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***  Program File:  @(#)interrupts.v
***  Description:
***  This is the interrupt module. It duplicates much of the interrrupt
***  control logic of that slavio, but for pci purposes only. In such
***  it receives 4 asynchronous interrupts from pci slots, and generates
***  four coded interrupts on the irl lines to the processor. It can
***  also receive an error interrupt from the falcon itself.
***  Revision 1.0 Include an interrupt for PCI Serr singnaling. SERR is
***  signalled (asynchronously) to indicate a fatal error has
***  occured on the pci bus. This generates a level 15 interrupt to IIe.
***  (Note: idsel's and lock logic removed also, even though module connections
***  remain.)
***  Rev: 1.1. Added special clocks for synchronizers to work in scan mode.
***  Rev: 1.2 Added Quiescence request to pci slave and acknolwedge responce
***  Rev: 1.3 Added task to make interrupt inputs programmable as to which 
***		priority each goes to, also added a disable to allow the pci_int
***		int lines to bypass all the interrupt control login and drive the
***		irl lines directly, also changed the decodes of all the necessary
***		registers to match the rev1.2 IIep spec.
***  Rev: 1.4 Added input pin mm_lvl15_int_l, which was missing. Also removed
***		all ff's from the interrupt paths in generating the irl's to 
*** 		processor, since the processor double clocks these to resync.
***  Rev 1.6 Changed all ff inputs to wires, just for good rtl coding style.
***		Added 4 additional interrupt pins, and made all 8 outputs.
***		Removed inversion (by adding inverters) when interrupts in bypass.
***  Rev 1.7 Adding System Reset control and status register, like was in slavio.
***  3/11/98:  fixed pci_sync_serr_ which was defined twice.
[Up: pcic interrupts]
module interrupts(
		input_reset_l,		// raw power up reset pin
		iu_error,		// watchdog reset source
		pci_slave_mode,		// input from pin jumper settings
		raw_pci_rst_l,		// input from raw pin
		sw_rst,		// output to rst_cntl, causing reset (any_reset)
		en_sw_rst_nonwd,	// output to rst_cntl, causing reset (reset_nonwd)
		en_pci_sw_rst,		// output enableing pci reset as an input, allowing it
					// to be treated like a sw reset (with a unique indicator)
		reset,			// any nonwatchdog reset
		clock,			// afx g clock
		tmr_clk,		// timer clock, refresh clock divided by 4.
		pci_clk,		// pci clock

		pci_int_,		// pci interrupt (int_l[7:0] -> INTH/G/F/E/D/C/B/A#) 
		pci_int_oe,		// pci interrupt output enables 

		afx_mast_error_address,	// master detected error, reference address
		afx_mast_error_cmd,	// master detected error, reference command
		afx_mast_error,		// master detected error, (level 15 interrupt)
		afx_slave_error,	// slave detected error, (level 15 interrupt)
		pci_serr_,		// pci detected "fatal" error, (level 15 interrupt)

		iotlb_cd_in_reg,	// iotlb cam input data register
		iotlb_rd_in_reg,	// iotlb ram input data register
		iotlb_cd_out_reg,	// iotlb cam output data register
		iotlb_rd_out_reg,	// iotlb ram output data register
		iotlb_cntl_reg,		// iotlb control input register
		iotlb_cntl_wrt,		// iotlb control write pulse
		iotlb_err,		// iotlb miss error,
		iotlb_err_address,	// iotlb miss error address
		iotlb_enable,		// iotlb bypass or enable

		mm_lvl15_int_l,		// cpu is signaling level 15 interrupt
		any_intrnl_int_l,	// OR of any internally generated interrupts
		any_xint,		// any external interrupts set
		irl,			// host processor interrupt level

		prefetch_enable,	// afx_slave prefetch enable
		burst_enable,		// afx_slave data burst enable
		idsel,			// configuration idsel's to 4 pci slots
		arb_lock_en,		// arbiter enable responce to lock on pci bus
		arb_lvl_en,		// arbiter enable for 3 levels of priority rotation
		arb_disable,		// arbiter disable  totally
		cfg_fast_decode,	// configure pci to respond to fast decodes.
		afx_master_cfg,		// afx_master configuration enables (to be added)
		req_quiescence,		// request to have quiescence in the pci slave input
		ack_quiescence,		// acknowledge of quiescence in the pci slave input

		smbar0,			// afx to pci address translation/mapping
		msize0,			// afx to pci address translation/mapping
		pmbar0,			// afx to pci address translation/mapping
		smbar1,			// afx to pci address translation/mapping
		msize1,			// afx to pci address translation/mapping
		pmbar1,			// afx to pci address translation/mapping
		sibar,			// afx to pci address translation/mapping
		isize,			// afx to pci address translation/mapping
		pibar,			// afx to pci address translation/mapping

		isabar,			// pci to afx address translation/mapping

		pci_config_wdata,       // falcon reg data in
		pci_config_wbe,		// falcon reg byte marks
		pci_config_wadd,	// falcon reg write address
		pci_config_radd,	// falcon reg read address
		pci_config_we,		// falcon reg write enable
		pci_config_rdata,	// falcon reg read data
		afx_rd_wrt,		// pulse for read OR writing from falcon.

		cfg_config_out,		// config data from pci core
		scan_en,		// scan enabled (test mode)
		pci_clk_sync,		// rising edge pci_clk for synchronizers
		pci_clk_sync_,		// falling edge pci_clk for synchronizers
		gclk_sync,		// rising edge gclk for synchronizers 
		gclk_sync_,		// falling edge gclk for synchronizers 
		pcim_big_endian,	// pci master (afx slave) big endian 
		pcis_big_endian,	// pci slave (afx master) big endian
		discard_timer,		// pci slave discard timer (discard saved data)
		arb_asgn_reg		// arbitration assignment (priority) register

// The interrupt controller attempts to duplicate the functionality of the
// interrupt controller that is in the slavio component. (NCR89C105) This
// interface tries to duplicate much of that logic, since the falcon chip
// is intended to replace the slavio in a migratory process. The falcon is
// intended to co-exist with the slavio at first. In this environment, the
// slavio supports the interrupts, most of which are due to i/o through the
// sbus or slavio itself. The four pci interrupts are synchronized with the
// pci clock (which they probably are synchronous to already). Then they
// are resynced to the afx clock. After this they are treated like the first
// four sbus interrupt requests. (When the falcon is not supplying the
// irl lines to the IIe, the slavio can receive the pci interrupt on one of
// the sbus interrupt inputs.) After this point most of the masking and clearing
// of the interrupts is the same as on the slavio. 

`define NREQ_NACK	2'b00
`define NREQ_ACK	2'b01
`define REQ_ACK		2'b11
`define REQ_NACK	2'b10

input		input_reset_l;
input		iu_error;
input		pci_slave_mode;
input		raw_pci_rst_l;
output		sw_rst;
output		en_sw_rst_nonwd;
output		en_pci_sw_rst;

input		reset;
input		clock;
input		tmr_clk;
input		pci_clk;
input		pci_clk_sync;
input		pci_clk_sync_;
input		gclk_sync;
input		gclk_sync_;

output		any_intrnl_int_l;
input		mm_lvl15_int_l;
input	[7:0]	pci_int_;

input	[31:0]	afx_mast_error_address;
input	[3:0]	afx_mast_error_cmd;
input		afx_mast_error;
input		afx_slave_error;
input		pci_serr_;
input		ack_quiescence;

input	[31:0]	iotlb_cd_out_reg;
input	[31:0]	iotlb_rd_out_reg;
input		iotlb_err;
input	[31:0]	iotlb_err_address;
output	[31:0]	iotlb_cd_in_reg;
output	[31:0]	iotlb_rd_in_reg;
output	[7:0]	iotlb_cntl_reg;
output		iotlb_cntl_wrt;
output		iotlb_enable;

output		any_xint;
output		req_quiescence;
output	[3:0]	irl;
output		prefetch_enable;
output		burst_enable;
output	[4:1]	idsel;
output		arb_lock_en;
output		arb_lvl_en;
output		arb_disable;
output		cfg_fast_decode;
output	[3:0]	afx_master_cfg;
output	[3:0]	smbar0;
output	[3:0]	msize0;
output	[7:0]	pmbar0;
output	[3:0]	smbar1;
output	[3:0]	msize1;
output	[7:0]	pmbar1;
output	[3:0]	sibar;
output	[3:0]	isize;
output	[7:0]	pibar;
output	[3:0]	isabar;

input	[31:0]  pci_config_wdata;
input	[3:0]   pci_config_wbe;
input	[7:0]   pci_config_wadd;
input	[7:0]   pci_config_radd;
input		pci_config_we;
input		afx_rd_wrt;
output	[31:0]  pci_config_rdata;
output	[7:0]	pci_int_oe;

input	[31:0]  cfg_config_out;
input		scan_en;

output		pcim_big_endian;	// pci master big endian (for config)
output		pcis_big_endian;	// pci slave big endian
output	[14:0]	arb_asgn_reg;		// arbitration assignment (priority) register
output	[15:0]	discard_timer;		// pci slave discard timer value.

// add some wire interconnect for the sys_rst_cntl
wire 		sw_rst;
wire 		en_sw_rst_nonwd;
wire 		en_pci_sw_rst;
wire	[7:0]	sys_rst_reg;

// removed it. defined twice.
// wire		pci_sync_serr_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk

wire		pci_sync_serr_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk
wire		afx_sync_serr;		// resync output, synced to afx_clock

wire		pci_syncg_rst;		// resync output, synced to afx_clock
wire		pci_syncp_rst;		// resync output, synced to pci_clock

wire		pci_sync_int0_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk
wire		pci_sync_int1_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk
wire		pci_sync_int2_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk
wire		pci_sync_int3_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk
wire		pci_sync_int4_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk
wire		pci_sync_int5_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk
wire		pci_sync_int6_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk
wire		pci_sync_int7_;		// resync outputs, synced to pci_clk

reg	[7:6]	afx_slave_cfg;
reg	[2:0]	pci_idsel_cfg;
reg	[3:0]	afx_master_cfg;
reg	[4:0]	pci_arb_cfg;

reg		pcim_big_endian; 

wire		iotlb_enable = afx_master_cfg[1];
wire		prefetch_enable = afx_slave_cfg[7];
wire		burst_enable = afx_slave_cfg[6];
wire		pcis_big_endian = afx_master_cfg[2];

wire	[4:1]	idsel = 4'b0000; 
wire		arb_lock_en = 1'b0;
wire		arb_lvl_en = pci_arb_cfg[0];
wire		arb_disable = pci_arb_cfg[2];
wire		cfg_fast_decode = pci_arb_cfg[3];
wire		int_ctlr_disable = pci_arb_cfg[4];
wire		any_xint;
wire		any_intrnl_int_l;

wire	[15:1]	s_tmr_int;
wire	[15:1]	p_tmr_int;
wire	[15:1]	a_pci_int;
wire	[15:1]	b_pci_int;
wire	[15:1]	c_pci_int;
wire	[15:1]	d_pci_int;
wire	[15:1]	e_pci_int;
wire	[15:1]	f_pci_int;
wire	[15:1]	g_pci_int;
wire	[15:1]	h_pci_int;
wire	[15:1]	hw_int;

wire	[15:1]	tmr_ints;
wire		unmasked_tmr_int;
wire	[15:1]	unmasked_hw_int;
wire	[31:0]	rd_sys_cntr;
wire	[31:0]	rd_sys_lmt;
wire	[31:0]	rd_prc_cntr;
wire	[31:0]	rd_prc_lmt;
wire	[23:0]	tmr_conf_reg;

wire		sys_intr;
wire	[3:0]	sys_intr_lvl;
wire		prc_intr;
wire	[3:0]	prc_intr_lvl;

reg     [3:0]      smbar0;
reg     [3:0]      msize0;
reg     [7:0]      pmbar0;
reg     [3:0]      smbar1;
reg     [3:0]      msize1;
reg     [7:0]      pmbar1;
reg     [3:0]      sibar;
reg     [3:0]      isize;
reg     [7:0]      pibar;
reg     [3:0]      isabar;

reg	[31:0]	iotlb_cd_in_reg;
reg	[31:0]	iotlb_rd_in_reg;
reg	[7:0]	iotlb_cntl_reg;
reg	[31:0]	iotlb_err_address_reg;
wire		ack_quiet_rd;
// afx configuration register made up of slave, idsel, master, and arbiter control.
wire	[31:0]  afx_config = {3'h0, pci_arb_cfg, 3'h0, ack_quiet_rd, 
			afx_master_cfg, 5'h00, pci_idsel_cfg, afx_slave_cfg, 3'h0,pcim_big_endian,2'h0};
reg	[15:1]	soft_int;
reg		mask_all;
reg		mask_mast_err;
reg		mask_slave_err;
reg		mask_serr;
reg		mask_mm_lvl15;
reg		mask_pci_rst;
reg	[15:1]	mask_hw;
reg		afxm_error_reg;
reg		afxs_error_reg;
reg		pci_rst_reg;
reg		pci_serr_reg;
reg		pci_serr_ff1_;
reg		pci_serr_ff2_;
reg		pci_serr_ff3;
reg     [1:0]   req_ack_sm;
reg		req_quiet1;
reg		req_quiescence;
reg		ack_quiet;
wire    [1:0]   req_ack_sm_in;
wire		req_quiet2;
wire		req_quiet = afx_master_cfg[0];
wire		ack_quiet1;
wire		req_quiet1_in;
reg	[15:0]	int_asgn_reg;
reg	[15:0]	int_asgn_reg2;
reg	[7:0]	int_output_reg;
reg	[14:0]	arb_asgn_reg;
reg	[15:0]	discard_timer;

wire 	[7:0]	pci_int = ~pci_int_;
wire 	[7:0]	pci_int_oe = int_output_reg;

// implement quienscence state machine stuff

assign req_quiet1_in = ~reset & 
		(((req_ack_sm == `NREQ_NACK) & afx_master_cfg[0]) |
		  (req_ack_sm == `REQ_NACK) |
		 ((req_ack_sm == `REQ_ACK) & afx_master_cfg[0]));

assign req_ack_sm_in = reset ? 2'b00 : quiet_sm_func(req_ack_sm[1:0],req_quiet,ack_quiet);
assign ack_quiet_rd = ack_quiet & afx_master_cfg[0];

always @(posedge clock)
    req_quiet1 <= #1 (req_quiet1_in);
    ack_quiet <= #1 (ack_quiet1);
    req_ack_sm <= #1 (req_ack_sm_in);

always @(posedge pci_clk)
    req_quiescence <= #1 (req_quiet2);

sync sync_pci10(req_quiet2, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, req_quiet1);
sync sync_afx6(ack_quiet1, gclk_sync, gclk_sync_, ack_quiescence);

// convert to use 36 bit macro REG36
wire	[35:0]	afx_mast_error_macroreg;

wire	[25:0]	wrt_decodes = wrt_decoder(pci_config_wadd,pci_config_we);
wire	[3:0]	hw_irl;
wire	[3:0]	sw_irl;

wire		hw_lvl_15_int;
assign		hw_lvl_15_int =((afxm_error_reg & ~mask_mast_err) |
				(afxs_error_reg & ~mask_slave_err) |
				(~mm_lvl15_int_l & ~mask_mm_lvl15) |
				(pci_syncg_rst & ~mask_pci_rst) |
				(pci_serr_reg & ~mask_serr));

assign		any_intrnl_int_l =    ~((afxm_error_reg & ~mask_mast_err) |
					(afxs_error_reg & ~mask_slave_err) |
					(~mm_lvl15_int_l & ~mask_mm_lvl15) |
					(pci_syncg_rst & ~mask_pci_rst) |
					(pci_serr_reg & ~mask_serr) |
					unmasked_tmr_int );

wire any_lvl_15_pci ;
wire tmr_int_syncp ;

sync sync_pci11( .out	(any_lvl_15_pci), .in_clk (pci_clk_sync_),
		.out_clk(pci_clk_sync),	.in (hw_lvl_15_int) );
sync sync_pci12( .out	(tmr_int_syncp), .in_clk (pci_clk_sync_),
		.out_clk(pci_clk_sync),	.in (unmasked_tmr_int) );

// Note: any_xint may be better if changed to unmasked interrupts!
// Also for rev 2.0 silicon cause any_xint to go true to release standby if in slave mode!
assign any_xint = ( ~pci_sync_int0_ |~pci_sync_int1_ | ~pci_sync_int2_ | ~pci_sync_int3_
		| ~pci_sync_int4_ | ~pci_sync_int5_ | ~pci_sync_int6_ | ~pci_sync_int7_ 
		| any_lvl_15_pci | tmr_int_syncp | (pci_syncp_rst & pci_slave_mode) );

// position the bits within their assigned registers
wire	[31:0]	p_int_pnd;
wire	[31:0]	s_int_pnd;
wire	[31:0]	int_trg_msk;

assign s_tmr_int = decode4to16w1e(sys_intr,sys_intr_lvl);
assign p_tmr_int = decode4to16w1e(prc_intr,prc_intr_lvl);
assign a_pci_int = decode4to16w1e(pci_int[0],int_asgn_reg[3:0]);
assign b_pci_int = decode4to16w1e(pci_int[1],int_asgn_reg[7:4]);
assign c_pci_int = decode4to16w1e(pci_int[2],int_asgn_reg[11:8]);
assign d_pci_int = decode4to16w1e(pci_int[3],int_asgn_reg[15:12]);
assign e_pci_int = decode4to16w1e(pci_int[4],int_asgn_reg2[3:0]);
assign f_pci_int = decode4to16w1e(pci_int[5],int_asgn_reg2[7:4]);
assign g_pci_int = decode4to16w1e(pci_int[6],int_asgn_reg2[11:8]);
assign h_pci_int = decode4to16w1e(pci_int[7],int_asgn_reg2[15:12]);

assign tmr_ints = (s_tmr_int | p_tmr_int);
assign unmasked_tmr_int = |(~mask_hw[15:1] & tmr_ints[15:1]);
assign hw_int = (s_tmr_int | p_tmr_int | a_pci_int | b_pci_int | c_pci_int | d_pci_int
			| e_pci_int | f_pci_int | g_pci_int | h_pci_int);
assign unmasked_hw_int = (~mask_hw[15:1] & hw_int[15:1]);
assign p_int_pnd = {soft_int, 1'b0, (hw_lvl_15_int | unmasked_hw_int[15]),
			unmasked_hw_int[14:1], 1'b0};

assign s_int_pnd =   {1'b0, afxm_error_reg, afxs_error_reg, pci_serr_reg, ~mm_lvl15_int_l, 
			pci_rst_reg, 10'h000, hw_int, 1'b0};

assign int_trg_msk = {mask_all, mask_mast_err, mask_slave_err, mask_serr, mask_mm_lvl15, 
			mask_pci_rst, 10'h000, mask_hw,  1'b0}; 

wire [31:0] pci_config_rdata = rd_config_mux_func(pci_config_radd, cfg_config_out, afx_config, 
			p_int_pnd, s_int_pnd, int_trg_msk, smbar0, msize0, pmbar0,
			smbar1, msize1, pmbar1, sibar, isize, pibar, 

// the following decodes are word decodes, and treat the byte pointer
// within the word as a don't care (bits 1:0 are not decoded)
wire		wr_asgn_reg = wrt_decodes[21];		// decode 88
// wire		wr_pci_size5 = wrt_decodes[20];		// decode 58
// wire		wr_pci_size4 = wrt_decodes[19];		// decode 54
// wire		wr_pci_size3 = wrt_decodes[18];		// decode 50
// wire		wr_pci_size2 = wrt_decodes[17];		// decode 4c
// wire		wr_pci_size1 = wrt_decodes[16];		// decode 48
// wire		wr_pci_size0 = wrt_decodes[15];		// decode 44
// wire		wr_pci_bar5 = wrt_decodes[8];		// decode 24
// wire		wr_pci_bar4 = wrt_decodes[6];		// decode 20
// wire		wr_pci_bar3 = wrt_decodes[14];		// decode 1c
// wire		wr_pci_bar2 = wrt_decodes[13];		// decode 18
// wire		wr_pci_bar1 = wrt_decodes[5];		// decode 14
// wire		wr_pci_bar0 = wrt_decodes[4];		// decode 10
wire		wr_tlb_cd_in = wrt_decodes[12];		// decode 94
wire		wr_tlb_rd_in = wrt_decodes[11];		// decode 90
wire		wr_tlb_cntl = wrt_decodes[10];		// decode 84
wire		wr_clr_s_int = wrt_decodes[9];		// decode 80
wire		wr_asgn_reg2 = wrt_decodes[8];		// decode 8c
wire		wr_falcon_cfg = wrt_decodes[7];		// decode 60
wire		wr_ibar = wrt_decodes[25];		// decode a8
wire		wr_mbar1 = wrt_decodes[24];		// decode a4
wire		wr_mbar0 = wrt_decodes[23];		// decode a0
wire		wr_set_sw_int = wrt_decodes[3];		// decode 6c
wire		wr_clr_sw_int = wrt_decodes[2];		// decode 68
wire		wr_set_int_msk = wrt_decodes[1];  	// decode 7c
wire		wr_clr_int_msk = wrt_decodes[0];	// decode 78

sync sync_pci1(pci_sync_int0_, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, pci_int_[0]);
sync sync_pci2(pci_sync_int1_, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, pci_int_[1]);
sync sync_pci3(pci_sync_int2_, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, pci_int_[2]);
sync sync_pci4(pci_sync_int3_, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, pci_int_[3]);
sync sync_pci5(pci_sync_int4_, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, pci_int_[4]);
sync sync_pci6(pci_sync_int5_, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, pci_int_[5]);
sync sync_pci7(pci_sync_int6_, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, pci_int_[6]);
sync sync_pci8(pci_sync_int7_, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, pci_int_[7]);
sync sync_pci13(pci_syncp_rst, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, ~raw_pci_rst_l);

sync sync_pci9(pci_sync_serr_, pci_clk_sync, pci_clk_sync_, pci_serr_);
sync sync_afx5(afx_sync_serr, gclk_sync, gclk_sync_, pci_serr_ff3);
sync sync_afx7(pci_syncg_rst, gclk_sync, gclk_sync_, ~raw_pci_rst_l);
wire pci_serr_ff1_in = (reset ? 1'b0 : pci_sync_serr_);
wire pci_serr_ff2_in = (reset ? 1'b0 : pci_serr_ff1_);
// qualify with being off two pci cycles before going on
wire pci_serr_ff3in = ((reset || pci_serr_reg) ? 1'b0 : (pci_serr_ff3 |
		~pci_sync_serr_ & pci_serr_ff1_ & pci_serr_ff2_));

// pci serr_ holding reg
always @(posedge pci_clk)
  pci_serr_ff1_ <= #1 pci_serr_ff1_in ;
  pci_serr_ff2_ <= #1 pci_serr_ff2_in ;
  pci_serr_ff3 <= #1 pci_serr_ff3in ;

wire clr_lvl_15_int = wr_clr_s_int & ~pci_config_wbe[3] & pci_config_wdata[31];
wire clr_afxm_error = wr_clr_s_int & ~pci_config_wbe[3] & pci_config_wdata[30];
wire clr_afxs_error = wr_clr_s_int & ~pci_config_wbe[3] & pci_config_wdata[29];
wire clr_pci_serr = wr_clr_s_int & ~pci_config_wbe[3] & pci_config_wdata[28];
wire clr_pci_rst = wr_clr_s_int & ~pci_config_wbe[3] & pci_config_wdata[26];

wire [3:0] irl = mx_irl_func(sw_irl, hw_irl, mask_all, int_ctlr_disable, pci_int_[3:0]);

// convert to macro register REG36
// always @(posedge clock)
// begin
//   if (reset)
//     begin
//       afx_mast_error_address_reg <= #1 32'h00000000;
//       afx_mast_error_cmd_reg <= #1 4'h0;
//     end
//   else if (afx_mast_error && ~afxm_error_reg)
//       begin
//         afx_mast_error_address_reg <=  #1 afx_mast_error_address;
//         afx_mast_error_cmd_reg <=  #1 afx_mast_error_cmd;
//       end
// end

	.data_out	(afx_mast_error_macroreg),
	.clock		(clock			),
	.load_en	(afx_mast_error		),
	.data_in	({afx_mast_error_cmd,afx_mast_error_address}));

wire [31:0] iotlb_cd_in_regin;
assign iotlb_cd_in_regin[31:24] = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? pci_config_wdata[31:24] : iotlb_cd_in_reg[31:24]);
assign iotlb_cd_in_regin[23:16] = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? pci_config_wdata[23:16] : iotlb_cd_in_reg[23:16]);
assign iotlb_cd_in_regin[15:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? pci_config_wdata[15:8] : iotlb_cd_in_reg[15:8]);
assign iotlb_cd_in_regin[7:0] = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[7:0] : iotlb_cd_in_reg[7:0]);

wire [31:0] iotlb_rd_in_regin;
assign iotlb_rd_in_regin[31:24] = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? pci_config_wdata[31:24] : iotlb_rd_in_reg[31:24]);
assign iotlb_rd_in_regin[23:16] = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? pci_config_wdata[23:16] : iotlb_rd_in_reg[23:16]);
assign iotlb_rd_in_regin[15:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? pci_config_wdata[15:8] : iotlb_rd_in_reg[15:8]);
assign iotlb_rd_in_regin[7:0] = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[7:0] : iotlb_rd_in_reg[7:0]);

wire [7:0] iotlb_cntl_regin;
assign iotlb_cntl_regin[7:0] = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[7:0] : iotlb_cntl_reg[7:0]);

wire [14:0] arb_asgn_regin;
wire [15:0] int_asgn_regin;
assign arb_asgn_regin[14:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? pci_config_wdata[30:24] : arb_asgn_reg[14:8]);
assign arb_asgn_regin[7:0] = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? pci_config_wdata[23:16] : arb_asgn_reg[7:0]);
assign int_asgn_regin[15:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? pci_config_wdata[15:8] : int_asgn_reg[15:8]);
assign int_asgn_regin[7:0] = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[7:0] : int_asgn_reg[7:0]);

wire [7:0] int_output_regin;
assign int_output_regin[7:0] = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? pci_config_wdata[23:16] : int_output_reg[7:0]);

wire [15:0] int_asgn_reg2in;
assign int_asgn_reg2in[15:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? pci_config_wdata[15:8] : int_asgn_reg2[15:8]);
assign int_asgn_reg2in[7:0] = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[7:0] : int_asgn_reg2[7:0]);

// IOTLB registers and translation miss error register
always @(posedge clock)
  if (reset)
    iotlb_cd_in_reg <= #1 32'h00000000;
    iotlb_rd_in_reg <= #1 32'h00000000;
    iotlb_cntl_reg <= #1 8'h00;
    int_asgn_reg <= #1 16'h7532; 
    arb_asgn_reg <= #1 15'h4688; // 100  011  010  001 000 
//    				   0100  0110  1000  1000 h'4688
    int_output_reg <= #1 8'h00;
    int_asgn_reg2 <= #1 16'h0000; 
  else if (wr_tlb_cd_in)
    iotlb_cd_in_reg[31:24] <= #1 iotlb_cd_in_regin[31:24];
    iotlb_cd_in_reg[23:16] <= #1 iotlb_cd_in_regin[23:16];
    iotlb_cd_in_reg[15:8] <= #1 iotlb_cd_in_regin[15:8]; 
    iotlb_cd_in_reg[7:0] <= #1 iotlb_cd_in_regin[7:0];
  else if (wr_tlb_rd_in)
    iotlb_rd_in_reg[31:24] <= #1 iotlb_rd_in_regin[31:24];
    iotlb_rd_in_reg[23:16] <= #1 iotlb_rd_in_regin[23:16];
    iotlb_rd_in_reg[15:8] <= #1 iotlb_rd_in_regin[15:8];
    iotlb_rd_in_reg[7:0] <= #1 iotlb_rd_in_regin[7:0];
  else if (wr_tlb_cntl)
    iotlb_cntl_reg[7:0] <= #1 iotlb_cntl_regin[7:0];
  else if (wr_asgn_reg)
    arb_asgn_reg[14:8] <= #1 arb_asgn_regin[14:8]; 
    arb_asgn_reg[7:0] <= #1 arb_asgn_regin[7:0];
    int_asgn_reg[15:8] <= #1 int_asgn_regin[15:8];
    int_asgn_reg[7:0] <= #1 int_asgn_regin[7:0];
  else if (wr_asgn_reg2)
    int_output_reg[7:0] <= #1 int_output_regin[7:0];
    int_asgn_reg2[15:8] <= #1 int_asgn_reg2in[15:8];
    int_asgn_reg2[7:0] <= #1 int_asgn_reg2in[7:0];

always @(posedge clock)
  if (reset)
    iotlb_err_address_reg <= #1 32'h00000000;
  else if (iotlb_err && ~afxs_error_reg)
    iotlb_err_address_reg <= #1 iotlb_err_address;

wire iotlb_cntl_wrt = wr_tlb_cntl;

wire afxm_error_regin = (reset || clr_lvl_15_int || clr_afxm_error) ?  1'b0 
				: (afxm_error_reg | afx_mast_error);
wire afxs_error_regin = (reset || clr_lvl_15_int || clr_afxs_error) ?  1'b0 
				: (afxs_error_reg | afx_slave_error | iotlb_err);
wire pci_serr_regin = (reset || clr_lvl_15_int || clr_pci_serr) ?  1'b0 
				: (pci_serr_reg | afx_sync_serr);
wire pci_rst_regin = (reset || clr_lvl_15_int || 
			(clr_pci_rst & ~pci_syncg_rst & pci_slave_mode)) ?  1'b0 
				: (pci_rst_reg | pci_syncg_rst);

wire [7:6] afx_slave_cfgin = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[7:6] : afx_slave_cfg);
wire pcim_big_endianin = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[2] : pcim_big_endian);
wire [2:0] pci_idsel_cfgin = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? pci_config_wdata[10:8] : pci_idsel_cfg);
wire [3:0] afx_master_cfgin = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? pci_config_wdata[19:16] : afx_master_cfg);
wire [4:0] pci_arb_cfgin = (~pci_config_wbe[3]  ? pci_config_wdata[28:24] : pci_arb_cfg);

wire  [3:0]      smbar0in = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[3:0] : smbar0) ;
wire  [3:0]      msize0in = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? pci_config_wdata[11:8] : msize0) ;
wire  [7:0]      pmbar0in = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? pci_config_wdata[23:16] : pmbar0) ;
wire  [3:0]      smbar1in = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[3:0] : smbar1) ;
wire  [3:0]      msize1in = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? pci_config_wdata[11:8] : msize1) ;
wire  [7:0]      pmbar1in = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? pci_config_wdata[23:16] : pmbar1);
wire [3:0] sibarin = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[3:0] : sibar) ;
wire [3:0] isizein = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? pci_config_wdata[11:8] : isize) ;
wire [7:0] pibarin = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? pci_config_wdata[23:16] : pibar) ;
wire [15:1] soft_intin1;
wire [15:1] soft_intin2;
wire [15:0] discard_timerin;
assign soft_intin1[15:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (soft_int[15:8] | pci_config_wdata[31:24]) : soft_int[15:8]);
assign soft_intin1[7:1] = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? (soft_int[7:1] | pci_config_wdata[23:17]) : soft_int[7:1]);
assign soft_intin2[15:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (soft_int[15:8] & ~pci_config_wdata[31:24]) : soft_int[15:8]);
assign soft_intin2[7:1] = (~pci_config_wbe[2] ? (soft_int[7:1] & ~pci_config_wdata[23:17]) : soft_int[7:1]);
assign discard_timerin[15:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? pci_config_wdata[15:8] : discard_timer[15:8]);
assign discard_timerin[7:0] = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? pci_config_wdata[7:0] : discard_timer[7:0]);
wire mask_allin1 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_all | pci_config_wdata[31]) : mask_all);
wire mask_mast_errin1 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_mast_err | pci_config_wdata[30]) : mask_mast_err);
wire mask_slave_errin1 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_slave_err | pci_config_wdata[29]) : mask_slave_err);
wire mask_serrin1 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_serr | pci_config_wdata[28]) : mask_serr);
wire mask_mm_lvl15in1 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_mm_lvl15 | pci_config_wdata[27]) : mask_mm_lvl15);
wire mask_pci_rstin1 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_pci_rst | pci_config_wdata[26]) : mask_pci_rst);

wire [15:1] mask_hwin1;
assign mask_hwin1[15:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? (mask_hw[15:8] | pci_config_wdata[15:8]) : mask_hw[15:8]);
assign mask_hwin1[7:1] = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? (mask_hw[7:1] | pci_config_wdata[7:1]) : mask_hw[7:1]);

wire mask_allin2 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_all & ~pci_config_wdata[31]) : mask_all);
wire mask_mast_errin2 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_mast_err & ~pci_config_wdata[30]) : mask_mast_err);
wire mask_slave_errin2 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_slave_err & ~pci_config_wdata[29]) : mask_slave_err);
wire mask_serrin2 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_serr & ~pci_config_wdata[28]) : mask_serr);
wire mask_mm_lvl15in2 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_mm_lvl15 & ~pci_config_wdata[27]) : mask_mm_lvl15);
wire mask_pci_rstin2 = (~pci_config_wbe[3] ? (mask_pci_rst & ~pci_config_wdata[26]) : mask_pci_rst);
wire [15:1] mask_hwin2;
assign mask_hwin2[15:8] = (~pci_config_wbe[1] ? (mask_hw[15:8] & ~pci_config_wdata[15:8]) : mask_hw[15:8]);
assign mask_hwin2[7:1] = (~pci_config_wbe[0] ? (mask_hw[7:1] & ~pci_config_wdata[7:1]) : mask_hw[7:1]);

// Software Interrupts and System Mask
always @(posedge clock)

  afxm_error_reg <= #1 afxm_error_regin;
  afxs_error_reg <= #1 afxs_error_regin;
  pci_serr_reg <= #1 pci_serr_regin;
  pci_rst_reg <= #1 pci_rst_regin;
  if (reset)
    soft_int <= #1 15'h0000;
    mask_all <= #1 1'b1;
    mask_mast_err <= #1 1'b1;
    mask_slave_err <= #1 1'b1;
    mask_serr <= #1 1'b1;
    mask_mm_lvl15 <= #1 1'b1;
    mask_pci_rst <= #1 1'b1;
    mask_hw <= #1 15'h7fff;

    afx_slave_cfg <= #1 2'b00;
    pcim_big_endian <= #1 1'b0;
    pci_idsel_cfg <= #1 3'b000;
    afx_master_cfg <= #1 4'h0;
    pci_arb_cfg <= #1 {2'b00,pci_slave_mode,2'b00};

    smbar0 <= #1 4'b0000;
    msize0 <= #1 4'b0000;
    pmbar0 <= #1 8'h00;

    smbar1 <= #1 4'b0000;
    msize1 <= #1 4'b0000;
    pmbar1 <= #1 8'h00;

    sibar <= #1 4'b0000;
    isize <= #1 4'b0000;
    pibar <= #1 8'h00;

    isabar <= #1 4'b0000;
    discard_timer <= #1 16'h7fff; 
  else if (wr_falcon_cfg)
    afx_slave_cfg <= #1 afx_slave_cfgin;
    pcim_big_endian <= #1 pcim_big_endianin;
    pci_idsel_cfg <= #1 pci_idsel_cfgin;
    afx_master_cfg <= #1 afx_master_cfgin;
    pci_arb_cfg <= #1 pci_arb_cfgin;
  else if (wr_ibar)
    sibar  <= #1 sibarin;
    isize <= #1 isizein;
    pibar <= #1 pibarin;
  else if (wr_mbar0)
    smbar0  <= #1 smbar0in; 
    msize0 <= #1 msize0in;
    pmbar0 <= #1 pmbar0in;
  else if (wr_mbar1)
    smbar1  <= #1 smbar1in; 
    msize1 <= #1 msize1in;
    pmbar1 <= #1 pmbar1in;
  else if (wr_set_sw_int)
    soft_int[15:8] <= #1 soft_intin1[15:8];
    soft_int[7:1] <= #1 soft_intin1[7:1];
  else if (wr_clr_sw_int)
    soft_int[15:8] <= #1 soft_intin2[15:8];
    soft_int[7:1] <= #1 soft_intin2[7:1];
    discard_timer[15:8] <= #1 discard_timerin[15:8];
    discard_timer[7:0] <= #1 discard_timerin[7:0];
  else if (wr_set_int_msk)
    mask_all <= #1 mask_allin1;
    mask_mast_err <= #1 mask_mast_errin1;
    mask_slave_err <= #1 mask_slave_errin1;
    mask_serr <= #1 mask_serrin1;
    mask_mm_lvl15 <= #1 mask_mm_lvl15in1;
    mask_pci_rst <= #1 mask_pci_rstin1;
    mask_hw[15:8] <= #1 mask_hwin1[15:8]; 
    mask_hw[7:1] <= #1 mask_hwin1[7:1];
  else if (wr_clr_int_msk)
    mask_all <= #1 mask_allin2;
    mask_mast_err <= #1 mask_mast_errin2;
    mask_slave_err <= #1 mask_slave_errin2;
    mask_serr <= #1 mask_serrin2;
    mask_mm_lvl15 <= #1 mask_mm_lvl15in2;
    mask_pci_rst <= #1 mask_pci_rstin2;
    mask_hw[15:8] <= #1 mask_hwin2[15:8];
    mask_hw[7:1] <= #1 mask_hwin2[7:1];

assign sw_irl[3:0] = sw_irl_func(soft_int);
assign hw_irl[3:0] = hw_irl_func(hw_int, mask_hw, hw_lvl_15_int);

// function for mx_irl_func
// includes a bypass all the interrupt controller logic and allows 
// the resynced pci signals to be routed to the irl_in inputs to the V8 sparc.
function [3:0] mx_irl_func;
input [3:0] sw_irl;
input [3:0] hw_irl;
input mask_all;
input int_ctlr_disable;
input [3:0] pci_int_;
  if (int_ctlr_disable == 1'b1)
     mx_irl_func = ~pci_int_[3:0] ;
  else if (mask_all == 1'b1)
     mx_irl_func = 4'h0;
  else if (sw_irl >= hw_irl)
     mx_irl_func = sw_irl;
  else mx_irl_func = hw_irl;

// function for sw_irl
function [3:0] sw_irl_func;
input [15:1] soft_int;
       if  (soft_int[15] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'hf;
  else if  (soft_int[14] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'he;
  else if  (soft_int[13] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'hd;
  else if  (soft_int[12] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'hc;
  else if  (soft_int[11] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'hb;
  else if  (soft_int[10] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'ha;
  else if  (soft_int[9] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'h9;
  else if  (soft_int[8] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'h8;
  else if  (soft_int[7] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'h7;
  else if  (soft_int[6] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'h6;
  else if  (soft_int[5] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'h5;
  else if  (soft_int[4] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'h4;
  else if  (soft_int[3] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'h3;
  else if  (soft_int[2] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'h2;
  else if  (soft_int[1] == 1'b1)	sw_irl_func = 4'h1;
  else  sw_irl_func = 4'h0;

// function for hw_irl
function [3:0] hw_irl_func;
input [15:1] hw_int;
input [15:1] mask_hw;
input	     hw_lvl_15_int;
  if (hw_lvl_15_int == 1'b1)					hw_irl_func = 4'hf;
  else if ((hw_int[15] == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[15] == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'hf;
  else if ((hw_int[14] == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[14] == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'he;
  else if ((hw_int[13] == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[13] == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'hd;
  else if ((hw_int[12] == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[12] == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'hc;
  else if ((hw_int[11] == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[11] == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'hb;
  else if ((hw_int[10] == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[10] == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'ha;
  else if ((hw_int[9]  == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[9]  == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'h9;
  else if ((hw_int[8]  == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[8]  == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'h8;
  else if ((hw_int[7]  == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[7]  == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'h7;
  else if ((hw_int[6]  == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[6]  == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'h6;
  else if ((hw_int[5]  == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[5]  == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'h5;
  else if ((hw_int[4]  == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[4]  == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'h4;
  else if ((hw_int[3]  == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[3]  == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'h3;
  else if ((hw_int[2]  == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[2]  == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'h2;
  else if ((hw_int[1]  == 1'b1) && (mask_hw[1]  == 1'b0))	hw_irl_func = 4'h1;
  else hw_irl_func = 4'h0;

// read multiplexer for config registers (function)
function [31:0] rd_config_mux_func;
input   [7:0]   pci_config_radd;
input   [31:0]  cfg_config_out;
input   [31:0]  afx_config;
input   [31:0]  p_int_pnd;
input   [31:0]  s_int_pnd;
input   [31:0]  int_trg_msk;
input   [3:0]   smbar0;
input   [3:0]   msize0;
input   [7:0]   pmbar0;
input   [3:0]   smbar1;
input   [3:0]   msize1;
input   [7:0]   pmbar1;
input   [3:0]   sibar;
input   [3:0]   isize;
input   [7:0]   pibar;
// input   [3:0]   isabar;
input   [35:0]  afx_mast_error_macroreg;
input   [31:0]  iotlb_cd_in_reg;
input   [31:0]  iotlb_rd_in_reg;
input   [31:0]  iotlb_cd_out_reg;
input   [31:0]  iotlb_rd_out_reg;
input   [7:0]   iotlb_cntl_reg;
input   [31:0]  iotlb_err_address_reg;
input   [15:0]  int_asgn_reg;
input   [24:0]  arb_asgn_reg;
input   [31:0]  rd_sys_cntr;
input   [31:0]  rd_sys_lmt;
input   [31:0]  rd_prc_cntr;
input   [31:0]  rd_prc_lmt;
input   [23:0]  tmr_conf_reg;
input   [15:0]  discard_timer;
input   [7:0]   int_output_reg;
input   [15:0]  int_asgn_reg2;
input   [7:0]   sys_rst_reg;
    8'b101000xx: rd_config_mux_func = { 8'h00,pmbar0,4'h0,msize0,4'h0,smbar0};	// decode a0
    8'b101001xx: rd_config_mux_func = { 8'h00,pmbar1,4'h0,msize1,4'h0,smbar1};	// decode a4
    8'b101010xx: rd_config_mux_func = { 8'h00,pibar,4'h0,isize,4'h0,sibar};	// decode a8
    8'b100011xx: rd_config_mux_func = { 8'h00,int_output_reg,int_asgn_reg2};	// decode 8c
    8'b011000xx: rd_config_mux_func = {afx_config};				// decode 60
    8'b011001xx: rd_config_mux_func = {p_int_pnd};				// decode 64
    8'b011100xx: rd_config_mux_func = {s_int_pnd};				// decode 70
    8'b011101xx: rd_config_mux_func = {int_trg_msk};				// decode 74
    8'b110010xx: rd_config_mux_func = 
	{afx_mast_error_macroreg[7:0],  afx_mast_error_macroreg[15:8],
	 afx_mast_error_macroreg[23:16],afx_mast_error_macroreg[31:24]};	// decode c8
    8'b100001xx: rd_config_mux_func = { 24'h000000,iotlb_cntl_reg };		// decode 84
    8'b100100xx: rd_config_mux_func = iotlb_rd_in_reg;				// decode 90
    8'b100101xx: rd_config_mux_func = iotlb_cd_in_reg;				// decode 94
    8'b100110xx: rd_config_mux_func = iotlb_rd_out_reg;				// decode 98
    8'b100111xx: rd_config_mux_func = iotlb_cd_out_reg;				// decode 9c
    8'b110011xx: rd_config_mux_func = iotlb_err_address_reg;			// decode cc
    8'b100010xx: rd_config_mux_func = { 1'b0,arb_asgn_reg,int_asgn_reg};	// decode 88
    8'b101011xx: rd_config_mux_func = rd_prc_lmt;				// decode ac
    8'b101100xx: rd_config_mux_func = rd_prc_cntr;				// decode b0
    8'b101110xx: rd_config_mux_func = rd_sys_lmt;				// decode b8
    8'b101111xx: rd_config_mux_func = rd_sys_cntr;				// decode bc
    8'b011010xx: rd_config_mux_func = {16'h0000,discard_timer};			// decode 68
    8'b110001xx: rd_config_mux_func = 
			{4'h0,afx_mast_error_macroreg[35:32],tmr_conf_reg};	// decode c4
    8'b110100xx: rd_config_mux_func = { 24'h000000,sys_rst_reg };		// decode d0
    default: rd_config_mux_func = {cfg_config_out};	// all other decodes to core.

// write falcon interrupt register decoder
function [25:0]	wrt_decoder;
input	[7:0]	pci_config_wadd;
input		pci_config_we;
casex({pci_config_wadd, pci_config_we})
  9'b011110xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000001;	// decode 78, 79, 7a, or 7b
  9'b011111xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000002;	// decode 7c, 7d, 7e, or 7f
  9'b011010xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000004;	// decode 68, 69, 6a, or 6b
  9'b011011xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000008;	// decode 6c, 6d, 6e, or 6f
  9'b000100xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000010;	// decode 10, 11, 12, or 13
  9'b000101xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000020;	// decode 14, 15, 16, or 17
  9'b001000xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000040;	// decode 20, 21, 22, or 23
  9'b011000xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000080;	// decode 60, 61, 62, or 63
  9'b100011xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000100;	// decode 8c, 8d, 8e, or 8f
  9'b100000xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000200;	// decode 80, 81, 82, or 83
  9'b100001xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000400;	// decode 84, 85, 86, or 87
  9'b100100xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000800;	// decode 90, 91, 92, or 93
  9'b100101xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0001000;	// decode 94, 95, 96, or 97
  9'b000110xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0002000;	// decode 18, 19, 1a, or 1b
  9'b000111xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0004000;	// decode 1c, 1d, 1e, or 1f
  9'b010001xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0008000;	// decode 44, 45, 46, or 47
  9'b010010xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0010000;	// decode 48, 49, 4a, or 4b
  9'b010011xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0020000;	// decode 4c, 4d, 4e, or 4f
  9'b010100xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0040000;	// decode 50, 51, 52, or 53
  9'b010101xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0080000;	// decode 54, 55, 56, or 57
  9'b010110xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0100000;	// decode 58, 59, 5a, or 5b
  9'b100010xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0200000;	// decode 88, 89, 8a, or 8b
  9'b100011xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0400000;	// decode 8c, 8d, 8e, or 8f
  9'b101000xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h0800000;	// decode a0, a1, a2, or a3
  9'b101001xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h1000000;	// decode a4, aa, a6, or a7
  9'b101010xx1: wrt_decoder = 26'h2000000;	// decode a8, a9, aa, or ab
  default: wrt_decoder = 26'h0000000; 

function [15:0] decode4to16w1e;
input		enable;
input	[3:0]	code;
  5'b0xxxx: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0000;
  5'b10000: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0000;
  5'b10001: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0001;
  5'b10010: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0002;
  5'b10011: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0004;
  5'b10100: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0008;
  5'b10101: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0010;
  5'b10110: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0020;
  5'b10111: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0040;
  5'b11000: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0080;
  5'b11001: decode4to16w1e = 15'h0100;

This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:23 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/pcic/interrupts/rtl/interrupts.v

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