                if (ss_reset)
			mm_rom_module_speed <= #1 4'hf ;
//			mm_rom_module_speed <= #1 bm_sel[1] ? 4'h0 : 4'hf ; back to 4'hf
                else if (~hld_mid)
                        mm_rom_module_speed <= #1 misc_in[7:4] ;

    wire [31:00] mid = {10'h000,mid_out,4'h0,mm_go_standby,w_sp_sel[2:0],mm_rom_module_speed[3:0],4'h8};  
//               fix the line below, had 33 bits defined for mid
//    wire [31:00] mid = {11'b0,mid_out,4'b0,mm_go_standby,w_sp_sel[2:0],mm_rom_module_speed[3:0],4'h8};  


//    wire [31:00] mid = {11'b0,mid_out,16'h0008};
    assign mm_sbae = mid_out;

/* IO Flush ALL register                                                     */
/*   No data register exists for this address (only command)                 */

    wire flush_ioall_in = pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h0014);

    wire flush_ioall_dcd;
MflipflopR_1 flush_ioall_dcd_ff_1(flush_ioall_dcd,flush_ioall_in,ss_clock,          1'b0,ss_reset) ;

    assign flush_ioall = flush_ioall_dcd & mmstben_reg;

/* IO PTE Flush register                                                     */
/*   No data register exists for this address (only command)                 */

    wire flush_io_dcd_in = pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h0018);

    wire flush_iopte_dcd;
MflipflopR_1 flush_iopte_dcd_ff_1(flush_iopte_dcd,flush_io_dcd_in,ss_clock,          1'b0,ss_reset) ;

    assign flush_iopte = flush_iopte_dcd & mmstben_reg;
/* IO Control Register (currently 32-bits).                                  */
/*                                                                           */
/* +------+------+----------------------------------------+-------+----+---+ */
/* | IMPL | VER  |          reserved                      | Range |rsvd| ME| */
/* +------+------+----------------------------------------+-------+----+---+ */
/*  31  28 27  24 23                                    05 04   02  01   00  */
/*                                                                           */

    wire hld_io_cr = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h0000) & mmstben_reg);
    wire [03:00] io_cr_in = {misc_in[04:02],misc_in[0]}; /* rename inputs */
    wire [03:00] io_cr_out;
MflipflopR_4 io_cr_4( io_cr_out,           io_cr_in,                /* data loaded from the MDATA bus*/           ss_clock,hld_io_cr,ss_reset) ;         /* load enable for IO_CR*/

    wire [31:00] io_cr = {4'h0,4'h4,19'b0,io_cr_out[3:1],1'b0,io_cr_out[0]};
/** IMPL = 0, VER = 4  (same as PSR and PCR) **/

    assign io_range = io_cr[4:2];   /* output IO range field */

	assign io_mmu_en = io_cr[0];
/*  */
/* SSCR0 - Sbus Status/Control Register for Sbus_ID = 0.  (PA = 0x10001010)  */
/*                                                                           */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/* |           reserved            |SA30|      reserved           | BA8| BY| */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/*  31                           17  16  15                     02   01  00  */
/*                                                                           */

    wire hld_sscr0 = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h1010) & mmstben_reg);
    wire [2:0] sscr0_in = {misc_in[16], misc_in[1:0]}; /* rename inputs */
    wire [2:0] sscr0_out;
MflipflopR_3 sscr0_3( sscr0_out,            sscr0_in,                /* data loaded from the MDATA bus*/           ss_clock,hld_sscr0,ss_reset) ;      /* load enable for SSCR0*/

/* SSCR1 - Sbus Status/Control Register for Sbus_ID = 1.  (PA = 0x10001014)  */
/*                                                                           */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/* |           reserved            |SA30|      reserved           | BA8| BY| */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/*  31                           17  16  15                     02   01  00  */
/*                                                                           */

    wire hld_sscr1 = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h1014) & mmstben_reg);
    wire [2:0] sscr1_in = {misc_in[16], misc_in[1:0]}; /* rename inputs */
    wire [2:0] sscr1_out;
MflipflopR_3 sscr1_3( sscr1_out,            sscr1_in,                /* data loaded from the MDATA bus*/           ss_clock,hld_sscr1,ss_reset) ;      /* load enable for SSCR1*/

/* SSCR2 - Sbus Status/Control Register for Sbus_ID = 2.  (PA = 0x10001018)  */
/*                                                                           */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/* |           reserved            |SA30|      reserved           | BA8| BY| */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/*  31                           17  16  15                     02   01  00  */
/*                                                                           */

    wire hld_sscr2 = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h1018) & mmstben_reg);
    wire [2:0] sscr2_in = {misc_in[16], misc_in[1:0]}; /* rename inputs */
    wire [2:0] sscr2_out;
MflipflopR_3 sscr2_3( sscr2_out,            sscr2_in,                /* data loaded from the MDATA bus*/           ss_clock,hld_sscr2,ss_reset) ;      /* load enable for SSCR2*/

/* SSCR3 - Sbus Status/Control Register for Sbus_ID = 3.  (PA = 0x1000101c)  */
/*                                                                           */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/* |           reserved            |SA30|      reserved           | BA8| BY| */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/*  31                           17  16  15                     02   01  00  */
/*                                                                           */

    wire hld_sscr3 = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h101c) & mmstben_reg);
    wire [2:0] sscr3_in = {misc_in[16], misc_in[1:0]}; /* rename inputs */
    wire [2:0] sscr3_out;
MflipflopR_3 sscr3_3( sscr3_out,            sscr3_in,                /* data loaded from the MDATA bus*/           ss_clock,hld_sscr3,ss_reset) ;      /* load enable for SSCR3*/

/* SSCR4 - Sbus Status/Control Register for Sbus_ID = 4.  (PA = 0x10001020)  */
/*                                                                           */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/* |           reserved            |SA30|      reserved           | BA8| BY| */
/* +-------------------------------+----+-------------------------+----+---+ */
/*  31                           17  16  15                     02   01  00  */
/*                                                                           */

    wire hld_sscr4 = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h1020) & mmstben_reg);
    wire [2:0] sscr4_in = {misc_in[16], misc_in[1:0]}; /* rename inputs */
    wire [2:0] sscr4_out;
MflipflopR_3 sscr4_3( sscr4_out,           sscr4_in,                /* data loaded from the MDATA bus*/           ss_clock,hld_sscr4,ss_reset) ;      /* load enable for SSCR4*/
    assign mm_sscr_ba8 = {sscr4_out[1],sscr3_out[1],sscr2_out[1],

/* IO address Register for virtual address error checking.             ***/

    wire [31:24] r_ioadr;
    Mflipflop_8 ioadr_reg_8(r_ioadr,sb_ioa,ss_clock,sb_va_val_l) ;

/*** Load/Hold enables for datapath registers                          ***/

    assign hld_ibar = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h0004) & 
			mmstben_reg) ;

    assign vaf_en_hld = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h3018) &
			mmstben_reg) ;

    assign va_bp_hld = ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h301c) &
			mmstben_reg) ;

    assign ld_pcntr_a = (pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h3010) &
			mmstben_reg) ;

    assign ld_pcntr_b = (pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h3014) &
			mmstben_reg) ;

    assign sel_brkpt_mux = (pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:12] == 4'h3)) ;

    wire afsr_err;
    wire afsr_read;
    wire r_afar_lock;
    wire afar_lock = (afsr_err | r_afar_lock) & ~afsr_read;

    assign hld_afar = (~io_issue_req | afar_lock) &
                      ~(pa_reg_dcd & (mm_pa[15:00] == 16'h1004) & 
			mmstben_reg) ;

rsflop afar_lock_ff (r_afar_lock,afar_lock,ss_clock,1'b0,afsr_read,ss_reset);
/*** Some SSCR muxing for bit[30] of the PA muxing ***********************/
/* SSCR mux (4:1) provides SSCRn[16] according to Sbus slot ID.  */

    wire io_mmu_bp30;
    wire io_bp_enbl;
    wire sscr0_3_out3;
    wire sscr0_3_out0;

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux4(sscr_mux1,  1,  sscr0_3_out3,               sscr0_out[2],           /* SSCR0[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 0.*/             sscr1_out[2],           /* SSCR1[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 1.*/             sscr2_out[2],           /* SSCR2[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 2.*/             sscr3_out[2],           /* SSCR3[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 3.*/             sb_sbslot[1:0])
    function [ 1:1] sscr_mux1 ;
        input [ 1:1] in0_fn ;
        input [ 1:1] in1_fn ;
        input [ 1:1] in2_fn ;
        input [ 1:1] in3_fn ;
        input [1:0] select_fn ;
        reg [ 1:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                2'b00:  out_fn = in0_fn ;
                2'b01: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                2'b10:  out_fn = in2_fn ;
                2'b11: out_fn = in3_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            sscr_mux1 = out_fn ;
    assign  sscr0_3_out3 = sscr_mux1(              sscr0_out[2],           /* SSCR0[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 0.*/             sscr1_out[2],           /* SSCR1[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 1.*/             sscr2_out[2],           /* SSCR2[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 2.*/             sscr3_out[2],           /* SSCR3[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 3.*/             sb_sbslot[1:0]) ;
    // Expanded macro end.
               /* select from SBus slot ID.*/

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(sscr_mux,  1,  io_mmu_bp30,  	  sscr0_3_out3,            sscr4_out[2],           /* SSCR3[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 3.*/           sb_sbslot[2])
    function [ 1:1] sscr_mux ;
        input [ 1:1] in0_fn ;
        input [ 1:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [ 1:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            sscr_mux = out_fn ;
    assign  io_mmu_bp30 = sscr_mux( 	  sscr0_3_out3,            sscr4_out[2],           /* SSCR3[16] - PA[30] for SBus slot 3.*/           sb_sbslot[2]) ;
    // Expanded macro end.
          /* select from SBus slot ID.*/

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux4(sscr_bpmux1,  1,  sscr0_3_out0,               sscr0_out[0],           /* SSCR0[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 0.*/             sscr1_out[0],           /* SSCR1[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 1.*/             sscr2_out[0],           /* SSCR2[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 2.*/             sscr3_out[0],           /* SSCR3[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 3.*/             sb_sbslot[1:0])
    function [ 1:1] sscr_bpmux1 ;
        input [ 1:1] in0_fn ;
        input [ 1:1] in1_fn ;
        input [ 1:1] in2_fn ;
        input [ 1:1] in3_fn ;
        input [1:0] select_fn ;
        reg [ 1:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                2'b00:  out_fn = in0_fn ;
                2'b01: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                2'b10:  out_fn = in2_fn ;
                2'b11: out_fn = in3_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            sscr_bpmux1 = out_fn ;
    assign  sscr0_3_out0 = sscr_bpmux1(              sscr0_out[0],           /* SSCR0[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 0.*/             sscr1_out[0],           /* SSCR1[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 1.*/             sscr2_out[0],           /* SSCR2[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 2.*/             sscr3_out[0],           /* SSCR3[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 3.*/             sb_sbslot[1:0]) ;
    // Expanded macro end.
               /* select from SBus slot ID.*/

    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(sscr_bpmux,  1,  io_bp_enbl,               sscr0_3_out0,                        sscr4_out[0],           /* SSCR4[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 4.*/             sb_sbslot[2])
    function [ 1:1] sscr_bpmux ;
        input [ 1:1] in0_fn ;
        input [ 1:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [ 1:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            sscr_bpmux = out_fn ;
    assign  io_bp_enbl = sscr_bpmux(              sscr0_3_out0,                        sscr4_out[0],           /* SSCR4[0] - IO bypass for SBus slot 4.*/             sb_sbslot[2]) ;
    // Expanded macro end.
          /* select from SBus slot ID.*/

/* BOOT MODE mux (2:1) provides both IO_MMU Bypass[30] and Boot Mode[30].     */

/**    CMUX2(boot_30, 1, boot_out_30,                                      **/
/**            1'b1,                     force "1" if in BOOT MODE        **/
/**            io_mmu_bp30,              SSCRn[16] according to Sbus slot ID*/
/**            sel_io_bp)                                                 **/

// modified to make the old sbus boot address bit 30 turn off so that
// we generate an address which will be detected by the pcic and
// all boot from the pcic.  

//    assign boot_out_30 = (~io_mmu_bp | (io_mmu_bp & io_mmu_bp30));
    assign boot_out_30 = io_mmu_bp & io_mmu_bp30;


/*  */
/* SFSR - Synchronous Fault Status Register.  */

/*                   SFSR register definition                                */
/*                                                                           */
/* +----------------+---+---+------+---+---+---+-----+------+------+---+---+ */
/* |      rsvd      | CS| r | PERR | r | TO| BE|  L  |  AT  |  FT  |FAV| OW| */
/* +----------------+---+---+------+---+---+---+-----+------+------+---+---+ */
/*  31            17  16  15 14  13  12  11  10 09 08 07  05 04  02  01  00  */
/*                                                                           */
/* sf_status definition                                                      */
/* +----------------+---+---+------+---+---+---+-----+------+------+---+---+ */
/* |                | CS|   | PERR |   | TO| BE|  L  |  AT  |  FT  |FAV| OW| */
/* +----------------+---+---+------+---+---+---+-----+------+------+---+---+ */
/*                    14     13  12      11  10 09 08 07  05 04  02  01  00  */
/*                                                                           */

/*** registered valid ASI bit ************************************************/
/*** Track valid ASI field with PARs.       **********************************/

    wire par_asi_vld_in = ~mmu_asi_op ;

    Mflipflop_r_1 par_asi_ff_1(par_asi_vld,par_asi_vld_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** registered tlb_acc bits *************************************************/
/*** Track Access permission field with PARs.        *************************/

    wire ipar_acc_hld = ipar_valid | ~ic_tlb ;

    wire [2:0] tlb_acc = mmu_bypass ? {3'b111} : tlb_acc_raw ;

    wire [2:0] ipar_acc;
    MflipflopR_3 ipar_acc_ff_3(ipar_acc,tlb_acc,ss_clock,ipar_acc_hld,ss_reset) ;

    wire dpar_acc_hld = dpar_valid | ~dc_in_par ;

    wire [2:0] dpar_acc;
    MflipflopR_3 dpar_acc_ff_3(dpar_acc,tlb_acc,ss_clock,dpar_acc_hld,ss_reset) ;

/*** Select ACC field from reg'd TLB, DPAR or IPAR values ********************/

    wire [2:0] tlb_acc_in = (ic_par_state | dc_par_state) ?
		    (dc_par_state ? dpar_acc : ipar_acc) : tlb_acc ;

    wire [2:0] tlb_acc_x ;
    Mflipflop_r_3 tlb_acc_ff_3(tlb_acc_x,tlb_acc_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Instruction access decode                                 *****/
/*** All instruction accesses are assumed Supervisor. This is  *****/
/*** for prefetching (since it can't be determined).           *****/

    wire [2:0] inst_acc_dcd = 3'b011 ;

/*** the current access type needs to correspond with the current  */
/*** translation op. The following equation set the access type    */
/*** according to the operation.                                   */

    Mflipflop_r_3 data_acc_treg_3(data_acc_t,data_acc_s,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

    assign at_t = data_op ? data_acc_t : inst_acc_dcd;

/*** Access type in the execute stage **********************************/

    // r_data_op only gets used buy mux and comparator. -- sand
    //wire r_data_op ;
    //Mflipflop_r_1 data_op_reg_1(r_data_op,data_op,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

    wire [2:0] data_acc_x ;
    Mflipflop_r_3 data_accx_reg_3(data_acc_x,data_acc_t,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

// The mux and comparator now use the non-flopped versions of these
// signals. The outputs of the comparator are now flopped. Timming
// Fix --- Sand 

    //wire [2:0] at_x = r_data_op ? data_acc_x : inst_acc_dcd ;
    wire [2:0] at_x = data_op ? data_acc_t : inst_acc_dcd ;

    // Change assign to un-flopped version -- sand
    wire [2:0] af_x = tlb_acc_in;

/*** No fault if PCR.nf = 1 and Supervisor access. *****************/

    wire no_fault = mmu_cr[1] & ~asi_dcd9_w;

/*** See Tsunami spec for Protection Error decode *****************/

wire prtct_err_dcd_n = (((at_x == 3'h0) & (af_x == 3'h4)) |
                      ((at_x == 3'h1) & (af_x == 3'h4)) |
                      ((at_x == 3'h2) & ((af_x == 3'h0) | (af_x == 3'h1) | 
                                       (af_x == 3'h5))) |
                      ((at_x == 3'h3) & ((af_x == 3'h0) | (af_x == 3'h1) |
                                       (af_x == 3'h5))) |
                      ((at_x == 3'h4) & ((af_x == 3'h0) | (af_x == 3'h2) |
                                       (af_x == 3'h4) | (af_x == 3'h5))) |
                      ((at_x == 3'h5) & ((af_x == 3'h0) | (af_x == 3'h2) |
                                       (af_x == 3'h4) | (af_x == 3'h6))) |
                      ((at_x == 3'h6) & ((af_x == 3'h0) | (af_x == 3'h1) |
                                       (af_x == 3'h2) | (af_x == 3'h4) |
                                       (af_x == 3'h5))) |
                      ((at_x == 3'h7) & ((af_x == 3'h0) | (af_x == 3'h1) |
                                       (af_x == 3'h2) | (af_x == 3'h4) |
                                       (af_x == 3'h5) | (af_x == 3'h6))));

// Flopping the output of Comparator.
wire prtct_err_dcd;
Mflipflop_r prtct_err_reg(prtct_err_dcd,prtct_err_dcd_n,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

    wire enbl_err_t = ~tlb_miss & ~io_op & ~tw_par &  
			~(data_op & iu_in_trap) &
			((wr_tlb & ~wr_bypass) |
			(~mmu_bypass & normal_asi_w & ~asi_dcd3));

    wire enbl_err_x ;
    Mflipflop_r_1 enbl_err_ff_1(enbl_err_x,enbl_err_t,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

    assign prtct_err_x= prtct_err_dcd & enbl_err_x;

/*** The IO_PTE Write bit is the same as tlb_acc[0].              ********/

    wire io_prtct_err = (r_sxlate_ioreq & ~tlb_acc[0] & io_op &
                         ~tlb_miss & ~io_mmu_bp & io_cr[0]);

/*** These regs are needed to determine when to look at ldd_w for parity **/

    wire r_iwait_state;  //forward
    wire r_ic_fill;

    wire ic_fill = (r_iwait_state | r_ic_fill) ;

    Mflipflop_r_1 r_ic_fill_ff_1(r_ic_fill,ic_fill,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Dcache parity errors are asynchronous errors (level-15 int)      ***/
/***    An error is reported on if it is on the word returned.        ***/
/***    The Dcache should always invalidate the corresponding $ line  ***/

    wire r_dccfstb ;
    Mflipflop_r_1 mm_dccfstb_ff_1(r_dccfstb,mm_dccfstb,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Use chk_dpar (data cache parity) to delay strobes to match perr   *****/
    wire chk_dpar = mop_c_bit ? (r_dccfstb & ~r_mstb_l) : 
				   ((r_dccfstb & ~r_mstb_l) & r_drd_c1) ;

    wire msm_sreq;
    MflipflopR_1 msm_sreq_reg_1(msm_sreq,r_sb_par,ss_clock,~mem_issue_req,ss_reset) ;

    wire r_odd_wd;
    Mflipflop_r_1 odd_wd_ff_1(r_odd_wd,odd_wd,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Qualified parity error bits for MFSR  ********************************/
    wire msm_wrt_cyc;
MflipflopR_1 msm_wrt_cyc_ff_1(msm_wrt_cyc,mm_mreq[3],                 ss_clock,~mem_issue_req,ss_reset) ;

    wire mf_perr = ((msm_sreq | 
		     (chk_dpar & (mop_c_bit | ldd_w))) & perr_dcd) |
 		    ((chk_dpar | msm_wrt_cyc | (ldtlb_data_tw & io_tlb_tw) |
		      (ldtlb_data_tw & wr_tlb_tw)) &
			 (odd_wd ? dp_perr[0] : dp_perr[1])) |
			mc_afx_to ;

/*** Qualified parity error bits for SFSR  ********************************/
/***   Only tablewalk parity (non-store hit) is loaded directly into    ***/
/***   the SFSR. The I$ parity errors go through the IU.                ***/

    wire [1:0] data_sf_perr = (sr_tw_wrt & dc_tlb_tw) ? r_perr : 2'b0 ;

    wire [1:0] r_data_sf_perr;
    Mflipflop_r_2 r_d_sf_perr_ff_2(r_data_sf_perr,data_sf_perr,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

    wire [1:0] sf_perr = (|iu_sfs_perr) ? iu_sfs_perr : r_data_sf_perr ;

    assign tw_perr = r_perr_dcd & (sr_tw_wrt | io_tw_wrt);

    wire tlb_walk_perr = sr_tw_wrt & (r_odd_wd ? r_perr[0] : r_perr[1]) ;

    wire io_tlb_walk_perr = io_tw_wrt & (r_odd_wd ? r_perr[0] : r_perr[1]) ;

    wire r_io_tlb_walk_perr;
MflipflopR_1 io_tlb_walk_perr_ff_1(r_io_tlb_walk_perr,io_tlb_walk_perr,           ss_clock,1'b0,ss_reset) ;

/*** Need reg'd version to sync up with tablewalk level field decode *******/

    wire r_tlb_walk_perr;
MflipflopR_1 tlb_walk_perr_ff_1(r_tlb_walk_perr,tlb_walk_perr,           ss_clock,1'b0,ss_reset) ;

/*** See spec for Privileged Error decode            *****************/

    wire priv_err_dcd_n = (((at_x == 3'h0) | (at_x == 3'h2) |
                          (at_x == 3'h4) | (at_x == 3'h6)) &
                         ((af_x == 3'h6) | (af_x == 3'h7)));

// Flopping the output of Comparator.
wire priv_err_dcd;
Mflipflop_r priv_err_reg(priv_err_dcd,priv_err_dcd_n,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;
    assign priv_err_x = priv_err_dcd & enbl_err_x;

/*** Register err type to sync with reg'd sb_ioreq *************************/

    wire [1:0] r_sb_errtype;
    Mflipflop_r_2 sb_errtype_ff_2(r_sb_errtype,~sb_err_type,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

    wire [1:0] r_sb_err_type = ~r_sb_errtype ;

/*** Access error on CPU read (D$ access) and an SBus err       ************/

    wire sb_dacc_err = (~sb_wrt_err & ~r_sb_err_type[0] & ~r_sb_ic_op) ;

/*** decode separate access error signal for tablewalk checking.  **********/

    wire tw_priv_err = tw_pte_chk & priv_err_dcd ;
    wire tw_prtct_err = tw_pte_chk & prtct_err_dcd ;

    assign r_acc_err_tw = tw_priv_err | tw_prtct_err ;

/*** D-cache TLB privilege exception (t-stage +1)     ********************/
    wire r_dc_priv_err = priv_err_x & r_dc_tlb & r_dc_miss & 
				((read_w & ~wb_valid_x) | st_miss_x) ;

/*** D-cache TLB protection exception (t-stage +1)    ********************/
    wire r_dc_prtct_err = prtct_err_x & r_dc_tlb & r_dc_miss &
				((read_w & ~wb_valid_x) | st_miss_x) ;

/*** Write-buffer TLB privilege OR protection exception (t-stage +1) *****/
    wire wb_xlat_err = ((priv_err_x | prtct_err_x) & r_wr_tlb & wb_valid_x) |
			(wr_tlb_tw & (tw_priv_err | tw_prtct_err));

/*** Write buffer error - signal used to strobe the write buffer  *********/
    assign wb_err = wb_xlat_err | (wr_tlb_tw & (tw_addr_err | tw_xlat_err)) ;

    wire soft_tw_miss = iacc_miss | dacc_miss ;

/*********** Fault type decode function **********************************/

parameter [2:0]    NO_FAULT     = 3'b000,
                   INVALID_ADDR = 3'b001,
                   PROTECTION   = 3'b010,
                   PRIVILEGE    = 3'b011,
                   TRANSLATION  = 3'b100,
                   ACCESS_BUS   = 3'b101,
                   INTERNAL     = 3'b110;

function [2:0] fault_dcd;

    input tw_addr_err;
    input tw_xlat_err;
    input tw_priv_err;
    input tw_prtct_err;
    input r_dc_priv_err;
    input r_dc_prtct_err;
    input wb_xlat_err;
    input sb_dacc_err;
    input asi_err_cntl;
    input mmu_en;
    input r_tlb_walk_perr;
    input dc_tlb_tw;
    input wr_tlb_tw;
    input dacc_miss;          // Soft tablewalk miss -> translation error
    input iu_sfs_sup;         // IU fault status supervisor bit
    input [1:0] iu_sfs_perr;  // IU fault status Parity error
    input iu_sfs_xerr;        // IU fault status translation error
    input iu_sfs_mmiss;       // IU fault status TLB miss (software tw)
    input iu_sfs_iae;         // IU fault status Invalid Address Error
    input iu_sfs_sbe;         // IU fault status Sbus error
    input iu_sfs_sto;         // IU fault status Sbus timeout
    input iu_sfs_prtct;       // IU fault status protection exception
    input iu_sfs_priv;        // IU fault status privilege exception
    input probe;        // IU fault status privilege exception

/*** Internal Error decode *************************************************/
/***    Some internal state is out of sync (highest priority)            ***/
/***    Translate error on wb tablewalk (can't be on store HIT)          ***/
/***    Invalid Address error on wb tablewalk (can't be on store HIT)    ***/

    if (mmu_en & (wb_xlat_err |
	(wr_tlb_tw & ((tw_xlat_err & ~r_tlb_walk_perr) | tw_addr_err))))
			fault_dcd = INTERNAL ;

/*** Translation Error decode **********************************************/
/***    First 3 cases are D-cache translation errors                     ***/
/***       D-cache tablewalk translate error (ET = 3)                    ***/
/***       D-cache tablewalk parity error (not a write buffer tablewalk) ***/
/***       D-cache TLB miss when software tablewalks are enabled         ***/
/***    2 I-cache cases (Reported from W-stage of IU)                    ***/
/***       Instruction translate error (ET=3 or parity error on tw)      ***/
/***       Instruction TLB miss when software tablewalks are enabled     ***/

    else if (mmu_en & ((dc_tlb_tw & tw_xlat_err ) | dacc_miss | 
		(probe & r_tlb_walk_perr)) | (iu_sfs_xerr | iu_sfs_mmiss))
			fault_dcd = TRANSLATION ;

/*** Invalid Address Error decode ******************************************/
/***    D-cache tablewalk Invalid Address Error (ET=0)                   ***/
/***    Instruction tablewalk Invalid Address Error (ET=0)               ***/

    else if ((mmu_en & dc_tlb_tw & tw_addr_err) | iu_sfs_iae) 
			fault_dcd = INVALID_ADDR ;

/*** Privilege Exception Decode ********************************************/
/***    Privilege exception on D-cache translation or tablewalk          ***/
/***    Instruction privilege exception from IU W-stage                  ***/

    else if ((mmu_en & (r_dc_priv_err | (tw_priv_err & dc_tlb_tw))) |
			fault_dcd = PRIVILEGE ;

/*** Protection Exception Decode *******************************************/
/***    Protection exception on D-cache translation or tablewalk         ***/
/***    Instruction Protection exception from IU W-stage                 ***/

    else if ((mmu_en & (r_dc_prtct_err | (tw_prtct_err & dc_tlb_tw))) |
			fault_dcd = PROTECTION ;

/*** Access Bus Error Decode ***********************************************/
/***    Sbus access error (bus error OR timeout) for D-cache             ***/
/***    Control Space access error (illegal address or size)             ***/
/***    Instruction access error (Sbus error OR timeout OR parity error) ***/

    else if ((sb_dacc_err | asi_err_cntl) | 
             (iu_sfs_sbe | iu_sfs_sto | iu_sfs_perr[1] | iu_sfs_perr[0]))  
			fault_dcd = ACCESS_BUS ;

/*** No Fault **************************************************************/
    else fault_dcd = NO_FAULT ;


    wire [2:0] fault_type = fault_dcd (tw_addr_err, tw_xlat_err,
                                      tw_priv_err, tw_prtct_err,
                                      r_dc_priv_err, r_dc_prtct_err,
                                      sb_dacc_err, asi_err_cntl, mmu_cr[0],
                                      dc_tlb_tw, wr_tlb_tw, dacc_miss,
					iu_sfs_sup, iu_sfs_perr,
					iu_sfs_xerr, iu_sfs_mmiss,
					iu_sfs_iae, iu_sfs_sbe, iu_sfs_sto,
					iu_sfs_prtct, iu_sfs_priv, probe );

/*** Data error fault bit - indicates that error status from data op. ***/

    Mflipflop_r_1 iwait_state_ff_1(r_iwait_state, iwait_state,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

    assign tw_err = tw_xlat_err | tw_addr_err | (probe & r_tlb_walk_perr) ;

    wire tw_err_in = tw_err | r_tw_err;

    rsflop tw_err_ff (r_tw_err,tw_err_in,ss_clock,1'b0,~tw_par, ss_reset);

    wire data_err = (~(fault_type == ACCESS_BUS) &
                      ((r_dc_tlb & (prtct_err_x | priv_err_x)) | 
                       (r_dc_tlb & r_tlb_miss & enbl_soft_tw) |
                       dmiss_for_m |
                       (dc_tlb_tw & tw_pte_chk & r_acc_err_tw) |
                       (data_op & tw_err))) |
                    ((fault_type == ACCESS_BUS) &
			(asi_err_cntl | sb_dacc_err | 
			~(iu_sfs_sbe | iu_sfs_sto | 
				iu_sfs_perr[1] | iu_sfs_perr[0]))) ;

/*** Instruction Excpetion and Error decode logic                      *****/
/***    This does not set fault status, just signals IU of fault type  *****/
/***    and fault status.                                              *****/

/*** Decode for raw TLB level bits from RAM (tb_out[27:25])        *********/
/***                                                                     ***/
/***    tlb_lvl[2:0]	tlb_lvl_dcd[1:0] (PTE level)                     ***/
/***    ------------    ---------------- -----------                     ***/
/***       000                00           level-0                       ***/
/***       100                01           level-1                       ***/
/***       110                10           level-2                       ***/
/***       111                11           level-3                       ***/

wire [1:0] tlb_lvl_dcd = {tlb_lvl[1],
                          ((tlb_lvl[2] & ~tlb_lvl[1]) | tlb_lvl[0])} ;

/*** Decode for raw TLB level bits from tablewalk state machine  ***********/
/***                                                                     ***/
/***    tw_wm_lvl[1:0]	tlb_lvl_dcd[1:0] (PTE level)                     ***/
/***    ------------    ---------------- -----------                     ***/
/***        00                11           level-3                       ***/
/***        01                00           level-0                       ***/
/***        10                01           level-1                       ***/
/***        11                10           level-2                       ***/

wire [1:0] tw_err_dcd = {~(tw_err_lvl[1] ^ tw_err_lvl[0]),

/*** Register TLB level to track with PAR (since used by caches on       ***/
/***    mm_istat_avail or mm_dstat_avail - caches latch level status).   ***/

wire [1:0] par_lvl ;
MflipflopR_2 par_lvl_ff_2(par_lvl,tlb_lvl_dcd,ss_clock,hold_par,ss_reset) ;

wire [1:0] ipar_lvl;
MflipflopR_2 ipar_lvl_ff_2(ipar_lvl,tlb_lvl_dcd,ss_clock,ipar_valid,ss_reset) ;

/*** Pipe par_lvl 1-cycle to match mm_istat_avail strobe *******************/

wire [1:0] r_par_lvl_in = ic_par_state ? ipar_lvl : par_lvl ;

wire [1:0] r_par_lvl ;
Mflipflop_r_2 r_par_lvl_ff_2(r_par_lvl,r_par_lvl_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

/*** Select fault status level based on tablewalk active status.         ***/

wire [1:0] r_tlb_lvl;	// forward

assign mm_fs_lvl = mm_iabort ? (r_tw_err ? tw_err_dcd : r_tlb_lvl) 
				: r_par_lvl ;
/*** Instruction Invalid Adddress Exception                            *****/
/*** NOTE lvl hold signal is one cycle late so we OR hld_in and hld    *****/
/*** This may result in a TIMING Problem                               *****/
/***    Set registered bit on decoded error OR                         *****/
/***    I-cache watchpoint trap detected                               *****/
/***    Hold on 'iu_pipe_hold' OR ~hold_fetch_f_l (see BUG #589)       *****/

wire fs_iae_hld_in = ((iu_pipe_hold | ~hold_fetch_f_l) & (mm_fs_iae |
			(trig_a_term & (wp_trap_en | enbl_scan_bp) & 
			 (mmu_brkpt_en[0] & (va_src_sel == 2'b00))))) |
			(trig_a_term & (wp_trap_en | enbl_scan_bp) &
			  (mmu_brkpt_en[0] & (va_src_sel == 2'b00))) ;

wire mm_fs_iae_hld_r ;
Mflipflop_r_1 fs_iae_hld_ff_1(mm_fs_iae_hld_r,fs_iae_hld_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign mm_fs_iae = (ic_tlb_tw & tw_addr_err) | mm_fs_iae_hld_r ;

/*** Instruction translation error                                     *****/
/***    Hold on 'iu_pipe_hold' OR ~hold_fetch_f_l (see BUG #589)       *****/

wire fs_xerr_hld_in = mm_fs_xerr & (iu_pipe_hold | ~hold_fetch_f_l) ;

wire mm_fs_xerr_hld ;
Mflipflop_r_1 fs_xerr_hld_ff_1(mm_fs_xerr_hld,fs_xerr_hld_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign mm_fs_xerr = (ic_tlb_tw & tw_xlat_err) | mm_fs_xerr_hld ;

/*** Instruction tablewalk parity exception                            *****/
/***    Hold on 'iu_pipe_hold' OR ~hold_fetch_f_l (see BUG #589)       *****/
wire mm_fs_perr_hld = ~((ic_tlb_tw & r_ic_miss & tlb_walk_perr) |
			~(iu_pipe_hold | ~hold_fetch_f_l)) ;
wire [1:0] r_fs_perr;
MflipflopR_2 fs_perr_ff_2(r_fs_perr,r_perr,ss_clock,mm_fs_perr_hld,ss_reset) ;
assign mm_fs_perr = {(r_perr[1] | r_fs_perr[1]),
			 (r_perr[0] | r_fs_perr[0])};


/*** Instruction protection exception                                  *****/
/***    Set registered bit on decoded error OR                         *****/
/***    I-cache watchpoint trap detected                               *****/
/***    Hold on 'iu_pipe_hold' OR ~hold_fetch_f_l (see BUG #589)       *****/

wire fs_sptct_hld_in = ((iu_pipe_hold | ~hold_fetch_f_l) & (mm_fs_sptct | 
			(trig_a_term & (wp_trap_en | enbl_scan_bp) &
			 (mmu_brkpt_en[0] & (va_src_sel == 2'b00))))) |
			(trig_a_term & (wp_trap_en | enbl_scan_bp) & 
			 (mmu_brkpt_en[0] & (va_src_sel == 2'b00))) ;

wire mm_fs_sptct_hld ;
Mflipflop_r_1 fs_sptct_hld_ff_1(mm_fs_sptct_hld,fs_sptct_hld_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign mm_fs_sptct = (r_ic_tlb & r_ic_miss & prtct_err_x) | 
                     (ic_tlb_tw & r_acc_err_tw) | mm_fs_sptct_hld ;

/*** note: used r_acc_err_tw even though it includes priv_err checking *****/
/***       this should never happen for an instruction translation.    *****/
/*** Instruction TLB miss with software tablewalks enabled             *****/
/***    Hold on 'iu_pipe_hold' OR ~hold_fetch_f_l (see BUG #589)       *****/

wire iacc_miss_in = mm_fs_mmiss & (iu_pipe_hold | ~hold_fetch_f_l) ;

wire iacc_miss_hld;
Mflipflop_r_1 iacc_miss_hld_ff_1(iacc_miss_hld,iacc_miss_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign mm_fs_mmiss = ((r_ic_tlb & r_tlb_miss & r_ic_miss & enbl_soft_tw) |
                       iacc_miss_hld) ;

assign iacc_miss = r_ic_tlb & r_tlb_miss & r_ic_miss & enbl_soft_tw ;

/*** Instruction Sbus bus error (access error) on fetch from I/O space *****/
/***    Hold on 'iu_pipe_hold'                                         *****/
/***                                                                     ***/
/***    sb_err_type  |  Error type                                       ***/
/***    -------------+---------------------------                        ***/
/***         00      |  Sbus time out                                    ***/
/***         01      |  Sbus late error                                  ***/
/***         10      |  Sbus bus error (error acknowledge)               ***/
/***         11      |  No Error                                         ***/

    wire sb_cp_to = ~r_sb_err_type[1] & ~r_sb_err_type[0];
    wire sb_cp_le = ~r_sb_err_type[1] &  r_sb_err_type[0];
    wire sb_cp_be =  r_sb_err_type[1] & ~r_sb_err_type[0];

wire fs_sbe_hld_in = mm_fs_sbe & (iu_pipe_hold | ~hold_fetch_f_l) ;

wire mm_fs_sbe_hld ;
Mflipflop_r_1 fs_sbe_hld_ff_1(mm_fs_sbe_hld,fs_sbe_hld_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign mm_fs_sbe = (r_sb_ic_op & sb_cp_be) | mm_fs_sbe_hld ;

/*** Instruction Sbus timeout (access error) on fetch from I/O space   *****/

wire fs_sto_hld_in = mm_fs_sto & (iu_pipe_hold | ~hold_fetch_f_l) ;

wire mm_fs_sto_hld ;
Mflipflop_r_1 fs_sto_hld_ff_1(mm_fs_sto_hld,fs_sto_hld_in,~ss_reset,ss_clock) ;

assign mm_fs_sto = (r_sb_ic_op & sb_cp_to) | mm_fs_sto_hld ;


    wire hold_sfsr;
    wire r_data_err;
    rsflop data_err_ff (r_data_err,data_err,

    wire [2:0] sfsr_ft;
    wire ld_sfsr;
    wire ow_in;
/*  */
/******** Fault priority decoding - (ld_sfsr and OW bit) *******************/
/***                                                                     ***/
/*** fault_priority reflects the 2 bits indicating                       ***/
/***     ld_sfsr - SFSR load enable                                      ***/
/***     ow      - Overwrite bit                                         ***/

function [1:0] fault_priority;

    input [2:0] fault_type;		/* current fault type              */
    input [2:0] sfsr_ft;		/* SFSR fault type field           */
    input r_data_err;
    input data_err;

    case (fault_type)                   // synopsys parallel_case

        INTERNAL: fault_priority = {2'b10};

        TRANSLATION: if(sfsr_ft == INTERNAL)
			fault_priority = {2'b00};
                     else if (sfsr_ft == TRANSLATION) 
			fault_priority = {2'b11};
                     else fault_priority = {2'b10};

        INVALID_ADDR: if ((sfsr_ft == INTERNAL) | (sfsr_ft == TRANSLATION) |
			  (r_data_err & ~data_err & ~(sfsr_ft == NO_FAULT)))
                           fault_priority = {2'b00};
                      else if (~(r_data_err ^ data_err) & ~(sfsr_ft == NO_FAULT))
                           fault_priority = {2'b11};
                      else fault_priority = {2'b10};

        PRIVILEGE: if ((sfsr_ft == INTERNAL) | (sfsr_ft == TRANSLATION) |
			  (r_data_err & ~data_err & ~(sfsr_ft == NO_FAULT)))
                           fault_priority = {2'b00};
                   else if (~(r_data_err ^ data_err) & ~(sfsr_ft == NO_FAULT))
                           fault_priority = {2'b11};
                   else fault_priority = {2'b10};

        PROTECTION: if ((sfsr_ft == INTERNAL) | (sfsr_ft == TRANSLATION) |
			  (r_data_err & ~data_err & ~(sfsr_ft == NO_FAULT)))
                           fault_priority = {2'b00};
                   else if (~(r_data_err ^ data_err) & ~(sfsr_ft == NO_FAULT))
                           fault_priority = {2'b11};
                   else fault_priority = {2'b10};

        ACCESS_BUS: if ((sfsr_ft == INTERNAL) | (sfsr_ft == TRANSLATION) |
			  (r_data_err & ~data_err & ~(sfsr_ft == NO_FAULT)))
                           fault_priority = {2'b00};
                   else if (~(r_data_err ^ data_err) & ~(sfsr_ft == NO_FAULT))
                           fault_priority = {2'b11};
                   else fault_priority = {2'b10};

        default: fault_priority = {2'b00};



    assign {ld_sfsr,ow_in} = fault_priority(fault_type, sfsr_ft,
                                          r_data_err, data_err);


    wire fav = data_err;  /* Fault Addr is valid for Data errors */

    assign hold_sfsr = (hld_sfsr & ~ld_sfsr) | rd_sfsr ;
    assign hold_sfar = hld_sfar & ~ld_sfsr;


    MflipflopR_2 r_tlb_lvl_ff_2(r_tlb_lvl,tlb_lvl_dcd,ss_clock,r_acc_err_tw,ss_reset) ;

    wire [1:0] err_lvl = tw_err ? tw_err_dcd : r_tlb_lvl ;

    wire [1:0] sfsr_lvl = (fault_type == 3'b101) ? 2'b0 :
                                   (data_err ? err_lvl : iu_sfs_lvl) ;

    wire [2:0] sfsr_at = data_err ? data_acc_x : {2'b01, iu_sfs_sup} ;

    wire sf_sb_to = data_err ? sb_cp_to : iu_sfs_sto ;

    wire sf_sb_be = data_err ? sb_cp_be : iu_sfs_sbe ;

    wire [14:00] sf_status = {asi_err_cntl,  /* control space error bit */
                              sf_perr[1:0],  /* 2-bit data parity err field*/
                              sf_sb_to,      /* SBus time-out*/
                              sf_sb_be,      /* SBus error*/
                              sfsr_lvl,      /* 2-bit level field from TLB*/
                              sfsr_at,       /* 3-bit access type field*/
                              fault_type,    /* 3-bit fault type field*/
                              fav,           /* fault address valid*/
                              ow_in};        /* overwrite bit*/

    wire [14:00] sfsr_data_in = {misc_in[16],misc_in[14:13],

    wire [14:00] sfsr_in;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(sfsr_mux, 15, sfsr_in,           sfsr_data_in, sf_status,           hld_sfsr)
    function [15:1] sfsr_mux ;
        input [15:1] in0_fn ;
        input [15:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [15:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            sfsr_mux = out_fn ;
    assign sfsr_in = sfsr_mux(          sfsr_data_in, sf_status,           hld_sfsr) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

    wire [14:00] sfsr;
    rsflop_sfsr sfsr_reg(sfsr,  
          sfsr_in,                  /* load PAR from the DATA Physical Address*/
          rd_sfsr,ss_reset);  /* load enable for PAR*/

    assign sfsr_ft = sfsr[4:2];

/*** SFSR load monitor (displays when SFSR was loaded - for debug     ***/
// synopsys translate_off

wire [31:00] sfsr_disp = {15'b0, sfsr_in[14], 1'b0, sfsr_in[13:12],
			  1'b0, sfsr_in[11:00] } ;

always @(posedge ss_clock) begin


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