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//***************************************************************************** // @(#)jtag_subblocks.v	1.23 1/13/95
// (Modified from Tsunami jtag_subblocks.v	1.37)
//  Description:
//     The JTAG controller has been broken up into smaller modules and each
//     one generates a sub set of the signals needed to control the internal
//     and external scan chain. 
//  Created:  Oct 25, 1990

// the following module is the JTAG TAP(test access protocol) state machine
// and it's inputs are tms(test mode signal), tck(test clock) and trst_l(test
// reset, all of which are direct inputs from external pins. the four outputs
// (state variables) of this block, along with their complements are used to
// decode the various states that the testing process will be in.

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl tapsm]
module tap_fsm(
a,b, c, d, 
tms, trst_l, tck

output	a, b, c, d; 

input	tms, trst_l, tck;

// declare all tap states 

        wire	[3:0] tapc_state, tapc_state_l ;
        wire	[3:0] tapc_nstate ;

// this is a 4-variable, 16 state finite state machine
// which operates on Moore machine model.

// State must reset to 1111, so store it inverted in this register.
Mflipflop_ar_4 fsm(tapc_state_l, ~tapc_nstate, trst_l, tck);
assign tapc_state = ~tapc_state_l ;

// the next states are assigned thro the following Boolean
// equations
// reset on trst_l(active low) to Test_Logic_Reset state 
// replace existing synchronous reset flops with asynchronously presettable f/f
        assign tapc_nstate[3]  = (~tms & tapc_state[2]&~tapc_state[1]) | 
        (tapc_state[3]& ~tapc_state[2]) | (tapc_state[3]& tapc_state[1]) | 
        (~tapc_state[3]& tapc_state[2] & ~tapc_state[1]) & ~tapc_state[0] ;

        assign tapc_nstate[2]  = (tms&~tapc_state[1]) | (tapc_state[2]&
        ~tapc_state[1]) | ( tapc_state[2]&tapc_state[0]) ;

        assign tapc_nstate[1]  = (~tms&tapc_state[1]&~tapc_state[0]) | 
        (~tms & ~tapc_state[2]) | (~tms & ~tapc_state[3] &tapc_state[1]) | 
        (~tms & ~tapc_state[3]& ~tapc_state[0]) | (tms & tapc_state[2]& 
        ~tapc_state[1]) | (tms & tapc_state[3]&tapc_state[2]& tapc_state[0]);

        assign tapc_nstate[0]  = (~tms&~tapc_state[2]&tapc_state[0])| 
        (tms &~tapc_state[1]) | (tms & ~tapc_state[0]) | (tms&tapc_state[3]&
        tapc_state[2]) ;

//  compute the value of a, b, c, d using tapc_nstate instead and clock them
//  on the rising edge in the tapdcd module  (May 17, 1991)

//  Change tapc_nstate to tapc_state -  8/21/96

        //wire    d = tapc_nstate[3] | ~trst_l ;
        //wire    c = tapc_nstate[2] | ~trst_l ;
        //wire    b = tapc_nstate[1] | ~trst_l  ;
        //wire    a = tapc_nstate[0] | ~trst_l ;

        wire    d = tapc_state[3] | ~trst_l ;
        wire    c = tapc_state[2] | ~trst_l ;
        wire    b = tapc_state[1] | ~trst_l  ;
        wire    a = tapc_state[0] | ~trst_l ;


// in the following module, the state variables are decoded to generate the
// appropriate , capture or update signal. the tap_reset signal 
// corresponds to the test-logic-reset state of the tap_fsm and indicates 
// that the component can be in the normal operating mode. this signal is used
// to reset the latches used within the JTAG controller,except the fsm itself.

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl tapdcd]
module tap_decode ( capture, Shift, update_mc, 
tap_reset_l, sir,sdr, 
run_idle, cken_ctl,uden,sys_scan_mode, a, b, c, d,tck, trst_l,tckbar,logic_1, logic_0, 

output  capture, Shift, update_mc, tap_reset_l, 
        sir, sdr,run_idle, cken_ctl,uden,sys_scan_mode,jtag_tdo_oen_l;

input   a, b, c,d,tck, trst_l,tckbar,logic_1, logic_0 ;

// the following signals are decodes of the state variables from the tap_fsm
// capture_en and shift_en are the key signals needed during scan test of
// of a block, where capture will cause the capture of next state and 
// would enable the scan_mode for all the scan f/f's

// added one more decode signal exit_ir to control tck_en  (May 16, 91)

        //wire capture_en 	= ~a & b & c ;
        //wire shift_en   	= ~a & b & ~c ;
        //wire update_en  	= a & ~b & c ;
        //wire tap_reset_en 	= a & b & c & d ;
        //wire exit1_ir         = a & ~b & ~c & d ;
        //wire update_dr  	= a & ~b & c & ~d ;

	wire capture = ~a & b & c ;
	wire Shift = ~a & b & ~c ;
	wire uden = a & ~b & c ;  // UDR or UIR
	wire tap_reset_en     = a & b & c & d ; // TLR
	wire cken_ctl = a & ~b & ~c & d ;   // E1IR
	wire update_mc = a & ~b & c & ~d ;   // UDR

// added the decode from tap state to have the scan_mode signal
// asserted during the traversal thro exit1, pause and exit2 (DR)states ,
// back to the Shift state and continue shifting thro the chain. This
// helps in keeping the tristates disabled while in these three states
// before continuing the Shift sequence. Due to the encoding of
// these four states(0000,0001,0010,0011) the decoding reduces to
// just (July 24, 1991)
        //wire scan_mode            = ~c & ~d ;
	wire sys_scan_mode 	= ~c & ~d ;

// added the following decode for supporting INTEST instruction (April 22, 1991)

        //wire run_idle_test      = ~a & ~b & c & d ;
	wire run_idle 		= ~a & ~b & c & d ;   // RTI

        //wire select_ir = d;
        //wire select_dr = ~d;
	wire selir = d;
	wire seldr = ~d ;

// following f/fs has been changed to asynchronously resettable f/fs

  //Mflipflop_ar l1(capture, capture_en, trst_l, tck);

// **** GATE FIX FOR BUG 1059 ECN xx  (jtag_oen on tckbar instead of tck)
// 	add new async ff to design. send jtag_tdo_oen to IO_ring

  Mflipflop_ar ff_bug1059(jtag_tdo_oen, Shift, trst_l, tckbar) ;
  wire jtag_tdo_oen_l = ~jtag_tdo_oen ;


  //Mflipflop_ar l2(Shift, shift_en, trst_l, tck);
  //Mflipflop_ar l3(update_mc, update_dr, trst_l, tck);
  //Mflipflop_ar l5(run_idle, run_idle_test, trst_l, tck);
  //Mflipflop_ar l6(cken_ctl, exit1_ir, trst_l, tck);
  //Mflipflop_ar l7(sdr, select_dr, trst_l, tck);
  //Mflipflop_ar l8(uden, update_en, trst_l, tck);
  //Mflipflop_ar l9(selir, select_ir, trst_l, tck);
  //Mflipflop_ar l10(sys_scan_mode, scan_mode, trst_l, tck);

// following f/f has been changed to asynchronously presettable f/f
// changed tck to tckbar in order to allow bout_mode and tclken happen at
// the falling edge of tck and avoid bus contention during single step
// of sunergy system (sep 25,1991)

// added one more ff to delay the tap_reset signal so that b_mode and
// testclken signal will change state only on the falling edge of tck after
// reaching the test_logic_reset state(at the rising edge of tck) (Oct 9, 91)

  Mflipflop_noop spare_gate_bugfix_1018(delayed_tap_reset_en, tap_reset_en, tck) ;

  // trst must force tap_reset, so store tap_reset inverted in this FF.
  Mflipflop_ar l4(tap_reset_l, ~delayed_tap_reset_en, trst_l, tckbar);

// to inhibit sel_ir signal during tap_state run_test_idle and tap_logic_reset
       assign sir = selir & ~(run_idle | ~tap_reset_l) ;

// to inhibit select dr signal during sel-IR-scan chain 
	wire sel_ir_scan = ~a & ~b & c & ~d ;
	assign sdr = seldr & ~sel_ir_scan ;



// the following module does 50% of the work in the JTAG controller. 
// JTAG instructions are scanned into the instruction register in this
// module and they are decoded based on pre assigned 6 bit values per
// instruction. after the decode of each instruction, the decoded signals
// are latched to maintain the value of that control signal throughout
// that particular test operation. 

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl inreg]
module ir (clk_rst_l, iu_ring, 
        ccr_ring, cisc_ring, et_ring,
        sa_ring, byp_ring, id_ring,in_ring,ain_ring, all_ring, all_block, et_d,
        in_d,ain_d, sa_d, id_d,byp_d, cisc_d, ccr_d, inst, uen, sout, 
        sir,cap, te, update, ti, tck,tckbar, tap_reset_l,trst_l, run_idle,
        sdr, logic_0, logic_1

output  clk_rst_l, iu_ring,  
        ccr_ring, cisc_ring, et_ring,
        sa_ring, byp_ring, id_ring,in_ring,ain_ring,all_ring, all_block, et_d,
        sa_d, id_d,in_d,ain_d, byp_d, cisc_d, ccr_d, uen, sout                ;
output [5:0] inst;
input   sir,cap, te, update,ti, tck,tckbar, tap_reset_l,trst_l, run_idle,sdr,logic_0,

       wire [5:0] irq ;
       wire [5:0] inst ;

// the two LSB of the Instruction register is hardwired to 01 per the JTAG
// protocol to enable testing the TDI line when starting the test process
// thro JTAG control. The remaining 4 bits can be set to any value or tied to
// some status lines 

//       wire [5:0] din = 6'b000001;
       wire [5:0] din = {{5{logic_0}}, logic_1};

// the following signals are needed by the instruction register for lodaing,
// scanning in the instruction to IR and updating it in the instruction latch
       wire cap_ir = (cap & sir);
       wire te_ir  = te & sir;
       wire uen = update & sir;
       wire uen_l = ~uen ;
// the following is the actual instruction register
// 7-15-96 : removed scan flops
       Mflipflop_sh_6 ld16(irq, din, te_ir, {ti,irq[5:1]}, ~cap_ir, tck) ;
       //Mflipflop_h_6 ld16(irq, din, ~cap_ir, tck) ;

         wire rst_l  = trst_l & tap_reset_l;

//  changed ck to ckbar to comply with rule 6.2.1.e of the 1149.1
//  IEEE protocol that states IDCODE to be latched on falling tck 
//       S1inv_c inv4(ckbar, tck);
//       Mlatch6LA2 la26(inst,instn,irq,ckbar,uen,rst);
//  unravelled the above 6 bit register into individual f/fs, so that
//  synposis and motive constraints can be easily specified

// following f/fs has been changed to asynchronously resettable f/fs
        Mflipflop_arh inst_latch_l1(inst[5], irq[5], uen_l, rst_l, tckbar);
        Mflipflop_arh inst_latch_l2(inst[4], irq[4], uen_l, rst_l, tckbar);
        Mflipflop_arh inst_latch_l3(inst[3], irq[3], uen_l, rst_l, tckbar);
        Mflipflop_arh inst_latch_l4(inst[2], irq[2], uen_l, rst_l, tckbar);
        Mflipflop_arh inst_latch_l5(inst[1], irq[1], uen_l, rst_l, tckbar);
        Mflipflop_arh inst_latch_l6(inst[0], irq[0], uen_l, rst_l, tckbar);
// the LSB of the Instruction register is the scan_out bit    

       wire  sout = irq[0];

// the output of the instruction register are decoded here before being
// latched    

// the following are instructions pertaining to scan test of internal blocks and
// decode of certain control registers like clock control reg 
// These instructions are private instructions and not usually visible
// to the users of the chip

wire iu_d, id_la;

       assign iu_d  = (irq[5:0] == 6'b010000) ?1'b1 : 1'b0 ; 
       assign ccr_d = (irq[5:0] == 6'b011110) ?1'b1 : 1'b0 ; 
       assign cisc_d  = (irq[5:0] == 6'b011111) ?1'b1 : 1'b0 ; 

       // This instruction asserts clk_rst_l for as long as the instruction
       //     is in the output latches.
       wire clk_rst_d  = (irq[5:0] == 6'b110000) ;

// the following instructions are mandated by the JTAG(IEEE1149.1) protocol
// and are part of the public instructions accessible by the users of the 
// chip. The minimal requirement is, at least to have extest, sample and 
// bypass instructions. The rest of them are optional.

       assign et_d  = (irq[5:0] == 6'b000000) ?1'b1 : 1'b0 ; 
       assign sa_d  = (irq[5:0] == 6'b000001) ?1'b1 : 1'b0 ; 
       assign id_d  = (irq[5:0] == 6'b100000) ?1'b1 : 1'b0 ; 
       assign id_la  =(~inst[5] == 1'b1 & inst[4:0] == 5'b00000) ?1'b1 : 1'b0 ;

// Following is the instruction called ATEINTEST to support slow speed testing
// of the on chip system logic (pp.7.17 of the 1149.1 protocol document)

       assign in_d  = (irq[5:0] == 6'b000011) ?1'b1 : 1'b0 ; 

// The following instruction called INTEST will support the application of
// ATPG vectors (in conjunction with sel_int_scan instruction) to Tsunami

       assign ain_d  = (irq[5:0] == 6'b000010) ?1'b1 : 1'b0 ; 

// bypass instruction should be selected  when no other JTAG instructions in
// Tsunami are selected(rule 7.1.1d of 1149.1 IEEE protocol)
       assign byp_d = ~( iu_d | cisc_d | ccr_d | et_d | sa_d | id_d |in_d | ain_d ) ;

       wire [2:0] dpr_sig;
       wire [5:0] dpu_sig;

       assign  dpr_sig  = {iu_d,ccr_d, cisc_d}; 

       assign  dpu_sig  = {ain_d,et_d, sa_d, byp_d,id_d,in_d}; 

       wire  [2:0] dpr ;
       wire  [5:0]  dpu ;

//  latched the decoded instrtuctions on falling edge of tck (7/22/91) 
//       S1inv_c inv5(ckbar, tck);

//  Mlatch3LA2 la2(dpr, dpr_l, dpr_sig,ckbar, uen,tap_reset_l);
//  unravelled the above 3 bit register into individual f/fs, so that
//  synposis and motive constraints can be easily specified

// following f/fs has been changed to asynchronously resettable f/fs
 Mflipflop_arh dcd_l1(dpr[2], dpr_sig[2], uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);
 Mflipflop_arh dcd_l2(dpr[1], dpr_sig[1], uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);
 Mflipflop_arh dcd_l3(dpr[0], dpr_sig[0], uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);

 Mflipflop_arh crl(clk_rst, clk_rst_d, uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);
 wire clk_rst_l = ~clk_rst ;

//  Mlatch6LA2 la3(dpu, dpu_l, dpu_sig,ckbar, uen,tap_reset_l);
//  unravelled the above 6 bit register into individual f/fs, so that
//  synposis and motive constraints can be easily specified

// following f/fs has been changed to asynchronously resettable f/fs
 Mflipflop_arh dcd_l4(dpu[5], dpu_sig[5], uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);
 Mflipflop_arh dcd_l5(dpu[4], dpu_sig[4], uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);
 Mflipflop_arh dcd_l6(dpu[3], dpu_sig[3], uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);
 Mflipflop_arh dcd_l7(dpu[2], dpu_sig[2], uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);
 Mflipflop_arh dcd_l8(dpu[1], dpu_sig[1], uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);
 Mflipflop_arh dcd_l9(dpu[0], dpu_sig[0], uen_l, tap_reset_l, tckbar);

//  the latched signals are gated with sdr(during data cycle of TAP)
//  to generate the actual select control signals that select each block for
//  scan testing

//  iu_ring -- sel_int_scan, cisc_ring -- sel_dbg_scan, ccr_ring -- sel_ccr
//  ain_ring -- INTEST, in_ring -- ATEINTEST, sa_ring -- SAMPLE 
//  byp_ring -- BYPASS, id_ring -- IDCODE, et_ring -- EXTEST

       assign iu_ring      = sdr & dpr[2];
       assign ccr_ring     = sdr & dpr[1];
       assign cisc_ring    = sdr & dpr[0];
       assign et_ring      = sdr & dpu[4];
       assign sa_ring      = sdr & dpu[3];
       assign byp_ring     = sdr & dpu[2];
       assign ain_ring     = sdr & dpu[5];

//  modified in_ring definition with run_idle signal, so that in_ring wouldn't
//  die without sel_dr (April 23, 1991)

       assign in_ring      = (run_idle | sdr) & dpu[0];

// the following logic is added to ensure that the id_reg is selected as soon
// as the tap gets into the test_logic_reset state or, when the actual id_reg
// instruction is scanned into the id_reg. we should also be cautious not to
// have id_reg selected when extest has been  selected (since id_la is decoded 
// soon after "inst" is initialized at reset and is 1 for both extest and 
// initialization condition. Hence the (~dpu[4])term is added to the definition 
// of id_ring

       wire selid           = sdr & id_d ;
       wire selida          = id_la & (~dpu[4]);
       assign id_ring      = selid | selida;

       assign all_ring     = iu_ring ;

       assign all_block    = iu_d ;


// this module generates the control signal needed for controlling the
// external boundary scan cells, both input and output

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl bsrc]
module  bsr_control(
    bscan_clk_a, bscan_clk_b, 
    bscan_clk_cap, bscan_mode_l, bscan_clk_upd, bscan_sel_ff,
    sel1, sel2,sel3, sel4, cap, 
    te, uden, all_ring, all_block,cisc_d, extest, update,intest,aintest,
    tap_reset_l, tck,tckbar, trst_l, logic_1

// sel1 -- sa_ring, sel2 -- et_ring, sel3 -- in_ring, sel4 -- ain_ring

output bscan_clk_a, bscan_clk_b, 
    bscan_clk_cap, bscan_mode_l, bscan_clk_upd, bscan_sel_ff ;

input  sel1, sel2,sel3, sel4,cap,te, uden, all_ring, all_block,cisc_d, extest, 
       update, intest,aintest, tap_reset_l, tck,tckbar, trst_l, logic_1 ;

       wire sel        = sel1 | sel2; 

//  the following scan_mode(sen) signal enables scanning thro the bsr to get
//  to the internal scan chain

       wire bsen_nodelay = (sel | sel3 | sel4 ) & te  ;

// Need to latch bsen on the falling edge of tck to ensure no race
// between tck and the scan_mode signal to boundary f/fs. (7/25/91)

// following f/f has been changed to asynchronously resettable f/f
       Mflipflop_ar bsen_fe2(bsen, bsen_nodelay, trst_l, tckbar) ;

// added the following gating to ensure no x's on sen without tck,
// which happens during normal simulation (July 10, 1991)

// Disabled bscan_mode_l for bug #600. (See bug report #600 for more
// detailes. (11/22/93)
       wire bscan_mode_l = ~(bsen & trst_l) ;
       //wire bscan_mode_l = logic_1;

//  The following signal uen updates the boundary scan latch during
//  update-DR state(falling tck)

       wire uen1     = (sel4|sel3|sel) & uden ;
       wire uen3     = ~(uen1) ;
// The following equation is written using actual gates for synopsys 

      // S1nor2_d  uen_bctl1_buf1(buen, tck, uen3) ;
      wire buen = ~(tck | uen3) ;

// added the following gating to ensure no x's on uen without tck,
// which happens during normal simulation (July 10, 1991)

       wire bscan_clk_upd = (buen & trst_l) ;

       // Because of bidirectional boundary cell design, 
       //     no longer implements separate input and output capture signals;
       //     thus, we do not follow recommendations 7.7.1g and 7.8.1f .
       // Gated tck, held high.  Logically, it is the OR of Tsunami's
       //     out_cap and in_cap, gating tck.
// NOT used in EAGLE
       wire bscan_clk_cap =
	   ~(~tck & cap & trst_l & (all_ring | sel1 | sel2 | sel3 | sel4)) ;

// use falling edge of tck to clock out mode signal during update-IR state 
// This is used to control the mux in the boundary scan f/f
// added cisc_d term to the din signal so that mode is 1 during sel_dbg_scan

       wire din      = (all_block | extest| intest|aintest|cisc_d) ;
// following f/f has been changed to asynchronously resettable f/f
       Mflipflop_arh la1(imode, din, ~update, tap_reset_l, tckbar);

// hardwired the mode signal to ensure no x's on mode without tck,
// which happens during normal simulation (July 10, 1991)

       wire bscan_sel_ff = (imode & trst_l) ;

    ACABGEN abgen(tck, bsen_nodelay, bscan_clk_a, bscan_clk_b) ;


//  the scan_mode signal needed for all internal blocks is generated in this
//  block, by using the , capture signal from tap_decode and the sel_ring
//  from the instruction register module

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl isrc]
module isr_control(ssen, scan_clk_hold, tstrobe, sen, cap, sel_scan, sel_in, run_idle, trst_l, tck,tckbar, update_mc,tms,sys_scan_mode); 

output  ssen, scan_clk_hold, tstrobe ;
input   sen, cap, sel_in, run_idle, trst_l,tck,tckbar,update_mc,tms,sys_scan_mode;
input [1:0] sel_scan;

//  the scan_mode signal(ssen) for internal scan f/f's is generated by gating 
//  the decoded  signal from the TAP FSM with appropriate ring select signal 

// use sys_scan_mode signal instead of sen(Shift) to generate the ssen
// signal. This helps keep the tristates disabled during the entire Shift
// cycle that includes the traversal thro pause state. (7/25/91)

       wire ssen_nodelay  = sys_scan_mode & (sel_scan[0] | sel_scan[1] );

//  had to latch the ssen_nodelay signal on falling tck in order to slow it down
//  by at least half a clock and allow the extra testclk pulse to happen
//  during the capture state (July 9, 1991). This delay by half a clock fixes 
//  the race condition between testclk and scanmode

// following f/f has been changed to asynchronously resettable f/f
       Mflipflop_ar fe2(scan_en, ssen_nodelay, trst_l, tckbar) ;

//  use trst_l to qualify ssen so that functional sim will work (July 10, 1991)
//  hard code the AND gate and mark it dont touch in synopsys

       wire ssen = (scan_en & trst_l) ;

//  the clock_en signal is used to enable the clock only during  and 
//  capture states of TAP FSM , except the cap clock is disabled during
//  the debug scan operation(allscan)     

       wire ck_en1 = sen & (sel_scan[0] | sel_scan[1] );

       wire ck_en2 = cap & (sel_scan[1] ); 

// generate ck_en3 term for single stepping during ATEINTEST 

// *** GATE FIX FOR BUG 1045 ECN xx (glitch problem on Jtag_ck due to Jtag_ms)
// 	ff added and input of ck_en3 changed from update_mc to update_mc_delayed

//S1dffsrh_d  __spare_gate_S1dffsrh_373(
Mflipflop_noop __spare_gate_S1dffsrh_373(update_mc_delayed, update_mc, tck) ;

wire ck_en3 = run_idle & update_mc_delayed & sel_in;

//  wire ck_en3 = ~tms & update_mc & sel_in;  <- old definition


// added ck_en3 term to scan_clock_hold to apply single step clocks to
// tsunami core during ATEINTEST instruction 
       wire scan_clk_hold = (~(ck_en1 | ck_en2) &~( ck_en3)) | ~trst_l ;

//  the strobe is needed to test the megacell ram arrays and is part of the
//  megacell spec. after the address and control are scannned in, the scan_mode
//  ( state) signal is deasserted, and when the tap_fsm enters the update
//  state, a pulse is generated and gated with the sel_int_scan(sel_scan[0]
//  and sel_debug_scan (sel_scan[1]) signal. 
//  This strobe(tstrobe) is used to start the internal(megacell) self-timed
//  circuits for SRAM access(R/W and clear)

       wire strobe  = (sel_scan[0] | sel_scan[1] ) & update_mc;
// following f/f has been changed to asynchronously resettable f/f
       Mflipflop_ar  la1(rstrobe, strobe, trst_l, tck);

// added the following gating to ensure no x's on tstrobe without tck,
// which happens during normal simulation (July 10, 1991)

       // S1nand2_d  tstrobe_buf1 (tstrobe, rstrobe, trst_l) ;
       wire tstrobe = ~(rstrobe & trst_l) ;


//  this module generates the clock needed for the internal scan registers
//  along with the clock enable signal that needs to control the above
//  clock within the clock controller block

//  ****** FIX FOR BUG 1062 *** ECN xx
//  change testclken signal generation  -- use uen instead of cken_ctl, since
//  this may caues testclken to change state while scanning instructions thro
//  Tsunami to adjacent chips on the board level scan chain

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl sckc]
module  scanclock_control(testclk, testclken, extest, sample, idreg,bypass, clockctl, tap_reset_l, scan_clk_hold, tck, trst_l, uen

output testclk, testclken ;
input  extest , sample , idreg , bypass , clockctl,
       tap_reset_l, scan_clk_hold, tck, trst_l, uen ;

//       rewrite the following as an OR gate to facilitate synopsys constraints
//       we will lose some optimization here, but this is not critical.
//       assign testclk  = scan_clk_hold | tck  ;

       // S1or2_d testclk_buf1 (testclk, tck, scan_clk_hold) ;
       wire testclk = (tck | scan_clk_hold) ;

       wire pub_inst  =  ~(extest | sample | idreg | bypass | clockctl) ;
//     wire din  = cken_ctl & pub_inst ;

//  the tck_en signal when '0' will inhibit the testclk during
//  extest, sample, bypass, idreg, and clockcontrol mode. during
//  these modes, the system clock and the tck would be free running, except
//  when the system is in debug mode, when the system clock would be 
//  controlled by the contents of the clock control register(single step, 
//  start, stop, burst mode)
//  generate tck_en one cycle before to take care of issues realted to
//  synchronization of testclcken in the clock module. (May 16, 91)

// following f/f has been changed to asynchronously resettable f/f
//      Mlatch1LA2 mla2(tck_en,tck_en_l, din,tck, cken_ctl, tap_reset_l);

//  changed the hold signal from cken_ctl to uen --- FIX FOR BUG 1062
       Mflipflop_arh mla2(tck_en, pub_inst, ~uen, tap_reset_l, tck);

       assign testclken = trst_l & tck_en  ;


//  this is a one bit register used to bypass the scan chain within a component
//  when accessing other chips on the board

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl byp]
module bypass(sout,sel, capture, sen, ti, tck,logic_0

output sout ;
input  sel, capture, sen, ti, tck, logic_0 ; 

//  the data bit is tied to '0' so that when the chip comes up, it 
//  will tell us whether there is a id register or not by looking at the
//  tdo. if it is a '0', then it doesn't have a id register. if it is a 
//  '1' , then there is a id register

// Translation of the above: rule 9.1.1b states that the bypass register must
//     be parallel-loaded with 0 in Capture-DR of all bypass instructions.
//     Chapter 11 state that the LSB of the ID Code must be 1.  Rule 6.2.1e
//     states that in Test-Logic-Reset state, either the IDCODE instruction
//     or (if IDCODE is not implemented) the BYPASS instruction must be
//     parallel-loaded into the instruction register.  Thus, we can tell
//     whether IDCODE is implemented for a specific part by doing a 1-bit
//     data Shift after Test-Logic-Reset.

       wire din = logic_0;
       wire cap = sel & capture;
       wire te  = sel & sen;

       Mflipflop_sh dffld1(sout, din, te, ti, ~cap, tck) ;
       //Mflipflop_h dffld1(sout, din, ~cap, tck) ;


//  this register provides the identity of the component and can be read
//  by scanning out its contents. this is needed to identify each component
//  after they are assembled on the board.

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl idr]
module idreg(sout,sel, capture, sen, ti, tck, logic_0, logic_1

output sout ;
input  sel, capture, sen, ti, tck, logic_0, logic_1 ; 

//  the LSB is tied to '1', to indicate the presence of id register, when
//  the chip comes up

//  the contents of ID register is defined by three fields as follows

// VER is the version number which is 0x3 for pg3.0
// Part number is TBD - use 0x0000 (re Mogens' mail, 12/11/92)
// Manufacturer ID as per JEDEC  is 0x04

//                    MSB                                 LSB
//                          |                |           |
//               BIT:  31 28|27            12|11        1|0
//                      0101|0000000000000000|00000000100|1
//                      VER |  PART NUMBER   |FJ MANUF ID|
//                      4-B |    16 BITS     |  11 BITS  |

// For  pg3.1 tapeout, ver change from 4 to 5 (2/17/94)
// For  pg2.6, version changed from 5 to 6 (5/18/94 athena)
// For  pg3.2, version changed from 6 to 7 (5/19/94 athena)
// For  pg3.4, version changed from 7 to 8 (8/29/94 athena)

// For EAGLE JTAG ID Register:	0x1016d06d
// for eagle 2.1 change to ver = 0x3 - 

//       wire [31:0] din = 32'h0000202F;
       wire [31:0] din =  {logic_0,
//                          logic_0,





       wire cap = sel & capture;
       wire te  = sel & sen;

       wire [31:0] out ;
       wire sout = out[0] ;

       Mflipflop_sh_32 ff1(out, din, te, {ti,out[31:1]}, ~cap, tck) ;
       //Mflipflop_h_32 ff1(out, din, ~cap, tck) ;


//  this is the clock control register which is used to sample the stopped
//  signal coming in from the clock_controller. 
//  Changed CCR so that it is scannable during CLKCTL instruction - 8/26/96

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl clkc]
module ccr(sout, sel, capture, sen, ti, tck, trst_l, stopped, spare_ccr, logic_0);

output sout;
input  sel, capture, sen, ti, tck, trst_l, stopped, spare_ccr, logic_0 ;

       syncff_b sff1( out1, stopped, tck);

       syncff_b sff2( sync_stopped, out1, tck);

       syncff_b sff3( out2, spare_ccr, tck);

       syncff_b sff4( sync_spare_ccr, out2, tck);

       wire cap = sel & capture;
       wire te  = sel & sen;
       //wire ti = logic_0 ;

       Mflipflop_sh dffld1( stpd, sync_stopped, te, ti, ~cap, tck) ;
       //Mflipflop_sr dffld1(stpd, sync_stopped, te, ti, trst_l, tck);
       //Mflipflop_r dffld1(stpd, sync_stopped, trst_l, tck);

       // Bit 0 of CCR not used  - keep it in to maintain
       //     compatibility with Tsunami/Tsupernami.

       Mflipflop_sh dffld2( sout, sync_spare_ccr, te, stpd, ~cap, tck) ;
       //Mflipflop_sr dffld2(sout, sync_spare_ccr, te, stpd, trst_l, tck);
       //Mflipflop_r dffld2(sout, sync_spare_ccr, trst_l, tck);


//  this module collects tdo(scan out) from all blocks and muxes them 
//  appropriately based on the block/mode that is being currently tested

[Up: rl_jtag_cntl tdoc]
module tdo_control(out4_tdo, inst,id_ring, isr_tdo, ccr_tdo, 
bsr_tdo, id_tdo, byp_tdo, ir_tdo, sir, tckbar,tdi,trst_l, logic_0

output  out4_tdo;
input  [5:0] inst ;
input id_ring, isr_tdo, ccr_tdo, bsr_tdo, id_tdo,
       byp_tdo, ir_tdo, sir, tckbar,tdi,trst_l, logic_0;

	// See Bug 501 - must decode all the opcodes
	wire selected_tdo =

	    // Shift-IR
	    sir ? ir_tdo : (

	    // idreg, or special reset action (see rule 6.2.1d)
	    ((inst==6'b100000)||id_ring) ? id_tdo : (

	    // sel_int_scan or sel_dbg_scan
	    ((inst==6'b010000)||(inst==6'b011111)) ? isr_tdo : (

	    // extest, ateintest, intest, sample
	    (inst[5:2]==4'b0000) ? bsr_tdo : (

	    // sel_ccr
	    (inst==6'b011110) ? ccr_tdo : (

	    // Default = bypass
	    byp_tdo ))))) ;

//  the tdo outputs are finally clocked out on the falling edge of tck
//  per the IEEE JTAG protocol. 
// jtag_tdo signal (clock is inverted because the jtag spec says to latch the
// tdo signal on falling edge of the jtag clock). It will work even if it
// were to be clocked on the rising tck(and meet hold time for the
// succeding connection to the TDI port off chip. But we will abide by the spec.

//          S1inv_c inv6(ckbar, tckbar);
          // S1dff_d fe1(out3_tdo, out2_tdo, tckbar);
          Mflipflop_noop fe1(out3_tdo, selected_tdo, tckbar);

//  since the tdo output has to be active only during the  Shift state(per
//  IEEE JTAG protocol, the tdo output is enabled only during the 
//  Shift state. The shft signal called jtga_tdo_en is an output of JTAG block
//  and will control the tristate buf at the JTAG_TDO ouput signal pad.

// added the following gating to ensure no x's on tdo without tck,
// which happens during normal simulation (July 10, 1991)

       wire out4_tdo = (out3_tdo & trst_l) ;


[Up: ccr sff1][Up: ccr sff2][Up: ccr sff3][Up: ccr sff4]
module syncff_b (
    q, d, clk
output q ;
input d ;
input clk ;
Mflipflop_noop sff (q, d, clk) ;


[Up: MUX41 m][Up: MUX41 m01][Up: MUX41 m23][Up: Mflipflop_arh i0]
module MUX21(Z, A, B, S);
 output Z;
 input A, B,S;
 wire Z = S ? B : A ;

module MUX41(Z, D0, D1, D2, D3, A, B);
 output Z;
 input D0, D1, D2, D3, A, B;
 wire w01, w23 ;
 MUX21 m(Z, w01, w23, A) ;
 MUX21 m01(w01, D0, D1, B) ;
 MUX21 m23(w23, D2, D3, B) ;

[Up: bsr_control la1][Up: scanclock_control mla2][Up: ir inst_latch_l1][Up: ir inst_latch_l2][Up: ir inst_latch_l3][Up: ir inst_latch_l4][Up: ir inst_latch_l5][Up: ir inst_latch_l6][Up: ir dcd_l1][Up: ir dcd_l2][Up: ir dcd_l3][Up: ir crl][Up: ir dcd_l4][Up: ir dcd_l5][Up: ir dcd_l6][Up: ir dcd_l7][Up: ir dcd_l8][Up: ir dcd_l9]
module Mflipflop_arh (out,in,enable_l,reset_l,clock);
    output out;
    input in;
    input enable_l;
    input reset_l;
    input clock;
    wire t;

        MUX21       i0(t,in, out, enable_l);
	Mflipflop_ar ar(out, t, reset_l, clock) ;


// Remove this when it appears in cells.v
module Mflipflop_ar(out, in, async_reset_l, clock) ;
    output out ;
    input in ;
    input async_reset_l ;
    input clock ;

    JSRFFA dff (.D(in), .CK(clock), .CL(async_reset_l), .PR(1'b1), .Q(out)) ;

[Up: tap_fsm fsm]
module Mflipflop_ar_4(out, in, async_reset_l, clock) ;
    output [3:0] out ;
    input [3:0] in ;
    input async_reset_l ;
    input clock ;
    Mflipflop_ar Mflipflop_ar_3_0(out[0], in[0], async_reset_l, clock) ;
    Mflipflop_ar Mflipflop_ar_3_1(out[1], in[1], async_reset_l, clock) ;
    Mflipflop_ar Mflipflop_ar_3_2(out[2], in[2], async_reset_l, clock) ;
    Mflipflop_ar Mflipflop_ar_3_3(out[3], in[3], async_reset_l, clock) ;

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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/clk_misc/rl_jtag_cntl/rtl/jtag_subblocks.v

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