[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

DAC (Discretionary Access Controls) 
Daemen, Joan 
daemon user 
Dalheimer, Mattias K. (Running Linux) 
Dalton, Chris I. 
data  [See also data protection; information]
    backing up  [See backups]
    confidentiality of  [See confidentiality]
    encryption of  [See encryption]
    integrity of  [See integrity]
data bits 
Data Carrier Detect (DCD) 
data communication equipment (DCE) 
Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA) 
Data Encryption Standard  [See DES]
data protection  2nd  [See also backups]
    local storage 
    real-world example 
    sanitizing media before disposal 
    theft, from 
    unattended terminals 
Data Set Ready (DSR) 
data spoofing 
data terminal equipment (DTE) 
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 
databases  [See also network authentication systems]
date account 
Dawson, Terry (Running Linux) 
day-zero backup  [See level-zero backup]
daytime service  2nd 
dbx debugger 
DCD (Data Carrier Detect) 
DCE (data communication equipment) 
DCE (Distributed Computing Environment)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
dd command  2nd 
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks 
DEA (Data Encryption Algorithm) 
DEBUG command, SMTP 
debugfs command  2nd  3rd 
decode aliases 
decoy systems 
default accounts 
default domain 
defense in depth  [See multilevel security]2nd  [See multilevel security]
demo accounts 
denial of service attacks  2nd 
    automatic account lockout 
    causes of 
    destructive  2nd 
    distributed (DDoS) 
    internal inetd services 
    logging to /dev/console causing 
    on networks 
    overload  2nd 
    security checklist for 
    syslog causing 
    types of 
Denning, Dorothy E. R. (Cryptography and Data Security) 
Denning, Peter J. (Computers Under Attack: Intruders, Worms, and Viruses) 
Department of Justic (DOJ) 
deployment environments 
depository directories, FTP 
DES (Data Encryption Standard)  2nd 
    example of 
    Kerberos using 
    key length of 
    weakness of 
des command  2nd 
DES Extended format 
The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD UNIX Operating System (McKusick, Marshall Kirk; Bostic, 
The Design of the UNIX Operating System (Bach, Maurice) 
destroying media 
destructive denial of service attacks  2nd 
    cable tampering 
    carbon monoxide 
    fire alarms 
    logging alarm systems 
    placement and monitoring of 
    temperature alarms 
    water sensors 
/dev directory
    /dev/audio device 
    /dev/console device 
    /dev/kmem device  2nd 
    /dev/null device 
    /dev/random device 
    /dev/swap device 
    /dev/urandom device 
device files 
    access, legal definition of 
    back door in 
    backup, world-readable 
    configuring on local area network 
    logging information about 
    managing with SNMP 
    modem control 
    random number sources 
    superuser control of 
Devices file 
df -i command 
dfstab file  2nd 
dfstab script 
DHCP protocol 
dictionary attack 
diff program 
differential backup 
differential cryptanalysis 
differential fault analysis 
differential power analysis 
differential timing analysis 
Diffie, Whitfield  2nd 
    "New Directions in Cryptography" 
    "The First Ten Years of Public-Key Cryptography" 
Diffie-Hellman exponential key exchange system  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) 
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) 
Digital Signature Standard (DSS)  2nd 
digital signatures  2nd  [See also signatures, data]
    distributed with software 
    DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) 
    DSS (Digital Signature Standard)  2nd 
    HMAC as alternative to 
    message digest algorithms used for  2nd 
    public key cryptography used with  2nd 
    RSA as basis for 
directories  2nd  3rd  [See also files]
    ancestor, detecting changes to 
    CDFs (context-dependent files) 
    FTP depositories 
        security of 
    links to 
    nested, tree structure attacks on 
    NFS  [See NFS]
    permissions for  2nd 
    SGID and sticky bits on 
directory services  [See Kerberos system LDAP NIS NIS+]
dired mode, GNU Emacs 
Disappearing Cryptography (Wayner, Peter) 
disaster planning  2nd 
Disaster Recovery Journal 
discard service  2nd 
Discretionary Access Controls (DAC) 
disk drives  [See also media]
    destructive attacks to 
    difficulty of sanitizing 
    filling up, as overload attack 
    hidden space on 
    logging information about 
    partitions, backups by 
    quotas for 
    reserved space on 
    write-protect switches for  2nd 
Distributed Computing Environment  [See DCE]2nd  [See DCE]
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks 
DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) 
DNS (Domain Name System)  2nd 
    attacks on 
    client flooding 
    nameserver attacks 
    nameserver cache poisoning 
    Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 
    rogue servers 
    security and  2nd 
    security precautions for 
    zone transfers  2nd 
DNS and BIND (Albitz, Paul and Liu, Cricket) 
Dobbertin, Hans 
    of break-in 
    log books 
    log files, hardcopy of  2nd 
    manuals  2nd 
DOJ (Department of Justice) 
dollar sign ($), as Unix Bourne or Korn shell prompt 
domain name  2nd 
Domain Name System  [See DNS]
domain service  2nd 
domain socket 
domainname command 
domains (NIS) 
dormant accounts 
    disabling automatically 
    disabling by changing password 
dot (.) directory  2nd 
dot-dot (..) directory  2nd 
double reverse lookup 
downtime, logging 
dpkg package management system 
drand48() system call 
Dreyfus, Suelette (Underground) 
drinks, effects on hardware 
DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) 
DSR (Data Set Ready) 
DSS (Digital Signature Standard)  2nd 
DTE (data terminal equipment) 
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) 
du command 
due care  [See best practices]
dump program  2nd  3rd 
DUMP request 
dumpster diving 
duress code 
dust, effects on hardware 
DVD, mounted read-only 
dynamic DNS