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// following is defined for lmc stuff 

`define true  1'b1
`define false 1'b0

`timescale 1 ns / 100 ps
`define time_scale_multiplier 1
`define lmv_timescale `timescale 1 ns / 100 ps
`define lmv_minimum 0
`define lmv_typical 1
`define lmv_maximum 2
`define lmv_gen     3

// This module specifies the board-level interconnect.

module Msystem;

    // Board-level nets
    reg jtag_ck;
    initial jtag_ck = 1 ;
    reg jtag_ms;
    initial jtag_ms = 1 ;
    reg jtag_tdi;
    initial jtag_tdi = 1 ;

    reg jtag_trst_l;
    initial jtag_trst_l = 0 ;  // Tied active for normal operation

    // Low-power-mode request pin
    reg standby;
    initial standby = 0 ;
    reg ext_event_l ;
    initial ext_event_l = 1 ;

    reg vss;
    reg vdd;
//    wire sb_lerr_l;
    wire sb_reset_l ;		// SBus reset
// jp changed to 3 bits, ms bit is always 0 for now
    reg [1:0] div_ctl ;
    initial begin


    // Bus definitions
    wire [11:00] mem_addr;   // memory address lines
    wire [23:0]  rom_addr;
    wire	 rom_oe_l;
    wire         rom_we_l;
    wire	 rom_cs_l;
    wire [07:00] ras_l;      // 4 RAS lines for DRAM
    wire [03:00] cas_l;      // CAS outputs (word select)
//    wire [04:00] slvsel_l;   // SBus slave selects (1/slave)
//    wire [27:00] sbaddr;     // SBus physical address output
//    wire [05:00] sb_bg_l;    // SBus bus grants (1/slave)
    wire [01:00] p_rev;      // p_rev not connected for swift -afx
//    wire [1:0] 	 cp_stat_l;
    wire [63:00] b_memdata  ; // memory data bus (Bi_directional).
    wire [01:00] b_mempar ;   // memory word parity bits
//    wire [31:00] sbdata;      // Sbus data
//    wire [02:00] sb_size;     // SBus transfer size
//    wire [02:00] sb_ack_l;    // SBus transfer acknowledgement
//    wire [05:00] sb_br_l;     // SBus bus requests (1/slave)

    // Interrupt request lines - set by code in Mtask
    // NO it's not - JP
//    wire [03:00] irl  = 4'h0;
//      wire [3:0] irlpci;
      wire [7:0] irlpci;
pullup //jkocol (weak1)
        (irlpci[7]),        (irlpci[6]),      (irlpci[5]),        (irlpci[4]),
        (irlpci[3]),        (irlpci[2]),      (irlpci[1]),        (irlpci[0]);

// Wires for pci
wire	pciClk0, pciClk1, pciClk2, pciClk3;
wire	RSTnn;
wire    req0_,req1_,req2_,req3_;
wire	req1_new_;
wire    gnt0_,gnt1_,gnt2_,gnt3_;

wire [31:0] ad;
wire [3:0 ] cbe_;
wire        devsel_,   frame_,     irdy_,        par,       perr_,
            serr_,     stop_,      trdy_;
wire        lock_ ;


    reg input_reset_l ;
    wire reset = ~input_reset_l ;
    wire reset_l = ~reset ;

    wire ss_scan_mode = `rl_jtag_cntl.sys_sen ;

    // Tsunami reference clock output
    wire ref_clk ;

    wire SYS_CLK = ref_clk ;

    // Clock, disabled during scan
    wire clock = ref_clk | ss_scan_mode | Mclocks.scan_operation ;

    // When pll_byp_l is not asserted, the internal PLL will
    //    frequency-multiply this by 4 to make input_clock.
    reg pll_clk ;
    initial begin
	pll_clk = 0 ;
	#1 forever @(posedge Mclocks.clock) begin
	    pll_clk = ~pll_clk ;

    // When pll_byp_l is asserted, this will be input_clock.
    // Note: this was moved earlier by #2, to compensate for the #2 added to
    //       the clock distribution paths for the Bug 597 fix.
    parameter NEGEDGE = ((`CYCLETIME/4) - 3),
              POSEDGE = ((`CYCLETIME/2) - 3) ;
    reg byp_clk ;
    initial begin
	byp_clk = 0 ;
	#1 forever @Mclocks.clock fork
	    #NEGEDGE byp_clk = 0 ;
	    #POSEDGE byp_clk = 1 ;

    // By default, use the PLL.  You may switch this anytime before the
    //     first posedge Mclocks.clock ($time==3) without affecting the
    //     simulation.
    reg pll_byp_l ; 
    reg ext_clk2 ; 

// add this so that req1 is idsel in slave mode - JP
assign req1_new_ = (ext_clk2 & pll_byp_l) ? ad[15] : req1_;

    initial begin
	$GetEnv("pll_byp_l", pll_byp_l);
	$GetEnv("ext_clk2", ext_clk2);

    // This is used, by misc_tasks, to do a clk_rst
    reg dsbl_ext_clk ; initial dsbl_ext_clk = 0 ;

    // Select the proper clock, based on the pll_byp_l input.  Both choices
    //     should give identical waveforms.
    wire ext_clk = (~pll_byp_l ? byp_clk : pll_clk) ;
    wire ext_clk1 = ext_clk | dsbl_ext_clk ;

    // Sbus output signals for debugging purposes
//    wire sb_cg_l ;
//    wire sb_cr_l ;
	reg  [2:0] speed_select ;
	reg  [1:0] boot_select ;
	reg        simm32_sel;
    	initial begin
// just add this until boot select is supported in the run script - John Petry
// now supported - Sandeep 7/31/96
		//boot_select = 2'h0;

// >>>> lmc master 
reg lmc_mst ;
wire    vc_gnt3_, vc_req3_, lmc_gnt_, lmc_req_;

    initial begin
	lmc_mst = 0 ;
        $GetEnv("lmc_mst", lmc_mst);
assign  vc_gnt3_ = (gnt3_ |  lmc_mst) ;
assign  lmc_gnt_ = (gnt3_ | ~lmc_mst) ;
assign  req3_ = ( (lmc_req_ === 1'bz ) ? 1'b1 : (vc_req3_ & ~lmc_mst) | (lmc_req_ & lmc_mst) ) ;

// end of >>>> lmc master 

// start bbb : added these for external arbiter 

    reg ext_arbit ;

    initial begin
        $GetEnv("ext_arbit", ext_arbit);

wire arbi_clk ; 
wire [7:0] gntnn;
wire gnt7_ , gnt6_ , gnt5_, gnt4_ ; 

    reg er_req0_, rgnt0_ ;

    wire e_req0_ , e_gnt0_ , e_gnt1_ , e_gnt2_ , e_gnt3_ ;
    wire r_gnt0_ , r_gnt1_ , r_gnt2_ , r_gnt3_ , r_gnt4_ ;

assign arbi_clk = pciClk3 & ext_arbit ; 
assign gnt0_ = rgnt0_ ; 
assign e_req0_ = er_req0_ ; 

assign  gnt3_ = (e_gnt3_ & ~ext_arbit) | (r_gnt3_ & ext_arbit);
assign  gnt2_ = (e_gnt2_ & ~ext_arbit) | (r_gnt2_ & ext_arbit);
assign  gnt1_ = (e_gnt1_ & ~ext_arbit) | (r_gnt1_ & ext_arbit);

arbiter_vc arbiter_VC(
                  .grant_out  ({gnt7_, gnt6_, gnt5_, r_gnt4_, r_gnt3_, r_gnt2_, r_gnt1_, r_gnt0_ }),
                  .req_       ({1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, e_gnt0_, req3_, req2_, req1_, req0_ }),
                  .frame_     (frame_ ),    // PCI Bus frame, indicates
                  .irdy_      (irdy_  ),     // PCI Bus master ready
                  .reset      (ext_arbit) ,
                  .clock      (arbi_clk)

always @(e_gnt0_ or req0_ or r_gnt0_ or r_gnt4_ or ext_arbit)
        if (ext_arbit == 0) 
                rgnt0_ = e_gnt0_ ;   // gnt0_ from eagle 
        else 	rgnt0_ = r_gnt0_ ;   // gnt0_ from ext pci arbitor

        if (ext_arbit == 0) 
                er_req0_ = req0_ ;   // eagle as pci arbitor
        else    er_req0_ = r_gnt4_ ; // eagle use ext pci arbitor 

// end bbb  

    ssparc_chip ssparc (
//        .standby	(standby),
        .mc_memaddr (mem_addr),         // memory address lines
        .mc_ras_l   (ras_l),            // 4 RAS lines for DRAM
        .mc_cas_l   (cas_l),            // CAS outputs (word select)
        .mc_moe_l   (moe_l),            // memory output enable
        .mc_mwe_l   (mwe_l),            // memory write enable
        .simm32_sel (simm32_sel),       // double density simm select YS
	.pci_clk0	(pciClk0),	// PCI reference clock
	.pci_clk1	(pciClk1),	// PCI reference clock
	.pci_clk2	(pciClk2),	// PCI reference clock
	.pci_clk3	(pciClk3),	// PCI reference clock
	.frame_l	(frame_),	// PCI FRAME#
	.trdy_l		(trdy_),	// PCI TRDY#
	.irdy_l		(irdy_),	// PCI IRDY#
	.stop_l		(stop_),              // PCI STOP#
	.devsel_l	(devsel_),            // PCI DEVSEL#
	.pci_req_l	({req3_,req2_,req1_new_, e_req0_}),           // PCI bus requests
	.pci_gnt_l	({e_gnt3_,e_gnt2_,e_gnt1_, e_gnt0_}),           // PCI bus grants
	.ad		(ad),                  // PCI AD bus
	.cbe_l		(cbe_),               // PCI CBE# bus
	.par		(par),                 // PCI PAR bus
// pci_int_l should not be used - Sandeep 10/10/96
        //.pci_int_l    (irlpci),           // PCI interrupt request lines
        .inta_          (irlpci[0]),            // PCI interrupt request lines
        .intb_          (irlpci[1]),
        .intc_          (irlpci[2]),
        .intd_          (irlpci[3]),
// add the following 4 interrupt pins in 2.0,
// replacing cp_stat_l[1:0], standby and spare pin
	.inte_		(irlpci[4]),
	.intf_		(irlpci[5]),
	.intg_		(irlpci[6]),
	.inth_		(irlpci[7]),

	.perr_l		(perr_),              // PCI PERR#
	.serr_l		(serr_),              // PCI SERR#
//        .slvsel_l   (slvsel_l),         // SBus slave selects (1/slave)
//        .sbclk0     (sbclk),
//        .sbaddr     (sbaddr),           // SBus physical address output
//        .sb_as_l    (sb_as_l),          // SBus address strobe
//        .sb_bg_l    (sb_bg_l),          // SBus bus grants (1/slave)
//        .cp_stat_l  (cp_stat_l),      	// level_15 interrupt/watchdog reset status
	.pci_rst_l  (RSTnn),	// reset synch to pci clock
        .jtag_tdo   (jtag_tdo),         // JTAG test data out

        .b_memdata(b_memdata),         	// memory data bus (bi-dir)
        .b_mempar(b_mempar),           	// memory parity bus (bi-dir)
//        .sbdata (sbdata),              	// Sbus data
//        .sb_size    (sb_size),          // SBus transfer size
//        .sb_read    (sb_read),          // SBus transfer direction
//        .sb_ack_l   (sb_ack_l),         // SBus transfer acknowledgement
//        .sb_lerr_l  (sb_lerr_l),        // SBus late error
        .div_ctl   (div_ctl),           // SBus clock control
//        .sb_br_l    (sb_br_l),          // SBus bus requests (1/slave)
	.sp_sel (speed_select),		// 70/85/100/125Mhz select (Lo/Hi)
	.bm_sel (boot_select),		// afx / pci boot select
//        .irl    (irl),                 	// interrupt request lines
        .jtag_ck    (jtag_ck),          // JTAG clock
        .jtag_ms    (jtag_ms),          // JTAG mode select
        .jtag_tdi   (jtag_tdi),         // JTAG test data in
        .jtag_trst_l   (jtag_trst_l),   // JTAG reset
        .ext_clk1    (ext_clk1),
        .ext_clk2    (ext_clk2),
        .pll_byp_l    (pll_byp_l),
        .input_reset_l    (reset_l),
	.int_event_l	(int_event_l),
	.ext_event_l	(ext_event_l),
	.ref_clk	(ref_clk),
//	.sb_cg_l	(sb_cg_l),
//	.sb_cr_l	(sb_cr_l),
	.rom_addr	(rom_addr[23:0]),
	.rom_oe_l	(rom_oe_l),
	.rom_we_l	(rom_we_l),
	.rom_cs_l	(rom_cs_l),
	.iiddtn		(1'b0),
	.csl_scan_mode	(1'b0),
	.pll_vdd	(1'b1),
	.pll_vss	(1'b0),
	.pll_rst	(1'b0),
	.procmon	(procmon),
// Added tn and thermal diode pins - Sandeep
        .tn             (1'b1),
        .therm_d        (1'b0)
    ) ;

/** Add the flash_prom32 model **/

// add boot_select port to the flash prom - Sandeep 7/29/96
// also changed the addr bits from 22 to 24 since the 2 lsb's are used to decode
// addresses in 8-bit prom access

// added for Flash Prom Programming Model - Sandeep

    reg flash_pm ;


flash_prom32	flashProm(
			//.addr	(rom_addr[23:2]),
			.addr   (rom_addr[23:0]),
			.data	(b_memdata[31:0]),
			.oe_l	(rom_oe_l),
			.we_l	(rom_we_l),
			.ce_l	(1'b1),
			.cs_l	(rom_cs_l),
			.b_sel  (boot_select),
                        .flash_pm (flash_pm)
/** Add wire statements to support RAM model. **/

/** The RAM64 module lives in "dram.v",which should be included at the top level. **/

    wire [63:0] mem_size;

    RAM64   TheRam(
    .mem_size 	(mem_size),     // 64-bit memory size
    .b_memdata	(b_memdata), 	// 64-bit bi-dir data bus
    .b_mempar	(b_mempar),   	// 2-bit bi-dir parity bus
    .memaddr 	(mem_addr[10:0]),    // 11-bit memory address
    .ras_l 	(ras_l[7:0]),   // 4 RAS lines for the DRAM, changed to 8
    .cas_l 	(cas_l),        // 2 CAS lines for the DRAM
    .moe_l 	(moe_l),         // single output enable for DRAM
    .mwe_l 	(mwe_l),         // single write enable for DRAM
    .ram_output (ram_output),	// ram output for tristate check
    .simm32_sel (simm32_sel)	// YS for double density simm or single density simm

	This is hooking up of the AFX stuff

/* NEW AFX 2.0 hook up */
  afx_slave Mafx(
        .clk            (ssparc.ssparc_core.w_gclk),         // graphics clock
        .aen            (ssparc.ssparc_core.w_aen),          // address enable
	.write_l	(mwe_l),	// read/write select
	.lo_addr	(ssparc.ssparc_core.w_s_reply),	// low address select
        .ab             ({ssparc.ssparc_core.w_ab_out,mem_addr}),     // address bus
        .db             (b_memdata),    // 64 bit bi-directional data bus
        .s_reply        ({ssparc.ssparc_core.w_s_reply, mwe_l}),        // system_reply
// make sure p_reply is not hooked up or we'll get false ones - JP
        .p_reply        (	),      // port_reply
        .reset_l        (reset_l)       // reset for slave


pullups ssparc_pullups(
	.input_reset_l (reset_l),
	.sb_br_l (sb_br_l),
	.sb_ack_l (sb_ack_l),
	.sb_lerr_l (sb_lerr_l)
		) ;

pullup //rdv (weak1)
        (frame_),       (trdy_),        (irdy_),        (stop_),
// add weak pull up on RSTnn so that slave mode resets can work. 
// otherwise input is Z JP
//        (lock_),        (devsel_),      (perr_),        (serr_);
        (lock_),        (devsel_),      (perr_),   (serr_), 	(RSTnn);

  (ad[0]),    (ad[1]),   (ad[2]),   (ad[3]),   (ad[4]),   (ad[5]),
  (ad[6]),    (ad[7]),   (ad[8]),   (ad[9]),   (ad[10]),  (ad[11]),
  (ad[12]),   (ad[13]),  (ad[14]),  (ad[15]),  (ad[16]),  (ad[17]),
  (ad[18]),   (ad[19]),  (ad[20]),  (ad[21]),  (ad[22]),  (ad[23]),
  (ad[24]),   (ad[25]),  (ad[26]),  (ad[27]),  (ad[28]),  (ad[29]),
  (ad[30]),   (ad[31]),
  (cbe_[3]), (cbe_[2]), (cbe_[1]), (cbe_[0]),

/* pulldown  (par); */
Pci_target pciS (
   .ad     ( ad[31:0]),    .cbe_    ( cbe_[3:0]),  .par   ( par    ),
   .frame_ ( frame_ ),     .irdy_   ( irdy_   ),    .trdy_ ( trdy_  ),
   .stop_  ( stop_  ),     .lock_   ( lock_   ),    .perr_ ( perr_  ),
   .serr_  ( serr_  ),     .devsel_ ( devsel_ ),    .idsel ( ad[19] ),
   .clock  ( pciClk1 ),     .rst_    ( RSTnn ));

wire [3:0] pciM_idsel = 4'h0;

PciMaster pciM(
   .gnt_    ( gnt0_   ), .req_  ( req0_   ), .ad     ( ad[31:0]),
   .cbe_    ( cbe_[3:0]), .par   ( par     ), .frame_ ( frame_ ),
   .irdy_   ( irdy_   ), .trdy_ ( trdy_   ), .stop_  ( stop_  ),
   .lock_   ( lock_   ), .perr_ ( perr_   ), .serr_  ( serr_  ),
   .devsel_ ( devsel_ ), .idsel ( pciM_idsel   ), .clock  ( pciClk2 ),
   .rst_    ( RSTnn ),  //, .own_bus (bus_owner),
   .int_    (irlpci[7:0]));
   //.back2back (back2back) );

wire trdyi_ ; // in memcmd.s c_pa_rst.100.4 : @e00001fc master cannot see trdy_ !
wire stopi_ ;
assign #6 trdyi_ = trdy_ ;
assign #6 stopi_ = stop_ ;

   .gnt_    ( gnt1_   ), .req_  ( req1_   ), .ad     ( ad[31:0]),
   .cbe_    ( cbe_[3:0]), .par   ( par     ), .frame_ ( frame_ ),
   .irdy_   ( irdy_   ), .trdy_ ( trdyi_   ), .stop_  ( stopi_  ),
   .lock_   ( lock_   ), .perr_ ( perr_   ), .serr_  ( serr_  ),
   .devsel_ ( devsel_ ), .idsel ( pciM_idsel  ), .clock  ( pciClk3 ),
   .rst_    ( RSTnn )); //, .own_bus (bus_owner),
   //.back2back (back2back) );
   .gnt_    ( gnt2_   ), .req_  ( req2_   ), .ad     ( ad[31:0]),
   .cbe_    ( cbe_[3:0]), .par   ( par     ), .frame_ ( frame_ ),
   .irdy_   ( irdy_   ), .trdy_ ( trdy_   ), .stop_  ( stop_  ),
   .lock_   ( lock_   ), .perr_ ( perr_   ), .serr_  ( serr_  ),
   .devsel_ ( devsel_ ), .idsel ( pciM_idsel   ), .clock  ( pciClk3 ),
   .rst_    ( RSTnn )); //, .own_bus (bus_owner),
   //.back2back (back2back) );
   .gnt_    ( vc_gnt3_   ), .req_  ( vc_req3_   ), .ad     ( ad[31:0]),
   .cbe_    ( cbe_[3:0]), .par   ( par     ), .frame_ ( frame_ ),
   .irdy_   ( irdy_   ), .trdy_ ( trdy_   ), .stop_  ( stop_  ),
   .lock_   ( lock_   ), .perr_ ( perr_   ), .serr_  ( serr_  ),
   .devsel_ ( devsel_ ), .idsel ( pciM_idsel  ), .clock  ( pciClk3 ),
   .rst_    ( RSTnn )); //, .own_bus (bus_owner),
   //.back2back (back2back) );

// ->>> added ravicad pci protocol checker 

checker check(
  .ad     ( ad[31:0]),  .cbe_  ( cbe_[3:0] ),   .par    ( par   ),
  .frame_ ( frame_ ),   .irdy_ ( irdy_  ),      .trdy_  ( trdy_ ),
  .stop_  ( stop_  ),   .lock_ ( lock_  ),      .perr_  (perr_  ),
  .serr_  ( serr_  ),   .req64_( lock_  ),      .ack64_ (lock_  ),
  .devsel_( devsel_ ),  .clock ( pciClk3 ),      .rst_   (RSTnn )
// ->>> following is defined for lmc stuff

wire [7:0] reqnn;
// reg reqnn_7, reqnn_6, reqnn_5, reqnn_4, reqnn_3, reqnn_2, reqnn_1, reqnn_0;
        reqnn[7] = 1'b1,
        reqnn[6] = 1'b1,
        reqnn[5] = 1'b1,
       reqnn[4] = (`SSPARC_CORE.ssparc_pcic.arbiter.req_host_ & ~ext_arbit) | (e_gnt0_ & ext_arbit), 
       reqnn[3] = req3_,
       reqnn[2] = req2_,
       reqnn[1] = req1_,
       reqnn[0] = req0_;

// reg gntnn_7, gntnn_6, gntnn_5, gntnn_4, gntnn_3, gntnn_2, gntnn_1, gntnn_0;
        gntnn[7] = 1'b1,
        gntnn[6] = 1'b1,
        gntnn[5] = 1'b1,
       gntnn[4] = (`SSPARC_CORE.ssparc_pcic.arbiter.granto_host_ & ~ext_arbit) | (r_gnt4_ & ext_arbit), 
       gntnn[3] = gnt3_,
       gntnn[2] = gnt2_,
       gntnn[1] = gnt1_,
       gntnn[0] = gnt0_;

reg disable_msg ;
initial disable_msg = 1'b0;
  no locking supported on eagle.
wire            plocknn;
assign  plocknn = 1'b1;
wire [63:0] ad_m;
assign  ad_m = {32'b0, ad} ;
wire [7:0 ] cbe_m;
assign  cbe_m = {4'b0, cbe_} ;

pcimonitor u1 (
        .clk            ( pciClk0 ),
        .rstnn          ( RSTnn ),
        .ad             ( ad_m ),
        .cxbenn         ( cbe_m ),
        .par            ( par ),
        .framenn        ( frame_ ),
        .trdynn         ( trdy_ ),
        .irdynn         ( irdy_ ),
        .stopnn         ( stop_ ),
        .devselnn       ( devsel_ ),
        .idsel          ( ad[19:12] ),
        .perrnn         ( perr_ ),
        .serrnn         ( serr_ ),
        .reqnn          ( reqnn ),
        .gntnn          ( gntnn ),
        .locknn         (       ),
        .par64          (       ),
        .req64nn        (       ),
        .ack64nn        (       ),
        .sbonn          (       ),
        .sdone          (       ),
        .intann         (irlpci[0]),
        .intbnn         (irlpci[1]),
        .intcnn         (irlpci[2]),
        .intdnn         (irlpci[3]),
        .disablemsg    (disable_msg) );
defparam u1.fm.version = "pci33";
defparam u1.fm.data_file             = "pcimonitor.lst";
defparam u1.fm.arbitrate             = `false;
defparam u1.fm.priority              = 0;
defparam u1.fm.park_zero             = `false;
defparam u1.fm.trace_file            = `true;
defparam u1.fm.error_check           = `true;
defparam u1.fm.gen_debug_level       = 0;
defparam u1.fm.gen_global = `true,  
         u1.fm.gen_option = `lmv_maximum,
         u1.fm.gen_time_check = `true,
         u1.fm.gen_vlt = 5000,
         u1.fm.gen_tmp = 300,
         u1.fm.gen_DF = 100;

pcislave lmc_slave1(
        .pclk     ( pciClk0 ),
        .prstnn   ( RSTnn ),
        .pad      ( ad ),
        .pcxbenn  ( cbe_ ),
        .ppar     ( par ),
        .pframenn ( frame_ ),
        .ptrdynn  ( trdy_ ),
        .pirdynn  ( irdy_ ),
        .pstopnn  ( stop_ ),
        .pdevselnn ( devsel_ ),
        .pidsel   ( ad[12] ),
        .pperrnn  ( perr_ ),
        .pserrnn  ( serr_ ),
        .plocknn         ( 1'b1  ),
        .ppar64          ( ), // 1'b1  ),
        .preq64nn        ( 1'b1  ),
        .pack64nn        ( ), // 1'b1  ),
        .psbonn          ( 1'b1  ),
        .psdone          ( 1'b1  ),
        .pd             (         ),
        .pbenn          (         ) );

    // parameter values for pcislave.v
    defparam lmc_slave1.gen_debug_level      = 0;     // debug level: 0 = no debugging
    // parameter values for pcislave_fm.v
    defparam lmc_slave1.fm.version            = "pci33",
             lmc_slave1.fm.cmd_file           = "pcislave_tst.cmd",
             lmc_slave1.fm.cfg_file           = "pcislave_tst.cfg",
             lmc_slave1.fm.mem_file           = "pcislave_tst.dat",
             lmc_slave1.fm.io_file            = "pcislave_tst.io",
             lmc_slave1.fm.x_transition       = `false,
             lmc_slave1.fm.device_id          = 16'h1234,
             lmc_slave1.fm.vendor_id          = 16'h5678,
             lmc_slave1.fm.revision_id        = 8'h00,
             lmc_slave1.fm.header_type        = 8'h00,
             lmc_slave1.fm.class_code         = 24'h000000,
             lmc_slave1.fm.mem_lower_0_init   = 64'h0000000000100000,
             lmc_slave1.fm.mem_upper_0_init   = 64'h00000000001fffff, 
             lmc_slave1.fm.mem_lower_1_init   = 64'h0000000021000000,
             lmc_slave1.fm.mem_upper_1_init   = 64'h0000000021002000, // 8 4k pages 
             lmc_slave1.fm.mem_lower_2_init   = 64'h0000000030000000,
             lmc_slave1.fm.mem_upper_2_init   = 64'h00000000afffffff, // 8x256 MB = 2GB
             lmc_slave1.fm.io_lower_0_init    = 64'h0000000000000000,
             lmc_slave1.fm.io_upper_0_init    = 64'h0000000000002000, // 2 4k pages
             lmc_slave1.fm.io_lower_1_init    = 64'h0000000013004000,
             lmc_slave1.fm.io_upper_1_init    = 64'h0000000013008000, // 4 4k pages
             lmc_slave1.fm.io_lower_2_init    = 64'h0000000080008000,
             lmc_slave1.fm.io_upper_2_init    = 64'h0000000088ffffff, // 1 MB
             lmc_slave1.fm.cache_line_size    = 8'h20,
             lmc_slave1.fm.addr64             = `false,
             lmc_slave1.fm.data64             = `false,
             lmc_slave1.fm.iack               = `false,
             lmc_slave1.fm.iack_vector        = 32'h00000000,
             // below are examples if gen_global is set to `false
             lmc_slave1.fm.gen_global              = `false,       // use options from command line
             lmc_slave1.fm.gen_option              = `lmv_maximum,  // select maximum delays
             lmc_slave1.fm.gen_time_check          = `true,         // enable time checkings
             lmc_slave1.fm.gen_x_check             = `false,         // enable x-checkings
             lmc_slave1.fm.gen_annotated           = `false,        // not annotated
             lmc_slave1.fm.gen_vlt                 = 5000,  // voltage (mv)
             lmc_slave1.fm.gen_tmp                 = 300,   // temperature (k)
             lmc_slave1.fm.gen_DF                  = 100;   // deration (%)

wire            pclkrunnn;
assign pclkrunnn = 1'b0;

wire    [3:0]   pbenn;
assign  pbenn   = 4'b1111;      // enables for the upper 32 bits of a 64 bit

wire            prim_req64;
assign (weak0, weak1) prim_req64 = 1'b1;

wire            wire_one;
assign  (weak0, weak1) wire_one = 1'b1;
wire    [31:0]  pd;
assign  (weak0, weak1) pd = 32'hFFFF;
wire            ppar64;
assign (weak0, weak1) ppar64    = 1'b0;
pcimaster lmc_master1
        .pad         (ad[31:0]),
        .pcxbenn     (cbe_[3:0]),
        .ppar        (par),
        .pframenn    (frame_),
        .ptrdynn     (trdy_),
        .pirdynn     (irdy_),
        .pstopnn     (stop_),
        .pdevselnn   (devsel_),
        .pidsel      (ad[14]),
        .preqnn      (lmc_req_),
        .pgntnn      (lmc_gnt_),
        .pclk        (pciClk0),
        .pclkrunnn   (pclkrunnn),            // always enabled.
        .prstnn      (RSTnn),
        .pd             (pd[31:0]),
        .pbenn          (pbenn[3:0]),   // (4'b1111),
        .ppar64         (ppar64),
        .preq64nn       (prim_req64), // (wire_one),
        .pack64nn       (wire_one),     // (1'b1),
        .plocknn        (plocknn),
        .pperrnn     (perr_),
        .pserrnn     (serr_),
        .psbonn          (1'b1),
        .psdone          (1'b1),
        .syncin         (8'hzz),
        .syncout        (     ) );

        lmc_master1.fm.initial_max_cmd_mem_size = 1000,
        lmc_master1.fm.max_ctrl_queue_size      = 1000,
        lmc_master1.gen_debug_level    = 0,
        lmc_master1.fm.cmd_file        = "lmc_master1.cmd",
        lmc_master1.fm.version         = "pci33",
        lmc_master1.fm.gen_global      = `true,               //  use options from command file.
        lmc_master1.fm.gen_option      = `lmv_maximum,
        lmc_master1.fm.max_clk_period  = "0 ns",  // ??
        lmc_master1.fm.gen_time_check  = `false,  // ??
        lmc_master1.fm.gen_x_check     = `false, // ??
        lmc_master1.fm.gen_annotated   = `false,
        lmc_master1.fm.gen_vlt         = 5000,
        lmc_master1.fm.gen_tmp         = 300,
        lmc_master1.fm.gen_DF          = 100,  // ??
        lmc_master1.fm.x_transition    = `false,  // ??
        lmc_master1.fm.device_id       = 16'h0002,
        lmc_master1.fm.vendor_id       = 16'h1213,
        lmc_master1.fm.revision_id     = 8'h01,
        lmc_master1.fm.class_code      = 24'h000001,
        lmc_master1.fm.cacheline_size  = 8'h40,
        lmc_master1.fm.to_limit        = 128,
        lmc_master1.fm.retry_limit     = 9,
        lmc_master1.fm.gen_debug_level = 0;  // ??


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