    JBUFE dc_dtv_din_gate1 (.O(dc_dtv_din_int1), .A(dc_dtv_din_int));
    JBUFE dc_dtv_din_gate2 (.O(dc_dtv_din_int2), .A(dc_dtv_din_int1));
    JBUFE dc_dtv_din_gate3 (.O(dc_dtv_din), .A(dc_dtv_din_int2));

    assign dc_dtv_din_int = 
//  ASI tag write 0xe takes priority
     (dc_asi_store_tag_w & dcc_stat) ?
       iu_dout[0] :
           (~bad_st_inv_e & ~dc_flush_op_w 
			  & ~(dcc_st_stat & ~cached)
			  & ~(dcc_st_stat_wait & mm_dabort)
			  & ~parity_error_d1
			  & dt_be_vb);

//  dc_miss is the main signal to tell MMU to start processing a ld/st
//      miss

//    wire dc_miss = 	( 
//dc_miss_sustain |
//    (dcc_idle & ~iu_in_trap_d1 & (ld_op_w | st_op_w) & ~bad_st_inv_hold
//       & ( (normal_asi_w & (~dt_hit_w | ~mm_dcache_enbl))
//	    | (~normal_asi_w & ~nomiss_asi_w)
//	    ))) & ~possible_bad_mem_op_dt_hit_w ;
//  Timing fix for path dt_hit_w -> dc_miss;
//  This logic is in the mmu _cntrl now.

    wire dc_miss_or_part = (dc_miss_sustain | 
     (dcc_miss_idle & ~iu_in_trap_d1 & (ld_op_w | st_op_w) 
	& ~bad_st_inv_hold & ~perr_in_atomic_wr
       & ((normal_asi_w & ~mm_dcache_enbl) | (~normal_asi_w & ~nomiss_asi_w))))
	& ~possible_bad_mem_op_dt_hit_w;
    wire dc_miss_and_part = (dcc_miss_idle & ~iu_in_trap_d1 
	& (ld_op_w | st_op_w) & ~perr_in_atomic_wr
     & ~bad_st_inv_hold & normal_asi_w) & ~possible_bad_mem_op_dt_hit_w 
	& ~(dt_be_vb_d1)
	& ~dc_standby_w;
    assign dc_miss = dc_miss_or_part | (~dt_hit_w & dc_miss_and_part); 

//  Mask dc_miss during parity invalidate
    Mflipflop_r dt_be_vb_d1_ff (dt_be_vb_d1, dt_be_vb, ~ss_reset, ss_clock) ;

//  dc_miss_sustain is active in   'dc_miss + 1' cycle (for timing fix)
//  Hard coded path, logically its is (see below): 
//    assign dc_miss_sustain = 	dcc_stat_wait ;
      JBUFE dc_miss_sustain_gate2(.A(dcc_stat_wait), .O(dc_miss_sustain));

//  Replace iu_held with 'fast_hld_terms' in this equation also,
//  iu_held is not needed because, the only 2 times dtag_in is
//  used is for a store or a tag match. Both these times we are
//  guaranteed that the _w stage dva will be used.
//  Mux for dtag in ..
    wire [31:`log2_dcachesize] 
		dva_w_in = (fast_hld_terms) ? iu_dva_w[31:`log2_dcachesize]
					: iu_dva_e[31:`log2_dcachesize] ; 

//## Fixed hold violation of 0.1.04ns in dt_din, using 3 [JBUFDA] in series.
//## 2 are reused from below.
    wire dt_cntx_in_sel_int, dt_cntx_in_sel;
    wire dt_din_sel;
    JBUFDA dt_din_gate1 (.O(dt_din_sel), .A(dt_cntx_in_sel));

//  ASI writes to tags 
    assign dt_din [31:`log2_dcachesize] = 
     (dt_din_sel) ? iu_dout[31:`log2_dcachesize] : dva_w_in [31:`log2_dcachesize];

//## Fixed hold violation of 0.42 in dc_dtv_din, using 2 [JBUFDA] in series.
    JBUFDA dt_cntx_in_gate1 
		(.O(dt_cntx_in_sel_int), .A((dc_asi_store_tag_w & dcc_stat)));
    JBUFDA dt_cntx_in_gate2 (.O(dt_cntx_in_sel), .A(dt_cntx_in_sel_int));

    assign dt_cntx_in [7:0] = (dt_cntx_in_sel) ? iu_dout[11:4] : cxr[7:0] ;

//  Switch D$ input bus on cache fills and in non-cached fills..
    assign dc_di[63:0] = (fill_write_e |dcc_ld_nc_wait) 
				? cache_fill[63:0] : iu_dout[63:0];

//  Random logic for streaming ..

    Mflipflop_32 dva_reg (iu_dva_w[31:0], iu_dva_e[31:0], ss_clock, iu_held);  

    // Used to invalidate DTags on trapped Stores
    wire [12:4] dva_r ;
    Mflipflop_9 dva_r_reg (dva_r[12:4], iu_dva_w[12:4],
			ss_clock, iu_held);  

//  Hold the dmar register throughout a miss seq.  when D$ cntr is not idle. 
    Mflipflop_10 dmar_reg (dmar[12:3], iu_dva_w[12:3], ss_clock, ~dcc_idle);  

    // dcc_state sequence is due to a miss on a store
    Mflipflop dcc_st_miss_ff (dcc_st_miss, (st_op_w & ~ld_op_w) | atomic_op_r,
			ss_clock, ~dcc_idle);  

//  Mux for D$ address in ..
    assign fill_dw = dmar[3] ^ ~dcc_fill_wait ;

//  Original equation below.
//    assign dc_dva_e[`dc_msb:3] = 
//	(store_in_trap_w) ? iu_dva_w[`dc_msb:3] : (
//		fill_write_e ? ({dmar[`dc_msb:4], fill_dw}) : (
//			iu_held ? iu_dva_w[`dc_msb:3] : iu_dva_e[`dc_msb:3])) ;

    wire [`dc_msb:3] dc_dva_e_zero =
	(bad_st_inv_e) ? {dva_r[`dc_msb:4],1'b0} : (
	(fill_write_e | parity_error_d1) ? 
		({dmar[`dc_msb:4], fill_dw}) : iu_dva_e[`dc_msb:3]);

    wire [`dc_msb:3] dc_dva_e_one  =
	(bad_st_inv_e) ? {dva_r[`dc_msb:4],1'b0} : (
	(fill_write_e | parity_error_d1) ? 
		({dmar[`dc_msb:4], fill_dw}) : iu_dva_w[`dc_msb:3]);

//  Hand code this last mux(see logic below) to make iu_held -> dc_dva_e fast.
//    assign dc_dva_e[`dc_msb:3] = (iu_held) ? 
//			dc_dva_e_one[`dc_msb:3] : dc_dva_e_zero[`dc_msb:3];

//  Timing fix for dc_dva, Cannot switch the address bus from _w -> _e
//  fast enough during certain holds, (holds due to it_hit_f).
//  But there are cases (actually 2) during which this is possible,
//  One is during I$ streaming, and the second due to D$ streaming.
//  To patch up these 2 cases, we detect these conditions using:
//  (~fast_hld_terms & iu_held & (ld_op_w|st_op_w))
//  and then we keep on holding, (using dwait_w, which controls
//  'fast_hld_terms', untill such a condition does not exist anymore.
//  Then we have re-read the D$, with the proper iu_dva address on the bus.
//  Btw, 'fast_hld_terms' is a subset of iu_held.
//  For the store case we make sure that the proper hit/miss is
//  sustained (this only happens during streaming), untill the
//  D$ can issue a dc_miss to the MMU(BUG 470).
//  it_hit_f        == == == ==
//  iu_held               == == 
//  fast_hld_terms           ==
//  ld_op_e               == ==
//                           ^^----- This hold cycle is guaranteed,
//                                   since the I$ controller will atleast
//                                   go thru the STAT state for 1 cycle,
//                                   during which 'fast_hld_terms' will be
//                                   asserted(since it includes iwait_f,
//                                   and hence dc_dva will be
//                                   switched from iu_dva_e -> iu_dva_w

    assign dcc_miss_idle = 
	dcc_idle & ~(possible_bad_mem_op_w|possible_bad_mem_op_dt_hit_w)
		 & ~(dt_be_vb_d1 & parity_error_in_fill) & ~parity_error_d1 
		 & ~parity_error_d2;

//  Was this before:
//  			(~fast_hld_terms & iu_held & (ld_op_w|st_op_w))
    wire timing_node_iu_held1 = ~fast_hld_terms & (ld_op_w|st_op_w);
    wire bad_mem_op_ff_hold_in;
//  (iu_held & timing_node_iu_held1) HARDCODED.
    JAND2B bad_mem_op_w_gate
     (.A1 (iu_held), .A2(timing_node_iu_held1), .O(bad_mem_op_ff_hold_in));

    Mflipflop_r bad_mem_op_ff(possible_bad_mem_op_w, (bad_mem_op_ff_hold_in), 
               ~ss_reset, ss_clock);

//  The purpose of this signal is to nuke dc_miss and stop the sm from
//  thinking it is a miss. This is different from the possible_bad_mem_op_w
//  signal which can return bad data, or create a false miss/hit. 
//  Note that this is important only during D$ hits(dt_hit_w term).
//  A possible_bad_mem_op_dt_hit_w on the other hand screws up the timing of 
//  the interface between the MMU and the D$. BUG # 421

//  Was this before:
//  (~fast_hld_terms & iu_held & (st_op_w|ld_op_w) & enbl_dtag_match_w & dt_hit_w)
    wire timing_node_iu_held2 = 
	~fast_hld_terms & (st_op_w|ld_op_w) & enbl_dtag_match_w & dt_hit_w;
    wire bad_mem_op_dt_hit_hold_in;
//  (iu_held & timing_node_iu_held2) HARDCODED.
    JAND2B bad_mem_op_dt_hit_w_gate
     (.A1 (iu_held), .A2(timing_node_iu_held2), .O(bad_mem_op_dt_hit_hold_in));

    Mflipflop_r bad_mem_op_dt_hit_ff(possible_bad_mem_op_dt_hit_w,
     (bad_mem_op_dt_hit_hold_in), ~ss_reset, ss_clock);

    // synopsys translate_off
    wire iu_held_last;
    Mflipflop_r iu_held_last_ff(iu_held_last, iu_held,  ~ss_reset, ss_clock);
    	always @(posedge ss_clock)
	if (~dcc_miss_idle & dc_miss & ~iu_held_last)
		$display("dcache: dcc_idle/dc_miss Protocol violated");
    // synopsys translate_on

    wire [`dc_msb:3] dc_dva_e_int;
    wire dva_sel = fast_hld_terms; 
    wire dva_sel_l = ~fast_hld_terms ; 

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_3 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[3]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[3]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[3]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_3 ( .O(dc_dva_e[3]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[3]));

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_4 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[4]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[4]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[4]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_4 ( .O(dc_dva_e[4]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[4]));

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_5 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[5]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[5]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[5]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_5 ( .O(dc_dva_e[5]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[5]));

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_6 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[6]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[6]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[6]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_6 ( .O(dc_dva_e[6]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[6]));

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_7 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[7]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[7]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[7]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_7 ( .O(dc_dva_e[7]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[7]));

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_8 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[8]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[8]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[8]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_8 ( .O(dc_dva_e[8]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[8]));

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_9 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[9]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[9]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[9]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_9 ( .O(dc_dva_e[9]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[9]));

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_10 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[10]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[10]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[10]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_10 ( .O(dc_dva_e[10]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[10]));

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_11 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[11]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[11]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[11]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_11 ( .O(dc_dva_e[11]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[11]));

    JGB22A dc_dva_e_mux_12 ( .O(dc_dva_e_int[12]),
     .A1(dva_sel), .B1(dva_sel_l), .A2(~dc_dva_e_zero[12]), .B2(~dc_dva_e_one[12]));
    JINVE  dc_dva_e_inv_12 ( .O(dc_dva_e[12]), .A(dc_dva_e_int[12]));


// ASI decodes ..
    wire page_flush = 		(iu_asi_e == 6'h10) & st_op_e ;
    wire segment_flush = 	(iu_asi_e == 6'h11) & st_op_e ;
    wire region_flush = 	(iu_asi_e == 6'h12) & st_op_e ;
    wire context_flush = 	(iu_asi_e == 6'h13) & st_op_e;
    wire user_flush = 		(iu_asi_e == 6'h14) & st_op_e ;

    wire dt_index3 ;
    wire dt_index2 ;
    wire dt_index1 ;
    wire dt_flush_user ;
    wire dt_flush_user_cntx ;

    assign dt_index1 = (context_flush | user_flush) ;
    assign dt_index2 = (region_flush | context_flush | user_flush) ;
    assign dt_index3 = (segment_flush | region_flush | context_flush 
								| user_flush);
    assign asi_flush_e = ((page_flush)      
			| (segment_flush)
			  | (region_flush)
			    | (context_flush)
			      | (user_flush));
    assign dt_flush_user = (iu_asi_e == 6'h14) & st_op_e ;
    assign dt_flush_user_cntx = 
	((iu_asi_e == 6'h13) | (iu_asi_e == 6'h14)) & st_op_e;

//  These W stage signals for the D$ comparator, are used in the W1 stage.
    MflipflopR dt_index1_w_ff (dt_index1_w, dt_index1, 
		ss_clock, iu_held, ss_reset) ;
    MflipflopR dt_index2_w_ff (dt_index2_w, dt_index2, 
		ss_clock, iu_held, ss_reset) ;
    MflipflopR dt_index3_w_ff (dt_index3_w, dt_index3, 
		ss_clock, iu_held, ss_reset) ;
    MflipflopR dt_flush_user_ff (dt_flush_user_w, dt_flush_user, 
		ss_clock, iu_held, ss_reset) ;
    MflipflopR dt_flush_user_cntx_ff (dt_flush_user_cntx_w, dt_flush_user_cntx, 
		ss_clock, iu_held, ss_reset) ;

//  Latched to make timing; Could have made it a multicycle path instead.
//  Instead used 5 freerunning flipflops. Worth the area hit ? I think so!
    wire dt_index3_ee;
    Mflipflop_r dt_index3_multi_cycle_ff (dt_index3_ee,
                 dt_index3, ~ss_reset, ss_clock); 
    wire dt_index2_ee; 
    Mflipflop_r dt_index2_multi_cycle_ff (dt_index2_ee, 
                 dt_index2, ~ss_reset, ss_clock);  
    wire dt_index1_ee;  
    Mflipflop_r dt_index1_multi_cycle_ff (dt_index1_ee,  
                 dt_index1, ~ss_reset, ss_clock);   
    wire dt_flush_user_ee;
    Mflipflop_r dt_flush_user_multi_cycle_ff (dt_flush_user_ee,   
         dt_flush_user, ~ss_reset, ss_clock);    
    wire dt_flush_user_cntx_ee;
    Mflipflop_r dt_flush_user_cntx_multi_cycle_ff (dt_flush_user_cntx_ee,   
         dt_flush_user_cntx, ~ss_reset, ss_clock);     
    wire flush_ic_ee;
    Mflipflop_r flush_ic_e_multi_cycle_ff (flush_ic_ee,
     (flush_ic_e & iu_held), ~ss_reset, ss_clock);

//  IU generates a G stage signal, but we want to do the match in theF
//  stage, so register it.
    wire force_dva_f;
    Mflipflop_r force_dva_f_ff (force_dva_f, 
	(nforce_dva_f & ~iu_in_trap_d1), 
		 ~ss_reset, ss_clock);

//  These are e/E/w/W stage signals for the I$ compare unit.
//  They are qualified by (nforce_dva_f & flush_ic_e) in -1 cycle.
//  Turn on I$ compare signals only for 1st (match) cycle of iflush ONLY.

    assign it_index3_w = (force_dva_f) ? 
			     ((flush_ic_ee) ? dt_index3_ee : dt_index3_w) : 1'b0;
    assign it_index2_w = (force_dva_f) ? 
			     ((flush_ic_ee) ? dt_index2_ee : dt_index2_w) : 1'b0;
    assign it_index1_w = (force_dva_f) ? 
			     ((flush_ic_ee) ? dt_index1_ee : dt_index1_w) : 1'b0;
    assign it_flush_w =  (force_dva_f) ?     			 1'b0 : 1'b1;
    assign it_flush_user_w = 
       			 (force_dva_f) ? 
	   	((flush_ic_ee) ? dt_flush_user_ee :dt_flush_user_w)       : 1'b0;
    assign it_flush_user_cntx_w = 
       			 (force_dva_f) ? 
	   ((flush_ic_ee) ? dt_flush_user_cntx_ee: dt_flush_user_cntx_w)  : 1'b0;

//  ASI Decodes for the I$ controller ..
    wire   ic_asi_load_tag_e = 	ld_op_e & ~st_op_e & (iu_asi_e == 6'h0c) ;
    assign ic_asi_load_tag_w = 	ld_op_w & ~st_op_w & (iu_asi_w == 6'h0c) ;
    wire ic_asi_load_cache_e = 	ld_op_e & ~st_op_e & (iu_asi_e == 6'h0d) ;
    assign ic_asi_load_cache_w= ld_op_w & ~st_op_w & (iu_asi_w == 6'h0d) ;
    assign ic_asi_store_tag_e = ~ld_op_e & st_op_e & (iu_asi_e == 6'h0c) ;
    assign ic_asi_store_tag_w = ~ld_op_w & st_op_w & (iu_asi_w == 6'h0c) ;
    assign ic_asi_store_cache_e=~ld_op_e & st_op_e & (iu_asi_e == 6'h0d) ;
    assign ic_asi_store_cache_w=~ld_op_w & st_op_w & (iu_asi_w == 6'h0d) ;
    wire dc_asi_store_tag_e     = ~ld_op_e & st_op_e & (iu_asi_e == 6'h0e);
    MflipflopR dc_asi_store_tag_w_ff (dc_asi_store_tag_w, dc_asi_store_tag_e, 
		ss_clock, iu_held, ss_reset) ;

//  Either an IFLUSH or a STA to the proper ASI asserts the signal flush_ic_e
//  These are for the I$, nothing to do with the D$.

    assign flush_ic_e = flush_op_e | asi_flush_e ;

//  For iu_held timing, create another intermediate node.
    wire ic_flush_w_ff_in = flush_op_e & ~iu_in_trap_d1 ;

    Mflipflop_r ic_flush_w_ff (ic_flush_op_w, (ic_flush_w_ff_in & iu_held_l), 
			 ~ss_reset, ss_clock) ;
//  For iu_held timing, create another intermediate node.
    wire dt_flush_w_ff_in = flush_ic_e & ~iu_in_trap_d1 ;

    Mflipflop_r dt_flush_w_ff (dc_flush_op_w, (dt_flush_w_ff_in & iu_held_l), 
		 ~ss_reset, ss_clock) ;

//  Wierdo f/f's to signal the IU to switch dva->iva bus on a Itag read/write
//  why the dc_asi_store_tag_w term?  Why not dc_asi_load_tag_w?
//          What do these have to do with 'flush'?
//  Actually these are mis-named as flush, they are actually for asi ld/st's

    wire flush1_out_a1 =
	|ic_asi_store_cache_w|dc_asi_store_tag_w) & mm_dstat_avail) ;

    Mflipflop_r flush1_ff (flush1_out, flush1_out_a1,
		~ss_reset, ss_clock);
    Mflipflop_r flush2_ff (flush2_out,
     		flush1_out, ~ss_reset, ss_clock);
//  dwait_w asserted for 1 cycle more than i_dva_req
    Mflipflop_r flush123_ff (flush123_out,
	flush1_out_a1 | flush1_out | flush2_out,
		 ~ss_reset, ss_clock);

//  To prevent dva -> iva switch for DTag asi's.
    assign i_dva_req = (flush1_out | flush2_out) & ~dc_asi_store_tag_w;

//  Keeps dwait turned on until nforce_dva_f is asserted
	dt_flush_w_extended_hold_ff (dc_flush_hold, 
	 (dc_flush_hold | dc_flush_op_w) & ~nforce_dva_f & ~iu_in_trap_d1,
	  	 ~ss_reset, ss_clock) ;

    // Used by dwait - first W-cycle of load or store to ICache, ITag, or
    //     DTag ASI.
    Mflipflop_r dc_asi_load_tag_w1_ff(first_w_of_cache_ram_asi,
			& ((ld_op_e|st_op_e)
			& ( (iu_asi_e == 6'h0c)
			    | (iu_asi_e == 6'h0d)
			    | (iu_asi_e == 6'h0e) )),
     	~ss_reset, ss_clock);

    // State encoding
    //	IDLE		= 12'b000000000001,
    //	STAT_WAIT	= 12'b000000000010,
    //	STAT		= 12'b000000000100,
    //	FILL_WAIT	= 12'b000000001000,
    //	FILL_WRITE_F	= 12'b000000010000,
    //	DEAD_CYC_1	= 12'b000000100000,
    //	DEAD_CYC_2	= 12'b000001000000,
    //	DEAD_CYC_3	= 12'b000010000000,
    //	FILL_WRITE_L	= 12'b000100000000,
    //	NC_WAIT		= 12'b001000000000,
    //	NC_BYP		= 12'b010000000000,
    //	NC_RETRY	= 12'b100000000000;

//  Decodes of the state machine

    assign dcc_idle 		= dcc_state[0];
    assign dcc_stat_wait 	= dcc_state[1];
    assign dcc_ld_stat_wait = dcc_stat_wait & ~dcc_st_miss ;
    assign dcc_st_stat_wait = dcc_stat_wait & dcc_st_miss ;
// Added for 3 cycle stores
    assign dcc_stat 		= (dcc_stat_new) ? 1'b1 :dcc_state[2];
    assign dcc_ld_stat 		= dcc_stat & ~dcc_st_miss ;
    assign dcc_st_stat 		= dcc_stat_new & dcc_st_miss ;
    assign dcc_fill_wait 	= dcc_state[3];
    assign dcc_fill_write_f 	= dcc_state[4];
    assign dcc_dead_cyc_1	= dcc_state[5];
    assign dcc_dead_cyc_2	= dcc_state[6];
    assign dcc_dead_cyc_3	= dcc_state[7];
    assign dcc_dead_cyc	= dcc_dead_cyc_1 | dcc_dead_cyc_2 | dcc_dead_cyc_3 ;
    assign dcc_fill_write_l 	= dcc_state[8];
    assign dcc_nc_wait 		= dcc_state[9];
    assign dcc_ld_nc_wait	= dcc_nc_wait & ~dcc_st_miss ;
    assign dcc_nc_bypass 	= dcc_state[10];
    assign dcc_ld_nc_bypass	= dcc_nc_bypass & ~dcc_st_miss ;
    assign dcc_nc_retry 	= dcc_state[11];
    assign dcc_ld_nc_retry 	= dcc_nc_retry & ~dcc_st_miss ;

    // synopsys translate_off
    always @(posedge ss_clock) if (mm_dstat_avail & mm_dabort)
	"dcache: mm_dstat_avail and mm_dabort both asserted in same cycle") ;
    // synopsys translate_on

    rl_dc_sm rl_dc_sm(
	.dcc_state (dcc_state),
	.normal_asi_w (normal_asi_w),
	.wb_empty (wb_empty),
	.ic_miss (ic_miss),
	.nonheld_once (nonheld_once),
	.parity_error_in_fill (parity_error_in_fill | parity_error),
	.dcc_st_miss (dcc_st_miss),
	.dc_miss (dc_miss),
    	.mm_dabort (mm_dabort),
    	.mm_dcstben (mm_dcstben),
//    	.mm_dstat_avail (mm_dstat_avail | dc_perf_dstat_avail), // For perfmeter
    	.mm_dstat_avail (mm_dstat_avail),
//    	.cached (cached & ~dc_perf_dstat_avail),
    	.cached (cached),
	.iu_held (iu_held),
	.iu_in_trap (iu_in_trap),  // Register removed to fix Bug 260
 	.ss_reset (ss_reset),
	.ss_clock (ss_clock)

    herbulator herbulator (
	.little_endian	(little_endian),       // add this bit for little endian support if = 1
	.din		(dc_do[63:0]),
	.ld_iu	(ld_iu[31:0]),
	.ld_fpu	(ld_fpu[63:0]),
	.lddi_r	(lddi_r),
	.sel_ld_fpu_w (sel_ld_fpu_w),
	.sgnd_ld_e (sgnd_ld_e),
	.size_w (size_w),
	.iu_dva_w (iu_dva_w[2:0]),
	.iu_held (iu_held),
	.ss_reset (ss_reset),
	.rt_clk (ss_clock)

    store_aligner store_aligner (
        .fp_dout_e              (fp_dout_e[63:0]),
        .iu_dout		(iu_dout[63:0]),
	.wb_dout		(wb_dout),
	.little_endian		(little_endian),
        .iu_store_data		(iu_store_data[31:0]),
        .select_FP_DOUT		(select_FP_DOUT),
        .select_IU_DOUT		(select_IU_DOUT),  
        .sel_ldstb_1		(sel_ldstb_1)

    writebuffer writebuffer (
 	.release_hold   (atomic_dstat_avail),
// 	.cancel_last    (cancel_last),
 	.iu_in_trap     (iu_in_trap),
 	.add_wb_entry_d1 (add_wb_entry_d1),
	.wb_empty	(wb_empty),
	.wb_valid	(wb_valid),
	.wb0_hold_hi	(wb0_hold_lo),
        .wb1_hold_hi	(wb1_hold_lo),
        .wb2_hold_hi	(wb2_hold_lo),
        .wb3_hold_hi	(wb3_hold_lo),
        .wb_1_sel_lo	(wb_1_sel),
        .wb_2_sel_lo	(wb_2_sel),
        .wb_3_sel_lo	(wb_3_sel),
	.iu_held	(iu_held),
	.iu_held_l	(iu_held_l),
	.stdi_e		(stdi_e),
	.din		(wb_dout[63:0]),
	.little_endian  (little_endian),
	.st_op_wb_e	(st_op_wb_e),
	.dt_hit_w	(dt_hit_w),
	.dc_miss_or_part (dc_miss_or_part),
	.dc_miss_and_part (dc_miss_and_part),
        .nonatomic_st_e	(nonatomic_st_e),
        .nomiss_asi_e	(nomiss_asi_e),
        .atomic_op_w	(atomic_op_w),
        .nomiss_asi_w	(nomiss_asi_w),
        .dcc_idle	(dcc_idle),
        .atomic_wb_strobed	(atomic_wb_strobed),
        .dcc_stat_wait	(dcc_stat_wait),
        .mm_dstat_avail	(mm_dstat_avail),
	.wb_full	(wb_full),
	.dout		(wrtbuf[31:0]),
//	.dout		(swapbuf[31:0]),
	.mm_dcdaten_in	(mm_dcdaten_in),
	.mm_wbstb	(mm_wbstb),
	.mm_wbsel1	(mm_wbsel1),
	.wb_reset	(ss_reset),
	.wb_clk		(ss_clock)

    // synopsys translate_off

    // For dcc displays:

    // Convert 1-hot state value to binary number
    function [7:0] dc_state_encode ;
	input [11:0] state ;
	dc_state_encode = ((^state)===1'bx) ? 'bx : {
	    ((state & 12'b111100000000)!=0),
	    ((state & 12'b000011110000)!=0),
	    ((state & 12'b110011001100)!=0),
	    ((state & 12'b101010101010)!=0)
	} ;

    reg [15:0] dc_state_str [0:11] ;
    initial begin
	dc_state_str[0]  = ". " ;	// IDLE
	dc_state_str[1]  = "Sw" ;	// STAT_WAIT
	dc_state_str[2]  = "S " ;	// STAT
	dc_state_str[3]  = "Fw" ;	// FILL_WAIT
	dc_state_str[4]  = "Ff" ;	// FILL_WRITE_F
	dc_state_str[5]  = "D1" ;	// DEAD_CYC_1
	dc_state_str[6]  = "D2" ;	// DEAD_CYC_2
	dc_state_str[7]  = "D3" ;	// DEAD_CYC_3
	dc_state_str[8]  = "Fl" ;	// FILL_WRITE_L
	dc_state_str[9]  = "Nw" ;	// NC_WAIT
	dc_state_str[10] = "Nb" ;	// NC_BYP
	dc_state_str[11] = "Nr" ;	// NC_RETRY

    task dc_st ;
	input [(`LOGDCCBYTES-1):0] bidx ;
	input [31:0] labellen ;
	reg [(`LOGDCCCYCLES-1):0] cidx ;
	reg [7:0] byte ;
	    Mccdisp.pspaces(Mccdisp.dcc_labellen-labellen) ;
	    cidx=Mccdisp.from ;
	    repeat(Mccdisp.ccdn) begin
		byte = Mccdisp.dccvec[{cidx,bidx}] ;
		if ((^byte)===1'bx) $write(" x ") ;
		else $write(" %s", dc_state_str[byte]) ;
		cidx= cidx+1 ;

    // For signalscan displays:
    wire [15:0] dc_state_lbl =
	(^dcc_state===1'bx) ? "x " : dc_state_str[dc_state_encode(dcc_state)] ;

    // synopsys translate_on


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