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// @(#)mc_dtag.v	1.27 9/15/93
// I/D-Cache Tag Megacell model

[Up: mc_d_tag_cache dcache_tag]
module mc_dtag ( 

    ain_w,		// Address in.
    t_do, 		// Data out.
    t_di, 		// Data in.
    t_val_in, 	// Valid bit in.
    t_index3, 	// Page flush: (0,0,0), Seg flush : (0,0,1),
    t_index2,  // Reg flush : (0,1,1), Cntx flush: (1,1,1), 
    t_index1,  // User flush: (1,1,1)
    t_flush,   // where triplet is (t_index1,t_index2,t_index3)
    t_flush_user,    	// The meaning of t_flush was changed from:
    t_flush_user_cntx,	// positive to negative logic(BUG 161),since 
    t_at,		// we did not want to change the megacell.
			// (i.e. insert a inverter after t_flush) 
    ) ;

    input mc_dtag_scan_in;
    output mc_dtag_scan_out;

    input [8:0] ain_w ;    // [12:4] DTag
    input [31:13] t_di ; 
    input t_val_in ;
    input t_be ;
    input t_be_vb ;
    input t_be_cb ;
    input power_down_w ;
    input dc_iiddtn ;
    input wle_w ;
    input [4:0] t_acc_in ;
    input [7:0] t_cntx_in ;
    input t_index3 ;
    input t_index2 ; 
    input t_index1 ;  
    input t_flush ;
    input t_flush_user ; 
    input t_flush_user_cntx ; 
    input [4:0] t_at ;
    input t_scan_mode ;
    input t_tg_strobe ;
    input t_clk ;

    output [31:13] t_do ;
    output t_val_out ;
    output [4:0] t_acc_out ;
    output [7:0] t_cntx_out ;
    output t_hit ;

    wire t_acc_hit; 
    wire t_page_hit ; 
    wire t_segment_hit ;
    wire t_region_hit ;
    wire t_context_hit ;
    wire t_user_hit ;

    wire [8:0] ain_w ;
    wire [31:13] di_w ;
    wire [7:0] cntx_in_w ;
    wire [4:0] acc_in_w ;
    wire [4:0] at_w ;
    wire val_in_w, wle_w, be_w, be_vb_w, be_cb_w ;

    // Register all of the inputs
    // Address and VA-tag field span bits 31:4, regardless of size of
    //     cache (cache size is modelled as variable, for cache mode).
//    Mflipflop_noop_9 a_reg(ain_w, t_ain, t_clk) ;

    Mflipflop_noop_19 d_reg(di_w, t_di, t_clk) ;

    Mflipflop_noop val_in_reg(val_in_w, t_val_in, t_clk) ;

    Mflipflop_noop_8 cntx_in_reg(cntx_in_w, t_cntx_in, t_clk) ;

    Mflipflop_noop be_reg(be_w, t_be, t_clk) ;

    Mflipflop_noop be_vb_reg(be_vb_w, t_be_vb, t_clk) ;

    Mflipflop_noop be_cb_reg(be_cb_w, t_be_cb, t_clk) ;

    Mflipflop_noop_5 acc_reg(acc_in_w, t_acc_in, t_clk) ;

    wire we_w = ~power_down_w & wle_w & be_w ;
    wire we_vb_w = ~power_down_w & wle_w & be_vb_w ;
    wire we_cb_w = ~power_down_w & wle_w & be_cb_w ;

    // synopsys translate_off
    wire known_ain_w = (^ain_w !== 1'bx) ;
    wire illegal_control =
		    === 1'bx)
	    | (power_down_w & (wle_w | be_w | be_vb_w | be_cb_w))
    wire partial_pd_be = (~power_down_w & ~wle_w & ~be_w) | power_down_w;
    wire partial_pd_be_vb = (~power_down_w & ~wle_w & ~be_vb_w) | power_down_w;
    wire partial_pd_be_cb = (~power_down_w & ~wle_w & ~be_cb_w) | power_down_w;
    // synopsys translate_on

    // Do the TAG, PROTECTION and FLUSH checks

    wire [31:13] tag_cmp = (di_w^t_do) ;

    // Decodes of access type (AT) of W-cycle access

    parameter region_mask  = 'hff000000>>13 ;
    parameter segment_mask = 'h00fc0000>>13 ;
    parameter page_mask    = 'h0003f000>>13 ;

    // Decodes of access permissions field (ACC) of addressed Tag.

    assign t_acc_hit = (~(t_at[0] & t_acc_out[0] & t_flush) 
			  & ~(t_at[1] & t_acc_out[1] & t_flush) 
			    & ~(t_at[2] & t_acc_out[2] & t_flush) 
			      & ~(t_at[3] & t_acc_out[3] & t_flush) 
				& ~(t_at[4] & t_acc_out[4] & t_flush)); 

    assign t_region_hit =  (t_index1 | ((tag_cmp & region_mask) == 0) );
    assign t_segment_hit = (t_index2 | ((tag_cmp & segment_mask) == 0) );
    assign t_page_hit =    (t_index3 | ((tag_cmp & page_mask) == 0) );

    // Context/user flush is slightly complicated ..
    wire cntx_match_w = (t_cntx_out==cntx_in_w) ;
    // Note: t_acc_out[3] Indicates supervisor access
    assign t_context_hit = ~(t_acc_out[3] | t_flush_user) ?  
				cntx_match_w : 
				~(t_acc_out[3] & t_flush_user_cntx) ;

    assign t_hit = t_page_hit & t_segment_hit & t_region_hit &
			t_acc_hit & t_context_hit & t_val_out;

    // Do the read
    wire read_ram_w = 
    // synopsys translate_off
		known_ain_w & ~illegal_control & ~partial_pd_be &
    // synopsys translate_on
			(we_w == 1'b0) ;
    wire read_vb_w  = 
    // synopsys translate_off
		known_ain_w & ~illegal_control & ~partial_pd_be_vb &
    // synopsys translate_on
			(we_vb_w == 1'b0) ;
    wire read_cb_w  = 
    // synopsys translate_off
		known_ain_w & ~illegal_control & ~partial_pd_be_cb &
    // synopsys translate_on
			(we_cb_w == 1'b0) ;
    wire [31:13] t_do_int;
    wire [7:0] t_cntx_out_int ;
    wire [4:0] t_acc_out_int ;
    wire t_val_out_int;
    wire [31:13] di_w_int =
    // synopsys translate_off 
			illegal_control ? 19'bx : 
    // synopsys translate_on

    wire dtram_clk = t_clk & t_tg_strobe;

    wire we_w_int = (~dtram_clk & we_w);
    wire we_vb_w_int = (~dtram_clk & we_vb_w);

    assign t_do       = read_ram_w ? t_do_int : 'bx ;
    assign t_val_out  = read_vb_w  ? t_val_out_int : 'bx ;
    assign t_cntx_out = read_cb_w  ? t_cntx_out_int : 'bx ;
    assign t_acc_out  = read_cb_w  ? t_acc_out_int : 'bx ;

    // synopsys translate_off
    // Error checks
    always @(posedge t_clk) if (~t_scan_mode) begin
    	if ((^di_w === 1'bx) && (known_ain_w === 1'b1) && (we_w === 1'b1))
       		Mclocks.print_error( "writing unknown into DTag VA field") ;
    	if ((^val_in_w === 1'bx) && (known_ain_w === 1'b1) && (we_vb_w === 1'b1))
       		Mclocks.print_error( "writing unknown into DTag V-bit field") ;
    	if ((^we_w === 1'bx) && (known_ain_w === 1'b1))
        	Mclocks.print_error( "unknown DTag we_w") ;
    	if ((^we_vb_w === 1'bx) && (known_ain_w === 1'b1))
        	Mclocks.print_error( "unknown DTag we_vb_w") ; 
    	if ((^we_cb_w === 1'bx) && (known_ain_w === 1'b1))
        	Mclocks.print_error( "unknown DTag we_cb_w") ; 
    	if (illegal_control & ~`SS_SCOPE.reset)
		Mclocks.print_error("Illegal DTag control") ;
    	if ((known_ain_w !== 1'b1) && (we_w|we_vb_w|we_cb_w)) 
        	Mclocks.print_error( "unknown DTag address during DTag write") ;
    // synopsys translate_on

    wire logic_one = 1'b1;

// Turn off dtram during power down and IDDQ test 

// correct for release 1.0 
	wire dc_iiddtn_ = ~dc_iiddtn;

//        wire shutoff_dtram = power_down_w | dc_iiddtn ;
        wire shutoff_dtram = ~(power_down_w | dc_iiddtn_) ;

       RR512X33 	dtram(
    	.ADR0		(ain_w[0]),
    	.ADR1		(ain_w[1]),
    	.ADR2		(ain_w[2]),
    	.ADR3		(ain_w[3]),
    	.ADR4		(ain_w[4]),
    	.ADR5		(ain_w[5]),
    	.ADR6		(ain_w[6]),
    	.ADR7		(ain_w[7]),
    	.ADR8		(ain_w[8]),
    	.DO32		(t_do_int[31]),
    	.DO31		(t_do_int[30]),
    	.DO30		(t_do_int[29]),
    	.DO29		(t_do_int[28]),
    	.DO28		(t_do_int[27]),
    	.DO27  		(t_do_int[26]),
    	.DO26		(t_do_int[25]),
    	.DO25		(t_do_int[24]),
    	.DO24		(t_do_int[23]),
    	.DO23		(t_do_int[22]),
    	.DO22		(t_do_int[21]),
    	.DO21		(t_do_int[20]),
    	.DO20		(t_do_int[19]),
    	.DO19		(t_do_int[18]),
    	.DO18		(t_do_int[17]),
    	.DO17		(t_do_int[16]),
    	.DO16		(t_do_int[15]),
    	.DO15		(t_do_int[14]),
    	.DO14		(t_do_int[13]),
    	.DO13		(t_val_out_int),
    	.DO12	        (t_cntx_out_int[7]),
    	.DO11	        (t_cntx_out_int[6]),
    	.DO10	        (t_cntx_out_int[5]),
    	.DO9	        (t_cntx_out_int[4]),
    	.DO8	        (t_cntx_out_int[3]),
    	.DO7	        (t_cntx_out_int[2]),
    	.DO6	        (t_cntx_out_int[1]),
    	.DO5	        (t_cntx_out_int[0]),
    	.DO4	        (t_acc_out_int[4]),
    	.DO3	        (t_acc_out_int[3]),
    	.DO2	        (t_acc_out_int[2]),
    	.DO1	        (t_acc_out_int[1]),
    	.DO0	        (t_acc_out_int[0]),
    	.DI32		(di_w_int[31]),
    	.DI31		(di_w_int[30]),
    	.DI30		(di_w_int[29]),
    	.DI29		(di_w_int[28]),
    	.DI28		(di_w_int[27]),
    	.DI27		(di_w_int[26]),
    	.DI26		(di_w_int[25]),
    	.DI25		(di_w_int[24]),
    	.DI24		(di_w_int[23]),
    	.DI23		(di_w_int[22]),
    	.DI22		(di_w_int[21]),
    	.DI21		(di_w_int[20]),
    	.DI20		(di_w_int[19]),
    	.DI19		(di_w_int[18]),
    	.DI18		(di_w_int[17]),
    	.DI17		(di_w_int[16]),
    	.DI16		(di_w_int[15]),
    	.DI15		(di_w_int[14]),
    	.DI14		(di_w_int[13]),
    	.DI13		(val_in_w),
    	.DI12		(cntx_in_w[7]),
	.DI11		(cntx_in_w[6]),
	.DI10		(cntx_in_w[5]),
	.DI9		(cntx_in_w[4]),
	.DI8		(cntx_in_w[3]),
	.DI7		(cntx_in_w[2]),
	.DI6		(cntx_in_w[1]),
	.DI5		(cntx_in_w[0]),
    	.DI4		(acc_in_w[4]),
    	.DI3		(acc_in_w[3]),
    	.DI2		(acc_in_w[2]),
    	.DI1		(acc_in_w[1]),
    	.DI0		(acc_in_w[0]),
// Added port CS 
        .CS             (shutoff_dtram),
    	.WE0		(we_w_int),
    	.WE1		(we_w_int),
    	.WE2		(we_w_int),
    	.WE3		(we_w_int),
    	.WE4		(we_w_int),
    	.WE5		(we_w_int),
    	.WE6		(we_w_int),
	.WE7		(we_w_int),
	.WE8		(we_w_int),
	.WE9		(we_w_int),
	.WE10		(we_w_int),
	.WE11		(we_w_int),
	.WE12		(we_w_int),
	.WE13		(we_vb_w_int),
	.WE14		(we_w_int),
	.WE15		(we_w_int),
	.WE16		(we_w_int),
	.WE17		(we_w_int),
	.WE18		(we_w_int),
    	.WE19		(we_w_int),
	.WE20		(we_w_int),
	.WE21		(we_w_int),
	.WE22		(we_w_int),
	.WE23		(we_w_int),
	.WE24		(we_w_int),
	.WE25		(we_w_int),
	.WE26		(we_w_int),
	.WE27		(we_w_int),
	.WE28		(we_w_int),
	.WE29		(we_w_int),
	.WE30		(we_w_int),
	.WE31		(we_w_int),
	.WE32		(we_w_int),
        .OE0		(logic_one),
    	.OE1		(logic_one),
    	.OE2		(logic_one),
    	.OE3		(logic_one),
    	.OE4		(logic_one),
    	.OE5		(logic_one),
    	.OE6		(logic_one),
	.OE7		(logic_one),
	.OE8		(logic_one),
	.OE9		(logic_one),
	.OE10		(logic_one),
	.OE11		(logic_one),
	.OE12		(logic_one),
	.OE13		(logic_one),
	.OE14		(logic_one),
	.OE15		(logic_one),
	.OE16		(logic_one),
	.OE17		(logic_one),
	.OE18		(logic_one),
    	.OE19		(logic_one),
	.OE20		(logic_one),
	.OE21		(logic_one),
	.OE22		(logic_one),
	.OE23		(logic_one),
	.OE24		(logic_one),
	.OE25		(logic_one),
	.OE26		(logic_one),
	.OE27		(logic_one),
	.OE28		(logic_one),
	.OE29		(logic_one),
	.OE30		(logic_one),
	.OE31		(logic_one),
	.OE32		(logic_one)

dtag_ram dtram



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