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// @(#)writebuffer.v	1.46 4/17/93
// This file contains the writebuffer data, along with the valid bits.
// There are basically 4 modes of operation
// 1. Shift out of the write buffer.
// 2. Shift into the write buffer.
// 3. Shift in and Shift out (at the same time) from the write buffer.
// 4. Handle STD (int), seperately from any other type of store.
// Important:
// The write buffer should not be shifted it it is empty.
// The write buffer is a FIFO, connected as follows:
//     wb_0 -> wb_1 -> wb_2 -> wb_3 -> (dout_pre) -> (dout)
[Up: rl_dc_cntl writebuffer]
module writebuffer(
		// cancel_last,

		st_op_wb_e,         // Instead use inputs below


	// 7 signals for the mmu to clock the associated VA regs

	// NOTE : these four signals are register *load* enables,
	//     not register *hold* controls.  Please change the names
	//     (to either *_hold_*_l or *_load_*)!!  JP 

 input release_hold;
 input [63:0] din;
 input little_endian;
 output [31:0] dout;  // Changed from 64 -> 32 bit bus
 output wb_full;
// input cancel_last;
 input iu_in_trap;
 input add_wb_entry_d1;

 output st_op_wb_e;
 input dc_miss_or_part;
 input dt_hit_w;
 input dc_miss_and_part;
 input nonatomic_st_e;
 input nomiss_asi_e;
 input atomic_op_w;
 input nomiss_asi_w;
 input dcc_idle;
 input atomic_wb_strobed;
 input dcc_stat_wait;
 input mm_dstat_avail;

 input mm_dcdaten_in;
 input mm_wbstb;
 input mm_wbsel1;
 input wb_reset;
 input wb_clk;
 input stdi_e;
 input iu_held;
 input iu_held_l;
 output wb_empty;
 output wb0_hold_hi;
 output wb1_hold_hi;
 output wb2_hold_hi;
 output wb3_hold_hi;

 output wb_1_sel_lo;
 output wb_2_sel_lo;
 output wb_3_sel_lo;
 output [1:0] wb_valid;

 wire wb_shift_out;

 wire [63:0] wb_0_out;
 wire [63:0] wb_1_out;
 wire [63:0] wb_2_out;
 wire [63:0] wb_3_out;

 wire little_0_out;
 wire little_1_out;
 wire little_2_out;
 wire little_3_out;

 wire [63:0] wb_1_in;
 wire [63:0] wb_2_in;
 wire [63:0] wb_3_in;

 wire wb_0_vin;
 wire wb_1_vin;
 wire wb_2_vin;
 wire wb_3_vin;

 wire wb_0_vout;
 wire wb_1_vout;
 wire wb_2_vout;
 wire wb_3_vout;

 // Logic replicated to speedup iu_in_trap setup SETHLD
 wire cancel_last = iu_in_trap & add_wb_entry_d1 ;

 // Logic moved to speedup dt_hit_w and mm_dstat_avail SETHLD's
 wire dc_miss = dc_miss_or_part | (~dt_hit_w & dc_miss_and_part);
 wire atomic_dstat_avail =
        (atomic_op_w & ~nomiss_asi_w
            & dcc_stat_wait & mm_dstat_avail & ~atomic_wb_strobed);
 wire st_op_wb_e =
   (~dc_miss & atomic_op_w & ~nomiss_asi_w & dcc_idle & ~atomic_wb_strobed)
      | atomic_dstat_avail
      | (nonatomic_st_e & ~nomiss_asi_e)

 // Hard coded critical iu_held path.
 // module JDB22A(A1, A2, B1, B2, O); A1, B1 are fastest inputs
 wire iu_std_e = st_op_wb_e & stdi_e ;
 wire iu_std_wd2_input, iu_std_wd2_new;
 JDB22A iu_std_wd2_gate1 (.A1(iu_held_l), .A2(iu_std_e), 
	.B1(release_hold), .B2(stdi_e), .O(iu_std_wd2_input));
 Mflipflop_r wb_std2_ff (iu_std_wd2_new, iu_std_wd2_input,
   				 ~wb_reset, wb_clk);

 // Store data registers (4)

 wire hold_wb_0, hold_wb_0_lsw, hold_wb_1, hold_wb_1_lsw,
     hold_wb_2, hold_wb_2_lsw, hold_wb_3, hold_wb_3_lsw ;

 Mflipflop_32 write_buffer_0_lo (wb_0_out[31:0], din[31:0],
      wb_clk, hold_wb_0_lsw);
 Mflipflop_32 write_buffer_0_hi (wb_0_out[63:32], din[63:32],
     wb_clk, hold_wb_0);
 Mflipflop_1 write_buffer_0 (little_0_out, little_endian,
     wb_clk, hold_wb_0);

 //  Muxes for din of wb 1,2,3 are built into the flipflop cells

 // If the *next* reg (towards BOQ) is valid, get your MSW input from that
 //     register, and get your LSW from that register unless that register
 //     is a half-filled StD.  In all other cases, input comes from din.

 wire wb_0_lsw_valid, wb_1_lsw_valid, wb_2_lsw_valid, wb_3_lsw_valid ;
 Mflipflop_mux2_h_32 write_buffer_1_lo (wb_1_out[31:0],
     din[31:0], wb_0_out[31:0], wb_0_lsw_valid,
     hold_wb_1_lsw, wb_clk);
 Mflipflop_mux2_h_32 write_buffer_1_hi (wb_1_out[63:32],
     din[63:32], wb_0_out[63:32], wb_0_vout,
     hold_wb_1, wb_clk);
 Mflipflop_mux2_h_1 write_buffer_1 (little_1_out,
     little_endian, little_0_out, wb_0_vout,
     hold_wb_1, wb_clk);

 Mflipflop_mux2_h_32 write_buffer_2_lo (wb_2_out[31:0],
     din[31:0], wb_1_out[31:0], wb_1_lsw_valid,
     hold_wb_2_lsw, wb_clk);
 Mflipflop_mux2_h_32 write_buffer_2_hi (wb_2_out[63:32],
     din[63:32], wb_1_out[63:32], wb_1_vout,
     hold_wb_2, wb_clk);
 Mflipflop_mux2_h_1 write_buffer_2 (little_2_out,
     little_endian, little_1_out, wb_1_vout,
     hold_wb_2, wb_clk);

 Mflipflop_mux2_h_32 write_buffer_3_lo (wb_3_out[31:0],
     din[31:0], wb_2_out[31:0], wb_2_lsw_valid,
     hold_wb_3_lsw, wb_clk);
 Mflipflop_mux2_h_32 write_buffer_3_hi (wb_3_out[63:32],
     din[63:32], wb_2_out[63:32], wb_2_vout,
     hold_wb_3, wb_clk);
 Mflipflop_mux2_h_1 write_buffer_3 (little_3_out,
     little_endian, little_2_out, wb_2_vout,
     hold_wb_3, wb_clk);

 // Valid bits (4)

 MflipflopR wb_0_vb (wb_0_vout, wb_0_vin,
     wb_clk, hold_wb_0, wb_reset);
 MflipflopR wb_1_vb (wb_1_vout, wb_1_vin,
     wb_clk, hold_wb_1, wb_reset);
 MflipflopR wb_2_vb (wb_2_vout, wb_2_vin,
     wb_clk, hold_wb_2, wb_reset);
 MflipflopR wb_3_vb (wb_3_vout, wb_3_vin,
      wb_clk, hold_wb_3, wb_reset);

// For mmu 
 assign wb_valid = {wb_3_vout, wb_2_vout};

 // The LSW is valid if the MSW is valid, unless this is the last valid queue
 //     entry and we're writing the second half of a StD.
 // Bug # 564
 // It was assumed all along that the FIFO will only show
 // valid bit rep's like 0000, 0001, 0011, 1111. But unfortunately
 // with the cancel operation, a string like this is possible 0101.
 // This messes up the lsw of the WB for int std'd. Its fixed by
 // invalidating the 'iu_std_wd2' signal during traps.

 wire iu_std_wd2 = iu_std_wd2_new & ~cancel_last;

 assign wb_0_lsw_valid = wb_0_vout & ~iu_std_wd2 ;
 assign wb_1_lsw_valid = wb_1_vout & ~(iu_std_wd2 & ~wb_0_vout) ;
 assign wb_2_lsw_valid = wb_2_vout & ~(iu_std_wd2 & ~wb_1_vout) ;
 assign wb_3_lsw_valid = wb_3_vout & ~(iu_std_wd2 & ~wb_2_vout) ;

 // Hold the valid bit and the MSW of a register if we're not shifting and
 //     it's valid; hold the LSW of a register if we're not shifting, it's
 //     valid, and it's not the last valid register during the write of the
 //     second word of a StD.  Load all the registers on a Shift.

 // assign hold_wb_0 = ~wb_shift_out & wb_0_vout ;
 // assign hold_wb_1 = ~wb_shift_out & wb_1_vout ;
 // assign hold_wb_2 = ~wb_shift_out & wb_2_vout ;
 // assign hold_wb_3 = ~wb_shift_out & wb_3_vout ;

 wire wb_0_vin_cancel, wb_1_vin_cancel, wb_2_vin_cancel, wb_3_vin_cancel;

 assign hold_wb_0 = ~wb_shift_out & wb_0_vout & ~wb_0_vin_cancel;
 assign hold_wb_1 = ~wb_shift_out & wb_1_vout & ~wb_1_vin_cancel;
 assign hold_wb_2 = ~wb_shift_out & wb_2_vout & ~wb_2_vin_cancel;
 assign hold_wb_3 = ~wb_shift_out & wb_3_vout & ~wb_3_vin_cancel;

 assign hold_wb_0_lsw = ~wb_shift_out & wb_0_lsw_valid ;
 assign hold_wb_1_lsw = ~wb_shift_out & wb_1_lsw_valid ;
 assign hold_wb_2_lsw = ~wb_shift_out & wb_2_lsw_valid ;
 assign hold_wb_3_lsw = ~wb_shift_out & wb_3_lsw_valid ;

 // On adding an entry, don't set it valid until the pipe advances (see Bug 7).
 // For integer store double, set it valid as soon as the StD reaches the
 //     W-stage (just like any other store); the second half of the data
 //     will be written at the end of the first 'valid' cycle (see Bug 9).

 // Directly hardcoded, for iu_held
 // wire add_entry = st_op_wb_e & ~(iu_held & ~release_hold) ;

 // These are don't-cares when the corresponding valid bit is already set.
 // wire set_wb_0 = (st_op_wb_e & ~(iu_held & ~release_hold)) & wb_1_vout ;
 // wire set_wb_1 = (st_op_wb_e & ~(iu_held & ~release_hold)) & wb_2_vout ;
 // wire set_wb_2 = (st_op_wb_e & ~(iu_held & ~release_hold)) & wb_3_vout ;
 // wire set_wb_3 = (st_op_wb_e & ~(iu_held & ~release_hold)) ;

 // Used only for Shift into a full FIFO
 // wire set_wb_m1 = (st_op_wb_e & ~(iu_held & ~release_hold)) & wb_0_vout ;

 // Remember that valid bit is held when set and no Shift.
 // assign wb_0_vin = wb_shift_out ? set_wb_m1 : set_wb_0 ;
 // assign wb_1_vin = wb_shift_out ? (wb_0_vout | set_wb_0) : set_wb_1 ;
 // assign wb_2_vin = wb_shift_out ? (wb_1_vout | set_wb_1) : set_wb_2 ;
 // assign wb_3_vin = wb_shift_out ? (wb_2_vout | set_wb_2) : set_wb_3 ;
 // Insert a 1'b0 during a cancel_last cycle)
 // 2 cases a) Shift & cancel b) ~Shift & cancel

 assign wb_0_vin_cancel = 
 (cancel_last & wb_0_vout & ~wb_shift_out);
 assign wb_1_vin_cancel = 
 (cancel_last & wb_1_vout & ~wb_0_vout & ~wb_shift_out)
 | (cancel_last & wb_0_vout & wb_shift_out); 
 assign wb_2_vin_cancel = 
 (cancel_last & wb_2_vout & ~wb_1_vout & ~wb_0_vout & ~wb_shift_out)
 | (cancel_last & wb_1_vout & ~wb_0_vout & wb_shift_out); 
 assign wb_3_vin_cancel =
 (cancel_last & wb_3_vout & ~wb_2_vout & ~wb_1_vout & ~wb_0_vout & ~wb_shift_out)
 | (cancel_last & wb_2_vout & ~wb_1_vout & ~wb_0_vout & wb_shift_out);

// assign wb_0_vin = 
//  (wb_0_vin_cancel) ? 1'b0 : (wb_shift_out ? set_wb_m1 : set_wb_0) ;
// assign wb_1_vin = 
//  (wb_1_vin_cancel) ? 1'b0 : (wb_shift_out ? (wb_0_vout | set_wb_0) : set_wb_1) ;
// assign wb_2_vin = 
//  (wb_2_vin_cancel) ? 1'b0 : (wb_shift_out ? (wb_1_vout | set_wb_1) : set_wb_2) ;
// assign wb_3_vin = 
//  (wb_3_vin_cancel) ? 1'b0 : (wb_shift_out ? (wb_2_vout | set_wb_2) : set_wb_3) ;

// Most critical iu_held path in . Hard coded. 
// The logic below is a replica of the 2-level muxes shown above.
// Look above for a more logical explaination.
// module ANAND5C(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, O); A5 is the fastest
// module JNAND4C(A1, A2, A3, A4, O); A4 is the fastest
// module JNAND2B(A1, A2, O); A2 is the fastest

// assign wb_0_vin = 
   wire wb_0_vin_a5, wb_0_vin_a4, wb_0_vin_a3, wb_0_vin_a2, wb_0_vin_a1;
   ANAND5C wb_0_vin_gate1( .A1(~wb_0_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out),  
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_0_vout), .A5(iu_held_l), .O(wb_0_vin_a1)); 
   ANAND5C wb_0_vin_gate2( .A1(~wb_0_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out),  
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_0_vout), .A5(release_hold), .O(wb_0_vin_a2));
   ANAND5C wb_0_vin_gate3( .A1(~wb_0_vin_cancel), .A2(~wb_shift_out),
	.A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_1_vout),.A5(release_hold), .O(wb_0_vin_a3));
   ANAND5C wb_0_vin_gate4( .A1(~wb_0_vin_cancel), .A2(~wb_shift_out),
	.A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_1_vout),.A5(iu_held_l), .O(wb_0_vin_a4));

   JNAND4C wb_0_vin_gate5( .A1(wb_0_vin_a1), .A2(wb_0_vin_a2), 
			.A3(wb_0_vin_a3), .A4(wb_0_vin_a4), .O(wb_0_vin));

// assign wb_1_vin =  
   wire wb_1_vin_a5, wb_1_vin_a4, wb_1_vin_a3, wb_1_vin_a2, wb_1_vin_a1;

   JNAND3B wb_1_vin_gate1( .A1(~wb_1_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out), 
					.A3(wb_0_vout), .O(wb_1_vin_a1));
   ANAND5C wb_1_vin_gate2( .A1(~wb_1_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out),
	.A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_1_vout),.A5(release_hold), .O(wb_1_vin_a2));
   ANAND5C wb_1_vin_gate3( .A1(~wb_1_vin_cancel), .A2(~wb_shift_out),
	.A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_2_vout),.A5(release_hold), .O(wb_1_vin_a3));
   ANAND5C wb_1_vin_gate4( .A1(~wb_1_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out),
	.A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_1_vout),.A5(iu_held_l), .O(wb_1_vin_a4));
   ANAND5C wb_1_vin_gate5( .A1(~wb_1_vin_cancel), .A2(~wb_shift_out),
	.A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_2_vout),.A5(iu_held_l), .O(wb_1_vin_a5));

   ANAND5C wb_1_vin_gate6( .A1(wb_1_vin_a1), .A2(wb_1_vin_a2), 
	.A3(wb_1_vin_a3), .A4(wb_1_vin_a4), .A5(wb_1_vin_a5), .O(wb_1_vin));

// assign wb_2_vin =  
   wire wb_2_vin_a5, wb_2_vin_a4, wb_2_vin_a3, wb_2_vin_a2, wb_2_vin_a1;

   JNAND3B wb_2_vin_gate1( .A1(~wb_2_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out), 
                                        .A3(wb_1_vout), .O(wb_2_vin_a1));
   ANAND5C wb_2_vin_gate2( .A1(~wb_2_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out),
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_2_vout),.A5(release_hold), .O(wb_2_vin_a2));
   ANAND5C wb_2_vin_gate3( .A1(~wb_2_vin_cancel), .A2(~wb_shift_out),
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_3_vout),.A5(release_hold), .O(wb_2_vin_a3));
   ANAND5C wb_2_vin_gate4( .A1(~wb_2_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out),
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_2_vout),.A5(iu_held_l), .O(wb_2_vin_a4));
   ANAND5C wb_2_vin_gate5( .A1(~wb_2_vin_cancel), .A2(~wb_shift_out),    
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_3_vout),.A5(iu_held_l), .O(wb_2_vin_a5));

   ANAND5C wb_2_vin_gate6( .A1(wb_2_vin_a1), .A2(wb_2_vin_a2), 
	.A3(wb_2_vin_a3), .A4(wb_2_vin_a4), .A5(wb_2_vin_a5), .O(wb_2_vin));

// assign wb_3_vin =  
   wire wb_3_vin_a5, wb_3_vin_a4, wb_3_vin_a3, wb_3_vin_a2, wb_3_vin_a1;
   JNAND3B wb_3_vin_gate1( .A1(~wb_3_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out),  
                                        .A3(wb_2_vout), .O(wb_3_vin_a1)); 
   ANAND5C wb_3_vin_gate2( .A1(~wb_3_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out), 
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_3_vout),.A5(release_hold), .O(wb_3_vin_a2)); 
   JNAND4C wb_3_vin_gate3( .A1(~wb_3_vin_cancel), .A2(~wb_shift_out), 
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(release_hold), .O(wb_3_vin_a3)); 
   ANAND5C wb_3_vin_gate4( .A1(~wb_3_vin_cancel), .A2(wb_shift_out), 
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(wb_3_vout),.A5(iu_held_l), .O(wb_3_vin_a4)); 
   JNAND4C wb_3_vin_gate5( .A1(~wb_3_vin_cancel), .A2(~wb_shift_out),     
        .A3(st_op_wb_e), .A4(iu_held_l), .O(wb_3_vin_a5)); 
   ANAND5C wb_3_vin_gate6( .A1(wb_3_vin_a1), .A2(wb_3_vin_a2), 
	.A3(wb_3_vin_a3), .A4(wb_3_vin_a4), .A5(wb_3_vin_a5), .O(wb_3_vin));

  assign wb_shift_out = mm_wbstb ;

 // wb buffer full signal, will hold the iu pipe.

 assign wb_full =  wb_0_vout & wb_1_vout & wb_2_vout & wb_3_vout;
 assign wb_empty =  ~(wb_0_vout | wb_1_vout | wb_2_vout | wb_3_vout) ;

 // Tristate enable's .. (higher word with mm_wbsel1)

 Mflipflop_r wb_sel_ff (wbsel_hi, mm_wbsel1, ~wb_reset, wb_clk);

function [63:0] swapit;
  input [63:0] din;
  input little_endian;
      1'b0: swapit = din;
      1'b1: begin
            swapit[7:0] = din [63:56];
            swapit[15:8] = din [55:48];
            swapit[23:16] = din [47:40];
            swapit[31:24] = din [39:32];
            swapit[39:32] = din [31:24];
            swapit[47:40] = din [23:16];
            swapit[55:48] = din [15:8];
            swapit[63:56] = din [7:0];

wire [63:0]  wb_3_swap = swapit(wb_3_out,little_endian);

wire [31:00] wb_out = wbsel_hi ? wb_3_swap[63:32] : wb_3_swap[31:0] ;

wire [31:00] dout_pre;

 tri_regen_32 wb_tri32_wbstben1 ( dout[31:0], wb_out , wb_clk, 
						mm_dcdaten_in, wb_reset); 

    // Outputs to the address portion of writebuffer.
    assign wb0_hold_hi = ~hold_wb_0 ;
    assign wb1_hold_hi = ~hold_wb_1 ;
    assign wb2_hold_hi = ~hold_wb_2 ;
    assign wb3_hold_hi = ~hold_wb_3 ;
    assign wb_1_sel_lo = wb_0_vout ;
    assign wb_2_sel_lo = wb_1_vout ;
    assign wb_3_sel_lo = wb_2_vout ;


[Up: writebuffer write_buffer_1_lo][Up: writebuffer write_buffer_1_hi][Up: writebuffer write_buffer_2_lo][Up: writebuffer write_buffer_2_hi][Up: writebuffer write_buffer_3_lo][Up: writebuffer write_buffer_3_hi]
module Mflipflop_mux2_h_32(out, in0, in1, select, enable_l, clock) ;
output [31:0] out ;
input [31:0] in0, in1 ;
input select ;
input enable_l ;
input clock ;

wire [31:0] mux_out;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(Mux2_32bit, 32, out[31:0], in0[31:0], in1[31:0], sel1)
    function [32:1] Mux2_32bit ;
        input [32:1] in0_fn ;
        input [32:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [32:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            Mux2_32bit = out_fn ;
    assign mux_out[31:0] = Mux2_32bit(in0[31:0], in1[31:0], select) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

    Mflipflop_h_32 ff(out, mux_out, enable_l, clock);


[Up: writebuffer write_buffer_1][Up: writebuffer write_buffer_2][Up: writebuffer write_buffer_3]
module Mflipflop_mux2_h_1(out, in0, in1, select, enable_l, clock) ;
output out ;
input in0, in1 ;
input select ;
input enable_l ;
input clock ;
wire mux_out;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    function Mux2_1bit ;
        input in0_fn ;
        input in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 1'bx;
            Mux2_1bit = out_fn ;
    assign mux_out = Mux2_1bit(in0, in1, select) ;
    // Expanded macro end.
    Mflipflop_h_1 ff(out, mux_out, enable_l, clock);



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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/cc/rl_dc_cntl/rtl/writebuffer.v

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