    tri_regen_32 dtag_tri32 ( misc, r_mmu_data, ss_clock,
                                mmdaten, ss_reset);
/*                   Trigger A control register  (PA =0x10003000)            */
/*                                                                           */
/* +------------------+--------------------------------------------+---+---+ */
/* |   reserved       |          Trigger A enables                 |AND| L | */
/* +------------------+--------------------------------------------+---+---+ */
/*  31              27 26                                        02  01   00 */
/*                                                                           */
/*   Bit    Mnemoic	Function                                             */
/*   ----   --------	---------                                            */
/*    00      L  	Trigger on EDGE (L=0) or LEVEL (L=1)                 */
/*    01      AND	Combine triggers by AND (AND=1) or OR (AND=0)        */
/*                                                                           */
/*    Cache triggers                                                         */
/*    --------------                                                         */
/*    02      IHLD	I-cache hold trigger                                 */
/*    03      IMSS	I-cache miss trigger                                 */
/*    04      ISTRM	I-cache stream trigger                               */
/*    05      IFTCH	I-cache fetch (cache lookup)                         */
/*    06      DHLD	D-cache hold trigger                                 */
/*    07      DMSS	D-cache miss trigger                                 */
/*    08      DSTRM	D-cache stream trigger                               */
/*    09      DFTCH	D-cache fetch (cache lookup)                         */
/*    10      WBHLD	Write buffer hold trigger                            */
/*                                                                           */
/*   Memory triggers                                                         */
/*   ---------------                                                         */
/*    11      MBSY 	Memory interface busy trigger                        */
/*    12      ABSY 	AFX interface busy trigger                           */
/*    13      MPAGE	Memory page mode access trigger                      */
/*    14      MPRCG	Memory precharge access trigger                      */
/*    15      MRMW 	Memory Read/Modify/Write operation trigger           */
/*                                                                           */
/*    System triggers                                                        */
/*    ---------------                                                        */
/*    16      XLTE 	MMU translation attempt trigger                      */
/*    17      SRTW 	SPARC Ref. MMU tablewalk trigger                     */
/*    18      SUP  	Supervisor mode access trigger                       */
/*    19      MMUBP	MMU breakpoint trigger                               */
/*    20      STALL	Processor stall trigger                              */
/*                                                                           */
/*    FPU triggers                                                           */
/*    ------------                                                           */
/*    21      FPHLD	FPU pipeline hold trigger                            */
/*    22      FPQ  	FPU Queue full trigger                               */
/*                                                                           */
/*    DMA triggers                                                           */
/*    ------------                                                           */
/*    23      DMAR	DMA request trigger                                  */
/*    24      DMAT	DMA translate trigger                                */
/*    25      DMAW	DMA write trigger                                    */
/*                                                                           */
/*    26      CNTB	Counter B carry out trigger                          */
/*                                                                           */

wire triga_hld = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h3000) & mmstben_reg) ;

wire [26:00] trig_ena;
MflipflopR_27 trig_ena_reg_27(trig_ena,misc_in[26:00],ss_clock,triga_hld,ss_reset) ;
/*                   Trigger B control register  (PA =0x10003004)            */
/*                                                                           */
/* +------------------+--------------------------------------------+---+---+ */
/* |   reserved       |          Trigger B enables                 |AND| L | */
/* +------------------+--------------------------------------------+---+---+ */
/*  31              25 24                                        02  01   00 */
/*                                                                           */
/*   Bit    Mnemoic	Function                                             */
/*   ----   --------	---------                                            */
/*    00      L  	Trigger on EDGE (L=0) or LEVEL (L=1)                 */
/*    01      AND	Combine triggers by AND (AND=1) or OR (AND=0)        */
/*                                                                           */
/*    Cache triggers                                                         */
/*    --------------                                                         */
/*    02      IHLD	I-cache hold trigger                                 */
/*    03      IMSS	I-cache miss trigger                                 */
/*    04      ISTRM	I-cache stream trigger                               */
/*    05      IFTCH	I-cache fetch (cache lookup)                         */
/*    06      DHLD	D-cache hold trigger                                 */
/*    07      DMSS	D-cache miss trigger                                 */
/*    08      DSTRM	D-cache stream trigger                               */
/*    09      DFTCH	D-cache fetch (cache lookup)                         */
/*    10      WBHLD	Write buffer hold trigger                            */
/*                                                                           */
/*   Memory triggers                                                         */
/*   ---------------                                                         */
/*    11      MBSY 	Memory interface busy trigger                        */
/*    12      ABSY 	AFX interface busy trigger                           */
/*    13      MPAGE	Memory page mode access trigger                      */
/*    14      MPRCG	Memory precharge access trigger                      */
/*    15      MRMW 	Memory Read/Modify/Write operation trigger           */
/*                                                                           */
/*    System triggers                                                        */
/*    ---------------                                                        */
/*    16      XLTE 	MMU translation attempt trigger                      */
/*    17      SRTW 	SPARC Ref. MMU tablewalk trigger                     */
/*    18      SUP  	Supervisor mode access trigger                       */
/*    19      MMUBP	MMU breakpoint trigger                               */
/*    20      STALL	Processor stall trigger                              */
/*                                                                           */
/*    FPU triggers                                                           */
/*    ------------                                                           */
/*    21      FPHLD	FPU pipeline hold trigger                            */
/*    22      FPQ  	FPU Queue full trigger                               */
/*                                                                           */
/*    DMA triggers                                                           */
/*    ------------                                                           */
/*    23      DMAR	DMA request trigger                                  */
/*    24      DMAT	DMA translate trigger                                */
/*    25      DMAW	DMA write trigger                                    */
/*                                                                           */
/*    26      CYC 	Cycle count trigger                                  */
/*                                                                           */

wire trigb_hld = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h3004) & mmstben_reg) ;

wire [26:00] trig_enb;
MflipflopR_27 trig_enb_reg_27(trig_enb,misc_in[26:00],ss_clock,trigb_hld,ss_reset) ;

/*                   Assertion control register  (PA =0x10003008)            */
/*                                                                           */
/* +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+-------+ */
/* |   reserved          |       Trigger Assertion Control         | rsvd  | */
/* +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+-------+ */
/*  31                 24 23                                     02  01   00 */
/*                                                                           */
/*   When bit is asserted, INVERT trigger.                                   */
/*                                                                           */
/*   Bit    Mnemoic	Function                                             */
/*   ----   --------	---------                                            */
/*    00        	Reserved (read as zero).                             */
/*    01        	Reserved (read as zero).                             */
/*                                                                           */
/*    Cache assertions                                                       */
/*    ----------------                                                       */
/*    02      IHLD	I-cache hold invert                                  */
/*    03      IMSS	I-cache miss invert                                  */
/*    04      ISTRM	I-cache stream invert                                */
/*    05      IFTCH	I-cache fetch (cache lookup)                         */
/*    06      DHLD	D-cache hold trigger                                 */
/*    07      DMSS	D-cache miss trigger                                 */
/*    08      DSTRM	D-cache stream trigger                               */
/*    09      DFTCH	D-cache fetch (cache lookup)                         */
/*    10      WBHLD	Write buffer hold trigger                            */
/*                                                                           */
/*   Memory triggers                                                         */
/*   ---------------                                                         */
/*    11      MBSY 	Memory interface busy trigger                        */
/*    12      ABSY 	AFX interface busy trigger                           */
/*    13      MPAGE	Memory page mode access trigger                      */
/*    14      MPRCG	Memory precharge access trigger                      */
/*    15      MRMW 	Memory Read/Modify/Write operation trigger           */
/*                                                                           */
/*    System triggers                                                        */
/*    ---------------                                                        */
/*    16      XLTE 	MMU translation attempt trigger                      */
/*    17      SRTW 	SPARC Ref. MMU tablewalk trigger                     */
/*    18      SUP  	Supervisor mode access trigger                       */
/*    19      MMUBP	MMU breakpoint trigger                               */
/*    20      STALL	Processor stall trigger                              */
/*                                                                           */
/*    FPU triggers                                                           */
/*    ------------                                                           */
/*    21      FPHLD	FPU pipeline hold trigger                            */
/*    22      FPQ  	FPU Queue full trigger                               */
/*                                                                           */
/*    DMA triggers                                                           */
/*    ------------                                                           */
/*    23      DMAR	DMA request trigger                                  */
/*    24      DMAT	DMA translate trigger                                */
/*    25      DMAW	DMA write trigger                                    */
/*                                                                           */

wire trig_asrt_hld = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h3008) & mmstben_reg) ;

wire [23:00] trig_asrt;
MflipflopR_24 trig_asrt_reg_24(trig_asrt,misc_in[25:02],ss_clock,trig_asrt_hld,ss_reset) ;

wire [25:00] assert = {trig_asrt, 2'b0} ;	// pad to use same defines
/*** Trigger decode logic                                                  ***/

parameter        LVL          =   0,
                 AND          =   1,
                 IHLD         =   2,
                 IMSS         =   3,
                 ISTRM        =   4,
                 IFTCH        =   5,
                 DHLD         =   6,
                 DMSS         =   7,
                 DSTRM        =   8,
                 DFTCH        =   9,
                 WBHLD        =  10,
                 MBSY         =  11,
                 ABSY         =  12,
                 MPAGE        =  13,
                 MPRCG        =  14,
                 MRMW         =  15,
                 XLTE         =  16,
                 SRTW         =  17,
                 SUP          =  18,
                 MMUBP        =  19,
                 STALL        =  20,
                 FPHLD        =  21,
                 FPQ          =  22,
                 DMAR         =  23,
                 DMAT         =  24,
                 DMAW         =  25;

/*** registers for late triggers from other blocks                         ***/

wire r_hold_fetch_f ;
Mflipflop_r_1 hold_fetch_f_1(r_hold_fetch_f,(~hold_fetch_f_l),~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire ifetched = did_ifetch & ~r_hold_fetch_f ;

wire iacc_wp_e_in = iu_mm_iacc_wp_exc_d & ~iu_in_trap ;
MflipflopR_1 iacc_wp_ff_1(iacc_wp_e,iacc_wp_e_in,ss_clock,iu_pipe_hold,ss_reset) ;

wire r_ic_stream ;
Mflipflop_r_1 ic_stream_ff_1(r_ic_stream,ic_stream,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire r_dc_stream ;
Mflipflop_r_1 dc_stream_ff_1(r_dc_stream,dc_stream,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire r_dc_shold ;
Mflipflop_r_1 dc_shold_ff_1(r_dc_shold,dc_shold,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire r_dcmiss_sustain ;

MflipflopR_1 dc_miss_sustain_ff_1(r_dcmiss_sustain,dc_miss_sustain, 		ss_clock,1'b0,ss_reset) ;

wire r_icmiss_sustain ;

MflipflopR_1 ic_miss_sustain_ff_1(r_icmiss_sustain,ic_miss_sustain, 		ss_clock,1'b0,ss_reset) ;

wire page_hit = mm_page & mem_issue_req ;

wire r_page_hit ;
Mflipflop_r_1 page_hit_ff_1(r_page_hit,page_hit,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire precharge = (precharge_early_0 | precharge_early_1) ;

wire r_precharge ;
Mflipflop_r_1 precharge_ff_1(r_precharge,precharge,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire precharge_trig_in = r_precharge & mem_issue_req ;

wire precharge_trig ;
Mflipflop_r_1 precharge_trig_ff_1(precharge_trig,precharge_trig_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire [2:0] r_p_reply_dec ;
Mflipflop_r_3 r_p_reply_dec_ff_3(r_p_reply_dec,p_reply_dec,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire afx_busy = (r_dc_par | r_ic_par) & r_fb_space & afx_qbusy & ~r_mbsy ;

wire r_afx_bsy ;
Mflipflop_r_1 afx_busy_ff_1(r_afx_bsy,afx_busy,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire rmw_req = mem_issue_req & ((mm_mreq == 4'b1001) | (mm_mreq == 4'b1010)) ;

wire r_rmw_req ;
Mflipflop_r_1 rmw_req_ff_1(r_rmw_req,rmw_req,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire r_va_bp_hit ;
Mflipflop_r_1 va_hit_ff_1(r_va_bp_hit,mmulgc_bp_hit,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

wire r_sup_mode ;
Mflipflop_r_1 sup_mode_ff_1(r_sup_mode,iu_sup_mode,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Implement a hold on pcntr_b carry out. Hold until trig_a recognizes. ****/
wire trig_b_co ;
wire trig_b_co_in = pcntr_b_co | (trig_b_co & ~trig_a) ;

Mflipflop_r_1 trig_b_co_ff_1(trig_b_co,trig_b_co_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;
/*** Trigger A decodes *******************************************************/

wire triga_or =	(trig_ena[IHLD] & (assert[IHLD] ^ ihold_d1)) |
		(trig_ena[IMSS] & (assert[IMSS] ^ r_icmiss_sustain)) |
		(trig_ena[ISTRM] & (assert[ISTRM] ^ r_ic_stream)) |
		(trig_ena[IFTCH] & (assert[IFTCH] ^ ifetched)) |
		(trig_ena[DHLD] & (assert[DHLD] ^ dhold_d1)) |
		(trig_ena[DMSS] & (assert[DMSS] ^ r_dcmiss_sustain)) |
		(trig_ena[DSTRM] & (assert[DSTRM] ^ r_dc_stream)) |
		(trig_ena[DFTCH] & (assert[DFTCH] ^ did_dfetch)) |
		(trig_ena[WBHLD] & (assert[WBHLD] ^ r_dc_shold)) |
		(trig_ena[MBSY] & (assert[MBSY] ^ r_mbsy)) |
		(trig_ena[ABSY] & (assert[ABSY] ^ r_afx_bsy)) |
		(trig_ena[MPAGE] & (assert[MPAGE] ^ r_page_hit)) |
		(trig_ena[MPRCG] & (assert[MPRCG] ^ precharge_trig)) |
		(trig_ena[MRMW] & (assert[MRMW] ^ r_rmw_req)) |
		(trig_ena[XLTE] & (assert[XLTE] ^ r_tlb_used)) |
		(trig_ena[SRTW] & (assert[SRTW] ^ sr_tw)) |
		(trig_ena[SUP] & (assert[SUP] ^ r_sup_mode)) |
		(trig_ena[MMUBP] & (assert[MMUBP] ^ r_va_bp_hit)) |
		(trig_ena[STALL] & (assert[STALL] ^ ~pipe_moved)) |
		(trig_ena[FPHLD] & (assert[FPHLD] ^ fhold_d1)) |
		(trig_ena[FPQ] & (assert[FPQ] ^ fhold_fqfull_d1)) |
		(trig_ena[DMAR] & (assert[DMAR] ^ dvma_req_x)) |
		(trig_ena[DMAT] & (assert[DMAT] ^ r_sxlate_ioreq)) |
		(trig_ena[DMAW] & (assert[DMAW] ^ sb_write)) |
		(trig_ena[26] & trig_b_co) ;

wire triga_and =(~trig_ena[IHLD] | (assert[IHLD] ^ ihold_d1)) &
		(~trig_ena[IMSS] | (assert[IMSS] ^ r_icmiss_sustain)) &
		(~trig_ena[ISTRM] | (assert[ISTRM] ^ r_ic_stream)) &
		(~trig_ena[IFTCH] | (assert[IFTCH] ^ ifetched)) &
		(~trig_ena[DHLD] | (assert[DHLD] ^ dhold_d1)) &
		(~trig_ena[DMSS] | (assert[DMSS] ^ r_dcmiss_sustain)) &
		(~trig_ena[DSTRM] | (assert[DSTRM] ^ r_dc_stream)) &
		(~trig_ena[DFTCH] | (assert[DFTCH] ^ did_dfetch)) &
		(~trig_ena[WBHLD] | (assert[WBHLD] ^ r_dc_shold)) &
		(~trig_ena[MBSY] | (assert[MBSY] ^ r_mbsy)) &
		(~trig_ena[ABSY] | (assert[ABSY] ^ r_afx_bsy)) &
		(~trig_ena[MPAGE] | (assert[MPAGE] ^ r_page_hit)) &
		(~trig_ena[MPRCG] | (assert[MPRCG] ^ precharge_trig)) &
		(~trig_ena[MRMW] | (assert[MRMW] ^ r_rmw_req)) &
		(~trig_ena[XLTE] | (assert[XLTE] ^ r_tlb_used)) &
		(~trig_ena[SRTW] | (assert[SRTW] ^ sr_tw)) &
		(~trig_ena[SUP] | (assert[SUP] ^ r_sup_mode)) &
		(~trig_ena[MMUBP] | (assert[MMUBP] ^ r_va_bp_hit)) &
		(~trig_ena[STALL] | (assert[STALL] ^ ~pipe_moved)) &
		(~trig_ena[FPHLD] | (assert[FPHLD] ^ fhold_d1)) &
		(~trig_ena[FPQ] | (assert[FPQ] ^ fhold_fqfull_d1)) &
		(~trig_ena[DMAR] | (assert[DMAR] ^ dvma_req_x)) &
		(~trig_ena[DMAT] | (assert[DMAT] ^ r_sxlate_ioreq)) &
		(~trig_ena[DMAW] | (assert[DMAW] ^ sb_write)) &
		(~trig_ena[26] | trig_b_co) ;

wire triga_dcd = trig_ena[AND] ? triga_and : triga_or ;

wire r_triga ;
Mflipflop_r_1 triga_ff_1(r_triga,triga_dcd,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign trig_a_term = trig_ena[LVL] ? triga_dcd : (triga_dcd & ~r_triga) ;

/*** Special select for IVA breakpoints and watchpoint traps ***/

assign iva_wp_sel = ((wp_trap_en | enbl_scan_bp) &
		     mmu_brkpt_en[0] & (va_src_sel == 2'b00)) ;

assign trig_a = iva_wp_sel ? iacc_wp_e : trig_a_term ;

/*** Trigger B decodes *******************************************************/

wire trigb_or =	(trig_enb[IHLD] & (assert[IHLD] ^ ihold_d1)) |
		(trig_enb[IMSS] & (assert[IMSS] ^ r_icmiss_sustain)) |
		(trig_enb[ISTRM] & (assert[ISTRM] ^ r_ic_stream)) |
		(trig_enb[IFTCH] & (assert[IFTCH] ^ ifetched)) |
		(trig_enb[DHLD] & (assert[DHLD] ^ dhold_d1)) |
		(trig_enb[DMSS] & (assert[DMSS] ^ r_dcmiss_sustain)) |
		(trig_enb[DSTRM] & (assert[DSTRM] ^ r_dc_stream)) |
		(trig_enb[DFTCH] & (assert[DFTCH] ^ did_dfetch)) |
		(trig_enb[WBHLD] & (assert[WBHLD] ^ r_dc_shold)) |
		(trig_enb[MBSY] & (assert[MBSY] ^ r_mbsy)) |
		(trig_enb[ABSY] & (assert[ABSY] ^ r_afx_bsy)) |
		(trig_enb[MPAGE] & (assert[MPAGE] ^ r_page_hit)) |
		(trig_enb[MPRCG] & (assert[MPRCG] ^ precharge_trig)) |
		(trig_enb[MRMW] & (assert[MRMW] ^ r_rmw_req)) |
		(trig_enb[XLTE] & (assert[XLTE] ^ r_tlb_used)) |
		(trig_enb[SRTW] & (assert[SRTW] ^ sr_tw)) |
		(trig_enb[SUP] & (assert[SUP] ^ r_sup_mode)) |
		(trig_enb[MMUBP] & (assert[MMUBP] ^ r_va_bp_hit)) |
		(trig_enb[STALL] & (assert[STALL] ^ ~pipe_moved)) |
		(trig_enb[FPHLD] & (assert[FPHLD] ^ fhold_d1)) |
		(trig_enb[FPQ] & (assert[FPQ] ^ fhold_fqfull_d1)) |
		(trig_enb[DMAR] & (assert[DMAR] ^ dvma_req_x)) |
		(trig_enb[DMAT] & (assert[DMAT] ^ r_sxlate_ioreq)) |
		(trig_enb[DMAW] & (assert[DMAW] ^ sb_write)) |
		(trig_enb[26]) ;

wire trigb_and =(~trig_enb[IHLD] | (assert[IHLD] ^ ihold_d1)) &
		(~trig_enb[IMSS] | (assert[IMSS] ^ r_icmiss_sustain)) &
		(~trig_enb[ISTRM] | (assert[ISTRM] ^ r_ic_stream)) &
		(~trig_enb[IFTCH] | (assert[IFTCH] ^ ifetched)) &
		(~trig_enb[DHLD] | (assert[DHLD] ^ dhold_d1)) &
		(~trig_enb[DMSS] | (assert[DMSS] ^ r_dcmiss_sustain)) &
		(~trig_enb[DSTRM] | (assert[DSTRM] ^ r_dc_stream)) &
		(~trig_enb[DFTCH] | (assert[DFTCH] ^ did_dfetch)) &
		(~trig_enb[WBHLD] | (assert[WBHLD] ^ r_dc_shold)) &
		(~trig_enb[MBSY] | (assert[MBSY] ^ r_mbsy)) &
		(~trig_enb[ABSY] | (assert[ABSY] ^ r_afx_bsy)) &
		(~trig_enb[MPAGE] | (assert[MPAGE] ^ r_page_hit)) &
		(~trig_enb[MPRCG] | (assert[MPRCG] ^ precharge_trig)) &
		(~trig_enb[MRMW] | (assert[MRMW] ^ r_rmw_req)) &
		(~trig_enb[XLTE] | (assert[XLTE] ^ r_tlb_used)) &
		(~trig_enb[SRTW] | (assert[SRTW] ^ sr_tw)) &
		(~trig_enb[SUP] | (assert[SUP] ^ r_sup_mode)) &
		(~trig_enb[MMUBP] | (assert[MMUBP] ^ r_va_bp_hit)) &
		(~trig_enb[STALL] | (assert[STALL] ^ ~pipe_moved)) &
		(~trig_enb[FPHLD] | (assert[FPHLD] ^ fhold_d1)) &
		(~trig_enb[FPQ] | (assert[FPQ] ^ fhold_fqfull_d1)) &
		(~trig_enb[DMAR] | (assert[DMAR] ^ dvma_req_x)) &
		(~trig_enb[DMAT] | (assert[DMAT] ^ r_sxlate_ioreq)) &
		(~trig_enb[DMAW] | (assert[DMAW] ^ sb_write)) ;

wire trigb_dcd = trig_enb[AND] ? trigb_and : trigb_or ;

wire r_trigb ;
Mflipflop_r_1 trigb_ff_1(r_trigb,trigb_dcd,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign trig_b = trig_enb[LVL] ? trigb_dcd : (trigb_dcd & ~r_trigb) ;
/*** Enable performance counter scan breakpoint (only load through scan)   ***/
    MflipflopR_1 enbl_scan_bp_ff_1(enbl_scan_bp,1'b0,ss_clock,1'b1,ss_reset) ;

    wire [15:00] mmu_brkpt_reg;		// forward

// the enable is removed since this flop is not accessable with jtag scan.
// the equivalent function will be performed in rl_clk_stop. 
//    wire mm_bp_dtct_in =  enbl_scan_bp & pcntr_a_co ;
    wire mm_bp_dtct_in =  pcntr_a_co ;

    wire mm_bp_dtct;
    Mflipflop_r_1 mm_bp_dtct_ff_1(mm_bp_dtct,mm_bp_dtct_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** SBUS ID match decode for triggers  *************************************/
    wire enbl_sbid_mtch = mmu_brkpt_reg[12] ;

    wire [2:0] sbid_mtch = mmu_brkpt_reg[15:13] ;

    assign sbus_id_hit = ~enbl_sbid_mtch | (sbid_mtch == sb_sbslot) ;

/*  */
/*                   MMU Breakpoint Enable Reg   (PA =0x1000300c)            */
/*                                                                           */
/* +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ */
/* |            reserved                   |    MMU Breakpont Eanbles      | */
/* +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ */
/*  31                                   12 11                            00 */
/*                                                                           */
/*   Bit    Mnemonic	Function                                             */
/*   ----   --------	---------                                            */
/*    00      VA_EN  	Enable Virtual Address compares (enable = 1)         */
/*                                                                           */
/*    02:01   VA_SRC  	Virtual Address Source select                        */
/*                                                                           */
/*                        Value  |   Source                                  */
/*                        -------+--------------------------------           */
/*                          00   |   Instruction Cache Address               */
/*                          01   |   Data Cache Address (also write buffer)  */
/*                          10   |   DVMA Address (for I/O MMU functions)    */
/*                          11   |   Physical Address                        */
/*                                                                           */
/*    04:03   VA_TYP  	Virtual Address request type                         */
/*                                                                           */
/*                        Value  |   Source                                  */
/*                        -------+--------------------------------           */
/*                          00   |   Disabled                                */
/*                          01   |   Read (D$ miss or I$ miss or DVMA)       */
/*                          10   |   Write (D$ miss or DVMA)                 */
/*                          11   |   LDSTO or DVMA translate                 */
/*                                                                           */
/*    06:05   TW_SRC  	 Tablewalk source                                    */
/*                                                                           */
/*                        Value  |   Source                                  */
/*                        -------+--------------------------------           */
/*                          00   |   Disabled                                */
/*                          01   |   Instruction Address tablewalk           */
/*                          10   |   Data Address tablewalk  (write buffer)  */
/*                          11   |   DVMA Address tablewalk                  */
/*                                                                           */
/*    07      REQ_EN  	 Memory Request compare enable                       */
/*                                                                           */
/*    11:08   MREQ    	 Memory request match field                          */
/*                                                                           */
/*                        Value  |   Request Type                            */
/*                        -------+--------------------------------           */
/*                         0000  |   ---                                     */
/*                         0001  |   Read 8-bytes                            */
/*                         0010  |   Read 16-bytes                           */
/*                         0011  |   ---                                     */
/*                         0100  |   Read 32-bytes                           */
/*                         0101  |   ---                                     */
/*                         011x  |   ---                                     */
/*                         1000  |   ---                                     */
/*                         1001  |   Write 1-byte                            */
/*                         1010  |   Write 2-bytes                           */
/*                         1011  |   Write 4-bytes                           */
/*                         1100  |   Write 8-bytes                           */
/*                         1101  |   Write 16-bytes                          */
/*                         111x  |   ---                                     */
/*                                                                           */
/*    12      SB_EN   	 Sbus ID match enable                                */
/*                                                                           */
/*    15:13   SB_ID   	 Sbus ID match field                                 */

wire mmu_brkpt_hld = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h300c) & mmstben_reg) ;

MflipflopR_16 mmu_brkpt_ff_16(mmu_brkpt_reg,misc_in[15:0],ss_clock, 		mmu_brkpt_hld,ss_reset) ;

/*** Virtual Address source select                                  ******/
/***  00 - Virtual Instruction Address          ***/
/***  01 - Virtual Data Cache Address           ***/
/***  10 - I/O Address                          ***/
/***  11 - Physical Address                     ***/

assign va_src_sel = mmu_brkpt_reg[02:01] ;

assign mmu_brkpt_en = mmu_brkpt_reg[11:00] ;
wire [26:00] mmu_brkpt_pad = {10'b0, mmu_brkpt_reg} ;
wire [26:00] trig_asrt_pad = {1'b0, trig_asrt, 2'b0} ;

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux4(perf_mux,  27,  perf_mux_out,   		trig_ena, 		/* pa = 0x1000 3000  */ 		trig_enb, 		/* pa = 0x1000 3004  */ 		trig_asrt_pad, 		/* pa = 0x1000 3008  */ 		mmu_brkpt_pad, 		/* pa = 0x1000 300c  */ 		mm_pa[03:02])
    function [ 27:1] perf_mux ;
        input [ 27:1] in0_fn ;
        input [ 27:1] in1_fn ;
        input [ 27:1] in2_fn ;
        input [ 27:1] in3_fn ;
        input [1:0] select_fn ;
        reg [ 27:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                2'b00:  out_fn = in0_fn ;
                2'b01: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                2'b10:  out_fn = in2_fn ;
                2'b11: out_fn = in3_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            perf_mux = out_fn ;
    assign  perf_mux_out = perf_mux(  		trig_ena, 		/* pa = 0x1000 3000  */ 		trig_enb, 		/* pa = 0x1000 3004  */ 		trig_asrt_pad, 		/* pa = 0x1000 3008  */ 		mmu_brkpt_pad, 		/* pa = 0x1000 300c  */ 		mm_pa[03:02]) ;
    // Expanded macro end.


/****  TEMPORARY modules for RS-flops ****************************************/

[Up: rl_mmu_regs sfsr_reg]
module rsflop_sfsr(out,in,clock,hold,reset,global_reset) ;

** this module allows you to instantiate S1rsff using a syntax
** similar to the REGR macro

output [14:00] out ;
input [14:00] in;
input  clock, hold, reset, global_reset ;

rsflop sfsr_ff14 (out[14],in[14],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff13 (out[13],in[13],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff12 (out[12],in[12],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff11 (out[11],in[11],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff10 (out[10],in[10],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff09 (out[09],in[09],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff08 (out[08],in[08],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff07 (out[07],in[07],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff06 (out[06],in[06],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff05 (out[05],in[05],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff04 (out[04],in[04],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff03 (out[03],in[03],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff02 (out[02],in[02],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff01 (out[01],in[01],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop sfsr_ff00 (out[00],in[00],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);

endmodule  // rsflop_sfsr

[Up: rl_mmu_regs afsr_reg]
module rsflop_afsr(out,in,clock,hold,reset,global_reset) ;

** this module allows you to instantiate S1rsff using a syntax
** similar to the REGR macro

output [09:00] out ;
input [09:00] in;
input  clock, hold, reset, global_reset ;

rsflop afsr_ff09 (out[09],in[09],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop afsr_ff08 (out[08],in[08],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop afsr_ff07 (out[07],in[07],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop afsr_ff06 (out[06],in[06],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop afsr_ff05 (out[05],in[05],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop afsr_ff04 (out[04],in[04],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop afsr_ff03 (out[03],in[03],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop afsr_ff02 (out[02],in[02],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop afsr_ff01 (out[01],in[01],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop afsr_ff00 (out[00],in[00],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);

endmodule  // rsflop_sfsr

[Up: rl_mmu_regs mfsr_reg]
module rsflop_mfsr(out,in,clock,hold,reset,global_reset) ;

** this module allows you to instantiate S1rsff using a syntax
** similar to the REGR macro

output [07:00] out ;
input [07:00] in;
input  clock, hold, reset, global_reset ;

rsflop mfsr_ff07 (out[07],in[07],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop mfsr_ff06 (out[06],in[06],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop mfsr_ff05 (out[05],in[05],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop mfsr_ff04 (out[04],in[04],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop mfsr_ff03 (out[03],in[03],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop mfsr_ff02 (out[02],in[02],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop mfsr_ff01 (out[01],in[01],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop mfsr_ff00 (out[00],in[00],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);

endmodule  // rsflop_mfsr

[Up: rl_mmu_regs mfsr_err_reg]
module rsflop_merr(out,in,clock,hold,reset,global_reset) ;

** this module allows you to instantiate S1rsff using a syntax
** similar to the REGR macro

output [03:00] out ;
input [03:00] in;
input  clock, hold, reset, global_reset ;

rsflop merr_ff03 (out[03],in[03],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop merr_ff02 (out[02],in[02],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop merr_ff01 (out[01],in[01],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);
rsflop merr_ff00 (out[00],in[00],clock,hold,reset,global_reset);

endmodule  // rsflop_merr


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