[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

U.S. Secret Service (USSS) 
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)  2nd  3rd  [See also network services]
    DNS and 
    NFS protocol built on 
    TCP Wrappers support for 
UDP socket 
UFS (Unix File System)  2nd 
ufsdump  [See dump program]
UIDs (user identifiers)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  [See also SUID programs]
    for superuser 
    real versus effective  2nd 
    and RPC requests 
    for server process 
    stored in inodes 
    su command and 
    switching temporarily 
    zero  [See root account superuser]
ulimit command 
Ultrix  2nd 
umask  2nd 
UMNT request 
UMNTALL request 
unattended terminals 
Underground (Dreyfus, Suelette) 
underscore (_), in hostnames 
unintended disclosure and 
uninterruptable power supply  [See UPS]
unison program 
United States
    federal computer crime laws 
    federal jurisdiction 
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) 
Unix  [See also specific operating systems]
    add-on functionality of 
    current trends 
    deployment environments using 
    free versions of 
    history of  2nd  3rd  4th 
    installing new system 
    kernel  [See kernel]
    mobile versions of 
    open source 
    parts of 
    published resources for 
    secure versions of 
    security and  2nd 
    security policy  [See policy, security]
    starting up 
    system database files 
    system software, updating 
    thin-client systems 
    utilities  2nd 
    versions covered in this book 
    versions of 
Unix domain socket 
Unix File System  [See UFS]
The UNIX Programming Environment (Kernighan, Brian; Ritchie, Dennis; Pike, Rob) 
Unix Support Group (USG) 
UNIX System Administration Handbook (Nemeth, Evi; Snyder, Garth; Seebass, Scott; Hein, Trent R.) 
UNIX System Security (Wood, Patrick H. and Kochan, Stephen G.) 
Unix-to-Unix Copy System (UUCP) 
unowned files 
unshare command 
    backing out of 
UPS (uninterruptable power supply)  2nd 
uptime account 
urandom device 
Usenet  [See also NNTP]
    groups, security-related 
    news user 
    reporting security holes on 
USENIX/SAGE Association 
User Datagram Protocol  [See UDP]
user IDs  [See UIDs]
usermod command
    -e option 
    -f option 
    -s option 
    aliases for 
    doubling as passwords (Joes)  2nd 
    for superuser 
    switching temporarily 
users  [See also employees; groups; superuser]2nd 
    accidentally deleting files 
    assigning passwords to 
    auditing equipment access of 
    auditing system activity of 
    backup errors of 
    effects of obscurity on 
    identifiers for  [See UIDs]
    importing to NIS server  2nd 
    as intruders 
    NIS passwords for 
    nobody  2nd 
    participation in security policy 
    power users 
    security awareness of  2nd  3rd  4th 
    security checklist for  2nd 
    security regarding 
    security threats caused by  2nd 
    sending messages to 
    summarizing filesystem usage by 
    switching temporarily 
users command  2nd 
USG (Unix Support Group) 
/usr directory  [See also /var directory]
    /usr/adm directory 
    /usr/bin directory 
    /usr/bin/uudecode  [See uudecode program]
    /usr/etc/yp/makedbm program 
    /usr/lib directory 
    /usr/lib/preserve program 
    /usr/lib/sendmail  [See sendmail program]
    /usr/lib/uucp/Devices file 
    /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices file 
    /usr/local/lib directory 
    /usr/sbin/rexecd  [See rexec service]
    /usr/ucb directory 
USSS (U.S. Secret Service) 
UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) 
utilities, Unix
    security vulnerabilities with 
utimes() system call 
utmp file  2nd  3rd  4th 
utmpx file 
UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy System) 
uucp user 
uudecode program