[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

rabbit programs  2nd 
race conditions 
radio transmissions
    computer malfunctions caused by 
    eavesdropping on  2nd 
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service)  2nd  3rd 
RAID filesystems 
RAM theft 
rand() system call 
random device 
random numbers 
    device file abstractions for 
    requirements for 
    seeds  2nd 
random() system call 
raw devices 
rc script  2nd 
RC2 algorithm 
RC4 algorithm 
RC5 algorithm 
rcp command  2nd 
RCS (Revision Control System)  2nd 
RD (Receive Data) 
rdist program 
rdump/rrestore program 
read command 
READ function (RPC) 
read permission 
read() system call, timeouts on 
read-only filesystems  2nd 
READADDR function (RPC) 
readdir() system call 
READLINK function (RPC) 
real GIDs 
real UIDs  2nd 
realpath() system call 
    logged by wtmp file 
Receive Data (RD) 
record locking, mandatory 
Red Hat Linux 
    default accounts for 
    sulog, scanning 
    X security 
reiserfs filesystem 
relative pathnames 
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service  [See RADIUS]
remote command execution 
remote file  2nd 
Remote Job Entry (RJE) 
remote log server 
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) 
remote network filesystems 
Remote Procedure Call  [See RPC]
REMOVE function (RPC) 
RENAME function (RPC) 
renice command  2nd 
replay attacks  2nd 
replicated filesystems 
Request to Send (RTS) 
resolution, time 
resolv.conf file 
resolver library (BIND) 
resolving (DNS) 
response teams 
    mailing lists for 
restore  [See dump program]
restore program 
restricted accounts 
restricted filesystems 
restricted logins 
restricted shells 
restricted terminals 
restrictmailq option, sendmail 
retention of backups  [See backups, retention of]
return codes, checking 
reverse lookup  2nd 
Revision Control System (RCS)  2nd 
rexd service 
rexec service 
RFC (Request For Comments), web site for 
.rhosts file  2nd  3rd 
    back door in 
    searching for 
RI (Ring Indicator) 
Rijmen, Vincent 
Ring Indicator (RI) 
Rinjdael (AES) algorithm  2nd  3rd 
RIP (Routing Internet Protocol) 
risks  [See also cost-benefit analysis]
    assessment of  2nd 
    difficulty in analyzing 
    inability to eliminate 
RISKS mailing list 
Ritchie, Dennis
    discussing Unix security 
    The UNIX Programming Environment 
    Unix developed by 
Rivest, Ron  2nd  3rd 
    "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures" 
RJE (Remote Job Entry) 
rlogin program  2nd  3rd 
    compared to telnet 
    security and 
    verifying new password with 
rm command  2nd  3rd  4th 
RMDIR function (RPC) 
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) 
Rogue Programs: Viruses, Worms and Trojan Horses (Hoffman, Lance J.) 
ROM monitor passwords 
root account  [See also superuser]2nd 
    prompt for 
root domain server (NIS+) 
root user  [See superuser]
rootkits  2nd 
route service 
routed daemon 
Routing Internet Protocol (RIP) 
RPC (Remote Procedure Call)  2nd 
    authentication of 
    functions used with NFS 
    MOUNT based on  2nd 
    NFS built on 
    NFS protocol based on 
    portmapper program and  2nd  3rd  4th 
    Secure  2nd 
    security checklist for 
    table (NIS+) 
rpc.mountd daemon 
rpc.rexd service 
rpcbind  [See portmapper program]
rpm command 
rpm files 
RPM Package Manager  2nd 
RS-232 serial protocol 
RSA algorithm 
RSA Data Security 
    factoring challenges 
    SSH using  2nd 
rsh (restricted shell) 
rsh program  2nd  3rd 
rshd program, back doors in 
rsync program  2nd 
RTS (Request to Send) 
rtty program 
RUID  [See real UIDs]
run levels 
runacct command 
Running Linux (Welsh, Matt; Kaufman, Lar; Dalheimer, Matthias K.; Dawson, Terry) 
Russell, Deborah (Computer Security Basics)