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***  Program File:  @(#)ir.v
//  @(#)ir.v	1.23 4/15/93
// ir.v
	Instruction Register Pipeline

	This file describes the instruction register pipeline from
	the Decode IR register to the result IR slave.

	It includes all of the datapath logic for the register file
	source and destination pipelines, and the opcode pipeline (except
	the help bits which are in decode.v (control).

// m4 doesn't work on the rest of this file with the usual quotes
// because these are used by verilog defines.
// change the quotes to very unlikely characters.
// also have to  .

[Up: Mdecode ir]
module Mir (

//				PORTS


	e_op, e_op3,
	w_op, w_op3,
	d_rs1, nbrs1_decm, brs3_d,
	e_rd, w_rdm, w_rdp, nr_rdp,
	in_dec, d_imm_l,
	iu_sfs_perr, iu_sfs_xerr, iu_sfs_mmiss,
	iu_sfs_iae, iu_sfs_sbe, iu_sfs_sto,
	iu_sfs_prtct, iu_sfs_priv, iu_sfs_lvl,


	inst_for_int, ndec_inst_traps, hld_dirreg,
	ecwpm_, ncwpm_l,


	hnop_into_ex, htrap_into_ex, clr_e_iexc_nop,
	set_rd0m, clear_rd0m,
	write_r15, write_r18,
	TRAP, fold_annul,


	ss_clock, hold


output [1:0] e_op;		// op field in execute
output [5:0] e_op3;		// op3 field in execute
output [1:0] w_op;		// op field in write
output [5:0] w_op3;		// op3 field in write

output [4:0] d_rs1;		// RS1 for decode logic
output [4:0] nbrs1_decm;		// RS1 for RF
output [7:0] brs3_d;
//output [4:0] brs2_decm;		// RS2 for RF

output [4:0] e_rd;		// RD in execute cycle (to comparators)
output [4:0] w_rdm;
output [7:0] w_rdp;		// RD in write cycle (to comparators)
output [7:0] nr_rdp;

output [31:0] in_dec;		// instruction in decode (to FPU)
output d_imm_l;			// d_imm active low

output [5:0] e_asim;		// ASI field in the E cycle

output iu_sfs_sup;
output [1:0] iu_sfs_perr;
output iu_sfs_xerr;
output iu_sfs_mmiss;
output iu_sfs_iae;
output iu_sfs_sbe;
output iu_sfs_sto;
output iu_sfs_prtct;
output iu_sfs_priv;
output [1:0] iu_sfs_lvl;

input [31:0] inst_for_int;	// next instruction to decode (from queue)
input [11:0] ndec_inst_traps;
input hld_dirreg;		// hold due to DIR
input [2:0] ecwpm_;		// CWP for RD address translation (active low)
input [2:0] ncwpm_l;


input hnop_into_ex;		// force HNOP into E stage
input htrap_into_ex;		// force HTRAP into E stage
input clr_e_iexc_nop;		// force 0 into trap status for e stage
input set_rd0m;			// force rd[0] =v 1
input clear_rd0m;		// force rd[0] = 0
input d_rd_hstd_sel;
input write_r15;		// force dest specifier in write stage to 15
// input write_r17;		// force dest specifier in write stage to 17
				// write_r17 is same as TRAP
input write_r18;		// force dest specifier in write stage to 18
input result_r0;		// force result write to %g0
input TRAP;			// force HNOP in W and R opcodes
input fold_annul;


input ss_clock;			// system clock
input hold;			// chip hold

	For synopsys, several signals that were outputs of this
	module that are groupings of fields of the instruction
	registers have been removed.  instead, they are instanced
	at the iu.v level with the actual instruction register
	name (eg: in_dec) rather than as individual fields
	(eg: disp22 -> in_dec[21:0]).

	Follow are the collapsed names:
		d_op		in_dec[31:30]
		d_rd		in_dec[29:25]
		d_op3		in_dec[24:19]
		d_imm		in_dec[13]
		d_asi		in_dec[12:5]
		d_rs2		in_dec[4:0]
		d_anl		in_dec[29]
		d_cond		in_dec[28:25]
		disp22		in_dec[21:0]
		brs1_decm	(same as d_rs1, which is special)
		brs2_decm	in_dec[4:0] (just like d_rs2)

//				DECODE stage

// DIR register


	wire [31:0] in_dec;
	wire [1:0] d_op = in_dec[31:30];

	wire [4:0] d_rd_almost = in_dec[29:25];
	wire [4:0] d_rd_inc = ({in_dec[29:26],1'b1});
	wire [4:0] d_rd;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(d_rd_mux, 5, d_rd, d_rd_almost, d_rd_inc, d_rd_hstd_sel)
    function [5:1] d_rd_mux ;
        input [5:1] in0_fn ;
        input [5:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [5:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn)  /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            d_rd_mux = out_fn ;
    assign d_rd = d_rd_mux(d_rd_almost, d_rd_inc, d_rd_hstd_sel) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

	wire [5:0] d_op3 = in_dec[24:19];
	wire d_imm_l = ~in_dec[13];
// synopsys translate_off
	wire d_imm = in_dec[13];
	wire [7:0] d_asi = in_dec[12:5];
	wire [4:0] d_rs2 = in_dec[4:0];
// synopsys translate_on
	wire [4:1] e_rdm;		// Forward declaration
	wire [4:0] e_rs1m;		// Forward declaration

// compute physical RF address for store read data from read port 3.
// this will be piped to the E stage where the reg is read.
// for STD - need to increment this by 1 on the second reg.
	wire [2:0] cwpm_l;
	Mflipflop_3 cwpm_l_reg_3(cwpm_l,ncwpm_l,ss_clock,hold) ;

	wire [7:0] brs3_dxl;
	Mrf_xlate rs_st_xlate (brs3_dxl, d_rd, cwpm_l);

	wire [7:0] lbrs3_d_xl;
	Mflipflop_8 lbrs3_d_xl_reg_8(lbrs3_d_xl,brs3_dxl,ss_clock,hold) ;

	wire [7:0] brs3_d;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(brs3_d_mux, 8, brs3_d, brs3_dxl, ({lbrs3_d_xl[7:1],1'b1}),  		d_rd_hstd_sel)
    function [8:1] brs3_d_mux ;
        input [8:1] in0_fn ;
        input [8:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [8:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn)  /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            brs3_d_mux = out_fn ;
    assign brs3_d = brs3_d_mux(brs3_dxl, ({lbrs3_d_xl[7:1],1'b1}),  		d_rd_hstd_sel) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

	wire hld_dirreg_real = hld_dirreg | hold;
	wire [4:0] d_rs1;
	Mflipflop_5 d_rs1_reg_5(d_rs1,inst_for_int[18:14],ss_clock,hld_dirreg_real) ;

// need a duplicate copy of d_rs1 because we don't have enough
// drive to drive both control and the RF.
//	REGWIRE [4:0] brs1_decm;
//	REG(d_brs1_reg,5,brs1_decm,nd_rs1,ss_clock,hld_drs1_reg) 
// Don't register in Mir anymore - move this reg to Mregfile
//	it is possible that nbrs1_decm can simply be connected to
//	inst_for_int[18:14]
	wire [4:0] nbrs1_decm = inst_for_int[18:14];

// This signal used be from eir. Changed to dir in SUNERGY.
// synopsys translate_off
        wire [21:0] disp22 = in_dec[21:0];
// synopsys translate_on

	Mflipflop_32 dir_reg_32( in_dec, inst_for_int, ss_clock, 		hld_dirreg_real) ;

	// synopsys translate_off
	wire ifori_dummy31, ifori_dummy24, ifori_dummy21;
	wire ifori_dummy20, ifori_dummy19;
	Mflipflop_1 ifori_dummy31_reg_1(ifori_dummy31,inst_for_int[31],ss_clock, 		hld_dirreg_real) ;
	Mflipflop_1 ifori_dummy24_reg_1(ifori_dummy24,inst_for_int[24],ss_clock, 		hld_dirreg_real) ;
	Mflipflop_1 ifori_dummy21_reg_1(ifori_dummy21,inst_for_int[21],ss_clock, 		hld_dirreg_real) ;
	Mflipflop_1 ifori_dummy20_reg_1(ifori_dummy20,inst_for_int[20],ss_clock, 		hld_dirreg_real) ;
	Mflipflop_1 ifori_dummy19_reg_1(ifori_dummy19,inst_for_int[19],ss_clock, 		hld_dirreg_real) ;
	// synopsys translate_on

	wire [11:0] d_iexc;
	Mflipflop_12 d_iexc_reg_12(d_iexc,ndec_inst_traps,ss_clock,hld_dirreg_real) ;

// need a duplicate copy of d_rs2 because we don't have enough
// drive to drive both control and the RF.
//	REGWIRE [4:0] brs2_decm;
//	REG(brs2_reg,5,brs2_decm,inst_for_int[4:0],ss_clock,hld_dirreg_real)
// Don't register in Mir anymore - move this reg to Mregfile
//	hook nbrs2_decm direct to inst_for_int[4:0]
// OPCODE mux for inserting HNOP and HTRAP

	wire [7:0] dx_opop3;
	wire [1:0] dx_op = dx_opop3[7:6];	// op from mux into E stage
	wire [5:0] dx_op3 = dx_opop3[5:0];	// op3 from mux into E stage

	// default control passes {d_op, d_op3} into E stage
	wire dec_into_ex = ~(hnop_into_ex | htrap_into_ex);

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux3dnm(hnop_mux, 8,  dx_opop3,  		({d_op, d_op3}), 	dec_into_ex,  		`ONOP, 			hnop_into_ex,  		`OTRAP, 			htrap_into_ex)
    function [8:1] hnop_mux ;
        input [8:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [8:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        input [8:1] in2_fn ;
        input s2_fn ;
        reg [8:1] out_fn ;
            case ({			htrap_into_ex, 			hnop_into_ex, 	dec_into_ex})  /* synopsys parallel_case */
                3'b001:         out_fn = in0_fn;
                3'b010: out_fn = in1_fn;
                3'b100:         out_fn = in2_fn;
                default:        out_fn = 65'hx;
            hnop_mux = out_fn ;
    assign  dx_opop3 = hnop_mux( 		({d_op, d_op3}), 	dec_into_ex,  		`ONOP, 			hnop_into_ex,  		`OTRAP, 			htrap_into_ex) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

// also clear the iexc from D to E if both invalid address error and
// protection violation is on - this indicates a watchpoint trap and
// no status needs to be returned to the MMU.

	wire clr_e_iexc =
		| clr_e_iexc_nop
		| d_iexc[6] & d_iexc[3]

	wire [11:0] const_0 = 12'b0;
	wire [11:0] ne_iexc;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(ne_iexc_mux, 12, ne_iexc, d_iexc, const_0, clr_e_iexc)
    function [12:1] ne_iexc_mux ;
        input [12:1] in0_fn ;
        input [12:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [12:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn)  /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            ne_iexc_mux = out_fn ;
    assign ne_iexc = ne_iexc_mux(d_iexc, const_0, clr_e_iexc) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

// synopsys translate_off
	wire d_anl = d_rd[4];
	wire [3:0] d_cond = d_rd[3:0];
// synopsys translate_on

//				EXECUTE stage

// EIR master


	wire [31:0] in_ex_scanm;
	wire [1:0] e_op;
	wire [5:0] e_op3;

	wire [14:0] in_rs_scan;		// used to be a reg
	wire [31:0] in_ex_scan;		// used to be a reg
	wire eira_mux_sdin;

	wire [5:0] e_asi;
	Mflipflop_6 e_asim_all_reg_6(e_asi,in_dec[10:5],ss_clock,hold) ;

	wire [5:0] e_asim = e_asi[5:0];

	Mflipflop_4 e_rdm_reg_4(e_rdm[4:1],in_dec[29:26], ss_clock, hold) ;

	wire ne_rd0_r = (set_rd0m | in_dec[25]) & ~clear_rd0m;
	wire e_rd0_r;
	Mflipflop_1 e_rd0_r_reg_1(e_rd0_r,ne_rd0_r, ss_clock,hold) ;

	wire [1:0] eir_op_mux_out = dx_op;
	wire eir_op_mux_sdin;

	Mflipflop_2 eir_op_mas_2( e_op, eir_op_mux_out, ss_clock, hold) ;

	wire [5:0] eir_op3_mux_out = dx_op3;
	wire eir_op3_mux_sdin;

	Mflipflop_6 eir_op3_mas_6( e_op3, eir_op3_mux_out, ss_clock, hold) ;

	// logic to control the lsb of RD for LDD and STD

	wire [4:0] e_rd;

	assign e_rd[4:1] = e_rdm[4:1];
	assign e_rd[0] = e_rd0_r;
//	assign e_rd[0] = (set_rd0m | e_rdm[0]) & ~clear_rd0m;

	// crossover mux

/* Data path for SUNERGY. This signal should come from dir instead of eir master.
	wire [21:0] disp22 = in_exam[21:0];

	assign  in_ex_scan =  in_ex_scanm;

// defined for convenience
	wire [31:0] in_ex = {e_op, e_rd, e_op3,6'h0, 2'b0, e_asi,5'b0};

	wire [11:0] e_iexc;
	Mflipflop_12 e_iexc_reg_12(e_iexc,ne_iexc,ss_clock,hold) ;

// rd mux for introducing trap and call register constants

	wire [4:0] ex_rd;
	wire [4:0] const_15 = 5'd15;	// simplify mux argument
	wire [4:0] const_17 = 5'd17;	// simplify mux argument
	wire [4:0] const_18 = 5'd18;	// simplify mux argument

	wire write_r17 = TRAP;

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux4dnm(rd_mux, 5,  ex_rd, 							e_rd, 	~(write_r15 | write_r17 | write_r18), 			const_15,  write_r15, 						const_17,  write_r17, 						const_18,  write_r18)
    function [5:1] rd_mux ;
        input [5:1] in0_fn ;
        input s0_fn ;
        input [5:1] in1_fn ;
        input s1_fn ;
        input [5:1] in2_fn ;
        input s2_fn ;
        input [5:1] in3_fn ;
        input s3_fn ;
        reg [5:1] out_fn ;
            case ({ write_r18,  write_r17,  write_r15, 	~(write_r15 | write_r17 | write_r18)})  /* synopsys parallel_case */
                4'b0001:        out_fn = in0_fn;
                4'b0010: out_fn = in1_fn;
                4'b0100:        out_fn = in2_fn;
                4'b1000: out_fn = in3_fn;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            rd_mux = out_fn ;
    assign  ex_rd = rd_mux(							e_rd, 	~(write_r15 | write_r17 | write_r18), 			const_15,  write_r15, 						const_17,  write_r17, 						const_18,  write_r18) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

// mux for inserting NOP into the W stage on TRAP or folded annul

	wire [7:0] ex_opop3;
	wire [1:0] ex_op = ex_opop3[7:6];
	wire [5:0] ex_op3 = ex_opop3[5:0];

	wire hnop_to_w = fold_annul | TRAP;

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(hnop_wr_mux, 8,  ex_opop3,  ({e_op, e_op3}),  `ONOP,  hnop_to_w)
    function [8:1] hnop_wr_mux ;
        input [8:1] in0_fn ;
        input [8:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [8:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn)  /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            hnop_wr_mux = out_fn ;
    assign  ex_opop3 = hnop_wr_mux( ({e_op, e_op3}), `ONOP,  hnop_to_w) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

	wire [11:0] nw_iexc;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(nw_iexc_mux, 12, nw_iexc, e_iexc, const_0, hnop_to_w)
    function [12:1] nw_iexc_mux ;
        input [12:1] in0_fn ;
        input [12:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [12:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn)  /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            nw_iexc_mux = out_fn ;
    assign nw_iexc = nw_iexc_mux(e_iexc, const_0, hnop_to_w) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

//				WRITE stage

// WIR master

	wire [20:0] in_wr_scanm;
	wire [18:6] wir_in = ({ex_op, ex_rd, ex_op3});

	wire [1:0] w_op;
	Mflipflop_2 w_op_reg_2(w_op,wir_in[18:17],ss_clock,hold) ;

	wire [4:0] w_rdm;
	Mflipflop_5 w_rdm_reg_5(w_rdm,wir_in[16:12],ss_clock,hold) ;

	wire [5:0] w_op3;
	Mflipflop_6 w_op3_reg_6(w_op3,wir_in[11:6],ss_clock,hold) ;

	wire hld_wiexc = hold & ~TRAP;
	wire [11:0] w_iexc;
	Mflipflop_12 w_iexc_reg_12(w_iexc,nw_iexc,ss_clock,hld_wiexc) ;

	wire iu_sfs_sup = w_iexc[11];
	wire [1:0] iu_sfs_perr = w_iexc[10:9];
	wire iu_sfs_xerr = w_iexc[8];
	wire iu_sfs_mmiss = w_iexc[7];
	wire iu_sfs_iae = w_iexc[6];
	wire iu_sfs_sbe = w_iexc[5];
	wire iu_sfs_sto = w_iexc[4];
	wire iu_sfs_prtct = w_iexc[3];
	wire iu_sfs_priv = w_iexc[2];
	wire [1:0] iu_sfs_lvl = w_iexc[1:0];

// Write PORT register file logical to physical translation

	wire [7:0] w_rdp;	// write stage RD physical address

	Mrf_xlate rd_xlate (w_rdp, w_rdm, ecwpm_);

// WIR slave

	// RD_mux for forcing %G0 into RD

	wire [7:0] wx_rdp;
	wire [7:0] eight_zeros = 8'h00;	// simplify mux argument

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(rd_muxz, 8,  wx_rdp,  w_rdp,  eight_zeros,  result_r0)
    function [8:1] rd_muxz ;
        input [8:1] in0_fn ;
        input [8:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [8:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn)  /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            rd_muxz = out_fn ;
    assign  wx_rdp = rd_muxz( w_rdp,  eight_zeros,  result_r0) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

// synopsys translate_off

	wire [5:0] w_asim;
	Mflipflop_6 w_asim_reg_6(w_asim,e_asi,ss_clock,hold) ;

	// defined for convenience
	wire [5:0] w_asi = w_asim;
	wire [31:0] in_wr = {w_op,5'b0, w_op3, 6'h0, 2'b0, w_asi, 5'b0};
	// mux for inserting HNOP into R on TRAP

	wire [7:0] wx_opop3;
	wire [1:0] wx_op = wx_opop3[7:6];
	wire [5:0] wx_op3 = wx_opop3[5:0];

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(hnop_rs_mux, 8,  wx_opop3,  ({w_op, w_op3}),  `ONOP,  TRAP)
    function [8:1] hnop_rs_mux ;
        input [8:1] in0_fn ;
        input [8:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [8:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn)  /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            hnop_rs_mux = out_fn ;
    assign  wx_opop3 = hnop_rs_mux( ({w_op, w_op3}), `ONOP,  TRAP) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

// synopsys translate_on

//				RESULT stage

// RIR master

// synopsys translate_off
	wire [14:0] rir_in = ({wx_op, wx_rdp[6:0], wx_op3});
// synopsys translate_on

	wire [7:0] nr_rdp = wx_rdp;

// synopsys translate_off
// not part of design
	wire [7:0] r_rdp;
	Mflipflop_8 r_rdp_reg_8(r_rdp,wx_rdp,ss_clock,hold) ;
// synopsys translate_on

// RIR slave

// synopsys translate_off
	wire [14:0] in_rs_scanm;
	Mflipflop_15 rir_mas_15( in_rs_scanm, rir_in, ss_clock, hold) ;

	wire [1:0] r_op = in_rs_scan[14:13];
//	wire [6:0] r_rdp = in_rs_scan[12:6];
	wire [5:0] r_op3 = in_rs_scan[5:0];

	assign  in_rs_scan =  in_rs_scanm;

	// defined for convenience
	wire [31:0] in_rs = {r_op, 5'b0, r_op3, 19'h0};
// synopsys translate_on


// synopsys translate_off
task disp;
	//	  D: 12345678 123456  12  1234
	$display("   OPCODE     Rd   SRC1 SRC2");
	$write("D: ");
		{`IU.iuchip.decode.mm_iacc_exc_d, in_dec},

	if(d_op==2'h1) begin		// CALL
		$write("OFFSET=0x%x words",
			{d_rd, d_op3, d_rs1, d_imm, d_asi, d_rs2});

	else if(d_op==2'h0) begin	// FORMAT 2

		if(d_op3[5:3]==3'b100) begin
					// SETHI
			$write("   %x", d_rd);
			$write(" %x",
				{d_op3[2:0],d_rs1, d_imm, d_asi, d_rs2, 10'b0});

		else begin		// BRANCH
			$write("   %x", d_rd);
			$write(" OFFSET=0x%x words",
				{d_op3[2:0],d_rs1, d_imm, d_asi, d_rs2});

	else begin			// FORMAT 3
		$write("   %x", d_rd);
		$write("    %x", d_rs1);
			$write("  %x", {d_asi, d_rs2});
			$write("   %x", d_rs2);
	$write("	");

	if(hnop_into_ex)$write("hnop_into_ex ");
	if(htrap_into_ex)$write("htrap_into_ex ");
	if(set_rd0m)$write("set_rd0 ");
	if(clear_rd0m)$write("clear_rd0 ");
//	if(crossoverm) $write("crossover ");


	$write("E: ");
	Mdisassemble.disp_instr( {1'b0, in_ex}, `IU.iuchip.decode.ir_control.e_hhn, 0);
	$write("   %x", e_rd);
	$write("		");

	if(write_r15) $write("write_r15 ");
	if(write_r17) $write("write_r17 ");
	if(write_r18) $write("write_r18 ");
	$display("ecwpm=%x", ~ecwpm_);


	$write("W: ");
	Mdisassemble.disp_instr( {1'b0, in_wr}, `IU.iuchip.decode.ir_control.w_hhn, 0);
	$write("   ");
	if(w_op==2'h0 && w_op3[5:3]!= 3'b100) 	// BRANCH
		$write("%x", w_rdp);
	else Mtask.disp_laddr(Mtask.phy2log(w_rdp));
	$write("		");

	if(result_r0) $write("result_r0 ");


	$write("R: ");
	Mdisassemble.disp_instr({1'b0, in_rs}, `IU.iuchip.decode.ir_control.r_hhn, 0);
	$write("   ");
	if(r_op==2'h0 && r_op3[5:3]!= 3'b100) 	// BRANCH
		$write("%x", r_rdp);
	else Mtask.disp_laddr(Mtask.phy2log(r_rdp));

	#0 Mclocks.STOP = ~Mclocks.STOP;
// synopsys translate_on


 * bring d_rs1 into register instead - mux one cycle before below stuff
//	wire no_crossover = ~crossoverm & ~pcrossoverm;
//	wire crossover1 = crossoverm & ~pcrossoverm;
	wire [4:0] d_rs1;
	wire [4:0] nc_d_rs1 = in_dec[18:14];	// simplify mux argument
	wire [4:0] e_rdm_clr = {e_rdm[4:1],1'b0};
	wire [4:0] p_e_rdm = {e_rdm[4:1],1'b1};	// simplify mux argument
	CMUX4D(dest_reg_mux,5, d_rs1,			nc_d_rs1, no_crossover,			e_rdm, crossover_sm,			e_rdm_clr, crossover_dm,		p_e_rdm, pcrossoverm)

// During crossover operations (eg: store), the rd field is used
// to READ the register file in the next cycle.  Bring the rd field
// from e cycle to the d cycle rs1.  On STD, need to read the
// next register, so use pcrossoverm (pipelined version of crossoverm)
// to do set up the correct register for d_rs1.

	wire [4:0] nc_f_rs1 = inst_for_int[18:14];
	wire [4:0] r_rd_clr = {in_dec[29:26],1'b0};
	wire [4:0] p_d_rd = {in_dec[29:26],1'b1};
	wire [4:0] nd_rs1;
	CMUX4D(dest_reg_mux,5,nd_rs1,			nc_f_rs1, no_crossover,			in_dec[29:25], crossover_sm,			r_rd_clr, crossover_dm,			p_d_rd, pcrossoverm)

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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/iu/Mdecode/rtl/ir.v

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