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// @(#)rl_clk_stop.v	1.30 9/14/93

// Clock stop/start logic

[Up: misc clk_stop]
module rl_clk_stop (



) ;

    // Reset state machine decode - asserts reset and/or reset_iu
    output gclk_phase_bit1; // gclk_phase[1].  export for 595 bug fix  
    input reset_out ;

    input mm_hold_rst ;

    output hold_count ;
    output rcc_rst_even_l ;

    input standby ;
    output standby_req ;
    input pcic_idle ;
    input memif_idle ;
    input ic_standby_f ;
    input dc_standby_w ;
    output standby_dsbl_sysclk_a1 ;
    output standby_dsbl_tlb ;

    input terminal_count_l ;
    input ext_event_l ;
    output int_event_l ;
    input mm_event ;
    input iu_event ;
    input rcc_clk ;	// 40 MHz, with scan, not inhibited by reset
    input [2:0] free_phase_late_a1 ;
    input [1:0] gclk_phase_late_a1 ;
    output gclk_1st_phase ;

    // rcc_clk-clocked phase decodes
    output first_phi ;
    output last_phi ;
    output next2last_phi ;

    // 20-MHz-synchronized input_reset, ANDed with ~tcen_sync
    input rcc_rst_l ;

    input rs_stop_even ; // Clock stop signal from reset state machine

    input rs_dsbl_clocks ; // Clock inhibit signal from reset state machine

    input reset_nonwd ;

    output stop ;  // Stop at the end of this phase (if possible)

    // These signals must change only on sbclk posedge if
    //     clocks are running; i.e. they are controlled either by
    //     scan-in or by sbclk-clocked FFs.
    output start ;
    output stop_after_0 ; // Stop at the end of phase 0
    output stop_after_1 ; // Stop at the end of phase 1
    output stop_after_2 ; // Stop at the end of phase 2
    output stop_after_3 ; // Stop at the end of phase 3
    output stop_after_4 ; // Stop at the end of phase 4

    input [1:0] div_ctl ;

    input ss_scan_mode ;
    input ss_scan_in ;
    output ss_scan_out ;

    output logic_0, logic_1 ; // Constants, brought up to ssparc level.

    // Note: all FF scan-in inputs will be left unconnected.  These nets
    //     will be automatically scan-stitched by back-end tools, and
    //     explicitly scan-stitched (by pseudo-continuous assigns)
    //     for stand-alone clk/misc simulation.

//    wire div_by_2 = (div_ctl[1:0] == 2'b00) ;
    wire div_by_6 = (div_ctl[1:0] == 2'b00) ;
    wire div_by_3 = (div_ctl[1:0] == 2'b01) ;
    wire div_by_4 = (div_ctl[1:0] == 2'b10) ;
    wire div_by_5 = (div_ctl[1:0] == 2'b11) ;

    wire [2:0] phi ;
    Mflipflop_s_3 phi_reg(phi[2:0], free_phase_late_a1[2:0],
		ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_clk) ;

// Add the following two enables which can only be turned on with
// scan in the misc block.  These two flops used to be in the processor core,
// but // we cannot scan them with jtag in the core.  The enables in mdecode.v
// and rl_mmu_regs.v are hardwired to a 1, so that these flops can take
// their place.
	wire enable_event;
        wire nenable_event = enable_event & ~reset_out;
        Mflipflop_1 event_reg_1(enable_event,nenable_event,rcc_clk,1'b0) ;
	wire enbl_scan_bp;
        wire nenbl_scan_bp = enbl_scan_bp & ~reset_out;
        Mflipflop_1 event_reg_2(enbl_scan_bp,nenbl_scan_bp,rcc_clk,1'b0) ;
// mm_event_gate replaces all internal useages of mm_event
// iu_event_gate replaces all internal useages of iu_event
        wire mm_event_gate = enbl_scan_bp & mm_event;
        wire iu_event_gate = enable_event & iu_event;

// Modified this correctly for no sbus clock present -  6/25/96
// Further modification since now free_phase_late_a1 is PCI controlled  7/12/96

    wire first_phi = (phi[2:0]==3'h0) ;
//  wire last_phi_a2 = (
//	(div_by_2 & (phi[0]==1'h1))
//	//| (div_by_3 & (phi[1:0]==2'h0))
//	//| (div_by_4 & (phi[1:0]==2'h1))
//	//| (div_by_5 & (phi[1:0]==2'h2))
//	| (div_by_3 & (phi[1:0]==2'h1))
//      | (div_by_4 & (phi[1:0]==2'h2))
//      | (div_by_5 & (phi[1:0]==2'h3))
//    ) ;

   wire last_phi_a2 = (
//        (div_by_2 & (phi[0]==1'h0))
        | (div_by_3 & (phi[1:0]==2'h0))
        | (div_by_4 & (phi[1:0]==2'h1))
        | (div_by_5 & (phi[1:0]==2'h2))
        | (div_by_6 & (phi[1:0]==2'h3))
    ) ;

    Mflipflop_s lp_reg(last_phi, next2last_phi,
		ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_clk) ;
    Mflipflop_s n2lp_reg(next2last_phi, last_phi_a2,
		ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_clk) ;

    // This is used to enable flipflops which are logically part
    //     of the External Clock Counter.  These are clocked only
    //     at the end of an SBus cycle, are held while int_event
    //     is not asserted in stop_int_to_ext mode, and are inhibited
    //     during reset transitions.
    wire count_int_events, int_event ; // (forward)
    wire hold_count_cycle = (~int_event & count_int_events) | rs_dsbl_clocks ;
    wire hold_count = ~last_phi | hold_count_cycle ;

    // Use this to reset FFs which must transition only on sbclk edges.
    wire rcc_rst_even_l = ~(~rcc_rst_l & last_phi) ;

    // Latch the external event input (to simplify setup spec of this pin)
    // ext_event_sb1 will be asserted when the XCC count is 0.
    wire ext_event = ~ext_event_l | ~terminal_count_l ;
    Mflipflop_srh ext_ev1_ff(ext_event_sb1, ext_event,
		ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, hold_count,
		rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // Stage it one more sbus cycle for use in stop_int_to_ext
    // ext_event_sb2 will be asserted when the XCC count is 1.
    Mflipflop_srh ext_ev2_ff(ext_event_sb2, ext_event_sb1,
		ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, hold_count,
		rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // Scan-only FFs.  These are all reset by rcc_rst_l, thus forcing clocks
    //     on; if a service processor is installed, clocks will be stopped
    //     when reset_sync is deasserted, so that scantool can set them to
    //     whatever it wants.

    // Stop on external event.
    Mflipflop_sr sxe_ff (stop_on_ext_event, stop_on_ext_event,
	    ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // Wait this many additional rcc_clk cycles after reaching ref_phi
    //     when stopping on external event.  This must be less than the
    //     divide ratio.
    wire [2:0] extra_cycles ;
    Mflipflop_sr_3 xc_ff (extra_cycles[2:0], extra_cycles[2:0],
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // In this mode, clocks are counted after an internal event that
    //     would normally have stopped clocks.
    Mflipflop_sr six_ff (stop_int_to_ext, stop_int_to_ext,
	    ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // Stop on internal event.
    Mflipflop_sr sie_ff (stop_on_int_event, stop_on_int_event,
	    ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // Stop on Nth internal event
    Mflipflop_sr sne_ff (stop_nth_event, stop_nth_event,
	    ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // This is a copy of an External Clock Counter control bit
    assign count_int_events = stop_int_to_ext | stop_nth_event ;


    // This one clears on every rcc_clk pulse.  Scanning a 1 into both
    //     start and stop_clocks (while clocks are stopped) will
    //     cause a single-step.
    Mflipflop_s start_ff(start, logic_0,
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_clk) ;

    // Compute the phi in which to stop clocks in response to an ext_event
    //     input.  It is equal to (ext_stop_sum MOD divide_ratio).
    //     Take advantage of the fact that neither phi nor extra_cycles is
    //     greater than or equal to the divide ratio.
    wire [3:0] ext_stop_sum =
	{(phi[2]&extra_cycles[2]), (phi[2:0]+extra_cycles[2:0])} ;

    wire [3:0] radix = {
	(div_by_4 | div_by_5 | div_by_6),
	(div_by_6 | div_by_3),
	(div_by_3 | div_by_5)
    } ;

    // Test to see if we've wrapped around to the next SBus cycle
    wire extra_sbus_cycle_a1 = (ext_stop_sum[3:0] >= radix[3:0]) ;

    wire [2:0] ext_stop_phi, ext_stop_phi_a1 ;
    assign ext_stop_phi_a1[2:0] =
	extra_sbus_cycle_a1 ? (ext_stop_sum[2:0]-radix[2:0])
			    : ext_stop_sum[2:0] ;

    // Latch ext_stop_sum and extra_sbus_cycle on the first internal event in
    //     stop_int_to_ext mode; also, latch them on the first sbclk in
    //     stop_on_ext_event mode (software must scan the special value '111'
    //     into ext_stop_phi to indicate that it is uninitialized).
    wire int_event_detected, int_event_midcycle ; // (forward)

    // This is asserted by the internal event which triggers
    //     the counting in stop_int_to_ext mode.
    wire int_to_ext_event = 
	(stop_int_to_ext & int_event_detected
		& ~int_event_midcycle & ~int_event) ;

    // Clock enable for ext_stop_phi/extra_sbus_cycle
    wire enbl_ext_stop_phi =


	    // Initialize ext_stop_phi/extra_sbus_cycle on first clock
	    //     after a scan-in.  Scan software uses '111' as a special
	    //     code for 'uninitialized'.
	    | (stop_on_ext_event & (ext_stop_phi[2:0] == 3'b111))

    Mflipflop_srh_3 xsp_ff (ext_stop_phi[2:0], ext_stop_phi_a1[2:0],
		ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/,
		~enbl_ext_stop_phi, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;
    Mflipflop_srh xsc_ff (extra_sbus_cycle, extra_sbus_cycle_a1,
		ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/,
		~enbl_ext_stop_phi, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    wire int_event_a1 ;  // (forward)

    // Active in the sbclk cycle before one of the stop_after_* outputs is
    //     asserted.
    wire ext_event_stop_a1 = 
	    // rs_dsbl_clocks is here because int_event_a1 won't move into
	    //     int_event if rs_dsbl_clocks is asserted - see hold_int_event
	    | (stop_int_to_ext & (int_event | (int_event_a1&~rs_dsbl_clocks))))

	// Dependency on hold_count_cycle, similiar to rs_dsbl_clocks
	//     dependency above.
	& (hold_count_cycle
		? (extra_sbus_cycle ? ext_event_sb2 : ext_event_sb1)
		: (extra_sbus_cycle ? ext_event_sb1 : ext_event)

    // Register the stop_after signals to avoid long paths into clk_cntl.
    // Set them all to stop clocks unconditionally.
    // Note: these signals are ignored (in clk_cntl) when jtag_trst_l is
    //       asserted.
    // Note: the stop_after_* signals are meaningless until the cycle *after*
    //       enbl_ext_stop_phi has been asserted, since they are based on
    //       uninitialized values in ext_stop_phi and extra_sbus_cycle.  To
    //       prevent problems, we must not allow ext_event_stop_a1 to be
    //       asserted in the same cycle as enbl_ext_stop_phi if this cycle is
    //       a last_phi cycle.  These rules will assure it:
    //       * For the 'Issue N Clocks' algorithm (stop_ext_event), N must
    //             be greater than (radix+1).  This prevents the situation
    //             where we try to issue (radix+1) clocks when stopped in
    //             last_phi: stop_after_(last_phi) bit should be set on the
    //             first clock in order for this to work, but ext_stop_phi is
    //             not yet valid in that cycle (it's 7, and enbl_ext_stop_phi
    //             is asserted in that cycle); clocks never stop. 
    //       * For 'Stop Clocks N Cycles after Internal Event',
    //             (stop_int_to_ext), N must be greater than or equal to
    //             (2*radix).  This assures that ext_event_sb1 and
    //             ext_event_sb2 are both 0 when enbl_ext_stop_phi is asserted;
    //             this prevents ext_event_stop_a1 from being asserted in
    //             that cycle.
    //       These conclusions were drawn by laboriously simplifying the
    //           expression (last_phi & enbl_ext_stop_phi & ext_event_stop_a1).
    wire stop_after_0_a1 = (ext_event_stop_a1 & (ext_stop_phi[2:0]==3'h0)) ;
    wire stop_after_1_a1 = (ext_event_stop_a1 & (ext_stop_phi[2:0]==3'h1)) ;
    wire stop_after_2_a1 = (ext_event_stop_a1 & (ext_stop_phi[2:0]==3'h2)) ;
    wire stop_after_3_a1 = (ext_event_stop_a1 & (ext_stop_phi[2:0]==3'h3)) ;
    wire stop_after_4_a1 = (ext_event_stop_a1 & (ext_stop_phi[2:0]==3'h4)) ;
    Mflipflop_srh sa0_ff(stop_after_0, stop_after_0_a1,
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, ~last_phi, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;
    Mflipflop_srh sa1_ff(stop_after_1, stop_after_1_a1,
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, ~last_phi, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;
    Mflipflop_srh sa2_ff(stop_after_2, stop_after_2_a1,
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, ~last_phi, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;
    Mflipflop_srh sa3_ff(stop_after_3, stop_after_3_a1,
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, ~last_phi, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;
    Mflipflop_srh sa4_ff(stop_after_4, stop_after_4_a1,
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, ~last_phi, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // The internal event stops will stop clocks one cycle after the event
    //     occurs.
    // Note: unlike the stop_after_* signals, this one can transition in
    //       the middle of a free SBus cycle, since it is a function of
    //       int_event_detected.
    // Note: this signal is ignored (in clk_cntl) when jtag_trst_l is
    //       asserted.
    // CAUTION: the internal event stops will result in an extra sbclk edge
    //          if they are asserted while clocks are running and we stop in
    //          a nonzero phase.  In general, the system must be reset
    //          afterwards.
    wire stop_a1 = 
	stop_on_int_event & int_event_detected

	// In stop_nth_event mode, we stop the cycle after the internal event
	//     which increments the XCC to a value of 00000002.  XCC==0 when
	//     ext_event_sb1 is active, XCC==1 when ext_event_sb2 is active,
	//     and int_event and int_event_detected will each increment XCC
	//     by one.
	| stop_nth_event & int_event_detected
	    & (int_event ? ext_event_sb1 : ext_event_sb2)

	// Used by reset state machine to stop clocks on de-assertion of
	//     reset.
	| rs_stop_even & next2last_phi
    Mflipflop_sr stop_ff (stop, stop_a1,
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_rst_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // This is set on internal event, and reset at the beginning of each
    //     sbclk cycle.  It is used to hold internal events until we can
    //     latch them in the int_event FF.
    Mflipflop_sr int_ev_mc_ff (int_event_midcycle, (~last_phi & int_event_a1),
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    wire standby_error ; // (forward)
//    assign int_event_detected = iu_event | mm_event | standby_error ;
    assign int_event_detected = iu_event_gate | mm_event_gate | standby_error ;
    assign int_event_a1 = int_event_detected | int_event_midcycle ;

    // This effectively clocks at the sbclk rate.  In int-to-ext mode,
    //     hold it once it gets set.
    Mflipflop_srh int_ev_ff (int_event, int_event_a1,
	    ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/,
	    ~(last_phi & ~hold_int_event), rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;
    assign hold_int_event = (stop_int_to_ext & int_event) | rs_dsbl_clocks  ;
    wire int_event_l = ~int_event ;

    // Sysclk is disabled when this is active.
    Mflipflop_srh sds_ff (standby_dsbl_sysclk, standby_dsbl_sysclk_a1,
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, ~last_phi, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // Graphics clock phase reference
    wire [1:0] gclk_phase, gclk_phase_late_a1 ;

    assign gclk_phase_bit1 = gclk_phase[1];  //export for 595 bug fix   

    Mflipflop_s_2 gcp_reg(gclk_phase[1:0], gclk_phase_late_a1[1:0],
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, rcc_clk) ;
    wire gclk_1st_phase = (gclk_phase[1:0]==2'b00) ;

    // The TLB megacell needs a signal that rises when standby_dsbl_sysclk
    //     rises, but drops one sbclk cycle earlier.
    wire standby_dsbl_tlb = standby_dsbl_sysclk & standby_dsbl_sysclk_a1 ;

    // This will delay the start of the standby clock disable period
    wire standby_busy =
	~ic_standby_f | ~dc_standby_w | mm_hold_rst | ~memif_idle | ~pcic_idle  ;

    // Standby state machine
    wire [1:0] standby_state, standby_state_a1 ;

	IDLE	    = 2'b00,
	WAIT        = 2'b01,
	DSBL        = 2'b11 ;

    wire standby_req = standby_state[0] ;

    // standby_dsbl_sysclk_a1 must meet setup to a flipflop clocked by the
    //     next-to-last input_clock edge of the sbclk cycle; standby_state is
    //     clocked on sbclk edge.
    wire standby_dsbl_sysclk_a1 = standby_state[1] ;

    function [1:0] standby_next_state ;
    input [1:0] standby_state ;
    input do_standby ;
    input standby_busy ;
	case (standby_state) // synopsys parallel_case

	    IDLE :	standby_next_state = do_standby ? WAIT : IDLE ;

	    // Assert standby_req, wait for units to be idle.
	    WAIT :	standby_next_state =
		// Abort if standby pin is de-asserted
		~do_standby ? IDLE : (
		standby_busy ? WAIT : (
		DSBL )) ;

	    // Assert standby_dsbl_sysclk_a1 to turn off clocks in next
	    //     sbclk cycle; wait for standby to be de-asserted.
	    // Keep asserting standby_req
	    DSBL :	standby_next_state = do_standby ? DSBL : IDLE ;

		// synposys_translate_off
		default:	standby_next_state = 2'bx ;
		// synposys_translate_off


    // Bug 562 fix - abort the standby if a reset (e.g. watchdog) happens.
    wire do_standby = standby & ~reset_out ;

    assign standby_state_a1 = standby_next_state(
				) ;

    // State register
    Mflipflop_srh_2 srq_reg(standby_state[1:0], standby_state_a1[1:0],
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, ~last_phi, rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // It's an error for any of the standby wait conditions to be active
    //     during a standby clock disable.  This is ORed into int_event,
    //     so we can stop rcc_clock when it happens.
    wire standby_error_detected = standby_dsbl_sysclk & standby_busy ;

    // Bug 578 fix: This FF is set on the first standby_error_detected, and
    //     stays set until rcc_rst.
    Mflipflop_srh sbe_ff(standby_error, standby_error_detected,
	ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, standby_error, rcc_rst_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // Monitors

	// synopsys translate_off

	Mflipflop_noop sbm1_ff(standby_req_d1, standby_req, rcc_clk) ;
	Mflipflop_noop sbm2_ff(dc_standby_w_d1, dc_standby_w, rcc_clk) ;
	Mflipflop_noop sbm3_ff(ic_standby_f_d1, ic_standby_f, rcc_clk) ;
	Mflipflop_noop sbm4_ff(pcic_idle_d1, pcic_idle, rcc_clk) ;
	Mflipflop_noop sbm5_ff(mm_hold_rst_d1, mm_hold_rst, rcc_clk) ;
	Mflipflop_noop sbm6_ff(memif_idle_d1, memif_idle, rcc_clk) ;

	// Monitors
	always @(posedge rcc_clk)
	if (~ss_scan_mode & rcc_rst_l) #2 begin

	    if (last_phi && (^standby_state_a1 === 1'bx))
		Mclocks.print_error("clk_stop: unknown standby next state") ;

	    if (standby_error_detected!==1'b0)
		Mclocks.print_error("clk_stop: machine busy during standby") ;

	    // Complain if anyone changes his mind about being idle during
	    //     standby_req (see Bug 524).  Give them one cycle to respond
	    //     to standby_req->1 .
	    if (standby_req & standby_req_d1) begin

		// Once dc_cntl goes idle it should stay idle
		if (~dc_standby_w & dc_standby_w_d1)
			"clk_stop: dc_standby_w->0 during standby_req") ;

		// Check ic_cntl after dc_cntl has gone idle (so we don't have to
		//     worry about force_dva).
		if (~ic_standby_f & ic_standby_f_d1 & dc_standby_w_d1) 
			"clk_stop: ic_standby_f->0 during standby_req") ;

//		// Don't check SBC unless both caches are idle
//		if (~sbc_idle & sbc_idle_d1 & ic_standby_f & dc_standby_w)
//		    Mclocks.print_error(
//			"clk_stop: sbc_idle->0 during standby_req") ;

		// Don't check MMU busy unless both caches are idle
		if (mm_hold_rst & ~mm_hold_rst_d1
// 			& ic_standby_f & dc_standby_w & sbc_idle)
			& ic_standby_f & dc_standby_w)
			"clk_stop: mm_hold_rst->1 during standby_req") ;

		// Don't check PCI unless both caches and MMU and memory are idle
		if (~pcic_idle & pcic_idle & ic_standby_f & dc_standby_w 
			& memif_idle & ~mm_hold_rst)
			"clk_stop: pcic_idle_->0 during standby_req") ;

		// Don't check memif unless both caches, PCI, and mmu are idle
		if (~memif_idle & memif_idle_d1
			& ic_standby_f & dc_standby_w & pcic_idle & ~mm_hold_rst)
			"clk_stop: memif_idle->0 during standby_req") ;


	// synopsys translate_on

    assign logic_0 = 1'b0 ;
    assign logic_1 = 1'b1 ;


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:52 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/clk_misc/misc/rtl/rl_clk_stop.v

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