		 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) |
	    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & ~std_x & ~sb_data_avail & r_dcdaten &
		 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & ~r_misc_bsy ) |
	    (r_ic_par & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail &
		 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))))) |
	(m_state[MRD] & tw_write_req) |
	(m_state[DWR] & std_x & (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) |
	(m_state[SB_WR1] & r_memfb_space ) |
	(m_state[D_ATOMIC] & 
	   (r_dcdaten & wb_valid_x & ~r_misc_bsy & 
		(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)))) ;

assign mem_issue_req2 = mem_issue_req ; // copy for MEMIF timing

/*** Write buffer strobe *****************************************************/
/***    D_ATOMIC -> DWR (IDLE) - stobe on write request (or trap)          ***/

assign mm_wbstb_marb =
	(m_state[IDLE] & 
	   ((r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten & ~sb_data_avail & ~std_x &
		(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & ~r_misc_bsy) |
	    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_io_space & r_dcdaten & 
		 ~std_x & ~r_sbsy ))) |
	(m_state[D_ATOMIC] &
	   ((wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten & ~r_misc_bsy &
		(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) |
	    (wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten & r_io_space & (~r_sbsy | r_trap_w)))) |
	(m_state[DWR] & ((~r_cntl_space & std_x) |
	    (r_io_space & r_trap_w))) |
	(m_state[DWR_CS]) ;

/*** IO space issue request **************************************************/
/***	IDLE	-> DRD_IO - D-cache I/O space read                         ***/
/***		-> DWR - D-cache write (~std) to I/O space                 ***/
/***		-> IRD_IO - I-cache I/O space read                         ***/
/***	DWR	-> DWR_DONE - D-cache write (std) to I/O space             ***/
/***	D_ATOMIC-> DWR - D-cache write to I/O space                        ***/

assign io_issue_req =	
	(m_state[IDLE] &
	   ((r_dc_par & ~wb_valid_x & read_w & r_io_space & 
			 ~fp_ld_mask & ~r_sbsy) |
	    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_io_space & r_dcdaten & 
			~std_x &  ~r_sbsy) |
	    (r_ic_par & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy))) |
	(m_state[DWR] & r_io_space & std_x) |
	(m_state[D_ATOMIC] & r_io_space & r_dcdaten & ~r_sbsy & ~r_trap_w) ;

/*** PIO strobe  mm_cpcyc_stb_l **********************************************/

assign mm_cpcyc_stb_l = ~io_issue_req ;

/*** PIO ifetch mm_ifetch ***************************************************/
/* This signal is used to tell the SBC that the current PIO read is for an  */
/* I fetch. This signal is only valid for the cycle of mm_cpcyc_stb_l       */

assign mm_ifetch = m_state[IDLE] & r_ic_par & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy ;

/*** Read/Write signal for mm_cpcyc_stb_l ***********************************/
/*** ONLY VALID during cycle of mm_cpcyc_stb_l                            ***/
assign mm_cpsb_wrt = (m_state[IDLE] & r_dc_par & write_x) |
                     (m_state[D_ATOMIC] & r_io_space & ldst_st) |
                     (m_state[DWR] & r_io_space & std_x); 

/*** ic_issue_req ************************************************************/
/***    This signal indicates when a request was made for an I-cache miss. ***/
/***    It is used to invalidate the IPAR register (ipar_valid).           ***/
/***	IDLE	-> IRD_C1 - I-cache read                                   ***/
/***		-> IRD_IO - I-cache I/O space read                         ***/

assign ic_issue_req =
	(m_state[IDLE] &
	    ((r_ic_par & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail & 
		(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) |
	     (r_ic_par & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy ))) ;

/*** dc_issue_req ************************************************************/
/***    This signal indicates when a request was made for an D-cache miss. ***/
/***    It is used to invalidate the DPAR register (dpar_valid).           ***/
/***	IDLE	-> DRD_C1 - D-cache read                                   ***/
/***		-> DWR - D-cache write (~std) to memory (& ~st_miss_c)     ***/
/***               (on cached store misses, wait until read allocate)      ***/
/***		-> DRD_IO - D-cache I/O space read                         ***/
/***		-> DWR - D-cache write (~std) to I/O space                 ***/
/***	DWR	-> DWR_DONE - D-cache write (std) to memory                ***/
/***		-> DWR_DONE - D-cache write (std) to I/O space             ***/
/***	DWR_CS  -> DWR_CS - D-cache write to cntl space                    ***/
/***	D_ATOMIC-> DWR - D-cache write to memory                           ***/
/***		-> DWR - D-cache write to I/O space                        ***/

assign dc_issue_req =
	(m_state[IDLE] &
	   ((r_dc_par & (read_w | (write_x & ~wb_valid_x)) & ~ldsto_x &
		 ~wb_valid_x & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail & 
		  (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) |
	    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten & ~std_x & 
		 ~st_miss_c & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail & 
		 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) |
	    (r_dc_par & ~st_miss_x & read_w & r_io_space & ~wb_valid_x &
		~(ldsto_x & ~ldst_st) & ~fp_ld_mask & ~r_sbsy) |
	    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_io_space & 
		 ~std_x & r_dcdaten & ~r_sbsy ))) |
	(m_state[DWR] & 
	   ((std_x & ~st_miss_c & (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) |
	    (std_x & r_io_space))) |
	(m_state[DRD_CS] & read_w & ~wb_valid_x) |
	(m_state[DWR_CS] & r_cntl_space ) |
	(m_state[D_ATOMIC] &
	   ((r_dcdaten & wb_valid_x & ~r_sbsy & r_io_space) | 
	    (r_dcdaten & wb_valid_x & 
	     (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & ~r_misc_bsy))) ;

/*** Early warning of a pending mm_issue_req *********************************/
/***  This is needed to avoid refresh from starting in the 1-cycle         ***/
/***  between the branch from IDLE, and the real issue_req.                ***/
/***                                                                       ***/
/***	IDLE	-> SB_WR0 - DMA write                                      ***/
/***	    	-> MRD - MMU tablewalk write                               ***/
/***	   	-> DWR - D-cache write (std) to memory                     ***/
/***	SB_WR0	-> SB_WR1 - Any DMA (SBC) write to memory                  ***/

assign issue_req_early = (m_state[IDLE] & 
			  ((r_sb_par & sb_write & ~mc_mbsy & ~r_misc_bsy ) |
			   (r_tw_par & tw_write_req & ~r_misc_bsy & 
				  ~sb_data_avail) |
			   (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten & 
				   ~sb_data_avail & std_x & ~mc_mbsy &
			    (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))))) |

/*** Write buffer select *****************************************************/
/***  defaults to selecting MSW, which always has LSW for 1-word store  ******/

assign mm_wbsel1 =
	~(m_state[IDLE] &
	   ((r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten & ~sb_data_avail & std_x &
		(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & ~mc_mbsy) |
	    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_io_space & r_dcdaten & std_x & ~r_sbsy))) ;

/*** cs_st_op ****************************************************************/
/*   signal the marb DWR_CS and DWR_CS1 states to generate bad_io_xlate      */

assign cs_st_op = m_state[DWR_CS] | m_state[DWR_CS1];

/*** marb_sm busy ************************************************************/
/***	The marb_sm is set to "busy" any time it is not in the IDLE state  ***/

assign marb_busy = ~m_state[IDLE] ;

/*** ldst_st decode - indicates store portion of ldst miss *******************/
/***    Set when dstat_avail issued for read of ldst miss                  ***/
/***    Set when sb_data_avail issued on PIO read data returning           ***/
/***    Clear when write is issued or trap detected                        ***/

wire ldst_st ;
wire ldst_st_in = (ldsto_x & mm_dstat_avail & 
			(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) | 
		  (ldsto_x & sb_data_avail & ~r_sb_ic_op) |
		  (ldst_st & ~(m_state[DWR] | (r_trap_w & r_io_space))) ;

Mflipflop_r_1 ldst_st_ff_1(ldst_st,ldst_st_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** ldst_block - block dvma_req in PAR *************************************/
/***   This signal is set in the cycle of issue_req for memory atomics    ***/
/***   and prevents DC_PAR from allowing DVMA inbetween ld & st           ***/

wire ldst_block_in = ldst_st_in | 
        (m_state[IDLE] &
            (r_dc_par & read_w & ldsto_x & ~wb_valid_x & ~r_misc_bsy &
		(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & ~sb_data_avail));

wire ldst_block_q ;
Mflipflop_r_1 ldst_block_ff_1(ldst_block_q,ldst_block_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign ldst_block = ldst_block_q | (m_state[IDLE] &
            (r_dc_par & read_w & ldsto_x & ~wb_valid_x & ~r_misc_bsy &
		(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & ~sb_data_avail));

/*** sb_data_clr decode ******************************************************/
/***    For clearing r_sb_ioreq registers in mmu_lgc                       ***/

assign sb_data_clr = m_state[DRD_IOD] | m_state[IRD_IOD] | m_state[SB_WR1];

/*** pio_data_rcvd decode ****************************************************/
/***    For AFSR far decode **************************************************/

assign pio_data_rcvd = sb_data_avail & ~r_sb_data_avail ;

/*** sb_par_clr decode *******************************************************/
/***    This is need for IO Control space ops. Since there is no issue_req ***/
/***    there has to be a way to clear PAR state machine.                  ***/
/***    PAR held for c_space ops                                           ***/

assign sb_par_clr = m_state[SB_WR1] | m_state[SB_RD_CS] ;

/*** Status Valid decode for I-cache *****************************************/
/***	IDLE	-> IRD_C1 - I-cache read                                   ***/
/***		-> IRD_IO - I-cache I/O space read                         ***/

assign mm_istat_avail =	
		m_state[IDLE] &
		  ((r_ic_par & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail &
			(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) |
		   (r_ic_par & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy)) ;

/*** Status Valid decode for I-cache *****************************************/
/***	IDLE	-> DRD_C1 - D-cache read                                   ***/
/***		-> DWR - D-cache write (~std)                              ***/
/***	DWR	-> DWR_DONE - D-cache write (std)                          ***/
/***               ASI WR done force dstat_avail on (dnocache_done _aarb)  ***/
/***               ASI RD done force dstat_avail on (A_MM_RD see _aarb)    ***/

wire mm_dstat_avail_marb =	
		(m_state[IDLE] & 
		  ((r_dc_par & read_w & ~wb_valid_x & r_io_space &
		    ~fp_ld_mask & ~r_sbsy) |
		   (r_dc_par & read_w & ~wb_valid_x & ~sb_data_avail & 
		    ~r_misc_bsy & (r_memcs_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) |
		  (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & (~std_x | r_cntl_space) & st_miss_x & ~ldsto_x &
		    r_dcdaten & ~dc_asi & ~sb_data_avail & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy) |
		  (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & (~std_x | r_cntl_space) & st_miss_x & ~ldsto_x &
			 r_dcdaten & ~dc_asi & ~sb_data_avail & ~r_misc_bsy &
			 (r_memcs_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))))) |
		(m_state[DWR] & 
			((std_x & st_miss_x & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy) |
			 (std_x & st_miss_x & ~r_misc_bsy &
			 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))))) ;

/*** tristate enable for MMU (misc) ******************************************/
/***	IDLE	-> MRD - MMU tablewalk write                               ***/
/***	state	   DRD_CS - D-cache Control space read                     ***/
/***	state	   SB_RD_CS - SBC sontrol space read                       ***/
/***    mm_dstat_avail (data driven next cycle on misc)                    ***/
/***    mm_istat_avail (data driven next cycle on misc)                    ***/

assign mmdaten_marb =	
	(m_state[IDLE] & ~sb_data_avail &
	   (r_tw_par & tw_write_req & ~r_misc_bsy)) |
        (m_state[DRD_CS] & ~wb_valid_x) |
	(m_state[SB_RD_CS]) |
	mm_dstat_avail |
	mm_istat_avail ;

/*** tristate enable for I-cache (misc) **************************************/
/***	The only time the I-cache drives data on misc is for ASI Ops.      ***/

/*** tristate enable for SBC (misc) ******************************************/
/***	IDLE	-> SB_WR0 - DMA write                                      ***/
/***	state	   DRD_IO - PIO D-cache reads                              ***/
/***	state	   DRD_IOD - PIO ldd reads                                 ***/
/***	state	   IRD_IO - PIO I-cache instruction fetches                ***/
/***	state	   IRD_IOD - PIO I-cache instruction fetches               ***/

assign mm_iodaten =	
		((m_state[IDLE] & r_sb_par & sb_write & 
			~mc_mbsy & ~r_misc_bsy) |
		(m_state[IDLE] & sb_data_avail & ~r_misc_bsy) |
		(m_state[DRD_IOD] & ldd_w) |
		(m_state[IRD_IOD]) |
		(m_state[SB_WR0] ) |
		(m_state[SB_WR1] & (r_sb_ioreq == SWR_4W)) |
		(m_state[SB_WR2]) ) & (~ss_scan_mode);	// added 

/*** mm_slock signal to SBC **************************************************/
/*** Just an SR F/F set by DRD_IO and ldsto_x                              ***/
/***                reset by completing a D$ write                         ***/
/***                 OR   by having a trap in the D_ATOMIC state           ***/

 wire slock;
 wire mm_slock;
 Mflipflop_r_1 slock_ff_1(mm_slock,slock,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;
 assign slock = ((m_state[DRD_IO] & ldsto_x) | mm_slock) & 
			~(m_state[DWR_DONE] | (m_state[D_ATOMIC] & r_trap_w));

/*** tristate enable for MEMIF (misc) ****************************************/
/***	state	   SB_RD - DMA read (for word read remove 1-cycle early)   ***/
/***	state	   SB_RD2 - DMA read (quad word)                           ***/
/***	state	   SB_RD3 - DMA read (8-word - words 5 & 6)                ***/
/***	state	   SB_RD4 - DMA read (8-word - words 7 & 8)                ***/
/***	state	   MRD - (& ~tw_write_req) MMU tablewalk read              ***/

assign mm_mfdaten =	
		((m_state[SB_RD] ) |
		(m_state[SB_RD2]) |
		(m_state[SB_RD3]) |
		(m_state[SB_RD4]) |
		(m_state[MRD] & ~tw_write_req) ) & (~ss_scan_mode);	// added 

/*** Data Strobe for MMU (misc) **********************************************/
/***	state	   MRD - MMU tablewalk read (1-cycle before data valid)    ***/
/***	state	   DRD_CS - D-cache Control space write                    ***/
/***	state	   SB_WR1 - IO Control Space write                         ***/

assign mmstben_marb = (m_state[MRD] & ~mc_mstb_l) |
			(m_state[DRD_CS] & wb_valid_x) |
			(m_state[SB_WR0] & r_cntl_space) ;

/*** Data Strobe for SBC (misc) **********************************************/
assign mm_iostben = ((m_state[SB_RD]  | 
			m_state[SB_RD2]| m_state[SB_RD3]| 
			m_state[SB_RD4] ) & ~mc_mstb_l) |
		    (m_state[SB_RD_CS]) ;

/*** Data Strobe for D-cache (cachefill) *************************************/
/***	state	   DRD_C1 - D-cache read                                   ***/
/***	state	   DRD_C2 - D-cache read                                   ***/
/***	state	   DRD_IOD - D-cache read word from I/O space              ***/
/***	state	   DRD_IOD2 - D-cache read 2-words from I/O space          ***/
 wire r_drd_iod;
 Mflipflop_r_1 drd_iod_ff_1(r_drd_iod,m_state[DRD_IOD],~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign dccfstb_marb =	
		(m_state[DRD_C1] & ~mc_mstb_l) |
		(m_state[DRD_C2] & ~mc_mstb_l) |
		(m_state[D_ATOMIC] & ~mc_mstb_l) |
		(m_state[DRD_IOD3]) |
		(m_state[D_ATOMIC] & r_io_space & r_drd_iod) ;

/*** Data Strobe for I-cache (cachefill) *************************************/
/***	state	   IRD_C1 - I-cache read (words 0 & 1)                     ***/
/***	state	   IRD_C2 - I-cache read (words 2 & 3)                     ***/
/***	state	   IRD_C3 - I-cache read (words 4 & 5)                     ***/
/***	state	   IRD_C4 - I-cache read (words 6 & 7)                     ***/
/***	state	   IRD_IOD2 - I-cache read 2-words from I/O space          ***/

assign iccfstb_marb =
		(m_state[IRD_C1] & ~mc_mstb_l) |
		(m_state[IRD_C2] & ~mc_mstb_l) |
		(m_state[IRD_C3] & ~mc_mstb_l) |
		(m_state[IRD_C4] & ~mc_mstb_l) |
		(m_state[IRD_IOD3]) ;

/*** transfer misc to cachefill (MEMIF) **************************************/
/***	state	   DRD_IO - D-cache read from I/O space                    ***/
/***	state	   DRD_IOD - D-cache read from I/O space                   ***/
/***	state	   DRD_IOD3 - D-cache read from I/O space                  ***/
/***	state	   DRD_IOD2 - D-cache read (ldd) from I/O space            ***/
/***	state	   IRD_IO - I-cache read from I/O space                    ***/
/***	state	   IRD_IOD - I-cache read from I/O space                   ***/

assign misc2cf_marb =
		(m_state[DRD_IOD]) |
		(m_state[DRD_IOD2]) |
		(m_state[DRD_IOD3]) |
//		(m_state[IRD_IO]) |
		(m_state[IRD_IOD]) |
		(m_state[IRD_IOD3]) |
		(m_state[IRD_IOD2]) |
		(m_state[D_ATOMIC] & r_io_space) ;

/*** indicate 2nd word of transfer misc to cachefill (MEMIF) *****************/
/***	state	   IRD_IOD2 - I-cache read 2-words from I/O space          ***/
/***	state	   DRD_IOD2 - D-cache read 2-words from I/O space          ***/

assign mm_misc2cf_2nd = 
		(m_state[IRD_IOD2]) |
		(m_state[DRD_IOD2] & r_sb_data_avail) ;

/*** PA strobe for SBC *******************************************************/
/***	state	   IDLE - DMA read request                                 ***/
/***	     	        - DMA translate request                            ***/

assign sbc_pa_valid =   (m_state[IDLE] & 
				(r_srd_ioreq & r_sb_par & ~r_misc_bsy) | 
				(r_sxlate & r_sb_par)) ;

/*** Waiting for instruction read ********************************************/
/***	state	   IRD_C1 - I-cache read from memory (1st word)            ***/

assign iwait_state = m_state[IRD_C1] ;

/*** Performance monitor decodes  ********************************************/

assign ic_stream = m_state[IRD_C2] | m_state[IRD_C3] | m_state[IRD_C4] ;

assign dc_stream = m_state[DRD_C2] ;

assign drd_c1 = m_state[DRD_C1] ;
/*** Monitor for checking tri-state enables   ********************************/
// synopsys translate_off

always @(posedge ss_clock) begin
	if (~((mmdaten & ~mm_dcdaten & ~mm_dct_daten & 
		~mm_icdaten & ~mm_iodaten & ~mm_mfdaten) |  //mmdaten
	      (~mmdaten & mm_dcdaten & ~mm_dct_daten & 
		~mm_icdaten & ~mm_iodaten & ~mm_mfdaten) |  // mm_dcdaten
	      (~mmdaten & ~mm_dcdaten & mm_dct_daten & 
		~mm_icdaten & ~mm_iodaten & ~mm_mfdaten) |  // mm_dct_daten
	      (~mmdaten & ~mm_dcdaten & ~mm_dct_daten & 
		mm_icdaten & ~mm_iodaten & ~mm_mfdaten) |  // mm_icdaten
	      (~mmdaten & ~mm_dcdaten & ~mm_dct_daten & 
		~mm_icdaten & mm_iodaten & ~mm_mfdaten) |  // mm_iodaten
	      (~mmdaten & ~mm_dcdaten & ~mm_dct_daten & 
		~mm_icdaten & ~mm_iodaten & mm_mfdaten)) & // mm_mfdaten

	Mclocks.print_error("BAD misc tri-state enables ") ;

// synopsys translate_on
/*** ASI Access State Machine      *******************************************/

function[10:0] next_a_state;

	input marb_busy;
	input mmu_asi;
	input ic_asi;
	input dc_asi;
	input asi_dcd6;
	input wb_valid_x;
	input mc_mbsy;
	input probe_done;
	input flush_done;
	input r_dc_miss;
	input [10:0] a_state;

	begin				/* ASI access function */
	next_a_state = 11'b0;		/* set to default */
	case (1'b1)		// synopsys full_case parallel_case
	    a_state == 11'b0:  next_a_state[AIDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** IDLE state **************************************************************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys parallel_case
		/** ASI read of MMU registers (or TLB) *********************/
		/**   or write to TLB (must R/M/W TLB entries due to size) */
		    ((mmu_asi & (~wb_valid_x | asi_dcd6) &
			 ~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy) |
			 (probe_done & ~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy)):
			next_a_state[A_MM_RD] = 1'b1;

		/** ASI write of MMU registers *****************************/
		    ((mmu_asi & wb_valid_x & ~asi_dcd6 & 
			~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy) | (flush_done & ~marb_busy)):
			next_a_state[A_MM_WR] = 1'b1;

		/** ASI read of I-cache data/tags **************************/
		    ((dc_asi | ic_asi) & ~wb_valid_x & ~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy):
			next_a_state[A_IC_RD] = 1'b1;

		/** ASI write of I-cache data/tags *************************/
		    ((dc_asi | ic_asi) & wb_valid_x & ~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy):
			next_a_state[A_IC_WR] = 1'b1;

		/** Default - stay in AIDLE ********************************/
                /** use default for gate level mismatch rtl . The follow **/
                /** eqaution create illegal transition for MM_WR->IDLE ****/
                /** MM_RD->IDLE (probe_done & ~marb_busy)  ****************/
                /** MM_WR->IDLE (flush_done & ~marb_busy)  ****************/
                /** also dc_asi case                       ****************/
			next_a_state[AIDLE] = 1'b1;


/*** A_MM_RD state - ASI read of MMU regs (or TLB) ***************************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** ASI read of MMU registers ******************************/
			next_a_state[A_TLB_RD1] = 1'b1;

		/** ASI read of MMU registers ******************************/
			next_a_state[A_MM2MISC] = 1'b1;

/*** A_TLB_RD1 state - ASI read of TLB ***************************************/
		next_a_state[A_TLB_RD2] = 1'b1;

/*** A_TLB_RD2 state - ASI read of TLB ***************************************/
                /** ASI write of TLB entry ***********************************/
                       next_a_state[A_MM_WR] = 1'b1;
                /** ASI read of TLB entry ***********************************/
                       next_a_state[A_MM2MISC] = 1'b1;

/*** A_MM2MISC state - ASI transfer MMU data on misc (to MEMIF) **************/
		next_a_state[A_MISC2CF] = 1'b1;

/*** A_IC_RD state - ASI read of I-cache data/tags ***************************/
		next_a_state[A_IC2MISC] = 1'b1;

/*** A_IC2MISC state - ASI transfer of I$ data/tags on misc (to MEMIF) *******/
		next_a_state[A_MISC2CF] = 1'b1;

/*** A_MISC2CF state - transfer of MEMIF (ASI) data to cachefill bus *********/
		next_a_state[A_MM_WAIT] = 1'b1;

/*** A_MM_WR state - writing the MMU  regsiters                      *********/
		next_a_state[A_MM_WAIT] = 1'b1;

/*** A_MM_WAIT state - done writing the MMU  regsiters just witing for DC  ****/
		next_a_state[AIDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** A_IC_WR state - writing the I-cache tags or data                *********/
		next_a_state[A_MISC2CF] = 1'b1;


	endcase   			/* state decode case */
	end				/* ASI access function */
endfunction	/* asi_sm */

/*** Instantiate asi_sm  *****************************************************/

wire[10:0] a_state_in = next_a_state(marb_busy, mmu_asi, ic_asi, dc_asi,
				asi_dcd6, wb_valid_x, mc_mbsy, 
				probe_done, flush_done, r_dc_miss, a_state) ;

/*** asi_sm state registers **************************************************/
Mflipflop_r_11 asi_state_ff_11(a_state,a_state_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Output Decodes (asi_sm related) *****************************************/

/*** ASI state machine Busy decode *******************************************/
/***	state	   AIDLE - ASI idle state                                  ***/
/***	AIDLE	-> any other state                                         ***/

assign asi_bsy = (~a_state[AIDLE]) |
		 (a_state[AIDLE] & ~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy & 
			(mmu_asi | ic_asi | dc_asi )) ;

assign aarb_bsy = ~a_state[AIDLE] ;

/*** D-no-cache Done decode **************************************************/

assign mm_dnocache_done = a_state[A_MM2MISC] | a_state[A_MISC2CF] |
			  a_state[A_MM_WR] ; 

/*** NEED to add error case to abort bad control space decodes !!!! **********/

/*** Data Strobe for MMU (misc) **********************************************/
/***	state	   A_MM_WR - ASI write to MMU reg. or TLB                  ***/

assign mmstben_aarb = (a_state[A_MM_WR]) ;

/*** Clear Strobe for MMU registers ******************************************/
/***	state	   A_MM2MISC - transfer misc data to cache-fill bus (MEMIF)***/
/***	state	   SB_RD_CS -  SBC sontrol space read                      ***/
/***	state	   DRD_CS - D-cache Control space read                     ***/

assign mmreg_rd_asi = a_state[A_MM2MISC] ;

assign mmreg_rd_cs = (m_state[SB_RD_CS] | (m_state[DRD_CS] & ~wb_valid_x)) ;

/*** tristate enable for MMU (misc) ******************************************/
/***	state	   A_MM2MISC - MMU register read                           ***/
/***	state	   A_TLB_RD1 - MMU TLB read (2-cycle TLB read op)          ***/
/***	state	   A_TLB_RD2 - MMU TLB read (2-cycle TLB read op)          ***/
/***    state      A_TLB_RD2 & wb_valid_x will be MMU TLB write            ***/
/***               mmdaten shouldn't turn on on MMU TLB write              ***/

wire mmdaten_aarb =	((mm_dnocache_done & ~read_w & ~(dc_asi | ic_asi)) |
			 a_state[A_MM2MISC] | 
			 a_state[A_TLB_RD1] |
			 (a_state[A_TLB_RD2] & ~wb_valid_x)) ;

/*** Data Strobe for D-cache (cachefill) *************************************/
/***	state	   A_MISC2CF - transfer misc data to cache-fill bus (MEMIF)***/

wire dccfstb_aarb = (a_state[A_MM_WAIT] & read_w) ;

/*** Data Strobe for I-cache (cachefill) *************************************/
/***	state	   A_IC_WR - I-cache write data/tag state                  ***/

assign mm_icstben = a_state[A_MM_WAIT] & ic_asi & ~read_w;

/*** tristate enable for D-cache Tag(misc) ***********************************/
/***	state	   A_IC_RD - transfer I-cache data onto misc bus           ***/

assign mm_dct_daten = ((a_state[A_IC2MISC] | a_state[A_MISC2CF]) & dc_asi & read_w) & (~ss_scan_mode);	// added 

/*** tristate enable for I-cache (misc) **************************************/
/***	state	   A_IC2MISC - transfer I-cache data onto misc bus           ***/

assign mm_icdaten = (a_state[A_IC2MISC] & ~dc_asi  & read_w) & (~ss_scan_mode);	// added 

/*** transfer misc to cachefill (MEMIF) **************************************/
/***	state	   A_MM2MISC - transfer misc data to cache-fill bus (MEMIF)***/

wire misc2cf_aarb = ((~flush_done & a_state[A_MM_WAIT]) | a_state[A_MISC2CF]) |
                    a_state[A_IC_WR] |
		    (a_state[AIDLE] &
                    (mmu_asi_op & wb_valid_x & ~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy ));
//  (mmu_asi_op & (dc_asi | ic_asi) & wb_valid_x & ~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy )));

/*** Status Valid decode for D-cache *****************************************/
/***               ASI WR done force dstat_avail on (dnocache_done )       ***/
/***               ASI RD done force dstat_avail on (A_MM_RD )             ***/
/***               ASI IC_RD done force dstat_avail on (A_IC_RD )          ***/

wire mm_dstat_avail_aarb = a_state[A_MM_WR] |
                        (a_state[AIDLE] & ~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy & probe_done) |
                        (a_state[AIDLE] & ~marb_busy & ~mc_mbsy &
			 (dc_asi | ic_asi | (mmu_asi & ~wb_valid_x & read_w)));

/*** Set TLB inputs for ASI read *********************************************/

wire tlb_asi_rd = (a_state[A_MM_RD] & asi_dcd6) |
			a_state[A_TLB_RD1] ;
/**** direct cam read will turn on at MM_RD and cam data will show at tlb rd 2 ***/
wire tlb_c_rd_unbuf = a_state[A_MM_RD] & asi_dcd6;

JBUFC  slow_buf7(tlb_c_rd_unbuf,buf_term2);
JBUFD  slow_buf6(buf_term2,tlb_c_rd);

/*** Set TLB inputs for ASI write ********************************************/

wire tlb_asi_wr = (a_state[A_MM_WR] & asi_dcd6) ;

/*** Set TLB inputs for ASI access *******************************************/

assign tlb_asi_act = tlb_asi_rd | tlb_asi_wr ;
/*** Set TLB inputs for ASI access *******************************************/

assign mm_wbstb_aarb = (a_state[AIDLE] & ~read_w & flush_done)|
                       (((~asi_dcd6 & a_state[A_MM_WAIT]) |
                       (asi_dcd6 & a_state[A_MM_WR])) & ~read_w & ~flush_done);

assign asi_sm_done = a_state[A_MM_WAIT] ;

/***** output asi cam ram read hold signal ********/

assign asi_cam_read = asi_dcd6 & (a_state[A_MM2MISC] | a_state[A_MM_WR] | a_state[A_MM_WAIT]);
assign asi_ram_read = asi_dcd6 & (a_state[A_TLB_RD2] | a_state[A_MM2MISC] | a_state[A_MM_WR] | a_state[A_MM_WAIT]);

/*** Output Decodes (merged from both state machines) ************************/

assign mmdaten = (mmdaten_marb | mmdaten_aarb) & (~ss_scan_mode) ;	// added 

/*** Write buffer strobe for memory ops, ASI ops, and aborted stores ********/
assign mm_wbstb = mm_wbstb_marb | mm_wbstb_aarb | derr_wbstb | wb_err ;

assign mm_dstat_avail = mm_dstat_avail_marb | mm_dstat_avail_aarb ;

assign mmstben = mmstben_marb ;

assign mm_dccfstb = dccfstb_marb | dccfstb_aarb ;

assign mm_misc2cf = misc2cf_marb | misc2cf_aarb ;

assign mm_iccfstb = iccfstb_marb ; /* (add iccfstb_aarb when IC ASIs added) */

assign sel_cache_stat = ((m_state[IDLE] & (a_state[IDLE] | a_state[A_MM_WR])) |
			 m_state[DWR] | m_state[D_ATOMIC]) & ~r_tw_par ;

/*** tristate enable for D-cache (misc) *** DEFAULT BUS DRIVER ***************/
assign mm_dcdaten = (~(mm_iodaten | mm_mfdaten | mmdaten | 
				mm_icdaten | mm_dct_daten)) & (~ss_scan_mode);	// added 

endmodule		// rl_marb_sm

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