[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

name service 
    security and 
    switch (NIS, NIS+) 
Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd) 
named daemon 
named nameserver 
named user 
named-xfer program 
named.conf file  2nd 
nameserver  [See DNS]
nameserver attacks, DNS 
nameserver service 
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 
National Science Foundation Network 
National Security Agency (NSA) 
natural disasters  [See environmental dangers]
NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) 
NcFTPD server 
ncheck command  2nd 
needexpnhelo option, sendmail 
needmailhelo option, sendmail 
needvrfyhelo option, sendmail 
Nemeth, Evi (UNIX System Administration Handbook) 
Nessus security scanner 
NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT) 
NetBIOS protocol 
NetBSD  [See also BSD Unix]2nd  3rd 
    CVS used by 
    history of  2nd 
netfilter program  2nd 
netgroup file 
Netgroup table (NIS+) 
netgroups file  2nd 
netgroups, NIS 
NetInfo  2nd  3rd 
Netmasks table (NIS+) 
Netnews messages, authentication and 
.netrc file 
Netscape Navigator, random number generator 
netstat command  2nd  3rd  4th 
netwall service 
network authentication systems  2nd  [See also PAM]
    DCE  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
    Kerberos  2nd  3rd  4th 
    LDAP  2nd  3rd  4th 
    NetInfo  2nd  3rd 
    NIS  2nd  3rd  4th 
    NIS+  2nd  3rd 
    RADIUS  2nd  3rd 
    requirements for 
network cables
    cutting, as destructive attack 
    fiber optic 
    routing of 
network connections
    eavesdropping on 
    loss of 
Network Filesystem  [See NFS]
network filesystems  2nd  [See also NFS; SMB]
    remote, mounted 
network forensics analysis tools (NFATs) 
Network Information Service  [See NIS]
Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) 
network providers, trusting 
Network Security: Private Communications in a Public World (Kaufman, Charles; Perlman, Radia; Specin 
network servers  [See Internet servers]
network services
    auth Identification Protocol  2nd 
    authentication for 
    back doors in 
    BOOTP protocol 
    chargen service  2nd  3rd 
    created by intruders 
    DHCP protocol 
    DNS  [See DNS]
    echo service  2nd  3rd 
    in /etc/services file 
    finger program  2nd 
    FTP  [See FTP]
    HTTP  [See HTTP]
    inetd program handling 
    list of  2nd 
    NNTP  [See NNTP]
    NTP  2nd 
    POP  [See POP]
    RPC's portmapper  2nd 
    rsh  2nd 
    security risks of 
    SMTP  [See SMTP]
    SNMP  [See SNMP]
    SSH  2nd  3rd 
    systat service 
    TCP protocol 
    Telnet  2nd  3rd 
    TFTP  [See TFTP]
    UDP protocol 
    X Window System 
Network Time Protocol  [See NTP]
network weaving 
network-based IDS (NIDS) 
    backing up 
    cables for 
    clogging (SYN flood attacks) 
    compromised, risks of being prosecuted for 
    configuration files 
    connectors for 
    denial of service attacks on 
    disabling physically 
    forensics analysis tools (NFATs) for 
    IP  2nd  [See also TCP/IP networks]
    LANs  [See LANs]
    logging across 
    MANs  [See MANs]
    message flooding attacks on 
    ping of death attacks on 
    published resources on 
    security and 
    security checklist for  2nd 
    service overloading attacks on 
    spoofed connection 
    superuser control of 
    syslog facility and 
    TCP/IP  [See TCP/IP networks]
    WANs  [See WANs]
    wireless, jamming 
Networks table (NIS+) 
Neumann, Peter G. 
    Computer Related Risks 
Neuromancer (Gibson, William) 
The New Kornshell Command and Programmang Language (Bolsky, Morris I. and Korn, David G.) 
newgrp command 
newkey command  2nd 
news  [See Usenet]
news user 
newsyslog program 
newsyslog.conf file 
.nexrc file 
NFATs (network forensics analysis tools) 
NFS (Network Filesystem)  2nd  3rd  [See also RPC]4th  5th 
    bugs in 
    client access, limiting 
    client-side security 
    exported filesystems, limiting 
    exporting filesystems read-only 
    exporting home directories 
    exporting sensitive files with 
    exporting server executables 
    file handles 
    file permissions 
    find command on 
    fsirand program and 
    group write permission for files 
    history of 
    intruders compromising 
    listing clients who have mounted directories 
    listing export lists 
    -local option 
    MOUNT protocol and 
    mounted filesystems, limiting 
    NFS protocol and 
    portmon variable and 
    protection mode for files 
    reasons not to use 
    restricted filesystems mounted within 
    Secure NFS 
    security checklist for 
    security of  2nd 
    server-side security 
    superuser ownership of files 
    TCP links and 
    Version 3  2nd 
    Version 4 
    versions of 
    -xdev option 
NFS protocol 
    connectionless servers and 
    mounting filesystems with 
    reliability of 
    stateless servers and 
    superuser and 
NFS service  2nd 
nice command 
nice number of processes 
NIDS (network-based IDS) 
nidump command 
NIH web site 
NIS (Network Information Service)  2nd  3rd  4th 
        importing  2nd 
        including and excluding 
    changing passwords 
    intruders compromising 
    limitations of 
    name service switch 
    plus sign (+) in files  2nd 
    protecting database and commands 
    secret keys and 
    Secure RPC with 
    unintended information disclosure with 
    Yellow Pages 
NIS+  2nd  3rd 
    access control for objects  2nd 
    changing passwords 
    limitations of 
    name service switch 
    protecting database and commands 
    running in NIS compatibility mode 
    secret keys and 
    Secure RPC with 
    security levels of 
nisaddcred command 
niscat command 
nischown command 
nispasswd command  2nd  3rd  4th 
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) 
NIST CSRC web site 
nmap network-mapping tools  2nd  3rd 
NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol)  2nd 
nobody user  2nd 
nobody variable 
noexpn option, sendmail 
noverb option, sendmail 
novrfy (sendmail) 
npasswd package 
NPROC variable 
NSA (National Security Agency)  2nd 
nscd (Name Service Caching Daemon) 
nss_ldap  2nd 
nsswitch.conf file 
ntalk service 
NTFS filesystem 
NTP (Network Time Protocol)  2nd  3rd 
ntpd daemon  2nd 
ntpdate command  2nd 
null device 
null modem adapter 
null modem cable 
NULL request 
"The Number Field Sieve" (Lenstra, A. K.; Lenstra, H. W., Jr.; Manasse, M. S.; Pollard, J. M.)