	.Stky8( AregMaster_7_0[7:0] ), .notStky4( notSticky4[3:0] ),
	.Stky2( Sticky2[1:0] ), .notStky1(notSticky1), .StkyExtra(
	StickyExtra[1:0] ), .RomShForAl(RomShForAlign), .notStkyInForSR(
	notStickyInForSR), .TopBitsIn( TopBitsIn[8:0] ) );

    YMuxCtl fymc ( .RomYMuxCtl( Rom_63_48[55:48] ), .YFunc( YDest[6:0] ),
	.FracAregFPMSBP1( AregMaster_57_40[56] ), .notFracAregFPMSBP1(
	notAregMasterFPMSBP1), .FracBregSign(FracBregSign), .DivMultiple(
	DivMultiple[3:1] ), .AregLSBs( AregMaster_7_0[2:0] ),
	.StickyForSR1(StickyForSR1), .TregLSBs( TregLSBs[1:0] ),
	.notFracYFromD1A(notFracYFromD1A), .notFracYFromD2A(notFracYFromD2A),
	.notFracYFromD3A(notFracYFromD3A), .FracYLSBs( FracYbusLSBs[1:0] ) );


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:34 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/fpu/fp_ctl/rtl/frac_ctl.v

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