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***  Program File:  @(#)mmu.v

// @(#)mmu.v	1.134 9/3/93
// mmu.v
//      Description:
//              This module describes the MMU.  It instantiates
//              the MMU datapath models, and the MMU control.  No
//              logic is uniquely defined in this module.  Only
//              connections between the different modules are defined.
//      Dependencies:
//              This module is instantiated by the ssparc.v module?

/* Changes:
    changed TLB module name to be "S_TLB", to match with its
		     TLB Synopsys model.
		     Should have changed the name in its Snopsys model.

[Up: ssparc_core ssparc_mmu]
module mmu(

           enbl_br_fold,           // enable for branch folding
//           mm_ifetch,              // ifetch from sbus (EPROM)
           mm_mdata_en0,           // tri-state enable for DPC word 0
           mm_issue_req_early,     // signal to memif of a pending mm_issue_req
           mm_dacc_err,            // output data access parity error
           mm_dacc_exc,            // output data access exception
           mm_dacc_miss,           // output data access xlate miss
           mm_dacc_wp,             // output data access watchpoint trap
           mm_bp_dtct,             // output MMU breakpoint detect 
           mm_misc2cf,		   // misc to cfb for PIO ld
	   mm_misc2cf_2nd, /* transfer misc to cachefill (MEMIF) 2nd word */
           mm_hold_rst,            // hold watch dog reset
           mm_pa,                  // output of Physical Address
           cxr,                    // output of current context
           mm_caddr,               // CAS address (virtual) to MCB
           mm_mreq,                // memory request type to mcb
           mm_fb_req,              // memory FB request 
           mm_fb_size,             // memory FB request size
           mm_fb_page,             // memory FB request page mode
           mm_page,              // dram page mode indicator
//           mm_slock,               // indicates iu requires exclusive use of sbus
           mm_oddpar,              // reflects PCR control
           mm_parity_en,           // reflects PCR control
           mm_rfr_cntl,            // reflects PCT control
//           mm_sb_pa,               // PA for sbc 
//           mm_iodaten,             // indicates data to be driven from sbc
//           mm_iostben,             // assert stb_en for sbc
//           mm_pa_valid,            // PA valid for SBC
//           mm_sbsize,              // SB size field indicating size of operation
//           mm_cpcyc_stb_l,         // output indicating that data & addr. valid
//           mm_cpsb_wrt,            // output indicating CP to SB write.
//           mm_sb_pe,               // indicates a parity error during an IO DMA
//           mm_sbae,                // reflects PCR sbus arbitration enable
           mm_sbae_0,                // reflects PCR sbus arbitration enable
//           mm_sscr_ba8,            // reflects SSCR transfer size
           mm_lvl15_int_l,         // Level-15 interrupt output
           misc,               // mdata output bus
           precharge_early_0,    // add precharge early

// inputs
//	falcon_exists,
        w_sp_sel,		// Speed select (for mmu status)
        w_div_ctl,		// Divide by cntl (mmu status)
        mc_afx_to,		// AFX timeout indicator
	ic_idle,		   // icache idle indicater
        mc_refresh,                // d ram refresh
        it_hit_f ,      // itag hit in f stage ** ASSERTED LOW **
			// Net name was not change for hand edit
			// Actually connected to it_hit_f_mmu at top level
        ic_miss_or_part ,
        ic_miss_and_part ,
           misc_in,           // mdata input bus
          iu_pipe_hold,            //
          pipe_hold4mmu_dp,        // pip hold for dp_mmu
          iu_size_e,               // input indicating size of iu mem op in e stage
          iu_asi_e,                // input indicating asi in e stage
          ld_op_e,                 // input indicating read req pending
          st_op_e,                 // input indicating write req pending
          fpu_mem_e,               // indicates fpu mem op in E-stage
          fp_trap_fix,             // FPU trap may occur at anytime  
          iu_iva_g,                  // input of instruction virtual address
          iu_dva_e,                  // input of data virtual address
          mc_mstb_l,               // input mdata strobe from mcb
          mc_mbsy,                 // input mcb busy indicator
          dp_perr,                 // input from dpc indicating parity error
//          sb_ioa,                  // IO address input bus
//          sb_cyc_pnd,              // input indicating an SB cycle pending
//          sb_sbslot,               // Sbus slot ID for current SB cycle
//          sb_ioreq,                // encoded IO request
//          sb_errsize,              // indicates size of op in which error occrd
//          sb_err_type,             // SB error type (2-bits)
//          sb_write_error,          // CPU write error to SBC
//          sb_va_val_l,             // Hold enable for io_addr reg.
          iu_in_trap,              // iu in trap condition
//        sb_ioreq_vld,
	ihold_d1,		// MMU perf counter trigger
	dhold_d1,		// MMU perf counter trigger
	dc_shold,		// MMU perf counter trigger
	did_fetch,		// MMU perf counter trigger
	fhold_d1,		// MMU perf counter trigger
	fhold_fqfull_d1,	// MMU perf counter trigger
	iu_sup_mode,		// MMU perf counter trigger
	mem_idle,		   // mem idle just before standby mode
	hold_fetch_f_l,		   // F-stage signal that holds fetch logic
	p_reply_dec,		   // AFX queue status 

/** Outputs for interfacing with the -IU-          ****************************/
    output mm_mdata_en0;           // tri-state enable for DPC word 0
    output mm_dacc_err;            // output data access parity error
    output mm_dacc_exc;            // output data access exception
    output mm_dacc_miss;           // output data access xlate miss
    output mm_dacc_wp;             // output data access watchpoint trap 
    output mm_bp_dtct;             // output MMU breakpoint detect
    output mm_misc2cf;             //c to cfb for pio ld
    output mm_misc2cf_2nd;         /* transfer misc to cachefill (MEMIF) 2nd word */
    output enbl_br_fold;           // enable for branch folding
/*** added  ******/
    output mm_hold_rst;            // hold watch dog reset

/** Outputs for interfacing with the -MCB/DPC-     ****************************/
    output [30:00] mm_pa;          // output of Physical Address
    output [11:3] mm_caddr;       // CAS address (virtual) to MCB
    output [3:0] mm_mreq;          // memory request type to mcb
    output mm_fb_req;              // memory FB request 
    output [1:0] mm_fb_size;       // memory FB request size
    output mm_fb_page;             // memory FB request page mode
    output mm_page;                // dram page mode indicator
    output mm_oddpar;              // reflects PCR control
    output mm_parity_en;           // reflects PCR control
    output [3:0] mm_rfr_cntl;      // reflects PCT control
    output mm_issue_req;           // issue mem request
    output mm_issue_req2;          // issue mem request (copy)

/** Outputs for interfacing with the -SBC-         ****************************/
    wire [30:00] mm_sb_pa;       // output pa to sbc 
//    output mm_iodaten;             // indicates data to be driven from sbc
//    output mm_ifetch;              // ifetch from sbus (EPROM)
    output mm_issue_req_early;     // signal to memif of a pending issue_req
//    output mm_iostben;             // assert stb_en for sbc
//    output mm_pa_valid;            // PA vaild for SBC
//    output [1:0] mm_sbsize;        // SB size field indicating size of operation
//    output mm_cpcyc_stb_l;         // output indicating that data & addr. valid
//    output mm_cpsb_wrt;            // output indicating CP to SB write.
//    output mm_sb_pe;               // indicates a parity error during an IO DMA
//    output [5:0] mm_sbae;          // reflects PCR sbus arbitration enable
    output mm_sbae_0;
    output [3:0] mm_rom_module_speed;
//    output [4:0] mm_sscr_ba8;      // reflects SSCR transfer size
//    output mm_slock;               // indicates iu requires exclusive use of sbus

/** Misc. Outputs *************************************************************/
    output mm_lvl15_int_l;             // Level-15 interrupt
    output m_mmu_cache_scan_out;       // scan out
    output [31:00] misc;           // mdata output bus
    output [7:0] cxr;           // mdata output bus
    output precharge_early_0;
    output precharge_early_1;
    output mm_istat_avail;
    output mm_dstat_avail;
    output mm_dcdaten_in;
    output mm_icdaten;
    output mm_dct_daten;
    output mm_wbstb;
    output mm_wbsel1;
    output mm_icache_enbl; 
    output mm_dcache_enbl;
    output mm_cache_stat;
    output mm_dabort ;
    output mm_dcstben ;
    output mm_icstben ;
    output mm_iabort ;
    output icstben_asi ;

    output [1:0] mm_fs_lvl;  // Instruction Fault status PTE level
    output [1:0] mm_fs_perr;  // Instruction Fault status TW perr
    output mm_fs_iae;        // Instr Fault Invalid Address Error
    output mm_fs_xerr;       // Instr Fault translation error
    output mm_fs_mmiss;      // Instr Fault TLB miss (software tw)
    output mm_fs_sbe;        // Instr Fault Sbus Error
    output mm_fs_sto;        // Instr Fault Sbus timeout
    output mm_fs_sptct;      // Instr Fault protection exception
    output [1:0] mm_mem_dbg;  // Memory access debug signals     
    output pcic_ifetch;	     // for pci boot
    wire pcic_ifetch;	     // for pci boot
    output mm_go_standby;    // for programmable standby
    wire mm_go_standby;	     // for programmable standby

    input turn_off_standby;  // reset the mm_go_standby bit
    input afx_rst_page_vld;  // reset the page valid bits
    input [1:0] bm_sel;               // BOOTMODE select (1/0) = (SBus/AFX)
//    input falcon_exists;
    input [2:0] w_sp_sel;		// Speed select (for mmu status)
    input [1:0] w_div_ctl;		// Divide by cntl (mmu status)
    input mc_afx_to;       	/* AFX timeout indicator    */
    input ic_idle;           // icache is idle 
    input mc_refresh;              // d ram refresh 
    input [1:0] wb_valid;
    input invalid_wb_entry;
    input wb0_hold_lo, wb1_hold_lo, wb2_hold_lo, wb3_hold_lo;
    input wb_1_sel, wb_2_sel, wb_3_sel;
    input [31:00] misc_in;         // mdata input bus

/** Inputs for interfacing with the -IU-           ****************************/
    input iu_pipe_hold;            // indicates iu is holding pipeline
    input pipe_hold4mmu_dp;        // pipe hold signal for dp_mmu
    input [1:0] iu_size_e;         // input indicating size of iu mem op in e stage
    input [5:0] iu_asi_e;          // input indicating asi in e stage
    input ld_op_e;                 // input indicating read req pending
    input st_op_e;              // input indicating write req pending
    input fpu_mem_e;               // indicates fpu mem op in E-stage
    input fp_trap_fix;             // FPU trap may occur at anytime  

    input [31:02] iu_iva_g;          // input of instruction virtual address
    input [31:00] iu_dva_e;          // input of data virtual address

/** Inputs for interfacing with the I$ ***************************************/
    input ic_miss_sustain;         // I$ miss sustain signal from I$ control
    input ic_miss_or_part;	   // I$ miss signal from D$ control
    input ic_miss_and_part;	   // I$ miss signal from D$ control
    input dc_miss_or_part;	   // D$ miss signal from D$ control
    input dc_miss_and_part;	   // D$ miss signal from D$ control
    input dt_hit_w;		   // D$ miss signal from D$ control
    input it_hit_f;		   // itag hit in f stage ** ASSERTED LOW **
    input dc_miss_sustain;         // D$ miss sustain signal from D$ control

/** Inputs for interfacing with the -MCB/DPC-      ****************************/
    input mc_mstb_l;               // input mdata strobe from mcb
    input mc_mbsy;                 // input mcb busy indicator
    input [1:0] dp_perr;           // input from dpc indicating parity error

/** Inputs for interfacing with the -SBC-          ****************************/
//    input [31:00] sb_ioa;          // IO address input bus
//    input sb_cyc_pnd;              // input indicating an SB cycle pending
//    input [2:0] sb_sbslot;         // Sbus slot ID for current SB cycle
//    input [3:0] sb_ioreq;          // encoded IO request
//    input [2:0] sb_errsize;        // indicates size of op in which error occrd
//    input [1:0] sb_err_type;       // SBC error type
//    input sb_write_error;          // CPU write error to SBC
//    input sb_va_val_l;            // Hold enable for the io_addr register in dp_mmu

/** Misc. Inputs  *************************************************************/
    input iu_in_trap;              // indicates iu in trap condition

//    input sb_ioreq_vld;
    input mc_caddr_hld;          // mc caddr hold

    input iu_sfs_sup;         // IU fault status supervisor bit
    input [1:0] iu_sfs_perr;  // IU fault status Parity error
    input iu_sfs_xerr;        // IU fault status translation error
    input iu_sfs_mmiss;       // IU fault status TLB miss (software tw)
    input iu_sfs_iae;         // IU fault status Invalid Address Error
    input iu_sfs_sbe;         // IU fault status Sbus error
    input iu_sfs_sto;         // IU fault status Sbus timeout
    input iu_sfs_prtct;       // IU fault status protection exception
    input iu_sfs_priv;        // IU fault status privilege exception
    input [1:0] iu_sfs_lvl;   // IU fault status PTE level field
    input iu_mm_iacc_wp_exc_d; // IU instr watchpoint trap trigger   
    input dcc_idle;           // D$ state machine is IDLE
    input ihold_d1;		// MMU perf counter trigger
    input dhold_d1;		// MMU perf counter trigger
    input dc_shold;		// MMU perf counter trigger
    input did_fetch;		// MMU perf counter trigger
    input fhold_d1;		// MMU perf counter trigger
    input fhold_fqfull_d1;	// MMU perf counter trigger
    input iu_sup_mode;		// MMU perf counter trigger

    input standby_dsbl_tlb;   // tell tlb for Power down mode
    input mem_idle;  		 // mem idle just before standby mode
    input hold_fetch_f_l;        // F-stage signal that holds fetch logic
    input [2:0] p_reply_dec; 	 // AFX queue status (# of entries)  
    input ss_clock;		 // supply 1 main system clock
    input ss_reset;
    input ss_reset_any;
    input ss_scan_mode; 
    input mc_tlb_scan_in; 
    input mm_tg_strobe; 

// synopsys translate_off         
    wire [31:0] pcr = MMU_cntl.mmu_regs.mmu_cr ;
    wire[31:0]  mmu_count;
    assign mmu_count = Mclocks.cycle_count;
    wire[63:0]  cfb;
    assign cfb = `SSPARC_CORE.cache_fill;
// synopsys translate_on         

/** Connecting scan statements    *********************************************/

    wire m_mmu_cache_scan_out;		// MMU_cache scan output
    wire dp_mmu_scan_out;		// dp_mmu scan output
    wire mc_tlb_scan_in;		// mc_tlb scan input
    wire mc_tlb_scan_out;		// mc_tlb scan output

/** Bus interconnects **/
    wire [1:0] wb_3_size;
    wire [1:0] mm_fb_size;
    wire [1:0] wb_3_asi;
    wire [1:0] tw_sm_lvl;
    wire [2:0] tlb_ram_lvl;
    wire [2:0] tlb_cam_lvl;
    wire [2:0] access_type;
    wire [12:2] r_d_vaddr_out;
    wire mm_dva_8_w = r_d_vaddr_out[8] ;
    wire [2:0] mbit_sel;
    wire [5:0] tlb_acc_cmp;
    wire [3:0] va_mux0_sel;
    wire [4:0] va_mux1_sel;
    wire [3:0] va_mux_sel;
    wire [1:0] bp_sel_30;
    wire [1:0] bp_sel_28;
    wire [1:0] bp_sel_20;
    wire [1:0] bp_sel_19;
    wire [1:0] bp_sel_18;
    wire [1:0] bp_sel_17;
    wire [1:0] bp_sel_16;
    wire [1:0] bp_sel_15;
    wire [1:0] bp_sel_14;
    wire [3:0] va_ptp4_sel;
    wire [4:0] dp_mux1_sel;
    wire [4:0] pamux_rd_sel;
    wire [5:0] tlb_addr;
    wire [41:00] tlb_tag_in;
    wire [41:00] tlb_tag_out;
    wire [31:00] pa_mux_rd;
    wire [27:00] tlb_data_in;
    wire [27:00] tb_out;
    wire [41:00] cd_out;
    wire [1:0] par_sel;
    wire [1:0] mm_page_hit_en;
    wire [1:0] va_src_sel;

/*  */
/** Module instantiations         *********************************************/


m_mmu_cntl MMU_cntl(
    .ic_miss (ic_miss),
    .enbl_br_fold (enbl_br_fold),
//    .mm_ifetch (mm_ifetch),
    .mm_page_hit_en (mm_page_hit_en),
    .mm_page (mm_page),
    .tw_io_bit (tw_io_bit),
    .issue_req_early (mm_issue_req_early),
    .lvl_probe_hld (lvl_probe_hld),
    .mm_misc2cf (mm_misc2cf),
    .io_s_bit (io_s_bit),
    .tw_rewrite_cam (tw_rewrite_cam),
    .mm_misc2cf_2nd (mm_misc2cf_2nd),
//    .mm_cpcyc_stb_l (mm_cpcyc_stb_l),
//    .mm_cpsb_wrt (mm_cpsb_wrt),
    .mem_issue_req (mm_issue_req),
    .mem_issue_req2 (mm_issue_req2),
    .mm_fb_req (mm_fb_req),
    .mm_fb_size (mm_fb_size),
    .mm_lvl15_int_l (mm_lvl15_int_l),
//    .mm_sb_err (mm_sb_pe),
//    .mm_iodaten (mm_iodaten),
//    .mm_iostben (mm_iostben),
    .mm_mreq (mm_mreq),
    .m_in (msm_tlb_mbit),
    .ptp_in (ptp_in),
    .va_s_in (va_s_in),
    .tw_sin (tw_sin),
//    .sbc_pa_valid (mm_pa_valid),
//    .mm_slock (mm_slock),
    .asi_dcd6 (asi_dcd6),
    .tlb_flush (tlb_flush),
    .tlb_ram_lvl (tlb_ram_lvl),
    .tlb_cam_lvl (tlb_cam_lvl),
    .tw_tlb_vbit (tw_tlb_vbit),
//    .mm_sbsize (mm_sbsize),
    .mm_oddpar (mm_oddpar),
    .mm_parity_en (mm_parity_en),
    .mm_rfr_cntl (mm_rfr_cntl),
    .tlb_asel (tlb_asel),
    .mm_mfdaten (mm_mdata_en0),
/** dp outputs **/
    .mm_fbpage_en (mm_fbpage_en),   /* page hit en for afx*/
    .sfar_write (sfar_write),       /* SFAR input mux select*/
    .sfar_read (sfar_read),         /* SFAR input reset term*/
    .tlb_acc_cmp (tlb_acc_cmp),   /* TLB Acc bits for compares   */
    .tlb_mbit_cmp (tlb_mbit_cmp),   /* TLB Mbit for compares   */
    .mbit_sel (mbit_sel),           /* mux select fo mbit muxes.*/
    .va_mux0_sel (va_mux0_sel),       /* mux select fo VA muxes.*/
    .va_mux1_sel (va_mux1_sel),       /* mux select fo VA muxes.*/
    .va_mux_sel (va_mux_sel),     /* mux select fo VA muxes.*/
    .hld_cxr (hld_cxr),          /* Hold enable for CXR*/
    .hold_sfar (hld_sfar),         /* Hold enable for SFAR*/
    .sel_mdat_mux (sel_mdat_mux),     /* reg'd mdat mux sel. w/ asi_dcd*/
    .hld_ctpr (hld_ctpr),         /* load enable for CTPR*/
    .hld_ibar (hld_ibar),         /* load enable for IBAR*/
    .hold_par (hold_par),         /* load enable for PAR*/
    .hld_afar (hld_afar),         /* load enable for AFAR*/
    .hld_mfar (hld_mfar),         /* load enable for MFAR*/
    .afar_write (afar_write),      /* input mux select for AFAR.*/
    .mfar_write (mfar_write),      /* input mux select for MFAR.*/
    .bp_sel_30 (bp_sel_30),        /* Bypass mux selects for bits [30:29].*/
    .bp_sel_28 (bp_sel_28),        /* Bypass mux selects for bit [28].*/
    .bp_sel_21 (bp_sel_21),        /* Bypass mux selects for bits [27:21].*/
    .bp_sel_20 (bp_sel_20),        /* Bypass mux selects for bit [20].*/
    .bp_sel_19 (bp_sel_19),        /* Bypass mux selects for bit [19].*/
    .bp_sel_18 (bp_sel_18),        /* Bypass mux selects for bit [18].*/
    .bp_sel_17 (bp_sel_17),        /* Bypass mux selects for bit [17].*/
    .bp_sel_16 (bp_sel_16),        /* Bypass mux selects for bit [16].*/
    .bp_sel_15 (bp_sel_15),        /* Bypass mux selects for bit [15].*/
    .bp_sel_14 (bp_sel_14),        /* Bypass mux selects for bit [14].*/
    .bp_mux_sel0 (bp_mux_sel0),    /* Bypass mux select for D0 input */
    .sr_tw (cpu_walk),             /* Bypass mux select for cpu_walk */
    .io_tlb_tw (io_walk),          /* Bypass mux select for io_walk */
    .dpa_sel_b (dpa_sel_b),        /* DPA mux select for ROOT/level-1 PTE*/
    .dpa_sel_8d (dpa_sel_8d),      /* DPA mux select for bit [09:08] */
    .ctpr_sel (ctpr_sel),          /* DPA mux selects for bits [07:04].*/
    .dpa_sel_0 (dpa_sel_0),        /* DPA mux selects for bits [01:00].*/
    .va_ptp8_sel (va_ptp8_sel),  
    .va_ptp4_sel (va_ptp4_sel),    
    .dp_mux1_sel (dp_mux1_sel),     /* mux select for dp_mux1 read mux*/
    .pamux_rd_sel (pamux_rd_sel),   /* mux select for PA regs read mux*/
    .boot_out_30 (boot_out_30),     /* PA[30] for IO bypass path */
    .tlb_wrt_tag (tlb_wrt_tag),     /* write enable for TLB tag */
    .misc (misc),
    .precharge_early_0 (precharge_early_0),
    .precharge_early_1 (precharge_early_1),
    .mm_dacc_err (mm_dacc_err),
    .mm_dacc_miss (mm_dacc_miss),
    .mm_dacc_wp (mm_dacc_wp),
    .mm_dacc_exc (mm_dacc_exc),
    .mm_bp_dtct (mm_bp_dtct),
    .mm_istat_avail (mm_istat_avail),
    .mm_dstat_avail (mm_dstat_avail),
    .mm_wbstb (mm_wbstb),
    .mm_wbsel1 (mm_wbsel1),
    .mm_icache_enbl (mm_icache_enbl),
    .mm_dcache_enbl (mm_dcache_enbl),
    .mm_cache_stat (mm_cache_stat),
    .tlb_addr (tlb_addr),
    .tlb_io_bit (tlb_io_bit),
//    .mm_sbae (mm_sbae),
    .mm_sbae_0 (mm_sbae_0),
    .mm_rom_module_speed (mm_rom_module_speed),
//    .mm_sscr_ba8 (mm_sscr_ba8),
    .cam_reg_hld (cam_reg_hld),
    .ram_reg_hld (ram_reg_hld),
    .mm_fs_lvl (mm_fs_lvl),
    .mm_fs_perr (mm_fs_perr),
    .mm_fs_iae (mm_fs_iae),
    .mm_fs_xerr (mm_fs_xerr),
    .mm_fs_mmiss (mm_fs_mmiss),
    .mm_fs_sbe (mm_fs_sbe),
    .mm_fs_sto (mm_fs_sto),
    .mm_fs_sptct (mm_fs_sptct),
    .ld_pcntr_a (ld_pcntr_a),
    .ld_pcntr_b (ld_pcntr_b),
    .trig_a (trig_a),
    .trig_b (trig_b),
    .iva_wp_sel (iva_wp_sel),
    .sel_brkpt_mux (sel_brkpt_mux),
    .vaf_en_hld (vaf_en_hld),
    .va_bp_hld (va_bp_hld),
    .va_src_sel (va_src_sel),
    .mm_mem_dbg (mm_mem_dbg),
    .pcic_ifetch  (pcic_ifetch),
    .mm_go_standby  (mm_go_standby),	// automatic programmable standby
/*** Inputs ***/
    .turn_off_standby (turn_off_standby), // turn off automatic programmable standby
    .bm_sel (bm_sel),                   // if set, boot from SBus, else AFX
    .w_sp_sel (w_sp_sel),		// Speed select (for mmu status)
    .w_div_ctl (w_div_ctl),		// Divide by cntl (mmu status)
    .mc_afx_to (mc_afx_to),
    .ic_idle (ic_idle),
    .tb_error (tb_error),
    .m_miss (m_miss),
    .misc_in (misc_in),
    .mm_pa (mm_sb_pa),
    .ld_op_e (ld_op_e),
    .st_op_e (st_op_e),
    .fpu_mem_e (fpu_mem_e),
    .fp_trap_fix (fp_trap_fix),
    .wb_3_size (wb_3_size),
    .wb_3_asi (wb_3_asi),
    .invalid_wb_entry (invalid_wb_entry),
    .iu_size_e (iu_size_e),
    .iu_asi_e (iu_asi_e),
    .mc_mstb_l (mc_mstb_l),
    .mc_mbsy (mc_mbsy),
//    .sb_ioreq (sb_ioreq),
//    .sb_ioreq_vld (sb_ioreq_vld),
    .tlb_miss_raw (tlb_miss_raw),
    .acc_ok (acc_ok),
    .iu_pipe_hold (iu_pipe_hold),
    .tlb_acc_raw (tb_out[2:0]),
    .tlb_c_bit (tb_out[5]),
    .iu_in_trap (iu_in_trap),
    .io_space (io_space),
    .cntl_space (cntl_space),
    .fb_space (fb_space),
    .mem_space (mem_space),
    .pci_space (pci_space),
//    .sb_cyc_pnd (sb_cyc_pnd),
    .cxr (cxr),
    .r_d_vaddr (r_d_vaddr_out),
//    .sb_err_type (sb_err_type),
//    .sb_wrt_err (sb_write_error),
//    .sb_errsize (sb_errsize),
    .tlb_lvl (tb_out[27:25]),
    .pa_mux_rd (pa_mux_rd),
    .dp_perr (dp_perr),
//    .sb_sbslot (sb_sbslot),
    .brk_pt_hit (brk_pt_hit),
    .odd_wd (odd_wd),
//    .sb_ioa (sb_ioa[31:24]),
//    .sb_va_val_l (sb_va_val_l),
    .ss_clock (ss_clock),
    .ss_reset (ss_reset),
    .ss_reset_any (ss_reset_any),
    .ss_scan_mode (ss_scan_mode), 
    .ss_scan_in (dp_mmu_scan_out), 
    .mm_hold_rst (mm_hold_rst),
    .mm_dabort (mm_dabort),
    .mm_dccfstb (mm_dcstben),         /*** NOW for Cache Fill bus - not misc */
    .mm_dcdaten (mm_dcdaten_in),
    .mm_icdaten (mm_icdaten),
    .mm_dct_daten (mm_dct_daten),
    .mm_iccfstb (mm_icstben),         /* I-cache data strobe (cache fill bus) */
    .mm_iabort (mm_iabort),
    .tlb_co_in (tlb_co_in),
    .tlb_c_rd (tlb_c_rd),
    .mm_icstben (icstben_asi),       /* I-cache ASI write strobe (misc bus) */
    .ss_scan_out (m_mmu_cache_scan_out),
    .par_sel (par_sel),
    .hld_dpar (hld_dpar),
    .hld_ipar (hld_ipar),
    .ic_miss_or_part (ic_miss_or_part),
    .ic_miss_and_part (ic_miss_and_part),
    .dc_miss_or_part (dc_miss_or_part),
    .dc_miss_and_part (dc_miss_and_part),
    .dc_miss_sustain (dc_miss_sustain),
    .dt_hit_w	(dt_hit_w),
    .it_hit_f	(it_hit_f),	// itag hit in f stage ** ASSERTED LOW **
    .ic_miss_sustain (ic_miss_sustain),
    .wb_valid  (wb_valid),
    .iu_sfs_sup (iu_sfs_sup),
    .iu_sfs_perr (iu_sfs_perr),
    .iu_sfs_xerr (iu_sfs_xerr),
    .iu_sfs_mmiss (iu_sfs_mmiss),
    .iu_sfs_iae (iu_sfs_iae),
    .iu_sfs_sbe (iu_sfs_sbe),
    .iu_sfs_sto (iu_sfs_sto),
    .iu_sfs_prtct (iu_sfs_prtct),
    .iu_sfs_priv (iu_sfs_priv),
    .iu_sfs_lvl (iu_sfs_lvl),
    .iu_mm_iacc_wp_exc_d (iu_mm_iacc_wp_exc_d),
    .dcc_idle (dcc_idle),
    .ihold_d1 (ihold_d1),
    .dhold_d1 (dhold_d1),
    .dc_shold (dc_shold),
    .did_fetch (did_fetch),
    .hold_fetch_f_l (hold_fetch_f_l),
    .fhold_d1 (fhold_d1),
    .fhold_fqfull_d1 (fhold_fqfull_d1),
    .iu_sup_mode (iu_sup_mode),
    .pcntr_a_co (pcntr_a_co),
    .pcntr_b_co (pcntr_b_co),
    .p_reply_dec (p_reply_dec),
    .page_hit (page_hit),
    .page_miss0 (page_miss0),
    .page_miss1 (page_miss1)

dp_mmu MMU_dp(
              .mc_refresh (mc_refresh),
    	      .tw_io_bit (tw_io_bit),
              .io_s_bit (io_s_bit),
                .bm_sel (bm_sel),
                .falcon_exists (1'b1),
              .lvl_probe_hld (lvl_probe_hld),
              .pcntr_a_co (pcntr_a_co),
              .pcntr_b_co (pcntr_b_co),
              .page_hit (page_hit),
              .page_miss0 (page_miss0),
              .page_miss1 (page_miss1),
              .mm_fb_page (mm_fb_page),
              .mm_fbpage_en (mm_fbpage_en),
              .va_tag_out (tlb_tag_in),
              .cxr (cxr), 
              .r_d_vaddr_out (r_d_vaddr_out),
              .pa_out (mm_pa),
              .mm_sb_pa (mm_sb_pa),
              .mm_caddr (mm_caddr),
              .pa_mux_rd (pa_mux_rd),
              .io_space (io_space),
              .cntl_space (cntl_space),
              .fb_space (fb_space),
              .mem_space (mem_space),
              .pci_space (pci_space),
              .wb_3_size (wb_3_size),
              .wb_3_asi (wb_3_asi),
              .brk_pt_hit (brk_pt_hit),
              .odd_wd (odd_wd),
              .io_addr ({1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 
			 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1,
			 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1,
			 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1,
			 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1,
			 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1,
			 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1,
			 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1}),
              .i_vaddr (iu_iva_g),
              .d_vaddr (iu_dva_e),
              .tlb_data_in (tlb_data_in),
              .misc_bus_in (misc_in),
              .mmu_ptp_in (ptp_in),
              .iva_s_in (va_s_in),
              .dva_s_in (va_s_in),
              .msm_mbit_in (msm_tlb_mbit),
              .sfar_write (sfar_write),
              .sfar_read (sfar_read),
              .asi_dcd6 (asi_dcd6),
              .tlb_acc_cmp (tlb_acc_cmp),
              .tlb_mbit_cmp (tlb_mbit_cmp),
              .mbit_sel (mbit_sel),
              .va_mux0_sel (va_mux0_sel),
              .va_mux1_sel (va_mux1_sel),
              .va_mux_sel (va_mux_sel),
              .mm_page_hit_en (mm_page_hit_en),
              .mm_issue_req (mm_issue_req),
              .mm_fb_req (mm_fb_req),
              .hld_cxr (hld_cxr),
              .hld_sfar (hld_sfar),
              .tlb_ram_lvl (tlb_ram_lvl),
              .tlb_cam_lvl (tlb_cam_lvl),
              .sel_mdat_mux (sel_mdat_mux),
              .tb_out (tb_out),
              .hld_ctpr (hld_ctpr),
              .hld_ibar (hld_ibar),
              .hold_par (hold_par),
              .hld_afar (hld_afar),
              .hld_mfar (hld_mfar),
              .afar_write (afar_write),
              .mfar_write (mfar_write),
              .bp_sel_30 (bp_sel_30),
              .bp_sel_28 (bp_sel_28),
              .bp_sel_21 (bp_sel_21),
              .bp_sel_20 (bp_sel_20),
              .bp_sel_19 (bp_sel_19),
              .bp_sel_18 (bp_sel_18),
              .bp_sel_17 (bp_sel_17),
              .bp_sel_16 (bp_sel_16),
              .bp_sel_15 (bp_sel_15),
              .bp_sel_14 (bp_sel_14),
              .bp_mux_sel0 (bp_mux_sel0),
              .cpu_walk (cpu_walk),
              .io_walk (io_walk),
              .dpa_sel_b (dpa_sel_b),
              .dpa_sel_8d (dpa_sel_8d),   /* DPA mux select for bit [09:08] */
              .ctpr_sel (ctpr_sel),
              .dpa_sel_0 (dpa_sel_0),
              .va_ptp8_sel (va_ptp8_sel),
              .va_ptp4_sel (va_ptp4_sel),
              .dp_mux1_sel (dp_mux1_sel),
              .pamux_rd_sel (pamux_rd_sel),
              .tlb_rd_tag (tlb_tag_out),
              .boot_out_30 (boot_out_30),
              .io_tlb_nxt (tlb_io_bit),
	      .tlb_wrt_tag (tw_sin),
	      .tlb_s_bit (tlb_flush),
	      .tw_tlb_vbit (tw_tlb_vbit),
              .dp_mmu_scan_in (mc_tlb_scan_out),
              .dp_mmu_scan_out (dp_mmu_scan_out),
              .par_sel (par_sel),
              .hld_dpar (hld_dpar),
              .hld_ipar (hld_ipar),
              .cam_reg_hld (cam_reg_hld),
              .ram_reg_hld (ram_reg_hld),
		.iu_size_e (iu_size_e),
		.iu_asi_e (iu_asi_e[1:0]),
		.precharge_early_0 (precharge_early_0),
		.precharge_early_1 (precharge_early_1),
		.mc_mbsy (mc_mbsy),
              .mc_caddr_hld (mc_caddr_hld),
              .pipe_hold4mmu_dp (pipe_hold4mmu_dp),
		.wb0_hold_lo (wb0_hold_lo),
		.wb1_hold_lo (wb1_hold_lo),
		.wb2_hold_lo (wb2_hold_lo),
		.wb3_hold_lo (wb3_hold_lo),
		.wb_1_sel (wb_1_sel),
		.wb_2_sel (wb_2_sel),
		.wb_3_sel (wb_3_sel),
	      .ic_miss (ic_miss),
	      .mem_idle (mem_idle),
	      .afx_rst_page_vld (afx_rst_page_vld),
	      .ld_pcntr_a (ld_pcntr_a),
	      .ld_pcntr_b (ld_pcntr_b),
	      .trig_a (trig_a),
	      .trig_b (trig_b),
	      .iva_wp_sel (iva_wp_sel),
	      .sel_brkpt_mux (sel_brkpt_mux),
	      .vaf_en_hld (vaf_en_hld),
	      .va_bp_hld (va_bp_hld),
	      .va_src_sel (va_src_sel),
	      .tw_rewrite_cam (tw_rewrite_cam),
              .ss_clock (ss_clock),
              .ss_reset (ss_reset),
              .ss_scan_mode (ss_scan_mode)

   S_TLB MMU_tlb(
	.RD_OUT27 ( tb_out[27] ),
	.RD_OUT26 ( tb_out[26] ),
	.RD_OUT25 ( tb_out[25] ),
	.RD_OUT24 ( tb_out[24] ),
	.RD_OUT23 ( tb_out[23] ),
	.RD_OUT22 ( tb_out[22] ),
	.RD_OUT21 ( tb_out[21] ),
	.RD_OUT20 ( tb_out[20] ),
	.RD_OUT19 ( tb_out[19] ),
	.RD_OUT18 ( tb_out[18] ),
	.RD_OUT17 ( tb_out[17] ),
	.RD_OUT16 ( tb_out[16] ),
	.RD_OUT15 ( tb_out[15] ),
	.RD_OUT14 ( tb_out[14] ),
	.RD_OUT13 ( tb_out[13] ),
	.RD_OUT12 ( tb_out[12] ),
	.RD_OUT11 ( tb_out[11] ),
	.RD_OUT10 ( tb_out[10] ),
	.RD_OUT9 ( tb_out[9] ),
	.RD_OUT8 ( tb_out[8] ),
	.RD_OUT7 ( tb_out[7] ),
	.RD_OUT6 ( tb_out[6] ),
	.RD_OUT5 ( tb_out[5] ),
	.RD_OUT4 ( tb_out[4] ),
	.RD_OUT3 ( tb_out[3] ),
	.RD_OUT2 ( tb_out[2] ),
	.RD_OUT1 ( tb_out[1] ),
	.RD_OUT0 ( tb_out[0] ),

	.CD_OUT41 ( cd_out[41] ),
	.CD_OUT40 ( cd_out[40] ),
	.CD_OUT39 ( cd_out[39] ),
	.CD_OUT38 ( cd_out[38] ),
	.CD_OUT37 ( cd_out[37] ),
	.CD_OUT36 ( cd_out[36] ),
	.CD_OUT35 ( cd_out[35] ),
	.CD_OUT34 ( cd_out[34] ),
	.CD_OUT33 ( cd_out[33] ),
	.CD_OUT32 ( cd_out[32] ),
	.CD_OUT31 ( cd_out[31] ),
	.CD_OUT30 ( cd_out[30] ),

	.CD_OUT29 ( cd_out[29] ),
	.CD_OUT28 ( cd_out[28] ),
	.CD_OUT27 ( cd_out[27] ),
	.CD_OUT26 ( cd_out[26] ),
	.CD_OUT25 ( cd_out[25] ),
	.CD_OUT24 ( cd_out[24] ),
	.CD_OUT23 ( cd_out[23] ),
	.CD_OUT22 ( cd_out[22] ),
	.CD_OUT21 ( cd_out[21] ),
	.CD_OUT20 ( cd_out[20] ),

	.CD_OUT19 ( cd_out[19] ),
	.CD_OUT18 ( cd_out[18] ),
	.CD_OUT17 ( cd_out[17] ),
	.CD_OUT16 ( cd_out[16] ),
	.CD_OUT15 ( cd_out[15] ),
	.CD_OUT14 ( cd_out[14] ),
	.CD_OUT13 ( cd_out[13] ),
	.CD_OUT12 ( cd_out[12] ),
	.CD_OUT11 ( cd_out[11] ),
	.CD_OUT10 ( cd_out[10] ),

	.CD_OUT9 ( cd_out[9] ),
	.CD_OUT8 ( cd_out[8] ),
	.CD_OUT7 ( cd_out[7] ),
	.CD_OUT6 ( cd_out[6] ),
	.CD_OUT5 ( cd_out[5] ),
	.CD_OUT4 ( cd_out[4] ),
	.CD_OUT3 ( cd_out[3] ),
	.CD_OUT2 ( cd_out[2] ),
	.CD_OUT1 ( cd_out[1] ),
	.CD_OUT0 ( cd_out[0] ),

	.MISS ( tlb_miss_raw ),
	.ACC_OK ( acc_ok ),
	.ERROR ( tb_error ),
	.M_MISS ( m_miss ),

	.RD_IN27 ( tlb_data_in[27] ),
	.RD_IN26 ( tlb_data_in[26] ),
	.RD_IN25 ( tlb_data_in[25] ),
	.RD_IN24 ( tlb_data_in[24] ),
	.RD_IN23 ( tlb_data_in[23] ),
	.RD_IN22 ( tlb_data_in[22] ),
	.RD_IN21 ( tlb_data_in[21] ),
	.RD_IN20 ( tlb_data_in[20] ),

	.RD_IN19 ( tlb_data_in[19] ),
	.RD_IN18 ( tlb_data_in[18] ),
	.RD_IN17 ( tlb_data_in[17] ),
	.RD_IN16 ( tlb_data_in[16] ),
	.RD_IN15 ( tlb_data_in[15] ),
	.RD_IN14 ( tlb_data_in[14] ),
	.RD_IN13 ( tlb_data_in[13] ),
	.RD_IN12 ( tlb_data_in[12] ),
	.RD_IN11 ( tlb_data_in[11] ),
	.RD_IN10 ( tlb_data_in[10] ),

	.RD_IN9 ( tlb_data_in[9] ),
	.RD_IN8 ( tlb_data_in[8] ),
	.RD_IN7 ( tlb_data_in[7] ),
	.RD_IN6 ( tlb_data_in[6] ),
	.RD_IN5 ( tlb_data_in[5] ),
	.RD_IN4 ( tlb_data_in[4] ),
	.RD_IN3 ( tlb_data_in[3] ),
	.RD_IN2 ( tlb_data_in[2] ),
	.RD_IN1 ( tlb_data_in[1] ),
	.RD_IN0 ( tlb_data_in[0] ),

	.CD_IN41 ( tlb_tag_in[41] ),
	.CD_IN40 ( tlb_tag_in[40] ),
	.CD_IN39 ( tlb_tag_in[39] ),
	.CD_IN38 ( tlb_tag_in[38] ),
	.CD_IN37 ( tlb_tag_in[37] ),
	.CD_IN36 ( tlb_tag_in[36] ),
	.CD_IN35 ( tlb_tag_in[35] ),
	.CD_IN34 ( tlb_tag_in[34] ),
	.CD_IN33 ( tlb_tag_in[33] ),
	.CD_IN32 ( tlb_tag_in[32] ),
	.CD_IN31 ( tlb_tag_in[31] ),
	.CD_IN30 ( tlb_tag_in[30] ),

	.CD_IN29 ( tlb_tag_in[29] ),
	.CD_IN28 ( tlb_tag_in[28] ),
	.CD_IN27 ( tlb_tag_in[27] ),
	.CD_IN26 ( tlb_tag_in[26] ),
	.CD_IN25 ( tlb_tag_in[25] ),
	.CD_IN24 ( tlb_tag_in[24] ),
	.CD_IN23 ( tlb_tag_in[23] ),
	.CD_IN22 ( tlb_tag_in[22] ),
	.CD_IN21 ( tlb_tag_in[21] ),
	.CD_IN20 ( tlb_tag_in[20] ),

	.CD_IN19 ( tlb_tag_in[19] ),
	.CD_IN18 ( tlb_tag_in[18] ),
	.CD_IN17 ( tlb_tag_in[17] ),
	.CD_IN16 ( tlb_tag_in[16] ),
	.CD_IN15 ( tlb_tag_in[15] ),
	.CD_IN14 ( tlb_tag_in[14] ),
	.CD_IN13 ( tlb_tag_in[13] ),
	.CD_IN12 ( tlb_tag_in[12] ),
	.CD_IN11 ( tlb_tag_in[11] ),
	.CD_IN10 ( tlb_tag_in[10] ),

	.CD_IN9 ( tlb_tag_in[9] ),
	.CD_IN8 ( tlb_tag_in[8] ),
	.CD_IN7 ( tlb_tag_in[7] ),
	.CD_IN6 ( tlb_tag_in[6] ),
	.CD_IN5 ( tlb_tag_in[5] ),
	.CD_IN4 ( tlb_tag_in[4] ),
	.CD_IN3 ( tlb_tag_in[3] ),
	.CD_IN2 ( tlb_tag_in[2] ),
	.CD_IN1 ( tlb_tag_in[1] ),
	.CD_IN0 ( tlb_tag_in[0] ),

	.FLUSH ( tlb_flush ),
	.TLB_WE ( tlb_wrt_tag ),
	.ASEL ( tlb_asel ),

	.ADDR4 ( tlb_addr[4] ),
	.ADDR3 ( tlb_addr[3] ),
	.ADDR2 ( tlb_addr[2] ),
	.ADDR1 ( tlb_addr[1] ),
	.ADDR0 ( tlb_addr[0] ),


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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/mmu/rtl/mmu.v

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