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//  @(#)fp_qst.v	1.17  2/20/93
// **********************************************************************
//  High-level verilog model of instruction queue (FQ) and store datapath;
//  contains fpu instruction and address registers.
// **********************************************************************

[Up: fp_fpc fpqst]
module fp_qst (ss_clock, inst_for_int, iu_epc, fsr_out, fprf_dout3, fq_ld_nval,
		fq_src_sel, fpstmux_sel_e, hld_ir_d, fq_update, ext_hold,
		ext_flush, ir_d, ir_rd_e, ir_rs1_e, ir_rs2_e,
		rs1_dbl_issue, fq_rd_used, fq_rs1_dbl, fq_rs1_used,
		fq_rs1_0, fq_rs2_0, opf5_q0, fq_ir_0, fq_ir_1, fq_ir_2,
		fprf_ra1, fprf_ra2, FpInst, fpm_inst, fp_dout_e);

input [31:0] inst_for_int;	// Input to D-stage instruction register
input [31:2] iu_epc;		// tap from IU E-stage pc (30-bits)
input [22:0] fsr_out;		// output of fsr (non-constant bits)
input [63:0] fprf_dout3;	// store port of fpu reg file
input [2:0]  fq_ld_nval;	// queue load control, not validated
input [1:0]  fq_src_sel;	// FQ output source mux selects
input	ss_clock,		// FPU clock
	hld_ir_d,		// inverted load signal for decode register,
				// must be gated with ext_hold.
	fq_update,		// update fifo for writeback or stdfq
	ext_hold,		// IU pipeline held (frozen)
	ext_flush;		// FPU flush (IU trap)
input [2:0] fpstmux_sel_e;	// fp_dout_e mux selects

output [31:0] ir_d;		// D-stage instruction register output
output [ 4:0] ir_rd_e,		// E-stage instr. reg. field outputs
	      ir_rs2_e ;
output	      rs1_dbl_issue,	// operand size of FPop being issued
	      fq_rs1_0,		// low bit of rs1 reg field
	      fq_rs2_0,		// low bit of rs2 reg field
	      opf5_q0;		// opf[5] of fq0
output [ 2:0] fq_rd_used,	// indicates whether or not rd is used
	      fq_rs1_dbl,	// size of rs1,rs2
	      fq_rs1_used ;	// indicates whether rs1 is used
output [15:0] fq_ir_0,		// fq outputs to rest of fpc
output [ 3:0] fprf_ra1,		// FP reg file port 1 read address
	      fprf_ra2 ;	// FP reg file port 2 read address
output [ 9:0] FpInst ;		// FPop instruction
output [ 1:0] fpm_inst ;	// multiplier instruction (size)
output [63:0] fp_dout_e;	// output data bus from FPU into the IU

wire [31:0] ir_d ;
wire [24:0] ir_ibits_e ;
wire [24:0] qi_0, qi_1, qi_2 ;
wire [15:0] fq_ir_0, fq_ir_1, fq_ir_2 ;
wire [31:2] qa_0, qa_1, qa_2 ;
wire [63:0] fp_dout_unbuff ;

ME_TIEOFF toff(vdd,gnd);

assign opf5_q0 = qi_0[10] ;

				// format:
				// [15:11]   [10]   [9:5]   [4:0]
				//   rd     op3[0]   rs1     rs2
assign fq_ir_0[15:5] = qi_0[24:14] ;
assign fq_ir_0[ 4:0] = qi_0[ 4: 0] ;

assign fq_ir_1[15:5] = qi_1[24:14] ;
assign fq_ir_1[ 4:0] = qi_1[ 4: 0] ;

assign fq_ir_2[15:5] = qi_2[24:14] ;
assign fq_ir_2[ 4:0] = qi_2[ 4: 0] ;

wire no_holds = ~ext_hold ;

// **********************************************************************
				// load controls duplicated in qcore_ctl
wire [2:0] fq_ld, fq_ld_nh, fq_ld_ctl ;

assign fq_ld_nh[0] = fq_ld_nval[0] & ~ext_flush ;
assign fq_ld_nh[1] = fq_ld_nval[1] & ~ext_flush ;
assign fq_ld_nh[2] = fq_ld_nval[2] & ~ext_flush ;

	// fq_ld[x] = ~ext_hold & fq_ld_nh[x];
	// ~fq_ld[x] = ~(ext_hold | ~fq_ld_nh[x]);

	// fq_ld_ctl[x]  = (~ext_hold & fq_ld_nh[x]) | fq_update;
	// ~fq_ld_ctl[x] = (ext_hold | ~fq_ld_nh[x]) & ~fq_update;

// **********************************************************************
				// load control for decode register
				// hold_d = (ext_hold | hld_ir_d);
wire [3:0] hold_d;
ME_OR2_B iu_hold_gate_1 (.a(ext_hold), .b(hld_ir_d), .z(hold_d[0]) );
ME_OR2_B iu_hold_gate_2 (.a(ext_hold), .b(hld_ir_d), .z(hold_d[1]) );
ME_OR2_B iu_hold_gate_3 (.a(ext_hold), .b(hld_ir_d), .z(hold_d[2]) );
ME_OR2_B iu_hold_gate_4 (.a(ext_hold), .b(hld_ir_d), .z(hold_d[3]) );

				// decode instruction register (FPU copy)
ME_FREG_H_32 ir_reg_d (ss_clock, hold_d[3:0], inst_for_int[31:0], ir_d[31:0] );

				// non-constant bits of FPU instructions
				// format:
				// [24:20]   [19]  [18:14]  [13:5]  [4:0]
				//   rd     op3[0]   rs1     opf     rs2
wire [24:0] ir_ibits_d = {ir_d[29:25], ir_d[19:0]} ;

// **********************************************************************
				// E-stage instruction register
wire ld_ir_e = ~ext_hold ;

ME_FREGA_1_25 ir_reg_e (ss_clock, ld_ir_e, ir_ibits_d, ir_ibits_e);

assign ir_rd_e  = ir_ibits_e[24:20] ;
assign ir_rs1_e = ir_ibits_e[18:14] ;
assign ir_rs2_e = ir_ibits_e[4:0] ;

// **********************************************************************
				// fpu queue (FQ) registers (built-in 2:1 mux)
	// fq_hold[x] = (ext_hold | ~fq_ld_nh[x]) & ~fq_update;
	// fq_sel[x] = ~(ext_hold | ~fq_ld_nh[x]);

ME_FREGA_2_55 fq2_reg ( .clk(ss_clock),
			.a(ext_hold), .b(~fq_ld_nh[2]), .c(1'b1),
			.d0( 55'b0 ),
			.d1( {ir_ibits_e[24:0], iu_epc[31:2]} ),
			.Q( {qi_2[24:0], qa_2[31:2]} ));

ME_FREGA_2_55 fq1_reg ( .clk(ss_clock),
			.a(ext_hold), .b(~fq_ld_nh[1]), .c(~fq_update),
			.d0( {qi_2[24:0], qa_2[31:2]} ),
			.d1( {ir_ibits_e[24:0], iu_epc[31:2]} ),
			.Q( {qi_1[24:0], qa_1[31:2]} ));

ME_FREGA_2_55 fq0_reg ( .clk(ss_clock),
			.a(ext_hold), .b(~fq_ld_nh[0]), .c(~fq_update),
			.d0( {qi_1[24:0], qa_1[31:2]} ),
			.d1( {ir_ibits_e[24:0], iu_epc[31:2]} ),
			.Q( {qi_0[24:0], qa_0[31:2]} ));

// **********************************************************************
				// register file read address muxes
ME_MUX_4B_4 rfra1_mux (fq_src_sel[0], fq_src_sel[1], qi_0[18:15], qi_1[18:15],
			qi_2[18:15], ir_ibits_e[18:15], fprf_ra1[3:0] );

ME_MUX4B fq_rs1_0_mux (fq_src_sel[0], fq_src_sel[1], qi_0[14], qi_1[14],
			qi_2[14], ir_ibits_e[14], fq_rs1_0) ;

ME_MUX_4B_4 rfra2_mux (fq_src_sel[0], fq_src_sel[1], qi_0[4:1], qi_1[4:1],
			qi_2[4:1], ir_ibits_e[4:1], fprf_ra2[3:0] );

ME_MUX4B fq_rs2_0_mux (fq_src_sel[0], fq_src_sel[1], qi_0[0], qi_1[0],
			qi_2[0], ir_ibits_e[0], fq_rs2_0) ;

				// FPop instruction mux
ME_MUX_4B_10 fpinst_mux (fq_src_sel[0], fq_src_sel[1], {qi_0[19], qi_0[13:5]},
			{qi_1[19], qi_1[13:5]}, {qi_2[19], qi_2[13:5]},
			{ir_ibits_e[19], ir_ibits_e[13:5]}, FpInst[9:0] );

				// opf[1]==size of source operands (1==dbl)
ME_MUX4B src_size_mux (fq_src_sel[0], fq_src_sel[1], qi_0[6], qi_1[6], qi_2[6],
			 ir_ibits_e[6], rs1_dbl_issue) ;

wire [1:0] i_fpm_inst = {FpInst[5], FpInst[1]};

ME_FD1P2 fpminst_ff (.Q(fpm_inst[1:0]), .CP(ss_clock), .D(i_fpm_inst[1:0]) );

// **********************************************************************
					// FQ instruction decodes

					// rd reg used = (opf[7] | ~opf[4])
assign fq_rd_used[0] = qi_0[12] | ~qi_0[9] ;
assign fq_rd_used[1] = qi_1[12] | ~qi_1[9] ;
assign fq_rd_used[2] = qi_2[12] | ~qi_2[9] ;

					// rs1 reg size = opf[1]
assign fq_rs1_dbl[0] = qi_0[6] ;
assign fq_rs1_dbl[1] = qi_1[6] ;
assign fq_rs1_dbl[2] = qi_2[6] ;

					// rs1 reg used = (~opf[7] & opf[6])
assign fq_rs1_used[0] = ~qi_0[12] & qi_0[11] ;
assign fq_rs1_used[1] = ~qi_1[12] & qi_1[11] ;
assign fq_rs1_used[2] = ~qi_2[12] & qi_2[11] ;

// **********************************************************************
				// combine non-constant and constant bits
wire [63:0] fq_out;

assign fq_out[63:32] = {qa_0[31:2],			// fq address[31:2]
			gnd, gnd };			// fq address[1:0]

assign fq_out[31:0]  = {vdd, gnd,			// op field [31:0]
			qi_0[24:20],			// rd field [29:25]
			vdd, vdd, gnd, vdd, gnd,	// op3 field [24:20]
			qi_0[19:0] };			// rest of instr.

				// combine non-constant and constant fsr bits
wire [31:0] fsr = {fsr_out[22:21],	// fsr[31:30] : rounding mode
		   gnd, gnd,		// fsr[29:28] : unused
		   fsr_out[20:16],	// fsr[27:23] : trap enable mask
		   gnd,			// fsr[22]    : NS bit
		   gnd, gnd,		// fsr[21:20] : reserved
		   vdd, gnd, gnd,	// fsr[19:17] : version number
		   fsr_out[15:13],	// fsr[16:14] : ftt field
		   fsr_out[12],		// fsr[13]    : qne bit
		   gnd,			// fsr[12]    : unused
		   fsr_out[11:10],	// fsr[11:10] : condition codes
		   fsr_out[9:5],	// fsr[9:5]   : aexc field
		   fsr_out[4:0]  };	// fsr[4:0]   : cexc field

				// fp_dout_e store datapath
	// operation	fpstmux_sel_e[2:0]	fp_dout_e
	// stdf			001 = {fprf_dout3[63:32], fprf_dout3[31: 0]}
	// stf (even reg)	000 = {fprf_dout3[63:32], fprf_dout3[63:32]}
	// stf (odd  reg)	011 = {fprf_dout3[31: 0], fprf_dout3[31: 0]}
	// stfsr		100 = fsr
	// stdfq		111 = fq (instr,adr)

ME_MUX41H32 fpst_mux1 (fp_dout_unbuff[63:32],
			fprf_dout3[63:32], fprf_dout3[31:0],
			fsr[31:0], fq_out[63:32],
			fpstmux_sel_e[1], fpstmux_sel_e[2] );

ME_MUX41H32 fpst_mux0 (fp_dout_unbuff[31:0],
			fprf_dout3[63:32], fprf_dout3[31:0],
			fsr[31:0], fq_out[31:0],
			fpstmux_sel_e[0], fpstmux_sel_e[2] );

ME_BUF32_C fpst_buff1 ( fp_dout_unbuff[63:32], fp_dout_e[63:32] );
ME_BUF32_C fpst_buff0 ( fp_dout_unbuff[31:0],  fp_dout_e[31:0] );


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