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***  Program File:  @(#)rl_marb_sm.v
// @(#)rl_marb_sm.v	1.149 3/25/94
//  Description:
//      Preprocessed MMU Bus Arbiter State Machine

/* functional model of MMU internal memory bus arbiter */

[Up: m_mmu_cntl marb_sm]
module rl_marb_sm(
	mm_ifetch,	/* ifetch from sbus (EPROM) op. */
	cs_st_op,	/* control space mmu reg store op. */
	mm_cpcyc_stb_l,	/* output indicating SBC data & addr. valid */
	issue_req_early, /* output indicating a pending issue req */
	mm_cpsb_wrt,	/* output indicating SBC wrt */
	mm_slock,	/* output indicating PIO atomic op */
	sb_data_clr,	/* signal that sb_data_avail is being serviced */
	sb_par_clr,	/* signal IO control space op is done */
	pio_data_rcvd,	/* signal PIO data has been received   */
	mem_issue_req,	/* Main memory issue request */
	mem_issue_req2,	/* Main memory issue request */
	io_issue_req,	/* IO space issue request */
	mm_istat_avail,	/* Status Valid decode for I-cache */
	mm_dstat_avail,	/* Status Valid decode for I-cache */
	ic_issue_req,	/* Issue request for I-cache op*/
	dc_issue_req,	/* Issue request for D-cache op*/
	mmdaten,	/* tristate enable for MMU (misc) */
	mm_dcdaten,	/* tristate enable for D-cache (misc) */
	mm_dct_daten,	/* tristate enable for D-cache Tag(misc) */
	mm_icdaten,	/* tristate enable for I-cache (misc) */
	mm_iodaten,	/* tristate enable for SBC (misc) */
	mm_mfdaten,	/* tristate enable for MEMIF (misc) */
	mmstben,	/* Data Strobe for MMU (misc) */
	mm_iostben,	/* Data Strobe for SBC (misc) */
	mm_icstben,	/* Data Strobe for I-cache ASI (misc) */
	mm_dccfstb,	/* Data Strobe for D-cache (cachefill) */
	mm_iccfstb,	/* Data Strobe for I-cache (cachefill) */
	mm_misc2cf,	/* transfer misc to cachefill (MEMIF) */
	mm_misc2cf_2nd,	/* transfer misc to cachefill (MEMIF) 2nd word */
	sbc_pa_valid,	/* PA valid for SBC  */
	r_sb_ic_op,	/* Last PIO op was for an I-cache miss */
	r_mbsy,		/*  */
	r_fb_space,	/*  */

	ldst_st,	/* Store portion of ldsto (D_ATOMIC) */
	ldst_block,	/* block dvma req on ldst ops */
	r_mstb_l,	/* Reg'd mc_mstb_l  */
	iwait_state,	/* Waiting for 1st instruction from mem */
	mmstben_aarb,	/* Data strobe for MMU on ASI stores */
	mmreg_rd_asi,	/* Data strobe for MMU on ASI loads */
	mmreg_rd_cs,	/* Data strobe for MMU on ASI loads */
	mm_wbstb,	/* Write buffer strobe for advancing wb */
	mm_wbsel1,	/* Write buffer select for std */
	tlb_asi_act,	/* tlb ASI op active, determined by state */
	tlb_c_rd,       /* tlb direct cam read */
	mm_dnocache_done, /* non $ op done */
	asi_sm_done, 	/* non $ asi op done */
        asi_cam_read,   /* output asi_cam_read operation */
        asi_ram_read,   /* output asi_ram read operation */
        ic_stream,      /* Perfromance monitor decode    */
        dc_stream,      /* Perfromance monitor decode    */
        r_drd_c1,       /* Marb state DRD_C1 reg'd       */
        sel_cache_stat, /* MMU register select decode    */
        marb_busy, 	/* Memory arbitration state machine busy */
        aarb_bsy, 	/* ASI arbitration state machine busy */
	pcic_ifetch,	/* icache miss held until next request for pcic boot */
	sb_err_type,	/* drive timeout error for any sbus access */
	sb_wrt_err,	/* drive sb_wrt_err for write sbus access */
	sb_errsize,	/* drive sb_errsize for any sbus access */
	sb_ioreq,	/* drive sb_ioreq for any sbus access */
	sb_ioreq_vld,	/* drive sb_ioreq_vld for any sbus access */

/* inputs */
	mm_sbsize,	/* need to know size for sbus operation termination */
	probe_done,	/* probe operation done */
	flush_done,	/* flush operation done */
	r_dc_miss,	/* registered dc_miss */
	mc_mbsy,	/* Memory busy signal */
	sb_sbsy,	/* SBC busy signal */
	dvma_req_x,	/* DVMA request signal */
	r_dc_par,	/* D-cache address in PAR */
	r_ic_par,	/* I-cache address in PAR */
	r_sb_par,	/* DMA (sbc) address in PAR */
	sb_par,		/* DMA (sbc) address in PAR unregistered*/
	r_tw_par,	/* tablewalk address in PAR */
	r_io_space,	/* PAR decode for IO space address */
	r_cntl_space,	/* PAR decode for Control space address */
	r_mem_space,	/* PAR decode for Main memory space address */
	fb_space,	/* PAR decode for AFX memory space address */
	mop_c_bit,	/* Current memory op cacheable bit */
	mop_mreq,	/* Current memory op cacheable bit */
	mc_mstb_l,	/* data strobe (low) from MEMIF (1-cycle early) */
	wb_valid_x,	/* D-cache address in PAR for write op (x-stage)*/
	read_w,		/* D-cache address in PAR for read/ldsto op */
	ldsto_x,	/* D-cache address in PAR for ldsto */
	sb_write,	/* DMA (sbc) address in PAR for write op */
	r_sxlate,	/* DMA (sbc) xlate  op */
	sb_data_avail,	/* Data available from SBC (on PIO reads) */
	r_sb_ioreq,	/* SBC request for current memory op */
	tw_read_req,	/* tablewalk read request */
	tw_write_req,	/* tablewalk address is PAR for write op */
	std_x,		/* Store is double word size */
	ldd_w,		/* D-cache load in W-stage is double word */
	asi_dcd6,	/* decode of W-stage ASI = 0x06 */
	mmu_asi_op,	/* decode of ASI state in PAR cntl */
	mmu_asi,	/* decode of W-stage ASI op */
	ic_asi,		/* decode of W-stage ASI is a I-cache target */
	dc_asi,		/* decode of W-stage ASI is a I-cache target */
	write_x,	/* Write in W-stage */
	st_miss_c,	/* Store miss in the W-stage - cacheable */
	st_miss_x,	/* Store miss in the W-stage */
	derr_wbstb,	/* Data error write buffer strobe */
	fp_ld_mask,	/* FP mask for loads (until trap window done). */
	ss_scan_mode,	// added 

/* Outputs */

	output mm_ifetch;        /* ifetch from EPROM */
	output cs_st_op;        /* */
	output mm_cpcyc_stb_l;  /* output indicating SBC data & addr. valid */
	output issue_req_early; /* signal to memif of a pending issue_req */
	output mm_cpsb_wrt;     /* output indicating SBC wrt */
	output mm_slock;        /* mmu signal indicating PIO atomic */
	output sb_data_clr;     /* siganl that sb_data_avail has been seen*/
	output sb_par_clr;	/* signal IO control space op is done */
	output pio_data_rcvd;	/* signal PIO data has been received   */
	output mem_issue_req;	/* Main memory issue request */
	output mem_issue_req2;	/* Main memory issue request */
	output io_issue_req;	/* IO space issue request */
	output mm_istat_avail;	/* Status Valid decode for I-cache */
	output mm_dstat_avail;	/* Status Valid decode for I-cache */
	output ic_issue_req;	/* Issue request for I-cache op*/
	output dc_issue_req;	/* Issue request for D-cache op*/
	output mmdaten;		/* tristate enable for MMU (misc) */
	output mm_dcdaten;	/* tristate enable for D-cache (misc) */
	output mm_dct_daten;	/* tristate enable for D-cache Tag(misc) */
	output mm_icdaten;	/* tristate enable for I-cache (misc) */
	output mm_iodaten;	/* tristate enable for SBC (misc) */
	output mm_mfdaten;	/* tristate enable for MEMIF (misc) */
	output mmstben;		/* Data Strobe for MMU (misc) */
	output mm_iostben;	/* Data Strobe for SBC (misc) */
	output mm_icstben;	/* Data Strobe for I-cache ASI (misc) */
	output mm_dccfstb;	/* Data Strobe for D-cache (cachefill) */
	output mm_iccfstb;	/* Data Strobe for I-cache (cachefill) */
	output mm_misc2cf;	/* transfer misc to cachefill (MEMIF) */
	output mm_misc2cf_2nd;	/* transfer misc to cachefill (MEMIF) */
	output sbc_pa_valid;	/* PA valid for SBC  */
	output r_sb_ic_op;	/* Last PIO op was for an I-cache miss */

	output r_mbsy;          /* mem busy */
	output r_fb_space;      /* AFX space */

	output ldst_st;		/* Store portion of ldsto (D_ATOMIC) */
	output ldst_block;	/* Store portion of ldsto (D_ATOMIC) */
	output r_mstb_l;	/* Reg'd mc_mstb_l  */
	output iwait_state;	/* Waiting for 1st instruction from mem */
	output mmstben_aarb;	/* Data strobe for MMU on ASI stores */
	output mmreg_rd_asi;	/* Data strobe for MMU on ASI loads */
	output mmreg_rd_cs;	/* Data strobe for MMU on ASI loads */
	output mm_wbstb;	/* Write buffer strobe for advancing wb */
	output mm_wbsel1;	/* Write buffer select for std */
	output tlb_asi_act;	/* tlb ASI op active, determined by state */
        output tlb_c_rd;        /* tlb direct cam read */
	output mm_dnocache_done;/* non $  op done */
	output asi_sm_done;	/* non $ asi op done */
        output asi_cam_read;    /* asi is doing cam read */
        output asi_ram_read;    /* asi is doing ram read */
        output ic_stream;      /* Perfromance monitor decode    */
        output dc_stream;      /* Perfromance monitor decode    */
        output r_drd_c1 ;      /* Marb state DRD_C1 reg's       */
        output sel_cache_stat; /* MMU register select decode    */
        output marb_busy;	/* Memory arbitration state machine busy */
        output aarb_bsy; 	/* ASI arbitration state machine busy */
	output pcic_ifetch;	/* instruction cache miss held until next req */
	output [1:0] sb_err_type;	/* timeout error for any sbus access */
	output sb_wrt_err;	/* sb_wrt_err error for all sbus writes  */
	output [2:0] sb_errsize;	/* size error for all sbus ops */
	output [3:0] sb_ioreq;	/* terminate PIO reads for all sbus reads */
	output sb_ioreq_vld;	/* terminate PIO reads for all sbus reads */

/* Inputs */
	input [1:0] mm_sbsize;	/* size of sb op to terminate */       
	input r_srd_ioreq;       
	input probe_done;       /* probe operation done */
	input flush_done;       /* flush operation done */
	input r_dc_miss;	/* registered dc_miss */
	input mc_mbsy;		/* Memory Busy signal */
	input sb_sbsy;		/* SBC Busy signal */
	input dvma_req_x;	/* dvma request signal */
	input r_dc_par;		/* D-cache address in PAR */
	input r_ic_par;		/* I-cache address in PAR */
	input r_sb_par;		/* DMA (sbc) address in PAR */
	input sb_par;		/* DMA (sbc) address in PAR */
	input r_tw_par;		/* tablewalk address in PAR */
	input r_io_space;	/* PAR decode for IO space address */
	input r_cntl_space;	/* PAR decode for Control space address */
	input r_mem_space;	/* PAR decode for Main memory space address */
	input fb_space;		/* PAR decode for AFX memory space address */
	input mop_c_bit;	/* Current memory op cacheable bit */
	input [3:0] mop_mreq;	/* Current memory op mreq bit */
	input mc_mstb_l;	/* data strobe (low) from MEMIF */
	input wb_valid_x;	/* D-cache address in PAR for write op */
	input read_w;		/* D-cache address in PAR for read/ldsto op */
	input ldsto_x;		/* D-cache address in PAR for ldsto */
	input sb_write;		/* DMA (sbc) address in PAR for write op */
	input r_sxlate;		/* DMA (sbc) xlate op */
	input sb_data_avail;	/* Data available from SBC (on PIO reads) */
	input[3:0] r_sb_ioreq;	/* SBC request for current memory op */
	input tw_read_req;	/* tablewalk read request*/
	input tw_write_req;	/* tablewalk address is PAR for write op */
	input std_x;		/* Store is double word size */
	input ldd_w;		/* D-cache load in W-stage is double word */
	input asi_dcd6;		/* decode of W-stage ASI = 0x06 */
	input mmu_asi_op;	/* decode of ASI state in PAR cntl */
	input mmu_asi;		/* decode of W-stage ASI op */
	input ic_asi;		/* decode of W-stage ASI is a I-cache target */
	input dc_asi;		/* decode of W-stage ASI is a D-cache target */
	input write_x;		/* Write in W-stage */
	input st_miss_c;	/* Store miss in the W-stage - cacheable */
	input st_miss_x;	/* Store miss in the W-stage */
	input derr_wbstb;	/* Data error write buffer strobe */
	input dabort_in;	
	input r_trap_w;	
	input fp_ld_mask;	/* FP mask for loads (until trap window done).*/
	input wb_err;	
	input afx_qbusy;	
	input mmu_cr_14;
	input ss_clock;
	input ss_scan_mode;	// added 
	input ss_reset;

//  mreq operations
parameter   [3:0]    NOP        = 4'b0000,
                     RD64       = 4'b0001,
                     RD128      = 4'b0010,
                     RD256      = 4'b0100,
                     WR8        = 4'b1001,
                     WR16       = 4'b1010,
                     WR32       = 4'b1011,
                     WR64       = 4'b1100;

//  sb_ioreq operations
parameter   [3:0]    SNOP       = 4'b0000,
                     SRD_8W     = 4'b0001,
                     S_RSV0     = 4'b0010,
                     S_RSV1     = 4'b0011,
                     SCRDDATA   = 4'b0100,
                     SRD_4W     = 4'b0101,
                     S_RSV2     = 4'b0110,
                     SRD_DW     = 4'b0111,
                     SWR        = 4'b1000,
                     SWR_BY     = 4'b1001,
                     SWR_HW     = 4'b1010,
                     S_RSV3     = 4'b1011,
                     SWR_DW     = 4'b1100,
                     SXLATE     = 4'b1101,
                     SWR_4W     = 4'b1110,
                     S_RSV4     = 4'b1111;

/*** Define marb_sm state names **********************************************/
parameter	IDLE		=  0,
		MRD		=  1,
		DRD_C1		=  2,
		DRD_C2		=  3,
		D_ATOMIC	=  4,
		DWR		=  5,
		DWR_DONE	=  6,
		DRD_IO		=  7,
		DRD_IOD		=  8,
		DRD_IOD2	=  9,
		DRD_CS		= 10,
		DWR_CS		= 11,
		IRD_C1		= 12,
		IRD_C2		= 13,
		IRD_C3		= 14,
		IRD_C4		= 15,
		IRD_IO		= 16,
		IRD_IOD		= 17,
		IRD_IOD2	= 18,
		SB_RD		= 19,
		SB_RD2		= 20,
		SB_RD3		= 21,
		SB_RD4		= 22,
		SB_WR0		= 23,
		SB_WR1		= 24,
		SB_WR2		= 25,
		SB_WR3		= 26,
		SB_RD_CS	= 27,
		SB_RD_CS2	= 28,
		DWR_CS1		= 29,
		DRD_IOD3	= 30,
		IRD_IOD3	= 31;

/*** Define asi_sm state names ***********************************************/
parameter	AIDLE		=  0,
		A_MM_RD		=  1,
		A_TLB_RD1	=  2,
		A_TLB_RD2	=  3,
		A_MM2MISC	=  4,
		A_IC_RD		=  5,
		A_IC2MISC	=  6,
		A_MISC2CF	=  7,
		A_IC_WR		=  8,
		A_MM_WR		=  9,
		A_MM_WAIT	=  10;

/*** Display routine for marb_sm state information ***************************/
// synopsys translate_off

    wire [10:0] asi_state = rl_marb_sm.a_state;
    wire [31:0] mem_state = rl_marb_sm.m_state;
    reg[32*8:1] state_name;
    integer i, acnt, mcnt;
    always @(asi_state or mem_state) begin
        acnt = 0; mcnt = 0;
        for(i=0; i<10; i=i+1) acnt = acnt + asi_state[i];
        for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) mcnt = mcnt + mem_state[i];
        if (~ss_reset & (asi_state == 11'b0 || mem_state == 32'b0)) begin
            if(asi_state == 11'b0) begin
	Mclocks.print_error("ASI arb state = 0  *** BAD A_STATE ***") ;
            state_name = "*** ALL ZEROES *** BAD A_STATE!";
            if(mem_state == 32'b0) begin
	Mclocks.print_error("MEM arb state = 0  *** BAD M_STATE ***") ;
            state_name = "*** ALL ZEROES *** BAD M_STATE!";
        else if (~ss_reset & ~(asi_state[AIDLE] || mem_state[IDLE])) begin
	Mclocks.print_error("Both MEM state machine active  ***BUG NEWS***") ;
            state_name = "[ERROR] - #$@!";
        else if (acnt > 1 ) begin
	Mclocks.print_error("More than 1 A_STATE bit asserted  ") ;
            state_name = "[ERROR] - #$@!";
        else if (mcnt > 1 ) begin
	Mclocks.print_error("More than 1 M_STATE bit asserted  ") ;
            state_name = "[ERROR] - #$@!";
        else case (1'b1)
            mem_state[IDLE] && asi_state[AIDLE]:   state_name = "[idle] - idle";
            mem_state[MRD]:	state_name = "[mrd] - tablewalk read";
            mem_state[DRD_C1]:	state_name = "[drd_c1] - Data read 1";
            mem_state[DRD_C2]:	state_name = "[drd_c2] - Data read 2";
            mem_state[D_ATOMIC]:state_name = "[d_atomic] - Data atomic";
            mem_state[DWR]:	state_name = "[dwr] - Data write";
            mem_state[DWR_DONE]:state_name = "[dwr_done] - Data write done";
            mem_state[DRD_IO]:	state_name = "[drd_io] - Data IO read";
            mem_state[DRD_IOD]:	state_name = "[drd_iod] - Data IO read word0";
            mem_state[DRD_IOD2]:state_name = "[drd_iod2] - Data IO read word1";
            mem_state[DRD_IOD3]:state_name = "[drd_iod3] - Data IO read stb";
            mem_state[DRD_CS]:	state_name = "[drd_cs] - Data Cntl space read";
            mem_state[DWR_CS]:	state_name = "[dwr_cs] - Data Cntl spc write 0";
            mem_state[DWR_CS1]:	state_name = "[dwr_cs] - Data Cntl spc write 1";
            mem_state[IRD_C1]:	state_name = "[ird_c1] - Instr read 1";
            mem_state[IRD_C2]:	state_name = "[ird_c2] - Instr read 2";
            mem_state[IRD_C3]:	state_name = "[ird_c3] - Instr read 3";
            mem_state[IRD_C4]:	state_name = "[ird_c4] - Instr read 4";
            mem_state[IRD_IO]:	state_name = "[ird_io] - Instr I/O read";
            mem_state[IRD_IOD]:	state_name = "[ird_iod] - Instr I/O read data";
            mem_state[IRD_IOD2]:state_name = "[ird_iod2] - Instr I/O read d2";
            mem_state[IRD_IOD3]:state_name = "[ird_iod3] - Instr I/O read d3";
            mem_state[SB_RD]:	state_name = "[sb_rd] - SBC read 1";
            mem_state[SB_RD2]:	state_name = "[sb_rd2] - SBC read 2";
            mem_state[SB_RD3]:	state_name = "[sb_rd3] - SBC read 3";
            mem_state[SB_RD4]:	state_name = "[sb_rd4] - SBC read 4";
            mem_state[SB_WR0]:	state_name = "[sb_wr0] - SBC write 0";
            mem_state[SB_WR1]:	state_name = "[sb_wr1] - SBC write 1";
            mem_state[SB_WR2]:	state_name = "[sb_wr2] - SBC write 2";
            mem_state[SB_WR3]:	state_name = "[sb_wr3] - SBC write 3";
            mem_state[SB_RD_CS]:state_name = "[sb_rd_cs] - SBC read Cntl spc";
            mem_state[SB_RD_CS2]:state_name = "[sb_rd_cs2] - SBC read Cntl spc";
            asi_state[A_MM_RD]:	state_name = "[a_mm_rd] - ASI MMU read";
            asi_state[A_MM_WR]:	state_name = "[a_mm_wr] - ASI MMU Write";
            asi_state[A_MM_WAIT]:state_name = "[a_mm_wait] - ASI MMU wait";
            asi_state[A_TLB_RD1]:state_name = "[a_tlb_rd1] - ASI MMU read 1";
            asi_state[A_TLB_RD2]:state_name = "[a_tlb_rd2] - ASI MMU read 2";
            asi_state[A_MM2MISC]:state_name = "[a_mm2misc] - ASI MMU to misc";
            asi_state[A_MISC2CF]:state_name = "[a_misc2cf] - ASI misc to CF";
            asi_state[A_IC_RD]:	state_name = "[a_ic_rd] - ASI I-cache Read";
            asi_state[A_IC2MISC]:state_name = "[a_ic2misc] - ASI I$ to misc";
            asi_state[A_IC_WR]:	state_name = "[a_ic_wr] - ASI I-cache Write";

// synopsys translate_on
/*** Memory Arbitration State Machine ****************************************/

/*** WIRE definitions ********************************************************/

wire mm_wbstb_marb;			/* marb_sm decode for mm_wbstb*/
wire mm_wbstb_aarb;			/* arb_sm decode for mm_wbstb*/
wire mmdaten_marb ;			/* marb_sm decode for mmdaten */
wire mmstben_marb ;			/* marb_sm decode for mmstben */
wire dccfstb_marb ;			/* marb_sm decode for mm_dccfstb */
wire iccfstb_marb ;			/* marb_sm decode for mm_iccfstb */
wire misc2cf_marb ;			/* marb_sm decode for mm_misc2cf */
wire asi_bsy;				/* asi_sm busy */
wire aarb_bsy;				/* asi_sm busy */

wire ic_issue_req;
wire misc_bsy = mem_issue_req | mc_mbsy | asi_bsy ;  /* decode for misc busy */

wire pcic_ifetch;
wire [1:0] sb_err_type;			/* timeout error for any sbus access */
wire sb_wrt_err;			/* turn around all sbus ops as errors */
wire [2:0] sb_errsize;			/* turn around as timeouts */
wire sb_ioreq_vld;			/* turn around PIO reads as  timeouts */
wire [3:0] sb_ioreq;			/* turn around PIO reads as  timeouts */

/*** REGISTER instantiations *************************************************/

// Add this to act as an enable for I-cache fetches for the pci controller
// for use in booting.  boot_mode went off due to sta traffic.

wire pcic_ifetch_enable = mmu_cr_14 & ic_issue_req;

MflipflopR pcic_ifetch_boot(pcic_ifetch,pcic_ifetch_enable,ss_clock,
		~mem_issue_req, ss_reset);

// Add decode and drivers to cause all sbus reads and writes to result
// in errors. 

wire io_issue_req_d1;
Mflipflop_r_1 io_issue_ff_1(io_issue_req_d1,io_issue_req,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire io_issue_req_d2;
Mflipflop_r_1 io_issue_ff_2(io_issue_req_d2,io_issue_req_d1,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire io_issue_wrt_d1;
Mflipflop_r_1 io_issue_wrt_ff_1(io_issue_wrt_d1,mm_cpsb_wrt,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire io_issue_wrt_d2;
Mflipflop_r_1 io_issue_wrt_ff_2(io_issue_wrt_d2,io_issue_wrt_d1,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign sb_err_type = (io_issue_req_d1 ) ? 2'b00 : 2'b11 ;
assign sb_wrt_err = (mm_cpsb_wrt | io_issue_wrt_d1 | io_issue_wrt_d2) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 ;
assign sb_errsize = (io_issue_req_d1 | io_issue_req_d2) ? 
              {(mm_sbsize[1] & mm_sbsize[0]), mm_sbsize[1:0]} : 3'b000 ;
assign sb_ioreq_vld = (io_issue_req_d1 & ~io_issue_wrt_d1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0 ;
assign sb_ioreq = (sb_ioreq_vld) ? 4'b0100 : 4'b0000 ; 

wire r_fb_space;
Mflipflop_r_1 fb_space_ff_1(r_fb_space,fb_space,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire r_memfb_space = r_mem_space | r_fb_space ;
wire r_memcs_space = r_mem_space | r_cntl_space ;

wire r_mstb_l;
Mflipflop_r_1 mstb_l_ff_1(r_mstb_l,mc_mstb_l,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;
wire r_mbsy;
Mflipflop_r_1 mbsy_ff_1(r_mbsy,mc_mbsy,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;
wire r_misc_bsy;
Mflipflop_r_1 misc_bsy_ff_1(r_misc_bsy,misc_bsy,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;
wire r_sbsy;
Mflipflop_r_1 sbsy_ff_1(r_sbsy,sb_sbsy,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;
wire r_dcdaten;
Mflipflop_r_1 dcdaten_ff_1(r_dcdaten,mm_dcdaten,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire r_sb_data_avail;
Mflipflop_r_1 sb_data_avail_ff_1(r_sb_data_avail,sb_data_avail,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire drd_c1 ;		// forward
wire r_drd_c1;
Mflipflop_r_1 drd_c1_ff_1(r_drd_c1,drd_c1,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire    sb_ic_op_hld = mm_cpcyc_stb_l & ~iccfstb_marb;
wire r_sb_ic_op;
MflipflopR_1 sb_ic_op_ff_1(r_sb_ic_op,mm_istat_avail,ss_clock,sb_ic_op_hld,ss_reset) ;

wire [31:0] m_state;
wire [10:0] a_state;

/*** State Machine Function **************************************************/

function[31:0]  next_m_state;

	input r_mbsy;
	input mc_mbsy;
	input afx_qbusy;
	input r_sb_ic_op;
	input r_misc_bsy;
	input r_sbsy;
	input mc_mstb_l;
	input r_mstb_l;
	input r_tw_par;
	input mop_c_bit;
	input tw_read_req;
	input tw_write_req;
	input r_sb_par;
	input sb_write;
	input sb_data_avail;
	input r_dc_par;
	input wb_valid_x;
	input read_w;
	input r_ic_par;
	input r_memfb_space;
	input r_memcs_space;
	input r_mem_space;
	input r_fb_space;
	input r_io_space;
	input r_cntl_space;
	input write_x;
	input r_dcdaten;
	input std_x;
	input [3:0] mop_mreq;
	input r_srd_ioreq;
	input [3:0]r_sb_ioreq;
	input ldsto_x;
	input ldd_w;
	input r_trap_w;
	input fp_ld_mask;
	input [31:0] m_state;

	next_m_state = 32'b0;		/* set to default */
	case (1'b1)		// synopsys full_case parallel_case
	    m_state == 32'b0:  next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** IDLE state **************************************************************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** MMU tablewalk memory read/write op *********************/
		    (r_tw_par & (tw_read_req | tw_write_req) & 
			~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail):
			next_m_state[MRD] = 1'b1;

		/** SBC DMA memory read op *********************************/
		    (r_sb_par & r_srd_ioreq & r_memfb_space & 
			~r_misc_bsy ):
			next_m_state[SB_RD] = 1'b1;

		/** SBC DMA write op (assert mm_iodaten) *******************/
		    (r_sb_par & sb_write & ~r_misc_bsy & ~mc_mbsy):
			next_m_state[SB_WR0] = 1'b1;

		/** SBC Control Space read/write op ************************/
		    (r_sb_par & r_srd_ioreq & r_cntl_space & 
			~r_misc_bsy ):
			next_m_state[SB_RD_CS] = 1'b1;

		/** D-cache memory read op *********************************/
		    (r_dc_par & (read_w | (write_x & ~wb_valid_x)) &
			 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & 
			 ~wb_valid_x & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail):
			next_m_state[DRD_C1] = 1'b1;

		/** D-cache I/O space read op ******************************/
		    (r_dc_par & read_w & ~wb_valid_x & r_io_space & 
			~fp_ld_mask & ~r_sbsy):
			next_m_state[DRD_IO] = 1'b1;

		/** D-cache Control space read op **************************/
		    (r_dc_par & r_cntl_space & 
			(read_w | (write_x & wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten)) &
				~r_misc_bsy & ~fp_ld_mask & ~sb_data_avail):
			next_m_state[DRD_CS] = 1'b1;

		/** D-cache memory write op ********************************/
		/**    note: ~std_x issue_req in this cycle.    ************/
		/**           std_x issue_req in DWR state.     ************/
		    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten & ~sb_data_avail &
			 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & 
			((std_x & ~mc_mbsy) | (~std_x & ~r_misc_bsy))):
			next_m_state[DWR] = 1'b1;

		/** D-cache I/O space write op *****************************/
		/**    note: ~std_x issue_req in this cycle.    ************/
		/**           std_x issue_req in DWR state.     ************/
		    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & 
				 r_io_space & r_dcdaten & ~r_sbsy):
			next_m_state[DWR] = 1'b1;

		/** I-cache memory read op *********************************/
		    (r_ic_par & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail) &
			 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) : 
			next_m_state[IRD_C1] = 1'b1;

		/** I-cache I/O space read op ******************************/
		/**    ?need to add error if an cntl_space address? ********/
		    (r_ic_par & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy):
			next_m_state[IRD_IO] = 1'b1;

		/** PIO data valid for D-cache (sb_ioreq == 4'b0010) *******/
		    (sb_data_avail  & ~r_misc_bsy & ~r_sb_ic_op):
			next_m_state[DRD_IOD] = 1'b1;

		/** PIO data valid for I-cache (sb_ioreq == 4'b0010) *******/
		    (sb_data_avail &  ~r_misc_bsy & r_sb_ic_op):
			next_m_state[IRD_IOD] = 1'b1;

		/** Default case - stay in IDLE ****************************/
		    (~((r_tw_par & (tw_read_req | tw_write_req) &
                        ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail)|
                    (r_sb_par & r_srd_ioreq & r_memfb_space & ~r_misc_bsy )|
                    (r_sb_par & sb_write & ~r_misc_bsy & ~mc_mbsy)|
                    (r_sb_par & r_srd_ioreq & r_cntl_space & ~r_misc_bsy )|
                    (r_dc_par & (read_w | (write_x & ~wb_valid_x)) &
			 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & 
                                 ~wb_valid_x & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail)|
                    (r_dc_par & read_w & ~wb_valid_x & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy)|
                    (r_dc_par & r_cntl_space &
                        (read_w | (write_x & wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten)) &
                                ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail)|
                    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x & r_dcdaten & ~sb_data_avail &
			 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy)) & 
                        ((std_x & ~mc_mbsy) | (~std_x & ~r_misc_bsy)))|
                    (r_dc_par & wb_valid_x &
                                 r_io_space & r_dcdaten & ~r_sbsy )|
                    (r_ic_par & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail &
			 (r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))) | 
                    (r_ic_par & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy)|
                    (sb_data_avail  & ~r_misc_bsy & ~r_sb_ic_op)|
                    (sb_data_avail &  ~r_misc_bsy & r_sb_ic_op))):

			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;


/*** MRD state *** MMU tablewalk read/write state ****************************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** Tablewalk memory write (request) ***********************/
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;
		/** Tablewalk memory read - data valid *********************/
		    (tw_read_req & ~r_mstb_l):
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;
		/** Tablewalk memory read - waiting ************************/
		    (tw_read_req & r_mstb_l):
			next_m_state[MRD] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_RD state *** SBC DMA read memory state *******************************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** SBC DMA read - waiting for data ************************/
			next_m_state[SB_RD] = 1'b1;
		/** SBC DMA read 4/8 words - data valid ********************/
		    (~r_mstb_l & ~(mop_mreq == RD64)):
			next_m_state[SB_RD2] = 1'b1;
		/** SBC DMA read word - data valid *************************/
		    (~r_mstb_l & (mop_mreq == RD64)):
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_RD2 state *** SBC DMA read memory state (word 2) *********************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** SBC DMA read - waiting for data ************************/
			next_m_state[SB_RD2] = 1'b1;
		/** SBC DMA read 8 words - data valid **********************/
		    (~r_mstb_l & (mop_mreq == RD256)):
			next_m_state[SB_RD3] = 1'b1;
		/** SBC DMA read 4 words - data valid **********************/
		    (~r_mstb_l & ~(mop_mreq == RD256)):
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_RD3 state *** SBC DMA read memory state (word 3) *********************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** SBC DMA read - waiting for data ************************/
			next_m_state[SB_RD3] = 1'b1;
		/** SBC DMA read 6 words - data valid **********************/
			next_m_state[SB_RD4] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_RD4 state *** SBC DMA read memory state (word 4) *********************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** SBC DMA read - waiting for data ************************/
			next_m_state[SB_RD4] = 1'b1;
		/** SBC DMA read 8 words - data valid **********************/
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_WR0 state *** SBC DMA write memory state (word 0) ********************/
			next_m_state[SB_WR1] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_WR1 state *** SBC DMA write memory state (word 1) ********************/
/***              *** Assert mm_issue_req in this cycle  ********************/
		if (r_sb_ioreq == SWR_4W)
			next_m_state[SB_WR2] = 1'b1;
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_WR2 state *** SBC DMA write memory state (word 2) ********************/
		next_m_state[SB_WR3] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_WR3 state *** SBC DMA write memory state (word 3) ********************/
		next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_RD_CS state *** SBC readControl Space state **************************/
			next_m_state[SB_RD_CS2] = 1'b1;

/*** SB_RD_CS2 state *** SBC read Control Space state (data transfer) ********/
		next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** DRD_C1 state *** D-cache read memory state (word pair 1) ****************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** D-cache read - non-cached & atomic *********************/
		    (ldsto_x & ~mc_mstb_l):
			next_m_state[D_ATOMIC] = 1'b1;
		/** D-cache read - cached & ~atomic ************************/
		    (mop_c_bit & ~mc_mstb_l & ~ldsto_x):
			next_m_state[DRD_C2] = 1'b1;
		/** D-cache read - non-cached & ~atomic ********************/
		    (~mop_c_bit & ~mc_mstb_l & ~ldsto_x):
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;
		/** D-cache read - wait for data ***************************/
			next_m_state[DRD_C1] = 1'b1;

/*** DRD_C2 state *** D-cache read memory state (word pair 2) ****************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;
		/** D-cache read - wait for data ***************************/
			next_m_state[DRD_C2] = 1'b1;

/*** DRD_IO state *** D-cache read I/O space state  **************************/
		next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** DRD_IOD state *** D-cache read I/O space state (data 0) *****************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** D-cache (ldd) read I/O space ***************************/
			next_m_state[DRD_IOD2] = 1'b1;
		/** D-cache read I/O space *********************************/
		    (~ldd_w & ~ldsto_x):
			next_m_state[DRD_IOD3] = 1'b1;
		/** D-cache read I/O space (atomic) ************************/
		    (~ldd_w & ldsto_x):
			next_m_state[D_ATOMIC] = 1'b1;

/*** DRD_IOD2 state *** D-cache read I/O space state (data 1) ****************/
		next_m_state[DRD_IOD3] = 1'b1;

/*** DRD_IOD3 state *** D-cache read I/O space state (data 1) ****************/
		next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** D_ATOMIC state *** D-cache Atomic op state ******************************/
		if ((r_dcdaten & wb_valid_x & r_io_space & ~r_sbsy & ~r_trap_w) |
		    (r_dcdaten & wb_valid_x & ~r_misc_bsy &
			(r_mem_space | (r_fb_space & ~afx_qbusy))))  
			next_m_state[DWR] = 1'b1;
		else if (r_trap_w & r_io_space) 
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;
			next_m_state[D_ATOMIC] = 1'b1;

/*** DWR state *** D-cache write memory or I/O space state *******************/
		next_m_state[DWR_DONE] = 1'b1;

/*** DWR_DONE state *** D-cache write memory or I/O space Done state *********/
/***                *** [Do we really need this state?? - keep for now 5/18]**/
		next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** DRD_CS state *** D-cache read/write Control Space state *****************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** D-cache Control Space write ****************************/
			next_m_state[DWR_CS] = 1'b1;
		/** D-cache Control Space read *****************************/
			next_m_state[DRD_IOD2] = 1'b1;

/*** DWR_CS state *** D-cache write Control Space state **********************/
		next_m_state[DWR_CS1] = 1'b1;

/*** DWR_CS state *** D-cache write Control Space state **********************/
		next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** IRD_C1 state *** I-cache read memory state (word pair 1) ****************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** I-cache non-cached access (memory) *********************/
		    (~mop_c_bit & ~mc_mstb_l):
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;
		/** I-cache cached access (line fill) **********************/
		    (mop_c_bit & ~mc_mstb_l):
			next_m_state[IRD_C2] = 1'b1;
		/** I-cache access *****************************************/
			next_m_state[IRD_C1] = 1'b1;

/*** IRD_C2 state *** I-cache read memory state (word pair 2) ****************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** I-cache cached access (line fill) **********************/
			next_m_state[IRD_C3] = 1'b1;
		/** I-cache access *****************************************/
			next_m_state[IRD_C2] = 1'b1;

/*** IRD_C3 state *** I-cache read memory state (word pair 3) ****************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** I-cache cached access (line fill) **********************/
			next_m_state[IRD_C4] = 1'b1;
		/** I-cache access *****************************************/
			next_m_state[IRD_C3] = 1'b1;

/*** IRD_C4 state *** I-cache read memory state (word pair 4) ****************/
		case(1'b1)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
		/** I-cache cached access (line fill) **********************/
			next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;
		/** I-cache access *****************************************/
			next_m_state[IRD_C4] = 1'b1;

/*** IRD_IO state *** I-cache read I/O space state ***************************/
		next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

/*** IRD_IOD state *** I-cache read I/O space state (word 0) *****************/
		next_m_state[IRD_IOD2] = 1'b1;

/*** IRD_IOD2 state *** I-cache read I/O space state (word 1) ****************/
		next_m_state[IRD_IOD3] = 1'b1;

/*** IRD_IOD3 state *** I-cache read I/O space cleanup        ****************/
		next_m_state[IDLE] = 1'b1;

	endcase   /* state decode case */
endfunction	/* marb_sm */

/*** Instantiate marb_sm *****************************************************/

wire[31:0] m_state_in = next_m_state(r_mbsy, mc_mbsy, afx_qbusy,
			r_sb_ic_op, r_misc_bsy, 
			r_sbsy, mc_mstb_l, r_mstb_l, r_tw_par,mop_c_bit,  
			tw_read_req, tw_write_req, r_sb_par, sb_write, 
			sb_data_avail, r_dc_par, wb_valid_x, read_w, 
			r_memfb_space, r_memcs_space, r_mem_space, r_fb_space,
			r_io_space, r_cntl_space,
			write_x,r_dcdaten, std_x, mop_mreq,
			r_srd_ioreq, r_sb_ioreq, ldsto_x, ldd_w, r_trap_w,
			fp_ld_mask, m_state) ;

/*** marb_sm state registers ************************************************/
Mflipflop_r_32 memarbsm_reg_32(m_state,m_state_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Output Decodes (marb_sm related) ****************************************/

/*** Main memory issue request ***********************************************/
/***	IDLE	-> MRD - MMU tablewalk read                                ***/
/***		-> SB_RD - DMA (SBC) read                                  ***/
/***		-> DRD_C1 - D-cache read                                   ***/
/***		-> DWR - D-cache write (~std) to memory                    ***/
/***		-> IRD_C1 - I-cache read                                   ***/
/***	DWR	-> DWR_DONE - D-cache write (std) to memory                ***/
/***	SB_WR1	-> IDLE/SB_WR2 - Any DMA (SBC) write to memory             ***/
/***	D_ATOMIC-> DWR - D-cache write to memory                           ***/

assign mem_issue_req =	
	(m_state[IDLE] &
	   ((r_tw_par & tw_read_req & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail) |
	    (r_sb_par & r_srd_ioreq & r_memfb_space & ~r_misc_bsy) |
	    (r_dc_par & (read_w | (write_x & ~wb_valid_x)) &
		 ~wb_valid_x & ~r_misc_bsy & ~sb_data_avail &

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