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//  @(#)fpufpc_2.0.v	1.17  4/15/93
// **************************************************************
// High Level model of FPU/FPC
// This module is the top level module for the FPU/FPC.  It defines
// the interface signals and instantiates the following seven modules:
// 	fp_fpc, fp_rf, fp_ctl, fp_exp, fp_frac, fp_rom
// **************************************************************
[Up: ssparc_core ssparc_fpu]
module  fpufpc (ss_clock, ss_reset, ld_fpu_w, inst_for_int,
		iu_epc, hld_dirreg, ext_valid_decode, fold_annul_e,
		ext_flush, ext_hold, ext_hold1, ext_fxack, ext_fhold,
		ext_fexc, ext_fcc, ext_fccv, fhold_d1, fhold_fqfull_d1,
		fload_wait_w, fp_dout_e,
		fp_fpc_scan_in, fprf_scan_out, ss_scan_mode );

input [63:0] ld_fpu_w;		// Data-cache output bus
input [31:0] inst_for_int;	// Input to D-stage instruction register
input [31:2] iu_epc;		// tap from IU E-stage pc (30-bits)
input   ss_clock;		// Floating pt. unit clock inputs
input	ss_reset,		// Floating pt. unit reset input
	hld_dirreg,		// inverted load signal for decode register
	ext_valid_decode,	// Valid instr in decode
	fold_annul_e,		// inst in E is annuled
	ext_flush;		// FPU flush (IU trap)

input [2:0] ext_hold;		// IU pipeline held (frozen) from mhold, etc.

input	ext_hold1,		// duplicate of ext_hold
	ext_fxack,		// Floating pt. exception acknowledge
	fp_fpc_scan_in,		// scan data input
	ss_scan_mode;		// scan enable

output	ext_fhold,		// Floating point hold (interlocks the IU)
	ext_fexc;		// Floating point exception signal
output [1:0] ext_fcc;		// Floating point condition codes
output	ext_fccv,		// Floating point condition codes valid
	fhold_d1,		// delayed ext_fhold used by perf counter
	fhold_fqfull_d1,	// delayed fq_full used by perf counter
	fload_wait_w;		// FPop is currently executing, and may trap
output [63:0] fp_dout_e;	// Data Out Bus
output	fprf_scan_out;	// scan data output

	// FPP Operand & Result busses, reg file input/output busses, 
wire [54:3] FracResult ;
wire [10:0] ExpResult ;
wire	SignResult, SNnotDB ;
wire [63:0] fprf_dout1, fprf_dout2, fprf_dout3, fprf_din ;

	// input data (from Data-cache) for the FSR register
wire [18:0] fsr_data_in = {ld_fpu_w[31:30], ld_fpu_w[27:23], ld_fpu_w[11:0]} ;

	// FPP status: cond. codes and exception bits
wire [1:0]  ConditionCodes;
wire [5:0]  Excep;
wire fpm_inx, fpm_unfin ;

	// Reg file read and write addresses, and control
wire [3:0]  fprf_ra1;
wire [3:0]  fprf_ra2;
wire [3:0]  fprf_ra3;
wire [3:0]  fprf_wa;
wire [5:0]  fprf_byp1, fprf_byp2, fprf_byp3;
wire [1:0]  fprf_algn1, fprf_algn2;
wire [1:0]  fprf_hold_din;
wire [1:0]  fprf_we;

	// FP instruction and rounding mode bits for Meiko core
wire [9:0] FpInst;
wire [1:0] RoundingMode;

	// exception status from Meiko core
wire [7:0]  fpstat = {ConditionCodes, Excep};

	// Datapath and FPP control signals
wire fpm_start, fpp_fop, fpp_ld, fpp_reset ;
wire [1:0] res_select, fpm_inst ;
wire rfin_select ;

wire FpBusyPhi2;	// FPP status signal (busy)

			// scan signals
wire fp_fpc_scan_in, fp_fpc_scan_out;
wire fprf_scan_out, fp_fpm_scan_out, fp_rom_scan_out;
wire fp_exp_scan_out, fp_ctl_scan_out, fp_frac_scan_out;

	// Floating Point Control unit module instance
fp_fpc fpfpc (.ss_clock(ss_clock), .ss_reset(ss_reset),
		.ext_flush(ext_flush), .ext_hold(ext_hold[2:0]),
		.hld_dirreg(hld_dirreg), .FpBusyPhi2(FpBusyPhi2),
		.fpm_inx(fpm_inx), .fpm_unfin(fpm_unfin),
		.fpstat(fpstat), .fsr_data_in(fsr_data_in),
		.inst_for_int(inst_for_int), .iu_epc(iu_epc),
		.fprf_dout3(fprf_dout3), .fp_dout_e(fp_dout_e),
		.FpInst(FpInst), .fpm_inst(fpm_inst),
		.ext_fhold(ext_fhold), .fpm_start(fpm_start),
		.fpp_ld(fpp_ld), .fpp_reset(fpp_reset), .ext_fexc(ext_fexc),
		.fhold_d1(fhold_d1), .fhold_fqfull_d1(fhold_fqfull_d1),
		.res_select(res_select), .rfin_select(rfin_select),
		.fprf_wa(fprf_wa), .fprf_ra1(fprf_ra1), .fprf_ra2(fprf_ra2),
		.fprf_ra3(fprf_ra3), .fprf_hold_din(fprf_hold_din),
		.fprf_byp1(fprf_byp1), .fprf_byp2(fprf_byp2),
		.fprf_byp3(fprf_byp3), .fprf_algn1(fprf_algn1),
		.fprf_algn2(fprf_algn2), .ext_fccv(ext_fccv),
		.fp_fpc_scan_out(fp_fpc_scan_out) );

	// FPU Register File module instance
fp_rf fprf (.ss_clock(ss_clock), .ss_scan_mode(ss_scan_mode),
	.hold_din(fprf_hold_din), .fp_hold_ra3(ext_hold1),
	.fp_algn1(fprf_algn1), .fp_algn2(fprf_algn2),
	.fp_byp1(fprf_byp1), .fp_byp2(fprf_byp2), .fp_byp3(fprf_byp3),
	.fp_wa(fprf_wa), .fp_ra1(fprf_ra1), .fp_ra2(fprf_ra2),
	.fp_din(fprf_din), .fp_dout1(fprf_dout1), .fp_dout2(fprf_dout2),
	.fp_dout3(fprf_dout3), .fp_scan_out(fprf_scan_out) );

	// **********************************************************
	// all modules below this line are part of the Meiko FPU core
	// **********************************************************

wire FpOp, FpLd, Reset, FpBusy;

assign FpOp = fpp_fop ;
assign FpLd = fpp_ld ;
assign Reset = fpp_reset ;
assign FpBusyPhi2 = FpBusy ;

	// This module header is used when testing the FPU core by itself.

//  Meiko FPU top-level interconnect module
//  This interconnect module was produced by Synopsys grouping and then edited
//  by hand () to remove hierarchy from signal names and make
//  things more readable.

/* ***********************

module FPU ( ss_clock, FpInst, FpOp, FpLd, Reset,
	     fprf_dout1, fprf_dout2, RoundingMode,
	     FpBusy, FracResult, ExpResult, SignResult, SNnotDB,
	     Excep, ConditionCodes,
	     ss_scan_mode, fp_ctl_scan_in, fp_ctl_scan_out );

input  ss_clock, FpOp, FpLd, Reset, ss_scan_mode, fp_ctl_scan_in;

input  [9:0] FpInst;
output [1:0] ConditionCodes;
input  [63:0] fprf_dout1;
input  [63:0] fprf_dout2;
output [5:0] Excep;
input  [1:0] RoundingMode;
output [54:3] FracResult;
output [10:0] ExpResult;

output FpBusy, SignResult, SNnotDB, fp_ctl_scan_out;

************************** */

wire FracAregLoadEn, FracBregLoadEn, FracCregLoadEn, FracCregLC,
	FracTregLoadEn, SROneMore, SRToSticky, notStickyInForSR,
	InitialMulStep, InitialCarryBit, SumCarryLoadEn, SumOut0,
	CarryOut0, CarryOut3, RomOutputs_18, RomOutputs_55, notFracYFromD1A,
	notFracYFromD2A, notFracYFromD3A, notSticky1, FracBregSign,
	BregFPMSBM1, notAM31_3, notAM2_0, StickyForSR1, AregMaster_32,
	notAregMasterFPMSBP1, CALSB, CBLSB, CCLSB, notFracZero, FracZero,
	FracAgtB, SubResultNorm, Conditionals_10, notPossibleOv, notNO_1,
	RomOutputs_20, ExpAregLoadEn, ExpAregLC0, ExpAregLC1, ExpBregLoadEn,
	ExpBregLC0, ExpBregLC1, RomOutputs_27, CarryIn, Constantb, Constantc,
	Constantd, Constante, Constantf, Constantg, Constanth, Conditionals_12,
	Conditionals_3, notAInfNAN, notAZeroDenorm, notBInfNAN, notBZeroDenorm,
	notExpUnderflow, notExpOverflow, notExpException, OprSNnotDB ;

wire [2:0] FracAregLC ;
wire [2:0] FracBregLC ;
wire [1:0] FracYbusLSBs ;
wire [1:0] InFromCregOr0 ;
wire [1:0] InForCreg ;
wire [1:0] InForCregDB ;
wire [32:29] RomOutputs_32_29 ;
wire [46:44] RomOutputs_46_44 ;
wire [4:0] FracRound ;
wire [3:0] SRControl ;
wire [3:0] SLControl ;
wire [2:0] LIB ;
wire [8:0] TopBitsIn ;
wire [3:0] Shift ;
wire [3:0] Pos ;
wire [3:0] Zero ;
wire [4:0] MulLenSel ;
wire [3:0] notSticky4 ;
wire [1:0] Sticky2 ;
wire [1:0] StickyExtra ;
wire [1:0] CregSNBits ;
wire [1:0] CregInSL2SQRT ;
wire [8:0] notMultip ;
wire [57:40] AregMaster_57_40 ;
wire [7:0] AregMaster_7_0 ;
wire [1:0] TregLSBs ;
wire [2:0] SumInLSBs ;
wire [2:0] CarryInLSBs ;
wire [1:0] SALSBs ;
wire [1:0] SBLSBs ;
wire [1:0] SCLSBs ;
wire [3:0] StepRemBits ;
wire [3:1] notsh ;
wire [7:0] ExpIn ;
wire [12:0] notExpShiftResult ;
wire [7:0] SelectedMIptr ;
wire [63:0] U_RomOutputs ;

	// Meiko FPU core control logic

    fp_ctl fpctl ( .ss_clock (ss_clock), .AregMaster_32 (AregMaster_32),
	.CCLSB (CCLSB), .Conditionals_3 (Conditionals_3),
	.Conditionals_10 (Conditionals_10), .Conditionals_12 (Conditionals_12),
	.FpLd (FpLd), .FpOp (FpOp), .FracAgtB (FracAgtB),
	.FracBregSign (FracBregSign), .FracZero (FracZero),
	.notAInfNAN (notAInfNAN), .notAM31_3 (notAM31_3),
	.notAM2_0 (notAM2_0), .notAregMasterFPMSBP1 (notAregMasterFPMSBP1),
	.notAZeroDenorm (notAZeroDenorm), .notBInfNAN (notBInfNAN),
	.notBZeroDenorm (notBZeroDenorm), .notExpUnderflow (notExpUnderflow),
	.notExpOverflow (notExpOverflow), .notExpException (notExpException),
	.notPossibleOv (notPossibleOv), .notFracZero (notFracZero),
	.notSticky1 (notSticky1), .ResetIn (Reset), .RS2_63 (fprf_dout2[63] ),
	.RS1_63 (fprf_dout1[63] ), .StickyForSR1 (StickyForSR1),
	.SubResultNorm (SubResultNorm), .AregMaster_57_40 (AregMaster_57_40),
	.AregMaster_7_0 (AregMaster_7_0), .CarryInLSBs (CarryInLSBs),
	.CregInSL2SQRT (CregInSL2SQRT), .CregSNBits (CregSNBits),
	.ExpIn (ExpIn), .FpInst (FpInst),
	.notExpShiftResult (notExpShiftResult), .notMultip (notMultip),
	.notSticky4 (notSticky4), .RoundingMode (RoundingMode),
	.StepRemBits (StepRemBits), .Sticky2 (Sticky2),
	.StickyExtra (StickyExtra), .SumInLSBs (SumInLSBs),
	.TregLSBs (TregLSBs), .U_RomOutputs (U_RomOutputs ),
	.CarryIn (CarryIn), .CarryOut0 (CarryOut0), .CarryOut3 (CarryOut3),
	.Constantb (Constantb), .Constantc (Constantc), .Constantd (Constantd),
	.Constante (Constante), .Constantf (Constantf), .Constantg (Constantg),
	.Constanth (Constanth), .ExpAregLC0 (ExpAregLC0),
	.ExpAregLC1 (ExpAregLC1), .ExpAregLoadEn (ExpAregLoadEn),
	.ExpBregLC0 (ExpBregLC0), .ExpBregLC1 (ExpBregLC1),
	.ExpBregLoadEn (ExpBregLoadEn), .FracAregLoadEn (FracAregLoadEn),
	.FracBregLoadEn (FracBregLoadEn), .FracCregLC (FracCregLC),
	.FracCregLoadEn (FracCregLoadEn), .FracTregLoadEn (FracTregLoadEn),
	.FpBusy (FpBusy), .InitialCarryBit (InitialCarryBit),
	.InitialMulStep (InitialMulStep), .notFracYFromD1A (notFracYFromD1A),
	.notFracYFromD2A (notFracYFromD2A), .notFracYFromD3A (notFracYFromD3A),
	.notNO_1 (notNO_1), .notStickyInForSR (notStickyInForSR),
	.OprSNnotDB (OprSNnotDB), .RomOutputs_18 (RomOutputs_18),
	.RomOutputs_20 (RomOutputs_20), .RomOutputs_27 (RomOutputs_27),
	.RomOutputs_55 (RomOutputs_55), .SignResult (SignResult),
	.SNnotDB (SNnotDB), .SROneMore (SROneMore), .SRToSticky (SRToSticky),
	.SumCarryLoadEn (SumCarryLoadEn), .SumOut0 (SumOut0),
	.ConditionCodes (ConditionCodes), .Excep (Excep),
	.FracAregLC (FracAregLC), .FracBregLC (FracBregLC),
	.FracRound (FracRound), .FracYbusLSBs (FracYbusLSBs),
	.InForCreg (InForCreg), .InForCregDB (InForCregDB),
	.InFromCregOr0 (InFromCregOr0), .LIB (LIB), .MulLenSel (MulLenSel),
	.notsh (notsh), .Pos (Pos), .RomOutputs_32_29 (RomOutputs_32_29),
	.RomOutputs_46_44 (RomOutputs_46_44), .SelectedMIptr(SelectedMIptr ),
	.Shift (Shift), .SRControl (SRControl), .TopBitsIn (TopBitsIn),
	.Zero (Zero),
	.ss_scan_mode (ss_scan_mode),
	.fp_ctl_scan_in (fp_exp_scan_out),
	.fp_ctl_scan_out (fp_ctl_scan_out)  );

	// Instance of the ROM Megacell
fp_rom fprom ( .ss_clock(ss_clock),
		.ss_scan_mode(ss_scan_mode) );

	// exponent datapath

    fp_exp fpexp  ( .ss_clock (ss_clock ), .SNnotDB (SNnotDB ),
	.OprSNnotDB (OprSNnotDB ), .RS2_exp (fprf_dout2[62:52] ),
	.RS1_exp (fprf_dout1[62:52] ), .FracAregForInt (AregMaster_57_40[54:47] ),
	.notSLFromNorm ({notNO_1, notsh[3:1]} ), .ShiftBy8 (RomOutputs_20 ),
	.ExpAregLoadEn (ExpAregLoadEn ), .ExpAregLC0 (ExpAregLC0 ),
	.ExpAregLC1 (ExpAregLC1 ), .ExpBregLoadEn (ExpBregLoadEn ),
	.ExpBregLC0 (ExpBregLC0 ), .ExpBregLC1 (ExpBregLC1 ),
	.ExpXCtl0 (RomOutputs_32_29[29] ), .ExpXCtl1 (RomOutputs_32_29[30] ),
	.ExpYCtl0 (RomOutputs_32_29[31] ), .ExpYCtl1 (RomOutputs_32_29[32] ),
	.Sub(RomOutputs_27 ), .CarryIn (CarryIn ), .Constantb (Constantb ),
	.Constantc (Constantc ), .Constantd (Constantd ),
	.Constante (Constante ), .Constantf (Constantf ),
	.Constantg (Constantg ), .Constanth (Constanth ),
	.AregMasterBufOut (ExpIn ), .ExpResultBuf (ExpResult ),
	.notExpShiftResult (notExpShiftResult[12:0] ),
	.ExpZero (Conditionals_12 ), .ExpResult_12 (Conditionals_3 ),
	.SLControl (SLControl ), .notAInfNaN (notAInfNAN ),
	.notAZeroDenorm (notAZeroDenorm ), .notBInfNaN (notBInfNAN ),
	.notBZeroDenorm (notBZeroDenorm ), .notUnderflow (notExpUnderflow ),
	.notOverflow (notExpOverflow ), .notExpException (notExpException ),
	.ss_scan_mode (ss_scan_mode),
	.fp_exp_scan_in (fp_fpc_scan_out),
	.fp_exp_scan_out (fp_exp_scan_out)  );

	// fraction datapath

    fp_frac fpfrac (.ss_clock (ss_clock ), .FracAregLoadEn (FracAregLoadEn),
	.FracAregLC (FracAregLC ), .FracBregLoadEn (FracBregLoadEn ),
	.FracBregLC (FracBregLC ), .FracCregLoadEn (FracCregLoadEn ),
	.FracCregLC (FracCregLC ), .FracTregLoadEn (FracTregLoadEn ),
	.FracYbusLSBs (FracYbusLSBs ), .InFromCregOr0 (InFromCregOr0 ),
	.InForCreg (InForCreg ), .InForCregDB (InForCregDB ),
	.Constantb (RomOutputs_46_44[45] ), .Constantd (FracRound[4] ),
	.Constante (FracRound[3] ), .Constantf (FracRound[2] ),
	.Constantg (FracRound[1] ), .Constanth (FracRound[0] ),
	.RS2_frac (fprf_dout2[54:0] ), .RS1_frac (fprf_dout1[54:0] ),
	.SNnotDB (SNnotDB ), .OprSNnotDB(OprSNnotDB), .SRControl (SRControl ),
	.SROneMore (SROneMore ), .SRToSticky (SRToSticky ),
	.SLControl (SLControl ), .LIB (LIB ), .TopBitsIn (TopBitsIn ),
	.notStickyInForSR (notStickyInForSR ), .Shift (Shift ),
	.Pos (Pos ), .Zero (Zero ), .InitialMulStep (InitialMulStep ),
        .InitialCarryBit (InitialCarryBit ),
	.SumCarryLoadEn (SumCarryLoadEn ), .MulLenSel (MulLenSel ),
	.SumOut0 (SumOut0 ), .CarryOut0 (CarryOut0 ), .CarryOut3 (CarryOut3 ),
	.LeftnotRight (RomOutputs_18 ), .FracALUOpSub (RomOutputs_46_44[44] ),
        .FracALUOpDiv (RomOutputs_55 ), .notFracYFromD1 (notFracYFromD1A ),
	.notFracYFromD2 (notFracYFromD2A ), .notFracYFromD3 (notFracYFromD3A),
	.FracXFromB (RomOutputs_46_44[46] ), .notSticky4 (notSticky4 ),
	.Sticky2 (Sticky2 ), .notSticky1 (notSticky1 ),
	.StickyExtra (StickyExtra ), .Creg_30_29 (CregSNBits ),
	.Creg_56_55 (CregInSL2SQRT ), .BregMaster_57 (FracBregSign ),
        .BregMaster_54 (BregFPMSBM1 ), .notMultip (notMultip ),
        .notAM31_3 (notAM31_3 ), .notAM2_0 (notAM2_0 ),
        .StickyForSR1 (StickyForSR1 ),
	.AregMaster_57_40 (AregMaster_57_40[57:40] ),
	.AregMaster_32 (AregMaster_32 ),
	.AregMaster_7_0 (AregMaster_7_0[7:0] ),
	.notAregMasterFPMSBP1 (notAregMasterFPMSBP1 ),
	.Treg_1_0 (TregLSBs ), .SumInLSBs (SumInLSBs ),
	.CarryInLSBs (CarryInLSBs ), .SALSBs (SALSBs ), .SBLSBs (SBLSBs ),
	.notFracZero (notFracZero ), .FracZero (FracZero ),
	.FracResult_57 (FracAgtB ), .SubResultNorm (SubResultNorm ),
	.FracResult_56 (Conditionals_10 ),
	.FracResult_55_52 (StepRemBits ), .notPossibleOv (notPossibleOv ),
	.FracResultBufout (FracResult ),
	.ss_scan_mode (ss_scan_mode),
	.fp_frac_scan_in (fp_rom_scan_out),
	.fp_frac_scan_out (fp_frac_scan_out)  );

    fp_fpm fpfpm (.fprf_din( fprf_din[63:0] ),
	.fpm_inx(fpm_inx), .fpm_unfin(fpm_unfin),
	.fprf_dout1( fprf_dout1[63:0] ), .fprf_dout2( fprf_dout2[63:0] ),
	.ld_fpu_w( ld_fpu_w[63:0] ),
	.FracResult( FracResult[54:3] ),
	.ExpResult( ExpResult[10:0] ),
	.fpm_inst( fpm_inst[1:0] ),
	.rnd_mode( RoundingMode[1:0] ),
	.res_select( res_select[1:0] ),
	.ss_scan_mode (ss_scan_mode),
	.fp_fpm_scan_out(fp_fpm_scan_out) );

// Added spare cells 

        spares  fpufpc_spares ();


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:01:04 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/fpu/rtl/fpufpc.v

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