[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Bace, Rebecca (Intrusion Detection) 
Bach, Maurice (The Design of the UNIX Operating System) 
back doors  2nd  3rd 
    as common threat 
    in MUDs and IRCs 
    strength of encryption and 
background checks  2nd 
background processes 
backing out of upgrades 
    across network 
    automatic system for 
    commercial systems for 
    configuration files, paper copies of 
    criminal investigations and  2nd  3rd 
    data security for 
    dedicated programs for 
    destruction of 
    encryption of  2nd  3rd  4th 
    file modification times and 
    files with holes 
    guidelines for 
    human error and 
    of individual workstations 
    legal issues concerning 
    levels of 
    location of  2nd 
    of log files 
    media failure, protecting against 
    methods of 
    of networks 
    performing before upgrades 
    public key encryption and PGP 
    purposes of 
    read-only partitions 
    retention of  2nd 
    rotating media 
    schedule for 
    security checklist for 
    security of 
    simple archives 
    simple local copies 
    software for 
    standards for 
    strategies for  2nd 
    of system-critical files 
    theft of 
    verifying  2nd 
    what to back up 
bacteria  2nd 
BADSU attempts, logging 
Badulescu, Ion 
bash history file 
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) 
batch command 
batch jobs  [See cron file]
Bellovin, Steve (Firewalls and Internet Security) 
Berkeley BSD Unix  [See BSD Unix]
Berkeley FTP server, restricting accounts with 
Berkeley Software Design, Inc. (BSDI) 
Bernstein, Dan 
best practices 
beverages, effects on hardware 
bftpd server 
bidirectionality of modems  2nd 
biff service 
bigcrypt algorithm 
/bin directory 
    /bin/csh  [See csh]
    /bin/ksh  [See ksh]
    /bin/login  [See login program]
    /bin/passwd  [See passwd command]
    /bin/sh  [See sh]
    in restricted filesystems 
binary code, downloading  2nd 
binary owner 
BIND name server  2nd 
bind() system call 
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) 
Bishop, Matt 
Blaze, Matt 
block algorithms 
block devices  2nd  3rd 
block/send commands, Trojan horses and 
Blowfish algorithm 
bogus nameserver cache poisoning 
bogusns directive 
Bolsky, Morris I. (The New Kornshell Command and Programmang Language) 
bombs, as destructive attack 
books, security 
boot disks, viruses on 
BOOTP protocol 
Bootparams table (NIS+) 
Bostic, Keith (The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD UNIX Operating System) 
Bosworth, S. (Computer Security Handbook) 
bounds checking 
Bourne shell  [See sh]
bps (bits per second) 
brackets ([]), indicating optional syntax 
Brand, Russell 
    case studies of 
    commands used to discover 
    commands used to monitor  2nd 
    contacting a remote system administrator 
    detecting and discovering  2nd 
    legal recourses after 
    planning for 
    preserving evidence from 
    recovering from 
    responding to  2nd 
    resuming operation after 
    security checklist for 
    software toolkit for 
A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes (Hawking, Stephen W.) 
broadcast storms 
Brunner, John (Shockwave Rider) 
brute force attacks  2nd  3rd  4th 
BSD 4.2 
BSD 4.4 Lite  2nd 
BSD Unix  2nd  3rd  [See also FreeBSD; Mac OS X; NetBSD; OpenBSD]4th 
    "no dump" file attribute 
    append-only files 
    chroot wrapper 
    exporting filesystems read-only 
    exporting NFS directories 
    Fast File System (FFS) reserved space 
    forcible unmounts with 
    history of 
    host-based firewall for  2nd 
    immutable files 
    inetd program and 
    integrity-checking tools 
    jail() system call  2nd 
    kernel security levels on 
    modems and 
    mtree program 
    nonexecutable stack 
    package management commands 
    packaging tools 
    periodic security scans 
    permission options for 
    pkg (package) system 
    portmapper program 
    process accounting with 
    ps command 
    published resources on 
    secure terminals 
    server startup on 
    SGID and sticky bits for directories 
    shadow password file 
    SMB kernel support 
    spongy mounts 
    TCP Wrappers support 
    terminal security on 
    utmp and wtmp log files 
    vipw command 
BSD/OS  2nd  3rd 
BSDI (Berkeley Software Design, Inc.) 
    checking boundaries 
    overflow attack 
bugs  2nd  [See also insects, effects on hardware]3rd 
    Bugtraq mailing list 
    hacker challenges and 
    in Unix utilities 
    keeping secret 
    in NFS 
    testing for  2nd 
    tips on avoiding 
Bugtraq mailing list 
Building a Secure Computer System (Gasser, Morrie) 
Building in Big Brother: The Cryptographic Policy Debate (Hoffman, Lance J.) 
Building Internet Firewalls (Zwicky, Elizabeth D.; Chapman, D. Bren; Cooper, Simon) 
Building Secure Software (Viega, John and McGraw, Gary) 
bulk erasers 
Burning Chrome (Gibson, William) 
byte-by-byte comparisons