[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

P1003.1e/2c security standards 
pacct file 
package-based software management systems  2nd 
    backing out of upgrades 
    upgrading with 
packet monitors 
packet sniffing  2nd 
packet-filtering firewalls 
packet-level firewalls 
packet-switching networks 
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) 
    npasswd module 
    one-time password module 
    resource limits 
    restricting logins with 
    restrictions used with Samba 
    S/Key module 
    using LDAP with 
    using with Kerberos 
pam.conf file  2nd 
pam_time module 
paper  [See media, printed]
parent processes 
parentheses (()), indicating system call 
parity bit 
passive FTP 
passwd command  2nd 
    -l option 
    -n option 
    -x option 
    changing permissions for 
    -f flag 
    preventing bad password choices 
    as SUID program 
    using as superuser 
passwd file  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th  11th  12th  13th  14th  15th 
Passwd table (NIS+) 
passwd+ package  2nd 
passwd.adjunct file 
password modems 
    accounts without 
    advisors for 
    assigning to users 
    authentication with 
    bad choices for  2nd 
        another user's 
        to disable accounts 
    characters allowed in 
    choosing  2nd  3rd  4th 
    codebooks for 
    constraining choices for 
    control characters in  2nd 
    cracking  2nd  3rd  4th 
    encryption of  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    file stored in 
    FTP and 
    generators for 
    good choices for 
    guessing attacks 
    hit lists of 
    identical to username (Joes)  2nd 
    for Instant Messaging 
    keeping secure  2nd  3rd 
    keystroke recorder capturing 
    location of 
    locking account if incorrect 
    logging changes to 
    logging failed attempts at 
    master file 
    for MUDs 
    on multiple machines 
    over network connections 
    NIS+, changing 
    NIS, with Secure RPC 
    one-time  2nd  3rd 
    periodic scanning of 
    with POP 
    preventing users from changing 
    programmed to function keys 
    public key authentication as alternative to 
    security checklist for 
    shadow  2nd  3rd 
    shoulder surfing 
    sniffing  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    spaces in 
    ssh keys used for 
    synchronized on multiple accounts 
    system clock and 
    token-based generator for 
    unique, number of 
    using in programs 
    verifying new 
    wizard's (sendmail) 
    writing down 
patch diff 
patch program 
PATH variable  2nd 
PATHCONF function (RPC) 
The Pathology of Computer Viruses (Ferbrache, David) 
    pathname for 
pax program 
PDP-11 processors 
peer review, verifying cryptographic algorithms with 
per-machine log books 
per-site log books 
percent sign (%), Unix C shell prompt 
performance reviews 
performance, overload attacks affecting 
peripheral devices  [See device files]
    random seed generator 
    Trojan horses in scripts 
    using for SUID/SGID programs 
    using instead of shell scripts 
Perlman, Radia (Network Security: Private Communications in a Public World) 
    directories  2nd 
    /etc/utmp file 
    execute  2nd  3rd 
    modem devices 
    modem files 
    modified by intruders 
    nameserver files 
    of NIS+ objects  2nd 
    of commands 
    read  2nd  3rd 
    sticky bit 
    stored in inodes 
    SUID and SGID  2nd 
    symbolic links and 
    write  2nd  3rd 
personnel  [See employees]
pf program 
Pfleeger, Charles P. (Security in Computing) 
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) 
    for backups 
    for email 
    software signature 
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy (Garfinkel, Simson) 
ph program 
phantom mail 
Phoenix, Tom (Learning Perl) 
phones  [See telephones]
physical security
    access to hardware  2nd 
    acts of war and terrorism 
    of backups 
    checklist for 
    costs of 
    environmental dangers 
    hardware, protection for 
    importance of 
    IP network computers 
    modems  2nd 
    read-only filesystems 
    real-world example 
    security perimeter for 
    signal-grounding attacks 
    telephone lines 
    theft of hardware 
PIDs (process IDs)  2nd 
Pike, Rob (The UNIX Programming Environment) 
ping of death attacks  2nd 
piracy, software 
pkg (package) system 
pkg_add command 
pkg_delete command 
pkg_info command  2nd 
pkgadd command 
pkginfo command 
pkgrm command 
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)  2nd 
pkill command 
plaintext attacks  2nd  3rd 
.plan file 
platforms  [See specific operating systems]
play account 
playback attacks 
Pluggable Authentication Modules  [See PAM]
plus sign (+)
    in file permissions 
    in hosts.equiv file 
    in NIS  2nd 
Point-to-Point Protocol  [See PPP]
policy, security  2nd 
    best practices used for 
    checklist for 
    compliance audits for 
    cost-benefit analysis 
    guidelines in 
    positive statements in 
    risk assessment  2nd 
    role of  2nd 
    simplified in four steps 
    standards in 
political activists
    as authors of programmed threats 
    planting programmed threats 
Pollard, J. M. ("The Number Field Sieve") 
polygraph tests, of employees 
POP (Post Office Protocol) 
pop3 service 
popen() system call  2nd 
POPS (secure POP) 
pornography laws 
port scanners 
portable I/O library 
portmap daemon 
portmapper program  2nd  3rd 
    bugs in 
    firewalls and 
    proxy forwarding enabled by 
    spoofing RPC with 
portmon variable 
    for network services 
ports collection, source-based management systems in 
portsentry program 
    and chown command 
    orphaned process groups 
    saved user ID 
    standards  2nd  3rd 
Post Office Protocol  [See POP]
postfix program  2nd  3rd 
postmaster account 
PostScript files
    Trojan horses in 
    viruses in 
    outages, logging 
    shutting off, as destructive attack 
power users 
Power, Richard (Tangled Web) 
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)  2nd 
preserve program, security hole in 
Press Enter (Varley, John) 
Pretty Good Privacy  [See PGP]
primary group 
principals, NIS+ 
print through process 
printed media  [See media, printed]
printer service 
    /etc/hosts.lpd file 
    logging to 
    lp user for 
    output, security of 
priority of process 
privacy  [See confidentiality]
private key algorithms  [See symmetric key algorithms]
private keys  [See secret keys]2nd 
privilege testing, modems 
privileges, file  [See permissions]2nd  [See permissions]
privileges, SUID  [See SUID programs]
/proc filesystem 
process accounting 
process group IDs 
process IDs  [See PIDs]
    commands to control 
    core file of 
    examining  2nd 
    group IDs for 
    listing with ps command 
    listing with top command 
    niceness of 
    overload attacks 
    priority of 
    programs running in 
    properties of 
    session IDs for 
    signals and 
    slave (zombies or Trojans) 
    soft process limits 
    superuser control of 
    tree for 
    Unix startup and login 
procmail system 
.procmailrc file 
.profile file 
profile file 
.profile file 
profile file 
ProFTPD server 
programmed threats
    authors of 
    to automatic mechanisms 
    back doors  2nd  3rd 
    damage done by 
    entry into computer system 
    logic bombs  2nd 
    protection from 
    published resources on 
    rabbit programs 
    security checklist for 
    security tools 
    to shells 
    to startup files 
    Trojan horses  2nd  3rd 
    types of 
    viruses  2nd  3rd 
    coding standards for 
    design principles for  2nd 
    network services 
    published resources on 
    security checklist for 
    SUID/SGID programs 
    syslog calls in 
    threads and 
Programming Perl (Wall, Larry; Christiansen, Tom; Orwant, Jon) 
programs  [See software]2nd  [See software]
Project Athena  2nd  [See also Kerberos system]
.project file 
prompts, symbols for 
protocols  [See specific protocols]
Protocols table (NIS+) 
proxy, using in network services 
ps command  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    with kill command 
    to stop process overload 
pseudorandom functions 
pstree command 
public key algorithms  2nd 
    applications of 
    attacks on 
    authentication and  2nd 
    backups and 
    computational expense of 
    digital signatures created with 
    key length and 
    known versus published methods of 
    types of 
Public Key Infrastructure  [See PKI]
Public Key Partners 
public keys  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
publications, security 
publicity, as motivation for programmed threats 
publickey file 
PureFTPd server 
PurifyPlus (Rational) 
pwck command 
pwdadm program