[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

S/Key codebook scheme 
sa command 
saboteurs  [See intruders]
safe shutdown, accounts for 
Safeware: System Safety and Computers. A Guide to Preventing Accidents and Losses Caused by Technolo 
Saltzer, Jerome 
Samba  2nd  [See also SMB]3rd 
    client security 
    data integrity 
    security and 
    server connections 
    user authentication 
sanitizing media 
SANS (Systems Administration and Network Security)  2nd 
SANTA (Security Administrator Network Tool for Analysis) 
SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) 
SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks)  2nd 
savacct file 
saved UIDs 
sbrk() system call 
SC Magazine (InfoSecurity News) 
scanf() system call 
scanners, telephone 
SCCS (Source Code Control System) 
Schales, Doug 
Schiller, Jeffrey  2nd 
Schneier, Bruce 
    Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C 
    Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World 
Schroeder, M. D. 
Schwartz, Randal L. (Learning Perl) 
scp program 
    back doors to 
script command, logging break-ins with 
SE Linux (Security Enhanced Linux) 
secrecy  [See confidentiality]
secret key algorithms  [See symmetric key algorithms]
secret keys  2nd  3rd  4th 
Secret Service, U.S. 
Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World (Schneier, Bruce) 
Secure European System for Applications in a Multivendor Environment (SESAME) 
secure file 
Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) 
Secure NFS 
Secure RPC 
    limitations of 
    logging in/out with 
    NFS using 
    NIS+ using  2nd 
    with NIS/NIS+ 
    and NTP 
Secure Shell  [See SSH]
Secure Sockets Layer  [See SSL]
secure terminals  2nd 
Secure Tracking of Office Property (STOP) 
secure Unix systems 
SecureID card 
securenets file 
securetty file 
    breaches, responding to  [See break-ins]
    design principles for 
    history of 
    laws and  [See legal issues]
    mailing lists regarding 
    organizations regarding 
    policy of  2nd  3rd 
    published resources on 
    responsibility for 
    risks  [See risks]
    simplified in four steps 
    software for  2nd 
    through obscurity  2nd 
    types of 
    Unix and 
    Usenet groups regarding 
    web sites regarding 
security account 
Security Administrator Network Tool for Analysis (SANTA) 
Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks  [See SATAN]
Security Alert Consensus mailing list 
Security Engineering (Anderson, Ross) 
Security Enhanced Linux (SE Linux) 
security experts, shortage of 
security holes  [See also back doors; threats]
    preserve program 
    superuser account 
Security in Computing (Pfleeger, Charles P.) 
security levels, kernel 
security response teams  [See response teams]
security scanners 
security tools
    published resources on 
    used as programmed threats  2nd 
sed scripts, Trojan horses in 
Seebass, Scott (UNIX System Administration Handbook) 
seeds, random number  2nd 
Seger, Karl (Computer Crime: A Crimefighter's Handbook) 
select() system call 
self-destruct sequences 
sendmail program  2nd  3rd  4th  [See also email]
    .forward file  2nd 
    back door in 
    configuration files, security and 
    disabling mail delivery to programs 
    DontBlameSendmail option 
    finding system administrator using 
    .forward file 
    options, security 
    run as daemon 
    same Internet/NIS domain 
    security problems with 
    startup file attacks 
sendmail.cf file  2nd 
sendmail.mc file 
separation of duties principle 
sequence of commands 
ser2net program 
serial interfaces 
Serial Line Internet Protocol  [See SLIP]
serial numbers, logging 
serial ports, uucp user for 
Server Message Block  [See SMB]
server statelessness 
server vulnerability attacks 
server-side NFS security 
servers  2nd 
    backing up 
    bringing up securely 
    Internet  [See Internet servers]
    load shedding 
    master/slave  [See NIS]
    nameserver  [See DNS]
    overloading with requests 
    physical security of  [See physical security]
    run as root 
    setting up for FTP 
service overloading 
services  [See denial of service attacks network services]
services file  2nd  3rd 
Services table (NIS+) 
SESAME (Secure European System for Applications in a Multivendor Environment) 
session hijacking 
session IDs  2nd 
session keys  2nd 
SETATTR function (RPC) 
setgid() system call  2nd  [See also SGID programs]3rd 
setlogmask() system call 
setpgrp() system call 
setrlimit() system call 
setsid() system call 
setuid file 
setuid() system call  [See also SUID programs]2nd 
SG (Signal Ground) 
SGID bit 
    clearing with chown command 
    on directories 
    on files 
SGID permission 
SGID programs 
    created by intruders 
    disabling (turning off) 
    finding all files for 
    security problems with 
sh (Bourne shell)  [See also shells]
    IFS variable used by 
    SUID version of 
SHA (Secure Hash Algorithms) 
SHA-1 algorithm 
shadow file  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
shadow passwords  2nd  3rd  4th 
Shamir, Adi 
    "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures" 
share command 
shared libraries, protecting 
shared systems 
sharetab file 
shareware, viruses in 
SHARITY client 
shell escapes  2nd 
shell scripts, SUID 
shell service 
    changing for one-time passwords 
    history files 
    in passwd file 
    login, changing 
    protecting from attacks 
    Trojan horses in 
shells file 
Shender, Alex 
Shimomura, Tsutomu (Takedown: The Pursuit and Capture of Kevin Mitnick, America's Most Wanted Comput 
Shockwave Rider (Brunner, John) 
shoulder surfing 
showmount command  2nd 
showrev command 
shredders, paper 
shutdown command 
    logged by wtmp file 
        accounts for 
SIGHUP signal 
SIGKILL signal 
Signal Ground (SG) 
signal-grounding attacks 
    kill command and 
signatures, data  [See also digital signatures]
    detecting file changes with  2nd 
    RPM files having 
SIGSTOP signal  2nd 
SIGTERM signal  2nd  3rd 
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) 
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol  [See SMTP]
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 
Singh, Simon (The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography) 
single-user mode
    booting in 
    upgrading in 
single-user reboot 
site inspection, example of 
slash (/)
    as IFS separator 
    pathnames beginning with 
slave server  [See also NIS]2nd 
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)  2nd 
SMB (Server Message Block)  2nd 
    file access for 
    history of 
    name service for 
    protocols for 
    Samba implementation of  [See Samba]
smb.conf file  2nd 
smbpasswd program 
smoke detectors 
smoke, damaging hardware 
smoking, effects on hardware 
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)  2nd 
    banners, security and 
    commands, security and 
    security and  2nd 
    TLS for encryption with  2nd 
smtp service 
SNA (System Network Architecture) 
sniffers  2nd  [See also eavesdropping]
    packet  2nd 
    password  2nd  3rd 
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)  2nd 
snoop program  2nd 
Snort system 
snprintf() system call 
Snyder, Garth (UNIX System Administration Handbook) 
So, Bryan ("An Empirical Study of the Reliability of UNIX Utilities") 
social engineering attacks  2nd 
    Unix domain 
socks service 
soft process limits 
software  [See also programming]
    access to  2nd 
    backing up  [See backups]
    bugs in  2nd 
    checking new  2nd 
    coding standards for 
    consistency of 
    copyrighted, legal issues regarding 
    data corruption by 
    default accounts for 
    design principles for 
    development files, protecting 
    digital signatures distributed with 
    distributed through mirror sites 
    documentation for 
    filtering, for schools 
    hacker challenges and 
    log files created by 
    malicious  [See programmed threats]
    management systems 
    obtained from outside sources  2nd 
    operating systems  [See specific operating systems]
    patches for, logging 
    processes and 
    published resources on 
    quality of 
    race conditions 
    running as superuser 
    security bugs in 
    security-related  2nd 
    specifications, importance of 
    stolen (pirated)  2nd 
    stored via FTP 
    system, updating 
    testing  2nd 
    threads and 
    toolkit for break-ins 
    tools in Unix 
Solaris  2nd  [See also System V Unix]
    ACL support for 
    bug fixes, responsibility for 
    clri command 
    Cryptfs support for 
    Door construct  2nd 
    exporting NFS directories with 
    extra file permission character 
    Fingerprints Database 
    group passwords and 
    history of 
    host-based firewall for 
    Kerberos client and server support 
    Kerberos client for 
    loginlog file 
    mountd daemon 
    ncheck command 
    nonexecutable stack 
    package management commands 
    PAM support for 
    passwd command, -r option supported 
    password file, printing 
    portmon variable 
    process limit 
    random number generators 
    rpcbind program  2nd 
    S/Key support 
    Secure RPC time window 
    secure version of 
    server startup on 
    SGID and sticky bits for directories 
    SGID bit used for file locking 
    shadow password file 
    SMB support 
    snoop program 
    su log, scanning 
    swapping to files 
    TCP wrappers support 
    ttywatch program 
    ufsdump program 
    versions of 
    wtmpx log file 
    X security 
Solstice PC-NetLink 
Source Code Control System (SCCS) 
source code, keeping secret  2nd  [See also programming; software]
source-based software management systems 
    backing out of upgrades 
    upgrading with 
space bit 
spaces, in passwords 
Spaf's first principle 
Spafford, Gene  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
spam, email  2nd  3rd 
sparse files 
Speciner, Mike (Network Security: Private Communications in a Public World) 
    planting programmed threats 
    IP  2nd 
    network connection 
sprinkler systems 
sprintf() system call  2nd 
square brackets ([]), indicating optional syntax 
sscanf() system call 
ssh keys, using for passwords 
ssh program  2nd  3rd 
SSH protocol 
    client authentication with 
    host authentication with 
    tunneling X with 
ssh service 
.ssh/authorized_keys file 
    back door in 
.ssh/known_hosts file 
ssh_config file 
sshd binary, back door in 
sshd user 
sshd_config file  2nd 
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
    attacks on 
    MD5, use of 
SSL/TLS  2nd 
staff  [See employees]
stale file handles 
Stallings, William (Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices) 
Stallman, Richard  2nd  3rd 
standalone firewall appliance 
standards, security policy  2nd 
Starnes, W. Wyatt 
start bit  2nd 
startup command 
startup files 
    attacks through 
    modified by intruders 
stat command 
stateful inspection, firewalls 
stateless servers (NFS)  2nd 
static electricity 
static links 
Steele, Guy L., Jr. (C, a Reference Manual) 
Sterling, Bruce (The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier) 
sticky bit permission 
sticky bits 
    clearing with chown command 
    on directories 
Stoll, Cliff (The Cuckoo's Egg) 
STOP (Secure Tracking of Office Property) 
stop bit  2nd 
storage, local 
strcat() system call 
strcpy() system call  2nd 
streadd() system call 
stream algorithms 
strecpy() system call 
Stripp, Alan (Code Breakers: The Inside Story of Bletchley Park) 
strncat() system call 
strncpy() system call 
strtrns() system call 
students, programmed threats authored by 
su command  2nd 
    becoming superuser with  2nd 
    log of failed attempts 
    logging by 
    logging to sulog file 
    restrictions on 
    running commands from scripts 
    running with exec command 
    security precautions for 
    sudo program as alternative to 
    using while superuser 
    utmp and wtmp files and 
su file 
substitution ciphers 
sudo program  2nd 
sudoers file 
SUID bit  2nd 
SUID permission 
SUID programs  2nd 
    back door via 
    chroot() system call and 
    created by intruders 
    disabling (turning off) 
    finding all files for 
    security problems with  2nd 
    shell scripts 
sulog file  2nd  3rd  4th 
sum command 
Sun NIS  [See NIS]
Sun NIS+  [See NIS+]
Sun RPC  [See RPC]
SUN-DES-1 authentication 
    history of 
    SGID and sticky bits for directories 
    trusted hosts and 
    unlink command 
    versions of 
SunRay systems 
sunrpc service  2nd 
Superincreasing Knapsack Problem 
superuser  2nd 
    abilities of 
    becoming with su command  2nd  3rd 
    becoming with SUID csh 
    bugs giving access to 
    capabilities of 
    changing file group 
    changing file owner 
    changing file permissions 
    changing file times 
    changing system clock 
    changing user passwords  2nd 
    compartmentalization as alternative to 
    kermit program and 
    logging attempts to become  [See sulog file]
    MAC systems not having 
    modem devices owned by 
    nameserver owned by 
    NFS ownership 
    NFS protocol and 
    NTP running as 
    password for 
    as point of attack 
    Posix P1003.1e/2c restrictions for 
    privileges removed by secure Unix 
    programs running as 
    prompt for 
    protecting account for 
    restricting abilities of 
    restrictions on  2nd 
    Samba daemons run as 
    security checklist for 
    security implications of 
    security precautions for  2nd 
    security problems with 
    sendmail running as 
    servers run as 
    SUID scripts run as 
    Trojan horse compromising 
    UID for 
    username for 
    using passwd command 
    using privileges with sudo command 
    wheel group and  2nd 
suppliers  [See vendors]
surge suppressors 
SVR4 Unix  [See also System V Unix]
    chroot() system call and 
    expiring accounts 
    group passwords and 
    history of 
    password aging 
    preventing users from changing passwords 
    process accounting with 
    restricting root account to console 
    shadow password file 
    wtmp file, viewing 
swap partition 
swap space, running out of 
Swatch program  2nd 
sweeping telephone lines 
symbolic links  [See also links]
    avoiding in restricted filesystems 
    permissions and 
    read-only partitions and 
SYMLINK function (RPC) 
symmetric key algorithms 
    attacks on 
    block algorithms 
    common types of 
    cryptographic strength of 
    key length and  2nd 
    security problems with 
    stream algorithms 
    verifying with peer review 
SYN bit 
SYN flood attacks  2nd 
sync account 
sync command 
sync() system call 
synchronization of passwords 
sysadmsh program 
sysctl command 
syslog facility  2nd  3rd 
    alternatives to 
    argument length checked by 
    buffer overruns in 
    configuration file 
    false log entries 
    files used by 
    library for 
    list of facilities in 
    messages generated by 
    in networked environment 
    priorities for 
    programming with 
    where to log 
syslog file  2nd 
syslog service 
syslog.conf file  2nd 
syslogd file 
systat service 
system  [See also specific operating systems]
    auditing activity on 
    backing up critical files 
    configuration files 
    CPU overload attacks 
    database files 
    safe shutdown  2nd 
    startup files 
    trust in 
system administrator  [See also superuser]
    adm account for 
    blocking system accounts from 
    changing password for 
    cooperating with intruders 
    errors by 
    listed in wheel group 
    mail aliases for 
    published resources for 
    remote, contacting regarding break-in 
    sanitizing backup tapes 
    setting umask 
    sudo program used by multiple administrators 
system calls  [See also specific system calls]
    checking arguments to 
    checking return codes from 
    failures of 
    format used in book 
system clock
    for random seeds 
    Secure RPC timestamp 
    sudden time changes in 
system files
    initialization files 
    read-only access to 
system libraries, protecting 
system manuals  [See manuals]
System Network Architecture (SNA) 
system software, updating 
system users 
System V Unix  2nd  [See also Linux; Solaris; SVR4 Unix]
    chroot() system call and 
    default umask value 
    device file permissions 
    exporting NFS directories 
    FIFO file type 
    history of 
    inittab program 
    loginlog file 
    logins recorded in lastlog 
    modems and 
    password files 
    password generators 
    permission options for 
    process accounting with 
    ps command 
    published resources for 
    random number generators 
    Release 4  [See SVR4 Unix]
    server startup on 
    SGID bit on files 
    su command and 
    sulog file settings 
    terminal security on 
    utmp and wtmp log files 
    wtmpx log file 
system() system call  2nd  3rd 
Systems Administration and Network Security  [See SANS]
systems-based crytpographic attacks