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***  Program File:  @(#)BSCN.v
[Up: MEM_IN_PD mem_scn2][Up: MEM_IN_PU mem_scn2][Up: MEM_IN mem_scn2]
module BSCN2	(DINPN,

input DINPN;
input MODE;
input SHIFT;
input ENB;
input UPDATE;
input TDI;
input SETN;

output TDO;
output DOUT;

wire latchq;
// DINPN is actually active high data
wire DOUT = MODE ? latchq : DINPN;

wire mux2_out = SHIFT ? TDI : DOUT;

Mflipflop capture_flop (TDO, mux2_out, ENB, 1'b0);

UDP_LATCH update_latch (latchq, ~UPDATE, TDO);


[Up: PCI_BI pci_bidi_scn3][Up: MEM_BI mem_bidi_scn3][Up: PCI_BI_OD pci_bidi_scn3]
module BSCN3	(DINP0N,

input DINP0N;
input DINP1;
input MODE0;
input MODE1;
input SHIFT;
input ENB;
input UPDATE;
input TDI0;
input TDI1;
input SETN;

output TDO0;
output TDO1;
output DOUT0;
output DOUT1;

wire flopout0, latchq0;
wire DOUT0N = MODE0 ? ~latchq0 : DINP0N;
wire DOUT0 = ~DOUT0N;

wire mux2_out = SHIFT ? TDI0 : DOUT0;

Mflipflop capture_flop0 (TDO0, mux2_out, ENB, 1'b0);

UDP_LATCH update_latch0 (latchq0, ~UPDATE, ~TDO0);

wire mux3_out = SHIFT ? TDI1 : DINP1;

wire latchq1;
Mflipflop capture_flop1 (TDO1, mux3_out, ENB, 1'b0);

UDP_LATCH update_latch1 (latchq1, ~UPDATE, TDO1);

wire DOUT1 = MODE1 ? latchq1 : DINP1;


[Up: ENABLE afx_out_scn4][Up: MEM_OUT mem_out_scn4]
module BSCN4	(DINP,

input DINP;
input MODE;
input SHIFT;
input ENB;
input UPDATE;
input TDI;
input SETN;

output TDO;
output DOUT;

wire latchq;
wire TDO;
wire DOUT = MODE ? latchq : DINP;

wire mux2_out = SHIFT ? TDI : DINP;

Mflipflop capture_flop (TDO, mux2_out, ENB, 1'b0);

UDP_LATCH update_latch (latchq, ~UPDATE, TDO);


// Modified to include TN, PI and PO

[Up: toppads b_257_pad][Up: toppads b_258_pad][Up: toppads b_262_pad][Up: toppads b_263_pad][Up: toppads b_264_pad][Up: toppads b_265_pad][Up: toppads b_267_pad][Up: toppads b_268_pad][Up: toppads b_269_pad][Up: toppads b_271_pad][Up: toppads b_274_pad][Up: toppads b_275_pad][Up: toppads b_276_pad][Up: toppads b_279_pad][Up: toppads b_280_pad][Up: toppads b_281_pad][Up: toppads b_282_pad][Up: toppads b_285_pad][Up: toppads b_286_pad][Up: toppads b_287_pad][Up: toppads b_290_pad][Up: toppads b_291_pad][Up: toppads b_293_pad][Up: toppads b_294_pad][Up: toppads b_295_pad][Up: toppads b_296_pad][Up: toppads b_297_pad][Up: toppads b_298_pad][Up: toppads b_301_pad][Up: toppads b_303_pad][Up: toppads b_304_pad][Up: toppads b_307_pad]... (truncated)
module PCI_BI (ENC_, OT, TN, PI, PO, SHIFT, SI, CK, UP, MD1,
	MD2, SO, IT, X);

input	ENC_;		// tri_state enable, active low from BSCN4 output
input	OT;		// data to pad from core
input	TN;		// comes in from ssparc.v
input 	SHIFT;		// jtag_ff select
input	SI;		// scan-in data
input	CK;		// load the jtag_flop
input	UP;		// update signal
input 	MD1;		// output mode select, 0 = drive to pad data
input   MD2;		// input mode select, 0 = pad data
input 	PI;
output	PO;
output	SO;		// scan-out
output	IT;		// data to core
inout	X;		// actual pad data;

wire bscn3_tdo0;	// internal scan connection
wire bscn3_dout0;	// jtag to output predriver
wire bscn3_dout1;	// jtag to input (from input predriver)

// BAD NEWS, the signal to drive to the pad is active LOW!

wire bidi_in;

BSCN3 pci_bidi_scn3(	.DINP0N	(~bidi_in),
			.DINP1	(OT),
			.MODE0	(MD1),
			.MODE1	(MD2),
			.ENB	(CK),
			.UPDATE	(UP),
			.TDI0	(SI	),
			.TDI1	(bscn3_tdo0),
			.DOUT0	(IT),
			.DOUT1	(bscn3_dout1),
			.TDO0	(bscn3_tdo0),
			.TDO1	(SO)

//RBDEPCIF pci_bidi_slot(
RBDEPCI5F pci_bidi_slot(
			.A	(bscn3_dout1),
			//.TN	(1'b1),
			.TN	(TN),
			.IO	(X),
			.PI	(PI),
			.PO	(PO),
			.EN	(ENC_),
			.ZI	(bidi_in)


module PCI_BI_OD (ENC_, OT, TN, PI, PO, SHIFT, SI, CK, UP, MD1,
        MD2, SO, IT, X);
input   ENC_;           // tri_state enable, active low from BSCN4 output
input   OT;             // data to pad from core
input   TN;             // comes in from ssparc.v
input   SHIFT;          // jtag_ff select
input   SI;             // scan-in data
input   CK;             // load the jtag_flop
input   UP;             // update signal
input   MD1;            // output mode select, 0 = drive to pad data
input   MD2;            // input mode select, 0 = pad data
input   PI;
output  PO;
output  SO;             // scan-out
output  IT;             // data to core
inout   X;              // actual pad data;
wire bscn3_tdo0;        // internal scan connection
wire bscn3_dout0;       // jtag to output predriver
wire bscn3_dout1;       // jtag to input (from input predriver)
// BAD NEWS, the signal to drive to the pad is active LOW!
wire bidi_in;
BSCN3 pci_bidi_scn3(    .DINP0N (~bidi_in),
                        .DINP1  (OT),
                        .MODE0  (MD1),
                        .MODE1  (MD2),
                        .ENB    (CK),
                        .SHIFT  (SHIFT),
                        .UPDATE (UP),
                        .TDI0   (SI     ),
                        .TDI1   (bscn3_tdo0),
                        .DOUT0  (IT),
                        .DOUT1  (bscn3_dout1),
                        .TDO0   (bscn3_tdo0),
                        .TDO1   (SO)
//RBDEPCIF pci_bidi_slot(
RBDEPCI5F pci_bidi_slot(
                        .A      (1'b0),
                        //.TN   (1'b1),
                        .TN     (TN),
                        .IO     (X),
                        .PI     (PI),
                        .PO     (PO),
                        .EN     (ENC_),
                        .ZI     (bidi_in)
// Modified to include TN

[Up: botpads b_133_pad][Up: botpads b_134_pad][Up: botpads b_136_pad][Up: botpads b_136a_pad]
module MEM_BI (ENC_, OT, TN, PI, PO, SHIFT, SI, CK, UP, MD1,
        MD2, SO, IT, X);
input   ENC_;           // tri_state enable, active low from BSCN4 output
input   OT;             // data to pad from core
input   TN;             // comes in from ssparc.v
input   SHIFT;          // jtag_ff select
input   SI;             // scan-in data
input   CK;             // load the jtag_flop
input   UP;             // update signal
input   MD1;            // output mode select, 0 = drive to pad data
input   MD2;            // input mode select, 0 = pad data
input   PI;
output  PO;
output  SO;             // scan-out
output  IT;             // data to core
inout   X;              // actual pad data;
wire bscn3_tdo0;        // internal scan connection
wire bscn3_dout0;       // jtag to output predriver
wire bscn3_dout1;       // jtag to input (from input predriver)
wire bidi_in;
BSCN3 mem_bidi_scn3(    .DINP0N (preibuf_z),
                        .DINP1  (OT),
                        .MODE0  (MD1),
                        .MODE1  (MD2),
                        .ENB    (CK),
                        .SHIFT  (SHIFT),
                        .UPDATE (UP),
                        .TDI0   (SI     ),
                        .TDI1   (bscn3_tdo0),
                        .DOUT0  (IT),
                        .DOUT1  (bscn3_dout1),
                        .TDO0   (bscn3_tdo0),
                        .TDO1   (SO)
// keep the name pci_bidi_slot even though switch to mem
// so ssparc_chipdumpvars doesn't change. JP
BD6FDR pci_bidi_slot(
                        .A      (bscn3_dout1),
                        .TN     (TN),
                        .IO     (X),
                        .EN     (ENC_),
                        .Z      (bidi_in)

PREIBUFNF mem_in_prein(
                        .A      (bidi_in),
                        .PI     (PI),
                        .PO     (PO),
                        .Z      (preibuf_z)


/* DELETE this since not used use the above version JP
module MEM_BI (ENC_, OT, TN, SHIFT, SI,  CK, UP, MD1,
	MD2, SO, IT, X);

input	ENC_;		// tri_state enable, active low from BSCN4 output
input	OT;		// data to pad from core
input 	TN; 
input 	SHIFT;		// jtag_ff select
input	SI;		// scan-in data
input	CK;		// jtag_ff clock (gated in jtag controller)
input	UP;		// update signal
input 	MD1;		// output mode select, 0 = drive to pad data
input   MD2;		// input mode select, 0 = pad data
output	SO;		// scan-out
output	IT;		// data to core
inout	X;		// actual pad data;

wire bscn3_tdo0;	// internal scan connection
wire bscn3_dout0;	// jtag to output predriver
wire bscn3_dout1;	// jtag to input (from input predriver)
wire bidi_in;		// output of slot driver to prebuf

BSCN3 afx_bidi_scn3(	.DINP0N	(~bidi_in),
			.DINP1	(OT),
			.MODE0	(MD1),
			.MODE1	(MD2),
			.ENB	(CK),
			.UPDATE	(UP),
			.TDI0	(SI	),
			.TDI1	(bscn3_tdo0),
			.DOUT0	(IT),
			.DOUT1	(bscn3_dout1),
			.TDO0	(bscn3_tdo0),
			.TDO1	(SO)

BD6FDR afx_bidi_slot(
			.A	(bscn3_dout1),
			.EN	(ENC_),
			//.TN	(1'b1),
			.TN	(TN),
			.IO	(X),
			.Z	(bidi_in)



// Modified to include PI and PO
[Up: botpads i_116_pad]
module MEM_IN (SHIFT, SI, CK, UP,  MD, PI, PO,
	SO, IT, X);

input 	SHIFT;		// jtag_ff select
input	SI;		// scan-in data
input   CK;		// clock for jtag_ff
input	UP;		// update signal
input 	MD;		// output mode select, 0 = drive to pad data
input	PI;
output	PO;
output	SO;		// scan-out
output	IT;		// data to core
inout	X;		// actual pad data;

wire preibuf_z;

// cell is inverting
BSCN2 mem_scn2(		.DINPN	(preibuf_z),
			.MODE	(MD),
			.ENB	(CK),
			.UPDATE	(UP),
			.TDI	(SI),
			.DOUT	(IT),
			.TDO	(SO),
			.SETN	(1'b1)

wire ibuf_z;

IBUFFDR mem_in_slot(	.A	(X),
			.Z	(ibuf_z)

PREIBUFF mem_in_prein(
			.A	(ibuf_z),
			.PI	(PI),
			.PO	(PO),
			.Z	(preibuf_z)


// Modified to include TN

[Up: rightpads o_168_pad][Up: rightpads o_171_pad][Up: rightpads o_172_pad][Up: rightpads o_173_pad][Up: rightpads o_174_pad][Up: rightpads o_177_pad][Up: rightpads o_178_pad][Up: rightpads o_179_pad][Up: rightpads o_180_pad][Up: rightpads o_183_pad][Up: rightpads o_184_pad][Up: rightpads o_185_pad][Up: rightpads o_186_pad][Up: rightpads o_189_pad][Up: rightpads o_190_pad][Up: rightpads o_191_pad][Up: rightpads o_192_pad][Up: rightpads o_195_pad][Up: rightpads o_196_pad][Up: rightpads o_197_pad][Up: rightpads o_198_pad][Up: rightpads o_201_pad][Up: rightpads o_202_pad][Up: rightpads o_203_pad][Up: rightpads o_204_pad][Up: rightpads o_207_pad][Up: rightpads o_208_pad][Up: rightpads o_209_pad][Up: rightpads o_210_pad][Up: rightpads o_213_pad][Up: rightpads o_214_pad][Up: rightpads o_215_pad]... (truncated)
module MEM_OUT (OT, TN, SHIFT, SI, UP, CK,  
	MD, SO, X);

input	OT;		// data to pad from core
input 	TN;
input 	SHIFT;		// jtag_ff select
input	SI;		// scan-in data
input	UP;		// update signal
input   CK;		// clock for jtag ff
input   MD;		// input mode select, 0 = pad data
output	SO;		// scan-out
inout	X;		// actual pad data;

wire bscn4_dout;	// jtag to output predriver

BSCN4 mem_out_scn4(	.DINP	(OT),
			.MODE	(MD),
			.ENB	(CK),
			.UPDATE	(UP),
			.TDI	(SI	),
			.DOUT	(bscn4_dout),
			.TDO	(SO)

BD6FDR mem_out_slot(
			.A	(bscn4_dout),
			//.TN	(1'b1),
			.TN	(TN),
			.EN	(1'b0),
			.IO	(X)


// Added PI and PO ports
[Up: botpads i_ns_104_pad][Up: botpads i_ns_105_pad][Up: botpads i_ns_106_pad][Up: botpads i_ns_107_pad][Up: botpads i_117_pad][Up: botpads i_ns_122_pad]
module MEM_IN_NS_PU (IT, PI, PO, X);

output	IT;		// data to core
inout	X;		// actual pad data;
input 	PI;
output	PO;

// cell has a pull up and is 5 v tolerant
IBUFPUFDR afx_in_slot(	.A	(X),
			.Z	(ibuf_z)

PREIBUFF afx_in_prein(
			.A	(ibuf_z),
			.PI	(PI),
			.PO	(PO),
			.Z	(IT)


// Added PI and PO ports
[Up: rightpads i_ns_222_pad]
module TEST_IN (IT, X, PI, PO);
output  IT;             // data to core
inout   X;              // actual pad data;
input   PI;
output  PO;
// cell has a pull up and is 5 v tolerant
IIDDTNFDR iiddtndr    (  .A      (X),
                         .Z      (pre_in)
PREIIDDTN preiiddtn   (.IDDTN  (IT),
			 .A	 (pre_in),
			 //.PI	 (1'b1)
                        .PI     (PI),
                        .PO     (PO)

// Added PI and PO ports
[Up: botpads i_113_pad]
module MEM_IN_NS_PD (IT, X, PI, PO);
output  IT;             // data to core
inout   X;              // actual pad data;
input   PI; 
output  PO;
// cell has a pull down and is 5 v tolerant
IBUFPDFDR afx_in_slot(  .A      (X),
                        .Z      (ibuf_z)
PREIBUFF afx_in_prein(
                        .A      (ibuf_z),
                        .PI     (PI), 
                        .PO     (PO),
                        .Z      (IT)

[Up: toppads b_mem_oen_cell][Up: rightpads b_mem_oen_cell][Up: leftpads ADEnable_cell][Up: leftpads frameEn_cell][Up: leftpads trdyEn_cell][Up: leftpads irdyEn_cell][Up: leftpads stopEn_cell][Up: leftpads devselEn_cell][Up: leftpads pci_gnt_oen_cell][Up: leftpads pci_req_oen_cell][Up: leftpads pci_clk0_oen_cell][Up: leftpads pci_clk1_oen_cell][Up: leftpads pci_clk2_oen_cell][Up: leftpads cbeEnable_cell][Up: botpads cbeEnable_cell][Up: botpads PAREnable_cell][Up: botpads perrEn_cell][Up: botpads serrEnable_cell][Up: botpads inta_oen_cell][Up: botpads intb_oen_cell][Up: botpads intc_oen_cell][Up: botpads intd_oen_cell][Up: botpads pci_rst_oen_cell][Up: botpads pci_clk3_oen_cell][Up: botpads inte_oen_cell][Up: botpads intf_oen_cell][Up: botpads intg_oen_cell][Up: botpads inth_oen_cell]
module ENABLE (EN, SHIFT, SI, UP, CK,  
	MD, SO, ENC_);

input	EN;		// data to enable from core
input 	SHIFT;		// jtag_ff select
input	SI;		// scan-in data
input	UP;		// update signal
input   CK;		// enb for jtag ff
input   MD;		// input mode select, 0 = pad data
output	SO;		// scan-out
output	ENC_;		// actual enable data;

wire ENC;	// active high version
wire ENC_ = ~ENC;	// active low version

BSCN4 afx_out_scn4(	.DINP	(EN),
			.MODE	(MD),
			.ENB	(CK),
			.UPDATE	(UP),
			.TDI	(SI	),
			.DOUT	(ENC),
			.TDO	(SO)


// Modified to include TN

[Up: botpads t_ns_101_pad]
module MEM_BI_NS (ENC_, OT, TN, X);

input	ENC_;		// tri_state enable, active low from BSCN4 output
input	OT;		// data to pad from core
input 	TN;
inout	X;		// actual pad data;

BD6FDR afx_bidi_slot(
			.A	(OT),
			//.TN	(1'b1),
			.TN	(TN),
			.IO	(X),
			.EN	(ENC_)


// move in module PROCMON in place of TEST_OUT
//module TEST_OUT (ENC_, OT, X);

//input	ENC_;		// tri_state enable, active low from BSCN4 output
//input	OT;		// data to pad from core
//inout	X;		// actual pad data;

//PROC_DRV proc_drv(
			//.A	(OT),
			//.Z	(X),
			//.EN	(1'b1)


[Up: botpads o_pm_114_pad]
module PROCMON ( Z, A, E, S, N, SCAN, SEL ) ;

input A, E, S, N, SCAN, SEL ;
output Z ;

// fix for release 1.0 JP

// add this wire
wire E_ = ~E;

//PROCMONA procmon_a ( z1, A, E, S, N );
PROCMONA procmon_a ( .Z(z1), .A(A), .E(E_), .S(S), .N(SCAN) );
//CSL_MUX21 procmon_mux ( mux_out, z1, SCAN, SEL ) ;
//MUX21HA procmon_mux ( mux_out, z1, SCAN, SEL ) ;
//PROC_DRV proc_driver ( Z, mux_out, S );
PROC_DRV proc_driver ( .Z(Z), .A(z1), .EN(S) );


module POWER_IN ( X);
inout   X;              // actual pad data;

// Modified to include TN

[Up: botpads o_ns_135_pad]
module MEM_OUT_NS (OT, TN, X);

input	OT;		// data to pad from core
input	TN;
inout	X;		// actual pad data;

BD6FDR afx_out_slot(
			.A	(OT),
			//.TN	(1'b1),
			.TN	(TN),
			.IO	(X),
			.EN	(1'b0)


[Up: botpads i_clk_121_pad]
module CLK_IN (IT,PO,PI,X);

output	IT,PO;		// data to core
input	X,PI;		// actual pad data;

wire IT;

wire ibuf_z, PO;
IBUFFDR mem_in_slot(    .A      (X),
                        .Z      (ibuf_z)
PREIBUFF mem_in_prein(
                        .A      (ibuf_z),
                        .PI     (PI),
                        .PO     (PO),
                        .Z      (IT)

/* Changed this for release 1.0 JP

// cell is inverting
CLKC8IDR afx_in_slot(	.A	(X),
			.Z	(ibuf_z)

// cell is inverting
PRECLKC8I afx_in_prein(
			.A	(ibuf_z),
			.Z	(IT)


[Up: botpads i_clk_120_pad]
module CLK_IN_PD (IT,PO,PI,X);
/* clk input with pulldown */
output  IT,PO;          // data to core
input   X,PI;           // actual pad data;
wire IT;
wire ibuf_z, PO;
IBUFPDFDR mem_in_slot(    .A      (X),
                        .Z      (ibuf_z)
PREIBUFF mem_in_prein(
                        .A      (ibuf_z),
                        .PI     (PI),
                        .PO     (PO),
                        .Z      (IT)

// Added PI and PO ports
module MEM_IN_PU (SHIFT, SI, CK, UP,  MD, PI, PO,
	SO, IT, X);

input 	SHIFT;		// jtag_ff select
input	SI;		// scan-in data
input   CK;		// clock for jtag_ff
input	UP;		// update signal
input 	MD;		// output mode select, 0 = drive to pad data
input	PI;
output	PO;
output	SO;		// scan-out
output	IT;		// data to core
inout	X;		// actual pad data;

wire preibuf_z;

// cell is inverting
BSCN2 mem_scn2(		.DINPN	(preibuf_z),
			.MODE	(MD),
			.ENB	(CK),
			.UPDATE	(UP),
			.TDI	(SI),
			.DOUT	(IT),
			.TDO	(SO),
			.SETN	(1'b1)

wire ibuf_z;

IBUFPUFDR mem_in_slot(	.A	(X),
			.Z	(ibuf_z)

PREIBUFF mem_in_prein(
			.A	(ibuf_z),
                        .PI     (PI), 
                        .PO     (PO),
			.Z	(preibuf_z)


// Added PI and PO ports
[Up: rightpads i_225_pad][Up: botpads i_110_pad][Up: botpads i_111_pad][Up: botpads i_127_pad][Up: botpads i_128_pad][Up: botpads i_129_pad][Up: botpads i_137_pad][Up: botpads i_140_pad][Up: botpads i_141_pad]
module MEM_IN_PD (SHIFT, SI, CK, UP,  MD, PI, PO,
	SO, IT, X);

input 	SHIFT;		// jtag_ff select
input	SI;		// scan-in data
input   CK;		// clock for jtag_ff
input	UP;		// update signal
input 	MD;		// output mode select, 0 = drive to pad data
input   PI;
output  PO;
output	SO;		// scan-out
output	IT;		// data to core
inout	X;		// actual pad data;

wire preibuf_z;

// cell is inverting
BSCN2 mem_scn2(		.DINPN	(preibuf_z),
			.MODE	(MD),
			.ENB	(CK),
			.UPDATE	(UP),
			.TDI	(SI),
			.DOUT	(IT),
			.TDO	(SO),
			.SETN	(1'b1)

wire ibuf_z;

IBUFPDFDR mem_in_slot(	.A	(X),
			.Z	(ibuf_z)

PREIBUFF mem_in_prein(
			.A	(ibuf_z),
                        .PI     (PI),  
                        .PO     (PO),
			.Z	(preibuf_z)


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From: ../../../sparc_v8/lib/rtl/BSCN.v

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