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***  Program File:  @(#)pc.v
// @(#)pc.v	1.46 4/7/93
// pc.v
// PC's
	The following module describes the datapath of the PC section.
	It includes the cache address registers (ICAR), PC's (DPC, EPC, WPC,
	TPC), the address adder, address incrementer


[Up: Miuchip pc]
module Mpc (
	tpc, wpc, iu_epc, fpc,
	fpc_low, nlta_low, ndpc_low, last_gen,
	sadr_jmprett, sadr_zero,
	sel_last_gen, recirc2_default, sel_inc_ll_gen,
	sel_inc_dpc, sel_inc_alttag,
	sel_gpc, sel_recirc, sel_recirc_inc,
	sel_gpc_ic, sel_recirc_ic, sel_recirc_inc_ic,
	sadr_zero_ic, force_ifill, force_dva,
	sel_lta_fpc, sel_idpc_fpc, sel_post_reset,
	sel_p_fpc, sel_alt_tag, sel_i1pfpc_fpc, sel_i2dpc_fpc,
	hld_car_mar, hld_lgens,
	iu_iva_g, icache_adr, icache_tag_in,
	fwd_wpc, use_tpc, fwd_tpcm4,
	ss_clock, hold, lta_hold, hold_ic,
	reset, start_itag_inv,
//	input_clock_l, input_clock_buf, 	6-5-96 

//output [31:2] car;		// Cache Address. 
output [31:2] tpc;		// Trap PC register
output [31:2] wpc;		// Write PC register
output [31:2] iu_epc;		// Decode PC
output [31:2] fpc;
output fpc_low;
output nlta_low;
output ndpc_low;
output [31:2] last_gen;
//input [29:0] in_dec_lo30;		// instruction in decode.
input [31:2] alu_shift_hi30;		// ALU source for jmp and rett.
input [31:4] tbrm;	// trap base register.


input sadr_tbr;		// select TBR as next address
input sadr_jmprett;	// select address from jmpl, rett
input sadr_zero;	// select 0 address

//input sadr_fold_aa;
input [31:2] fold_aa;

input sel_last_gen, recirc2_default, sel_inc_ll_gen;
input sel_inc_dpc, sel_inc_alttag;
input sel_gpc, sel_recirc, sel_recirc_inc;
input sel_lgen_iva;
input sel_gpc_ic, sel_recirc_ic, sel_recirc_inc_ic;
input sadr_zero_ic, force_ifill, force_dva;
input sel_lgen_ica;
input imiss_in_progress;
input [4:3] i_nfillp;
input sel_lta_fpc, sel_idpc_fpc, sel_post_reset;
input sel_p_fpc, sel_alt_tag, sel_i1pfpc_fpc, sel_i2dpc_fpc;
input [31:2] alt_tag;

//input [11:2] low_D_cache_adr;	// for muxing onto I$ adr bus

input hld_dpc;		// hold value of DPC
//input rtrap_hldpc;	// hold PC chain on R cycle traps
//input cheat_pcfwd;	// cheat and move PC's around in case of
			// jmp and iacc trap in its delay slot
input hld_car_mar;		// hold value of CAR
input hld_lgens;
//input hld_mar;		// hold value of MAR

output [31:2] iu_iva_g;		// I cache address to ICC
output [13:3] icache_adr;	// I cache addr direct to SRAMs
output [31:14] icache_tag_in;	// I cache addr for tag compare

input fwd_wpc, use_tpc, fwd_tpcm4;


input ss_clock;		// primary clock
input hold;		// over-riding hold
input lta_hold;
input hold_ic;
input reset;		// chip reset
input start_itag_inv;	// from ic to invalidate tag of perr

input ss_scan_mode;

// input input_clock_l;		6-5-96 
// output input_clock_buf;	6-5-96 

input pc_scan_in;
output pc_scan_out;

	wire [31:2] car;
	wire [31:2] mar;
	wire [31:2] dpc;			// dpc
	wire [31:2] last_gen;
	wire [31:2] ll_gen;

	These mux selects are buffered with a special cell that
	turns the select off with ss_scan_mode.  some are turned
	on with ss_scan_mode - this stuff buffers the signal
	in the DP and guarantees that only 1 select is on at a
	time during scan (in conjunction with the control logic)

	// nadr_sel_mux doesn't need any.  taken care of in Mdecode

	// for recirc2_mux
	wire recirc2_default_sm = recirc2_default | ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_inc_ll_gen_sm = sel_inc_ll_gen & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_inc_dpc_sm = sel_inc_dpc & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_inc_alttag_sm = sel_inc_alttag & ~ss_scan_mode;

	// for gen_addr_mux
	wire sel_gpc_sm = sel_gpc & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_recirc_sm = sel_recirc & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_recirc_inc_sm = sel_recirc_inc & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_lgen_iva_sm = sel_lgen_iva & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sadr_zero_sm = sadr_zero | ss_scan_mode;

	// for icache_adr_mux
	wire sel_gpc_ic_sm = sel_gpc_ic & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_recirc_ic_sm = sel_recirc_ic & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_recirc_inc_ic_sm = sel_recirc_inc_ic & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sadr_zero_ic_sm = sadr_zero_ic | ss_scan_mode;
	wire force_dva_sm = force_dva & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire force_ifill_sm = force_ifill & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_lgen_ica_sm = sel_lgen_ica & ~ss_scan_mode;

	// for fpc_mux
	wire sel_lta_fpc_sm = sel_lta_fpc & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_idpc_fpc_sm = sel_idpc_fpc & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_post_reset_sm = sel_post_reset | ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_p_fpc_sm = sel_p_fpc & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_alt_tag_sm = sel_alt_tag & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_i1pfpc_fpc_sm = sel_i1pfpc_fpc & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire sel_i2dpc_fpc_sm = sel_i2dpc_fpc & ~ss_scan_mode;

	// for tpc_mux
	wire fwd_wpc_sm = fwd_wpc & ~ss_scan_mode;
	wire use_tpc_sm = use_tpc | ss_scan_mode;
	wire fwd_tpcm4_sm = fwd_tpcm4 & ~ss_scan_mode;

	// this inverter is used to buffer the PLL output for the
	// clock controller.  it is already inverted by Mqueue.
//	wire input_clock_buf = ~input_clock_l;		6-5-96 

// these signals belong in the SPR slice
//	if the last fill write to the I$ got a parity error, hold
//	the fill address for the I$.  can tell if it is the last
//	because imiss_in_progress will be off.  this also works for
//	non-cached parity errors - imiss_in_progress is always on for
//	that case.
	wire hld_filladdr = imiss_in_progress | start_itag_inv;

	wire gpcadr_default = ~sadr_tbr & ~sadr_jmprett;
	wire sel_last_gen_l = ~sel_last_gen;

	// these hold signals also belong in the SPR slice
	wire hld_lgens_real = hld_lgens | hold;
	wire lta_hold_real = lta_hold | hold;
	wire hld_car_mar_real = hld_car_mar | hold_ic;


	wire [31:2] iu_iva_g;
	wire [31:2] gpc_adr;
	wire [31:2] tbr_upper = {tbrm[31:4], 2'b0}; // simplify mux argument
	wire [31:2] zeros_30 = 30'b0; // simplify mux argument

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux3d(nadr_sel_mux, 30,  gpc_adr, 		alu_shift_hi30[31:2],  sadr_jmprett, 		tbr_upper,  sadr_tbr, 		fold_aa,  gpcadr_default)
    function [30:1] nadr_sel_mux ;
        input [30:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [30:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        input [30:1] in2_fn ;
        input s2_fn ;
        reg [30:1] out_fn ;
            case ({ gpcadr_default,  sadr_tbr,  sadr_jmprett}) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                3'b001:         out_fn = in0_fn;
                3'b010: out_fn = in1_fn;
                3'b100:         out_fn = in2_fn;
                default:        out_fn = 65'hx;
            nadr_sel_mux = out_fn ;
    assign  gpc_adr = nadr_sel_mux(		alu_shift_hi30[31:2],  sadr_jmprett, 		tbr_upper,  sadr_tbr, 		fold_aa,  gpcadr_default) ;
    // synopsys translate_off
    always @ (posedge(~Mclocks.clock))
    #1 if (( gpcadr_default+ sadr_tbr+ sadr_jmprett !== 1) & `SS_SCOPE.input_reset_l &
    ~Mtask.trace.ppr & ~( gpcadr_default+ sadr_tbr^ sadr_jmprett===1'bx)) begin
    $display("### %m.nadr_sel_mux: CMUX3D select error!\n");
    $display(" gpcadr_default, sadr_tbr, sadr_jmprett=%0d%0d%0d\n",  gpcadr_default, sadr_tbr, sadr_jmprett);
    Mclocks.warning_count = Mclocks.warning_count + 1;
        // synopsys translate_on
        // Expanded macro end.
	//this selest was sadr_fold_aa
//		aa_out, sadr_aa_inv,//		adr_plus, sadr_inc_inv,
//		zeros_30, sadr_zero_sm,	
	wire [31:2] recirc1;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2d(recirc1_mux, 30, recirc1,  		last_gen,  sel_last_gen,  		ll_gen,  sel_last_gen_l)
    function [30:1] recirc1_mux ;
        input [30:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [30:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        reg [30:1] out_fn ;
            case ({ sel_last_gen_l,  sel_last_gen}) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                2'b01:         out_fn = in0_fn;
                2'b10: out_fn = in1_fn;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            recirc1_mux = out_fn ;
    assign recirc1 = recirc1_mux( 		last_gen,  sel_last_gen,  		ll_gen,  sel_last_gen_l) ;
    // synopsys translate_off
    always @ (posedge(~Mclocks.clock))
    #1 if (( sel_last_gen_l+ sel_last_gen !== 1) & `SS_SCOPE.input_reset_l &
    ~Mtask.trace.ppr & ~( sel_last_gen_l^ sel_last_gen===1'bx)) begin
    $display("### %m.recirc1_mux: CMUX2D select error!\n");
    $display(" sel_last_gen_l, sel_last_gen=%0d%0d\n",  sel_last_gen_l, sel_last_gen);
    Mclocks.warning_count = Mclocks.warning_count + 1;
 // synopsys translate_on
 // Expanded macro end.
		// this select was sel_ll_gen

	wire dum1 = 1'b0;	// all this garbage since this is inc2
	wire dum0;
	wire [31:2] inc_last_gen;
	Fincr_30 inc30_ilg({dum0,inc_last_gen[31:3]}, {dum1,last_gen[31:3]});
	assign inc_last_gen[2] = last_gen[2];

	wire dum2;
	wire [31:2] inc_ll_gen;
	Fincr_30 inc30_illg({dum2,inc_ll_gen[31:3]}, {dum1,ll_gen[31:3]});
	assign inc_ll_gen[2] = ll_gen[2];

	wire [31:2] inc_dpc;
	Fincr_30 inc30_id(inc_dpc, dpc);

	wire [31:2] int_alttag;
	Fincr_30 inc30_iat(int_alttag, alt_tag);

	wire [31:2] recirc2;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux4d(recirc2_mux, 30, recirc2,  		({inc_last_gen[31:3],1'b0}),  recirc2_default_sm,  		({inc_ll_gen[31:3],1'b0}),  sel_inc_ll_gen_sm,  		({inc_dpc[31:3],1'b0}),  sel_inc_dpc_sm,  		({int_alttag[31:3],1'b0}),  sel_inc_alttag_sm)
    function [30:1] recirc2_mux ;
        input [30:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [30:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        input [30:1] in2_fn ;
        input s2_fn ;
        input [30:1] in3_fn ;
        input s3_fn ;
        reg [30:1] out_fn ;
            case ({ sel_inc_alttag_sm,  sel_inc_dpc_sm,  sel_inc_ll_gen_sm,  recirc2_default_sm}) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                4'b0001:        out_fn = in0_fn;
                4'b0010: out_fn = in1_fn;
                4'b0100:        out_fn = in2_fn;
                4'b1000: out_fn = in3_fn;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            recirc2_mux = out_fn ;
    assign recirc2 = recirc2_mux( 		({inc_last_gen[31:3],1'b0}),  recirc2_default_sm,  		({inc_ll_gen[31:3],1'b0}),  sel_inc_ll_gen_sm,  		({inc_dpc[31:3],1'b0}),  sel_inc_dpc_sm,  		({int_alttag[31:3],1'b0}),  sel_inc_alttag_sm) ;
    // synopsys translate_off
    always @ (posedge(~Mclocks.clock))
    #1 if (( sel_inc_alttag_sm+ sel_inc_dpc_sm+ sel_inc_ll_gen_sm+ recirc2_default_sm !== 1) & `SS_SCOPE.input_reset_l &
    ~Mtask.trace.ppr & ~( sel_inc_alttag_sm+ sel_inc_dpc_sm+ sel_inc_ll_gen_sm^ recirc2_default_sm===1'bx)) begin
    $display("### %m.recirc2_mux: CMUX4D select error!\n");
    $display(" sel_inc_alttag_sm, sel_inc_dpc_sm, sel_inc_ll_gen_sm, recirc2_default_sm=%0d%0d%0d%0d\n",  sel_inc_alttag_sm, sel_inc_dpc_sm, sel_inc_ll_gen_sm, recirc2_default_sm);
    Mclocks.warning_count = Mclocks.warning_count + 1;
 // synopsys translate_on
 // Expanded macro end.

	// mux select for inc_last_gen was sel_inc_last_gen

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux5d(gen_addr_mux, 30, iu_iva_g,  		({gpc_adr[31:3],1'b0}),  sel_gpc_sm,  		recirc1,  sel_recirc_sm,  		recirc2,  sel_recirc_inc_sm,  		car,  sel_lgen_iva_sm,  		zeros_30,  sadr_zero_sm)
    function [30:1] gen_addr_mux ;
        input [30:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [30:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        input [30:1] in2_fn ;
        input s2_fn ;
        input [30:1] in3_fn ;
        input s3_fn ;
        input [30:1] in4_fn ;
        input s4_fn ;
        reg [30:1] out_fn ;
            case ({ sadr_zero_sm,  sel_lgen_iva_sm,  sel_recirc_inc_sm,  sel_recirc_sm,  sel_gpc_sm}) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                5'b00001:       out_fn = in0_fn ;
                5'b00010: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                5'b00100:       out_fn = in2_fn ;
                5'b01000: out_fn = in3_fn ;
                5'b10000:       out_fn = in4_fn ;
                default:        out_fn = 65'hx;
            gen_addr_mux = out_fn ;
    assign iu_iva_g = gen_addr_mux( 		({gpc_adr[31:3],1'b0}),  sel_gpc_sm,  		recirc1,  sel_recirc_sm,  		recirc2,  sel_recirc_inc_sm,  		car,  sel_lgen_iva_sm,  		zeros_30,  sadr_zero_sm) ;
    // synopsys translate_off
    always @ (posedge(~Mclocks.clock))
    #1 if (( sadr_zero_sm+ sel_lgen_iva_sm+ sel_recirc_inc_sm+ sel_recirc_sm+ sel_gpc_sm !== 1) & `SS_SCOPE.input_reset_l &
    ~Mtask.trace.ppr & ~( sadr_zero_sm+ sel_lgen_iva_sm+ sel_recirc_inc_sm+ sel_recirc_sm^ sel_gpc_sm===1'bx)) begin
    $display("### %m.gen_addr_mux: CMUX5D select error!\n");
    $display(" sadr_zero_sm, sel_lgen_iva_sm, sel_recirc_inc_sm, sel_recirc_sm, sel_gpc_sm=%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d\n",  sadr_zero_sm, sel_lgen_iva_sm, sel_recirc_inc_sm, sel_recirc_sm, sel_gpc_sm);
    Mclocks.warning_count = Mclocks.warning_count + 1;
        // synopsys translate_on
        // Expanded macro end.

//		({alu_shift_hi30[31:3],1'b0}), force_dva,

// icache_adr mux's

	wire [13:3] icache_adr;

	wire [13:3] iva_f;
	Mflipflop_11 iva_f_reg_11(iva_f,iu_iva_g[13:3],ss_clock,1'b0) ;  // ,hold)

	wire [13:3] fill_adr;
	Mflipflop_9 fill_adr_hi_reg_9(fill_adr[13:5],iva_f[13:5],ss_clock, 		hld_filladdr) ;

	wire [4:3] nfill_adr_low;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(nfill_adr_low_mux, 2, nfill_adr_low,  		iva_f[4:3],  i_nfillp,  imiss_in_progress)
    function [2:1] nfill_adr_low_mux ;
        input [2:1] in0_fn ;
        input [2:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [2:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            nfill_adr_low_mux = out_fn ;
    assign nfill_adr_low = nfill_adr_low_mux( 		iva_f[4:3],  i_nfillp,  imiss_in_progress) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

	Mflipflop_2 fill_adr_low_reg_2(fill_adr[4:3],nfill_adr_low,ss_clock,1'b0) ;

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux7d(icache_adr_mux, 11, icache_adr,  		gpc_adr[13:3],  sel_gpc_ic_sm,  		recirc1[13:3],  sel_recirc_ic_sm,  		recirc2[13:3],  sel_recirc_inc_ic_sm,  		zeros_30[13:3],  sadr_zero_ic_sm,  		alu_shift_hi30[13:3],  force_dva_sm,  		fill_adr,  force_ifill_sm,  		car[13:3], sel_lgen_ica_sm)
    function [11:1] icache_adr_mux ;
        input [11:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [11:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        input [11:1] in2_fn ;
        input s2_fn ;
        input [11:1] in3_fn ;
        input s3_fn ;
        input [11:1] in4_fn ;
        input s4_fn ;
        input [11:1] in5_fn ;
        input s5_fn ;
        input [11:1] in6_fn ;
        input s6_fn ;
        reg [11:1] out_fn ;
            case ({sel_lgen_ica_sm,  force_ifill_sm,  force_dva_sm,  sadr_zero_ic_sm,  sel_recirc_inc_ic_sm,  sel_recirc_ic_sm,  sel_gpc_ic_sm}) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                7'b0000001:     out_fn = in0_fn ;
                7'b0000010: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                7'b0000100:     out_fn = in2_fn ;
                7'b0001000: out_fn = in3_fn ;
                7'b0010000:     out_fn = in4_fn ;
                7'b0100000: out_fn = in5_fn ;
                7'b1000000:     out_fn = in6_fn ;
                default:        out_fn = 65'hx;
            icache_adr_mux = out_fn ;
    assign icache_adr = icache_adr_mux( 		gpc_adr[13:3],  sel_gpc_ic_sm,  		recirc1[13:3],  sel_recirc_ic_sm,  		recirc2[13:3],  sel_recirc_inc_ic_sm,  		zeros_30[13:3],
    sadr_zero_ic_sm,  		alu_shift_hi30[13:3],  force_dva_sm,  		fill_adr,  force_ifill_sm,  		car[13:3], sel_lgen_ica_sm) ;
    // synopsys translate_off
    always @ (posedge(~Mclocks.clock))
    #1 if ((sel_lgen_ica_sm+ force_ifill_sm+ force_dva_sm+ sadr_zero_ic_sm+ sel_recirc_inc_ic_sm+ sel_recirc_ic_sm+ sel_gpc_ic_sm !== 1) & `SS_SCOPE.input_reset_l &
    ~Mtask.trace.ppr & ~(sel_lgen_ica_sm+ force_ifill_sm+ force_dva_sm+ sadr_zero_ic_sm+ sel_recirc_inc_ic_sm+ sel_recirc_ic_sm^ sel_gpc_ic_sm===1'bx)) begin
    $display("### %m.icache_adr_mux: CMUX7D select error!\n");
    $display("sel_lgen_ica_sm, force_ifill_sm, force_dva_sm, sadr_zero_ic_sm, sel_recirc_inc_ic_sm, sel_recirc_ic_sm, sel_gpc_ic_sm=%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d\n", sel_lgen_ica_sm, force_ifill_sm, force_dva_sm, sadr_zero_ic_sm, sel_recirc_inc_ic_sm, sel_recirc_ic_sm, sel_gpc_ic_sm);
    Mclocks.warning_count = Mclocks.warning_count + 1;
        // synopsys translate_on
        // Expanded macro end.

// icache tag inputs

	wire [31:14] icache_tag_in;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(icache_tag_in_mux, 18, icache_tag_in,  		iu_iva_g[31:14], alu_shift_hi30[31:14], force_dva)
    function [18:1] icache_tag_in_mux ;
        input [18:1] in0_fn ;
        input [18:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [18:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            icache_tag_in_mux = out_fn ;
    assign icache_tag_in = icache_tag_in_mux( 		iu_iva_g[31:14], alu_shift_hi30[31:14], force_dva) ;
    // Expanded macro end.


	wire [31:2] car_muxout;
        Mflipflop_30 car_register_30( car, iu_iva_g, ss_clock, hld_car_mar_real) ;

	Mflipflop_30 last_gen_reg_30(last_gen,iu_iva_g,ss_clock,hld_lgens_real) ;


	Mflipflop_30 ll_gen_reg_30(ll_gen,last_gen,ss_clock,hld_lgens_real) ;

 * FPC determination
	wire [31:2] fpc;
	wire nlta_low = gpc_adr[2];

	wire [31:2] last_targ_adr;
	Mflipflop_30 lta_reg_30(last_targ_adr,gpc_adr,ss_clock,lta_hold_real) ;

	wire [31:2] p_fpc;

	wire dum3 = 1'b0;
	wire dum4;
	wire [31:2] inc2_dpc;
	Fincr_30 inc30_ic2d({dum4,inc2_dpc[31:3]}, {dum3,dpc[31:3]});
	assign inc2_dpc[2] = dpc[2];

	wire [31:2] inc1_pfpc;
	Fincr_30 inc30_icpf(inc1_pfpc, p_fpc);

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux7d(fpc_mux, 30, fpc,  		last_targ_adr,  sel_lta_fpc_sm, 		inc_dpc,  sel_idpc_fpc_sm, 			30'b0,  sel_post_reset_sm, 			p_fpc,  sel_p_fpc_sm, 				alt_tag,  sel_alt_tag_sm, 			inc1_pfpc,  sel_i1pfpc_fpc_sm, 			inc2_dpc,  sel_i2dpc_fpc_sm)
    function [30:1] fpc_mux ;
        input [30:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [30:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        input [30:1] in2_fn ;
        input s2_fn ;
        input [30:1] in3_fn ;
        input s3_fn ;
        input [30:1] in4_fn ;
        input s4_fn ;
        input [30:1] in5_fn ;
        input s5_fn ;
        input [30:1] in6_fn ;
        input s6_fn ;
        reg [30:1] out_fn ;
            case ({ sel_i2dpc_fpc_sm,  sel_i1pfpc_fpc_sm,  sel_alt_tag_sm,  sel_p_fpc_sm,  sel_post_reset_sm,  sel_idpc_fpc_sm,  sel_lta_fpc_sm}) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                7'b0000001:     out_fn = in0_fn ;
                7'b0000010: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                7'b0000100:     out_fn = in2_fn ;
                7'b0001000: out_fn = in3_fn ;
                7'b0010000:     out_fn = in4_fn ;
                7'b0100000: out_fn = in5_fn ;
                7'b1000000:     out_fn = in6_fn ;
                default:        out_fn = 65'hx;
            fpc_mux = out_fn ;
    assign fpc = fpc_mux( 		last_targ_adr,  sel_lta_fpc_sm, 		inc_dpc,  sel_idpc_fpc_sm, 			30'b0,  sel_post_reset_sm, 			p_fpc,
    sel_p_fpc_sm, 				alt_tag,  sel_alt_tag_sm, 			inc1_pfpc,  sel_i1pfpc_fpc_sm, 			inc2_dpc,  sel_i2dpc_fpc_sm) ;
    // synopsys translate_off
    always @ (posedge(~Mclocks.clock))
    #1 if (( sel_i2dpc_fpc_sm+ sel_i1pfpc_fpc_sm+ sel_alt_tag_sm+ sel_p_fpc_sm+ sel_post_reset_sm+ sel_idpc_fpc_sm+ sel_lta_fpc_sm !== 1) & `SS_SCOPE.input_reset_l &
    ~Mtask.trace.ppr & ~( sel_i2dpc_fpc_sm+ sel_i1pfpc_fpc_sm+ sel_alt_tag_sm+ sel_p_fpc_sm+ sel_post_reset_sm+ sel_idpc_fpc_sm^ sel_lta_fpc_sm===1'bx)) begin
    $display("### %m.fpc_mux: CMUX7D select error!\n");
    $display(" sel_i2dpc_fpc_sm, sel_i1pfpc_fpc_sm, sel_alt_tag_sm, sel_p_fpc_sm, sel_post_reset_sm, sel_idpc_fpc_sm, sel_lta_fpc_sm=%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d\n",  sel_i2dpc_fpc_sm, sel_i1pfpc_fpc_sm, sel_alt_tag_sm, sel_p_fpc_sm, sel_post_reset_sm, sel_idpc_fpc_sm, sel_lta_fpc_sm);
    Mclocks.warning_count = Mclocks.warning_count + 1;
        // synopsys translate_on
        // Expanded macro end.

	wire fpc_low = fpc[2];

	Mflipflop_30 p_fpc_reg_30(p_fpc,fpc,ss_clock,hold) ;


	wire [31:2] dpc_muxout;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(dpc_muxin, 30,  dpc_muxout,  fpc,  dpc,  hld_dpc)
    function [30:1] dpc_muxin ;
        input [30:1] in0_fn ;
        input [30:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [30:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            dpc_muxin = out_fn ;
    assign  dpc_muxout = dpc_muxin( fpc,  dpc,  hld_dpc) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

	wire [31:2] ndpc;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(ndpc_mux, 30, ndpc, dpc_muxout, ({30'b0}), reset)
    function [30:1] ndpc_mux ;
        input [30:1] in0_fn ;
        input [30:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [30:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            ndpc_mux = out_fn ;
    assign ndpc = ndpc_mux(dpc_muxout, ({30'b0}), reset) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

	wire ndpc_low = ndpc[2];

        Mflipflop_30 dpc_register_30( dpc, ndpc, ss_clock, hold) ;


        wire [31:2] epc;                 // epc
	Mflipflop_30 epc_register_30( epc, dpc, ss_clock, hold) ;

	wire [31:2] iu_epc = epc;

// reg was held by rtrap_hldpc
	wire [31:2] wpc;
        Mflipflop_30 wpc_register_30( wpc, epc, ss_clock, hold) ;

// reg was held by rtrap_hldpc
	wire [31:2] tpc_almost;
        Mflipflop_30 tpc_register_30( tpc_almost, wpc, ss_clock, hold) ;

	wire [31:2] tpcm4 = tpc_almost - ({29'b0,1'b1});
	wire [31:2] tpc;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux3d(tpc_mux, 30, tpc, 				wpc,  fwd_wpc_sm, 				tpc_almost,  use_tpc_sm, 			tpcm4,  fwd_tpcm4_sm)
    function [30:1] tpc_mux ;
        input [30:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [30:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        input [30:1] in2_fn ;
        input s2_fn ;
        reg [30:1] out_fn ;
            case ({ fwd_tpcm4_sm,  use_tpc_sm,  fwd_wpc_sm}) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                3'b001:         out_fn = in0_fn;
                3'b010: out_fn = in1_fn;
                3'b100:         out_fn = in2_fn;
                default:        out_fn = 65'hx;
            tpc_mux = out_fn ;
    assign tpc = tpc_mux(				wpc,  fwd_wpc_sm, 				tpc_almost,  use_tpc_sm, 			tpcm4,  fwd_tpcm4_sm) ;
    // synopsys translate_off
    always @ (posedge(~Mclocks.clock))
    #1 if (( fwd_tpcm4_sm+ use_tpc_sm+ fwd_wpc_sm !== 1) & `SS_SCOPE.input_reset_l &
    ~Mtask.trace.ppr & ~( fwd_tpcm4_sm+ use_tpc_sm^ fwd_wpc_sm===1'bx)) begin
    $display("### %m.tpc_mux: CMUX3D select error!\n");
    $display(" fwd_tpcm4_sm, use_tpc_sm, fwd_wpc_sm=%0d%0d%0d\n",  fwd_tpcm4_sm, use_tpc_sm, fwd_wpc_sm);
    Mclocks.warning_count = Mclocks.warning_count + 1;
        // synopsys translate_on
        // Expanded macro end.

// synopsys translate_off

	task disp;

		$write("ADR:    %x	", {iu_iva_g,2'b00});
		if(hld_car_mar_real) $write("HELD");
		else begin
			$write("next: %x	", {iu_iva_g,2'b00});
			$write("FROM ");
			if(reset) $write("RESET ");
			else if(gpcadr_default)$write("ADDER ");
			else begin
				if(sadr_jmprett)$write("ALU ");
				if(sadr_tbr)$write("TBR ");
				if(sel_recirc | sel_recirc_inc) begin
//					if(I_cache_adr+8 == adr_plus)
//						$write("ADR + 8 ");
//					else if(I_cache_adr+4 == adr_plus)
//						$write("ADR + 4 ");
//					else if(I_cache_adr == adr_plus)
//						$write("ADR");
//					else
//				if(sel_mar_adr)$write("MAR (high)");
//				if(sel_fpc_hadr)$write("CAR (high)");
//				if(sel_gpc_hadr)$write("GPC (high)");
//				if(sel_lomar_adr)$write("MAR (low)");
//				if(sel_fpc_ladr)$write("CAR (low)");
//				if(sel_gpc_hadr)$write("GPC (low)");

		$write("CAR:       %x        ", {car,2'b00});
		if(hld_car_mar_real) $write("HELD");
			$write("next: %x       ", {iu_iva_g,2'b00});

		$write("MAR:    %x        ", {mar,2'b00});
		if(hld_car_mar_real) $write("HELD");
			$write("next: %x       ", {iu_iva_g,2'b00});

//		$write("DPC:    %x	", dpc);
//		if(hld_dpc) $write("HELD");
//		else begin
//			$write("next: %x	", {~ndpc_, 2'b00});
//			$write("FROM ");
//			if(ndpc_adr_reg)$write("ADR");
//			else $write("INC");
//		end
//		$display;

		$display("DPC:    %x", dpc);
		$display("EPC:    %x", epc);
		$display("WPC:    %x", wpc);

//		$write("PC_BUF: %x	", {pc_buf, 2'b00});
//		if(hld_pc_buf) $write("HELD");
//		else begin
//			$write("next: %x	", adr_plus);
//			$write("FROM ");
//			if(~adr_+8 == adr_plus) $write("ADR + 8 ");
//			else if(~adr_+4 == adr_plus) $write("ADR + 4 ");
//			else if(~adr_ == adr_plus) $write("ADR");
//			else $write("???");
//		end
//		$display;


		#0 Mclocks.STOP = ~Mclocks.STOP;
// synopsys translate_on


 * not needed anymore (at least not for now)

module Madder (aa_out, aa_src1, dpc);
output [31:2] aa_out;
input [31:2] aa_src1;
input [31:2] dpc;

	wire [31:2] aa_out = aa_src1 + dpc;

module Mincrementer (adr_plus_muxin, car);
output [31:2] adr_plus_muxin;
input [31:2] car;

	wire [31:2] adr_plus_muxin = car[31:2] + ({29'b0, 1'b1});


 * stuff removed that is used in tsunami

// Add register for pipelining - into spr slice fo Mpc

	REGWIRE pic_sel_fillp;
	REG(pic_sel_fillp_reg,1,pic_sel_fillp,ic_sel_fillp, 		ss_clock,1'b0)

/* for tsunami
// Fill pointer register from IC
	REGWIRE [4:2] fillp;

/* for tsunami
	wire [31:5] ihigh_address;
	wire [4:2] ilow_address;
//	reg [1:0] ibyte_address;

	CMUX4D(ihigh_adrmux,27,ihigh_address, 		gpc_adr[31:5],	sel_gpc_hadr, 		car[31:5],	sel_fpc_hadr, 		mar[31:5],	sel_mar_adr, 		({20'b0,low_D_cache_adr[11:5]}), ic_sel_dva)

	CMUX5D(ilow_addrmux,3,ilow_address, 		gpc_adr[4:2],	sel_gpc_ladr_sm, 		car[4:2],	sel_fpc_ladr, 		mar[4:2],	sel_lomar_adr, 		low_D_cache_adr[4:2],	ic_sel_dva_sm, 		fillp[4:2],	ic_sel_fillp_sm)
	assign I_cache_adr = {ihigh_address,ilow_address[4:3],1'b0};

	MUX3D(ibyte_adrmux,2,ibyte_address, 		gpc_adr[1:0],	sel_gpc_hadr, 		car[1:0],	sel_fpc_hadr, 		mar[1:0],	sel_mar_adr)

	assign I_cache_adr = {ihigh_address,ilow_address,ibyte_address};

/* for tsunami
// I_DATA_AVAIL determination

	wire match_gpcfillp = gpc_adr[4:2] == fillp[4:2];
	wire match_carfillp = car[4:2] == fillp[4:2];
	wire match_marfillp = mar[4:2] == fillp[4:2];

// These are changes on polarity 
        wire match_gpcfillp_l = ~match_gpcfillp; 
        wire match_carfillp_l = ~match_carfillp; 
        wire match_marfillp_l = ~match_marfillp; 

	REGWIRE pmatch_gpcfillp;
	REG(match_gpcfillp_reg,1,pmatch_gpcfillp,match_gpcfillp_l, 		ss_clock,1'b0)
	REGWIRE pmatch_carfillp;
	REG(match_carfillp_reg,1,pmatch_carfillp,match_carfillp_l, 		ss_clock,1'b0)
	REGWIRE pmatch_marfillp;
	REG(match_marfillp_reg,1,pmatch_marfillp,match_marfillp_l, 		ss_clock,1'b0)

	wire match_fillp;
	CMUX3D(match_fillp_mux,1,match_fillp, 		pmatch_gpcfillp, sel_gpc_comp_sm, 		pmatch_carfillp, sel_fpc_comp_sm, 		pmatch_marfillp, sel_mar_comp_sm)

	wire id_avail_qualify_l = pic_sel_fillp & match_fillp;

//	REGWIRE id_avail_qualify_l;
//	REG(id_avail_qual_reg,1,id_avail_qualify_l,nid_avail_qualify_l, //		ss_clock, 1'b0)

	wire i_data_avail = ic_instr_avail & ~id_avail_qualify_l;

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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/iu/Mpc/rtl/pc.v

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